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Book reviewed in this article
When Prophecy Failed: Cognitive Dissonance in the Prophetic Traditions of the Old Testament. By R obert P. C arroll .
World and Environmnet . By O dil H annes S teck .
Earthkeeping: Christian Stewardship of Natural Resources , edited by L oren W ilkinson .
Science and Our Troubled Conscience , By J. R obert N elson .
The Origin of Science and the Science of Its Origin . By STANLEY L. JAKI.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
The Semantic Tradition from Kant to Carnap: To the Vienna Station. By J. Alberto Coffa (edited by Linda Wessels).
The Crooked Timber of Humanity. By Isaiah Berlin.
Nietzsche on Truth and Philosophy. By Maudemarie Clark.
Situating the Self: Gender, Community and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics. By Seyla Benhabib.
Die Konstitution der Moralität: Transzendentale Anthropologie und praktische Philosophie. By Thomas Rentsch.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Guidance: An Orientation by Robert E. Glennen. The Testing of Negro Intelligence by Audrey M. Shuey. Studying the Child in the School by Ira J. Gordon. The High School Counselor Today edited by Thomas C. Hennessy, S.J. The Superior Student in American Higher Education edited by Joseph W. Cohen. Vocational Guidance and Career Development: Selected Readings edited by Herman J. Peters and James C. Hansen. Contrary Imaginations: A Psychological Study of the Young Student by Liam Hudson.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(221):662-696
Books reviewed in this articles:
The Midwife of Platonism: Text and Subtext in Plato's Theaetetus . D avid S edley .
Gilles Deleuze's Difference and Repetition: a Critical Introduction and Guide . J ames W illiams .
John McDowell . M aximilian D e G aynesford .
Real Natures and Familiar Objects . C rawford E lder .
Natural Kinds and Conceptual Change . J oseph L a P orte .
Powers: a Study in Metaphysics . G eorge M olnar E dited with an I ntroduction by S tephen M umford and A F oreword by D.M. A rmstrong .
Anti-Individualism and Knowledge . J essica B rown .
Consciousness and its Objects . C olin M c G inn .
Reasonably Vicious . C andace V ogler .
Ethics Without Principles . J onathan D ancy .
Getting Even: Forgiveness and its Limits . B y J effrie E. M urphy .
Justice . B y H arry B righouse .
Faithful Reason: Essays Catholic and Philosophical . B y J ohn H aldane .
The Non-Existence of God . B y N icholas E veritt .
Art as Performance . B y D avid D avies .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Books reviewed:
Saving and Secular Faith: An Invitation to Systematic Theology , by B. A. Gerrish.
Jesus is My Uncle , by Luis G. Pedraja.
The Human Person in Science and Theology , edited by Niels HenrikGregersen, Willem B. Drees and Ulf Görman.
Down, Up, and Over: Slave Religion and Black Theology , by Dwight N. Hopkins.
Religion and Popular Culture in America , edited by Bruce David Forbes and Jeffrey H. Mahan.
God, Humanity and the Cosmos: A Textbook in Science and Religion , by Christopher Southgate.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Faith in Theory and Practice: Essays on Justifying Religious Belief. Edited by E lizabeth R adcliffe and C arol W hite .
The Knight's Move-The Relational Logic of Spirit in Theology and Science. By J ames E. L oder and W. J im N eidhardt .
The Problem of Consciousness. By C olin M c G inn .
Rediscovery of the Mind. By J ohn S earle .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
The Great Living System: The Religion Emerging From the Sciences By J ohn R uskin C lark .
Science and Reality: Recent Work in the Philosophy of Science Edited by J ames T. C ushing , C. F. D elaney , And G ary M. G utting .
Evil and Evolution: A Theodicy. By R ichard W. K ropf .
Process Ethics: A Constructive System , By K enneth C authen .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Talent Waste: How Institutions of Learning Misdirect Human Resources edited by Philip C. Ritterbush. Crisis Center/Hotline: A Guidebook to Beginning and Operating by U. Delworth, E. Rudow, and J. Taub. School Guidance Systems by Merville C. Shaw. Critical Incidents in School Counseling edited by Vincent F. Calia and Raymond I. Corsini. Implementing Behavioral Programs for Schools and Clinics edited by Frank W. Clark, David R. Evans, and Leo A. Hamerlynck. Practical Problems of a Private Psychotherapy Practice edited by George D. Goldman and George Strieker. Treating Children in Groups by Sheldon D. Rose. Handbook of Organization Development in Schools by Richard A. Schmuck and others. Working Loose: A Book about Finding Work You Want to Do by the New Vocations Project. Progress in Group and Family Therapy edited by Clifford J. Sager and Helen Singer Kaplan. New Perspectives on Encounter Groups edited by Lawrence N. Solomon and Betty Berzon.  相似文献   

