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辱虐管理会对组织和员工造成一系列消极影响,因此探究辱虐管理的成因对于减少和预防辱虐管理十分必要和重要。现有研究认为辱虐管理与主管的个人特征有关,或是主管自我损耗或社会学习的结果,也与受害者的特征有关。在回顾现有研究的基础上,基于情感事件理论提出了新的研究框架,并指出未来研究应关注主管对辱虐管理的态度、组织内关于辱虐管理的规范以及主管自我控制资源的恢复在辱虐管理产生过程中的作用。  相似文献   

The authors examined antecedents of abusive supervision and the relative importance of interactional and procedural justice as mediators of the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes of affective organizational commitment and individual- and organization-directed citizenship behaviors. Data were obtained from subordinate-supervisor dyads from a telecommunication company located in southeastern China. Results of moderated regression analysis revealed that authoritarian leadership style moderated the relationship between supervisors' perceptions of interactional justice and abusive supervision such that the relationship was stronger for supervisors high rather than low in authoritarian leadership style. In addition, results of structural equation modeling analysis revealed that subordinates' perceptions of interactional but not procedural justice fully mediated the relationship between abusive supervision and the work outcomes. Implications for future investigations of abusive supervision are discussed.  相似文献   

This study focuses on an instrument that appears useful for career guidance or job assignment purposes — the Biographical Data Blank. Responses of three groups of engineers (holding research and development, management, and nonengineering positions) to a life history questionnaire were analyzed. Results indicate that groups could indeed be differentiated using response patterns. In addition, items defining these patterns were related to demands of actual career paths chosen.  相似文献   

This chapter presents a detailed causal analysis of the two leading theories of attitude-behaviour relations, the theory of reasoned action (TRA) and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). It is noted that the direct path from perceived behavioural control to behaviour in the TPB is causally ambiguous. Focusing on the attitude-intention relationship, timeline and path diagrams are used to illustrate some of the hidden assumptions that underlie the way these theories are usually tested using standard multiple regression applied to nonexperimental data. Randomised experiments are recommended as the best solution to the serious problems arising from omitted causes.  相似文献   

The focus of this study is on everyday positive emotions and their relations to critical appraisal antecedents. Following from classical appraisal theory and Pekrun’s (2006) control-value theory of achievement emotions, two research questions were addressed, namely whether cognitive appraisals of control and value were related to discrete positive emotions in everyday situations and whether control and value antecedents interact in predicting these emotions. We further investigated whether control/value and positive emotion relations changed as a function of situational factors (achievement vs. non-achievement settings). 50 university freshmen (78% female) were assessed by use of the experience sampling method for a period of 1 week, with intraindividual analyses conducted using a multilevel, idiographic approach. Consistent with our hypotheses, the emotions of enjoyment, pride, and contentment were positively related to control and value appraisals. Further, control and value interacted to predict these positive emotions. The strength of appraisal/positive emotion relations was equivalent across achievement vs. non-achievement settings. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Supportive supervision is doubtlessly beneficial in many instances in organizations. Paustian‐Underdahl, Shanock, Rogelberg, Scott, Justice, and Altman ( 2013 ) have examined the predictors of supportive supervision. We might suggest that they have underidentified those factors that impact the potential influence of supportive supervision and suggest a more comprehensive approach to this important variable.  相似文献   

Research on sexual harassment as a prevalent job stressor has focused primarily on outcomes for the direct targets of harassment; the antecedents and consequences ofindirectexposure to sexual harassment have not been explored. Ambient Sexual Harassment is proposed as an assessment of indirect exposure to sexual harassment. Ambient Sexual Harassment is defined as the general or ambient level of sexual harassment in a work group as measured by the frequency of sexually harassing behaviors experienced by others in a woman's work group. The integration of Ambient Sexual Harassment into the model of sexual harassment developed by Fitzgerald, Drasgow, Hulin, Gelfand, and Magley (1997) proposes that indirect exposure to sexual harassment will have similar antecedents and job-related, psychological, and health outcomes as direct exposure. An empirical test of the model, using samples of female employees from a public utility company (N= 455) and a food processing plant (N= 194), generally supports predictions.  相似文献   

This article describes a flexible approach to supervision which allows for the fact that integration may mean different things to different people under different circumstances. In the health contexts described the clinical mix which was found most helpful in the supervisory work combined psychodynamic, Jungian and humanistic perspectives. The application of this particular mix of clinical techniques is demonstrated with reference to the work with two supervisees. It is felt that the methods employed are consistent with the current notions of difference in counselling and psychotherapy.  相似文献   

Unlike many minority members, lesbian and gay employees often make conscious decisions about revealing their minority status at work. Past research suggests that lesbian and gay employees utilize different strategies (i.e., counterfeiting, avoidance, integrating) to manage a stigmatized sexual identity. This study explored the relationship between each strategy and predicted antecedents (i.e., sexual identity achievement, perceived organizational climate) and consequences (i.e., open group process). Results demonstrated that lesbian and gay employees are more likely to adopt an integrating strategy when they have higher sexual identity achievement and perceive an affirming organizational climate. Open group process was found to have a negative relationship with avoidance. A significant positive relationship was found between counterfeiting and open group process, suggesting that maintaining a false identity may facilitate some work group interactions. Implications for work group relationships and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