《Modern Theology》2005,21(1):163-187
Books reviewed
Varieties of Religion Today: William James Revisited by Charles Taylor (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2002), vii + 116 pp.
A Theology of the Built Environment: Justice, Empowerment, Redemption by Timothy J. Gorringe (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), x + 282 pp.
Sweet Violence: The Idea of the Tragic by Terry Eagleton (Oxford and Malden, MA: Routledge Publishing, 2003), xvii + 328 pp.
Contesting Sacrifice: Religion, Nationalism, and Social Thought in France by Ivan Strenski (Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, 2002), ix + 228 pp.
Aquinas by Eleonore Stump (London: Routledge, 2003), xx + 611 pp.
Capitalism and Religion: the price of piety by Philip Goodchild (London: Routledge, 2002), xvi + 260 pp.
Paul Among the Postliberals: Pauline Theology Beyond Christendom and Modernity by Douglas Harink (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2003), 276 pp.
In the Ruins of the Church: Sustaining Faith in an Age of Diminished Christianity by R. R. Reno (Grand Rapids, MI: Brazos Press, 2002), + 208 pp.
Jonathan Edwards and the Bible by Robert E. Brown (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 2002), xxi + 292 pp.
George P. Schner, S. J., Essays Catholic and Critical , edited by Philip G. Ziegler and Mark Husbands (Hants, England and Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002), xix + 195 pp.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(4):446-482
Book reviewed in this article:
Man and his Salvation: Studies in Memory of S. G. F. Brandon. Edited by E ric J. S harpe and J ohn R. H innells .
Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. By S. G. F. B randon .
The Attractiveness of God. By R. P. C. H anson .
Christian Celebration: The Sacraments. By J. D. C richton .
La Confirmation: sens et conjoncture oecuménique hier et aujourd'hui. By L ouis L igier .
Christian Marriage in Africa: A Report , By A drian H astings .
The Priesthood of Man. By A nthony D. D uncan .
The Christian Priest: Elder and Prophet. By D avid N. P ower .
Les Dieux Rêvés. By H. D esroche .
Politics, Medicine, and Christian Ethics. By C harles E. C urran .
Essays on the Freedom of Action. Edited by T ed H onderich .
Problems of the Self. By B ernard W illiams .
The Nature of Things. By A nthony Q uinton .
The Existence of Cod. (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume XLVI.) Edited by G eorge F. M aclean , o.m.i.
Analogy. By H umphrey P almer .
Modes of Thought. Essays on Thinking in Western and Non- Western Societies. Edited with an introduction by R obin H orton and R uth F innegan .
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Volume II. By S usanne K. L anger .
Psyche and Cerebrum. By J ohn N. F indlay .
Existential Guilt; a Phenomenological Study. By D onald V. M orano .
The Existential Experience. By R alph H arper .
Fractured Personalities. By G ary C ollins .
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. By H. H. P rice .
Religions of the Ancient Near East. By H elmer R inggren .
History of Israelite Religion. By G eorg F ohrer .
Religion in Judah under the Assyrians. By J ohn M c K ay .
The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts. By S. G. W ilson .
By R. de V aux , o.p.
The Stones and the Scriptures. By E dwin Y amauchi .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article:
MATTHEW 1–7, A COMMENTARY by Ulrich Luz. E.T. by W.C. Linss
THE GENIUS OF ST DOMINIC, by Marie-Humbert Vicaire OP.
THE VENERABLE BEDE by Benedicta Ward.
HUMAN AGENCY: LANGUAGE, DUTY AND VALUE edited by J. Dancy, J.M.E. Moravcsik and C.C.W. Taylor
ANGLICANISM AND THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH: Theological resources in historical perspective by Paul Avis.
MODERN CATHOLICISM: Vatican II and After edited by Adrian Hastings.

Reviews in this articles:
INTERPRETATION AND BELIEF, by Austin Farrar, edited by Charles C. Conti, Foreword by E.L. Mascall.
THE BRINK OF MYSTERY, by Austin Farrer, edited by Charles C. Conti, Foreword by J.L. Houlden.
THE JOHANNINE SON OF MAN by Francis J. Moloney.
BINDING THE DEVIL, by Roger Baker.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Science, Ideology, and World View: Essays in the History of Evolutionary Ideas. By J ohn C. G reene .
The Evolutionary Vision: Toward a Unifying Paradigm of Physical, Biological, and Sociocultural Evolution. Edited by E rich J antsch .
Beyond Ideology: Religion and the Future OJ Western Civilization. By N inian S mart .
The Omega Seed, An Eschatological Hypothesis. By P aolo S oleri .
Advice and Planning. By M artin H. K rieger .
Technology and the Future: A Philosophical Challenge. S chuurman . Translated by H erbert D onlad M orton .
The Transforming Moment: Understanding Convictional Experiences. By J ames E. L oder .
Psychology and Christianity: Integrative Readings. Edited by J. R oland F leck and J ohn D. C arter .
Philosophie des Lebendigen. Der Begner des Organischen bei Kant, sein Grund und seine Aktualitat. By R einhard L ow .
The Ten Commandments and Human Rights. By W alter H arrelson .
The Philosophy of Moral Development: Moral Stages and the Idea of justice. Vol. 1 of Essays on Moral Development. By Law KOHLBERG.
The Primordial Bond: Exploring Connections Between Man and Nature Through the Humanities and Sciences. By S tephen H. S chnieder and L ynne M orton .
Knowledge and the Sacred. By S eyed H ossein N asr .
Green Paradise Lost. By E lizabeth D odson G ray .
Creation, Science, and Theology. By W. A. Whitehouse. Edited by A nn L oades .
From Being to Becoming: Time and Complexity in the Physical Sciences. By I lya P rigogine .  相似文献   

Book Reviews in this article:
The Psychology of Religion . by J oseph F. B yrnes
L'Oeuvre Scientifique (Scientific Writings) . By P ierre T eilhard de C hardin . Edited by N icole and K arl S chmitz -M oormann
One World: The Interaction of Science and Theology . by J ohn P olkinghorne
Ecology and Religion: Toward a New Christian Theology of Nature . by J ohn C ar -M ody .
God in Creation: A New Theology of Creation and the Spirit of God . by J urgen M oltmann .  相似文献   

Books reviewed in this article.
Erikson: Identity and Religion. By J. E ugene W right , J r .
Insights and Oversights of Great Thinkers: An Evaluation of Western Philosophy. By C harles H artshorne .
The Gospel from Outer Space. By R obert L. S hort .
The Cosmic Code: Quantum Physics as the Language of Nature. By H einz R. P agels .
Science, Theology and Einstein. By I ain P aul .  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2006,56(223):290-315
Book reviewed in this article:
Virtue, Norms, and Objectivity: Issues in Ancient and Modern Ethics. E dited by C hristopher G ill .
Facing Death: Epicurus and Critics. B y J ames W arren .
Thomas Reid: Context, Influence, Significance. E dited by J oseph H ouston .
Manifest Activity: Thomas Reid's Theory of Action. B y G ideon Y affe .
On Bullshit. B y H arry F rankfurt .
The Things We Mean. B y S tephen S chiffer .
Speaking My Mind: Expression and Self-Knowledge. B y D orit B ar -O n .
Physicalism, or Something Near Enough. B y J aegwon K im .
On Determinism and Freedom. B y T ed H onderich .
Values, Education and the Human World. E dited by J ohn H aldane .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article: Education and Identity by Arthur W. Chickering. Psychodrama and Audience Attitude Change by Ira A. Greenberg. Essentials of Psychological Testing by Lee J. Cronbach. Education and Employment: The Early Careers of College Graduates by Laure M. Sharp Technological Change and Human Development edited by Wayne L. Hodges and Matthew A. Kelly Success, Failure, and Wastage in Higher Education by Gordon W. Miller. The Counseling Center in Higher Education edited by Phillip J. Gallagher and George D. Demos Helping and Human Relations: A Primer for Lay and Professional Helpers, Volume II, Practice and Research by Robert R. Carkhuff. Collaboration in School Guidance: A Creative Approach to Pupil Personnel Work by Mary A. Sarvis and Marianne Pennekamp. Counseling and Guidance in the Twentieth Century: Reflections and Reformulations edited by William H. Van Hoose and John J. Pietrofesa How To Get Results from Interviewing—A Practical Guide for Operating Management by James M. Black. New Priorities in Training by Bernard J. Bienvenu. Educational Research by Practitioners: An Elementary Casebook edited by William C. Budd and Sam P. Kelly. Mental Health Counselors at Work by Thomas M. Magoon, Stuart E. Golann, and Robert W. Freeman.  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(220):504-540
Book reviewed in this article:
Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays . By G ail F ine .
The Dialectic of Essence: a Study of Plato's Metaphysics . By A llan S ilverman .
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: an Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy . B y R oss H arrison .
A Defense of Hume on Miracles . B y R obert J. F ogelin .
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy . B y P atrick R. F rierson .
Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens . B y J ens T immermann .
On Liberty . By J ohn S tuart M ill . E dited by D avid B romwich and G eorge K ateb .
Donald Davidson . E dited by K irk L udwig .
A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals . B y J onathan B ennett .
Modality . B y J oseph M elia .
Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology . E dited by J ohannes R oessler and N aomi E ilan .
Defending Science – Within Reason . B y S usan H aack .
Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition . B y W illiam C ase-beer .
Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy . B y R ussell H ardin .
Indeterminacy and Society . B y R ussell H ardin .
Does God Exist? The Craig—Flew Debatez . E dited by S tan W. W allace .
The Creation of Art . E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

Man and Time . Papers the Eranos Yearbooks. Ed. Joseph Campbell.
The People of Ship Street , by Madeline Kerr.
The Clinical Application of Projective Drawings , edited by Emanuel F. Hammer.
The Child and the Family . First Relationships. By D. W. Winnicott.
The Child and the Outside World . Studies in Developing Relationships.  相似文献   

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