政治与关系视角的员工职业发展影响因素探讨   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
刘军  宋继文  吴隆增 《心理学报》2008,40(2):201-209
通过对16家制造型企业中的343个员工、662个同事及343个直接领导的配对数据进行实证分析,文章探讨了员工的组织政治技能、政治知觉,以及他们与直接上司的关系对于员工职业发展的关系。多层线性分析模型(HLM)结果表明:员工的政治技能有助于促进其与领导之间形成良好的关系(guanxi),并籍此积极影响个人在组织中的职业发展,员工-领导关系是政治技能与职业发展之间的中介变量。另外,组织政治知觉影响政治技能对领导关系的作用,在政治氛围浓重的组织中,员工-领导关系更易受到员工政治技能的影响  相似文献   

Two laboratory studies examined the impact of person and situation factors in the prediction of gender harassment. Male undergraduates from a mid-sized Midwestern university in the U.S. were recruited based on an assessment of sexist attitudes. It was predicted that, across two studies, characteristics of one’s personality (sexist attitudes) and situational characteristics (sexual priming and masculine identity threat) would produce unique and interactive effects in the prediction of gender harassment, defined behaviorally as the number of sexist questions asked of women during a mock job interview, and cognitively as negative evaluations of the female interviewee. Across both studies, results support the predictions that both person and situation factors are important to understanding gender harassment.  相似文献   

Integrating theories of self-regulation with team and leadership literatures, this study investigated goal and process clarity and servant leadership as 3 antecedents of team potency and subsequent team effectiveness, operationalized as team performance and organizational citizenship behavior. Our sample of 304 employees represented 71 teams in 5 banks. Results showed that team-level goal and process clarity as well as team servant leadership served as 3 antecedents of team potency and subsequent team performance and team organizational citizenship behavior. Furthermore, we found that servant leadership moderated the relationships between both goal and process clarity and team potency, such that the positive relationships between both goal and process clarity and team potency were stronger in the presence of servant leadership.  相似文献   

The United States Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC) currently assesses gender discrimination and sexist behavior separately in its surveys of active duty and reserve service members. However, based on their definitional and theoretical similarities, it is possible that the two constructs may overlap to some extent. Using a military sample of 8,123 female respondents, this issue was examined using path analysis. The results of this study show that gender discrimination and sexist behavior are predicted by several common antecedent variables. In addition, each construct is shown to predict both common and unique outcomes. Implications for the organizational assessment of sexist behavior and gender discrimination are discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined repetition priming on tasks that require access to semantic (or biographical) information from faces. In the second stage of each experiment, participants made either a nationality or an occupation decision to faces of celebrities, and, in the first stage, they made either the same or a different decision to faces (in Experiment 1) or the same or a different decision to printed names (in Experiment 2). All combinations of priming and test tasks produced clear repetition effects, which occurred irrespective of whether the decisions made were positive or negative. Same-domain (face-to-face) repetition priming was larger than cross-domain (name-to-face) priming, and priming was larger when the two tasks were the same. It is discussed how these findings are more readily accommodated by the Burton, Bruce, and Johnston (1990) model of face recognition than by episode-based accounts of repetition priming.  相似文献   


Clinical supervision is a concept that the nursing profession in the last two years has had to embrace. Clinical supervision, as denned by the Chief Nurse, is ‘a formal arrangement that enables nurses, midwives and health visitors to discuss their work regularly with another experienced professional, and involves reflecting on practice in order to learn from experience and improve competence’ (Moores 1996).  相似文献   

The problem of choosing the correct number of clusters is as old as cluster analysis itself. A number of authors have suggested various indexes to facilitate this crucial decision. One of the most extensive comparative studies of indexes was conducted by Milligan and Cooper (1985). The present piece of work pursues the same goal under different conditions. In contrast to Milligan and Cooper's work, the emphasis here is on high-dimensional empirical binary data. Binary artificial data sets are constructed to reflect features typically encountered in real-world data situations in the field of marketing research. The simulation includes 162 binary data sets that are clustered by two different algorithms and lead to recommendations on the number of clusters for each index under consideration. Index results are evaluated and their performance is compared and analyzed.Author names are listed in alphabetical order.This piece of research was supported by the Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) under grant SFB#010 (Adaptive Information Systems and Modeling in Economics and Management Science).The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers and especially the associate editor for their helpful comments and suggestions.  相似文献   

A Monte Carlo evaluation of 30 procedures for determining the number of clusters was conducted on artificial data sets which contained either 2, 3, 4, or 5 distinct nonoverlapping clusters. To provide a variety of clustering solutions, the data sets were analyzed by four hierarchical clustering methods. External criterion measures indicated excellent recovery of the true cluster structure by the methods at the correct hierarchy level. Thus, the clustering present in the data was quite strong. The simulation results for the stopping rules revealed a wide range in their ability to determine the correct number of clusters in the data. Several procedures worked fairly well, whereas others performed rather poorly. Thus, the latter group of rules would appear to have little validity, particularly for data sets containing distinct clusters. Applied researchers are urged to select one or more of the better criteria. However, users are cautioned that the performance of some of the criteria may be data dependent.The authors would like to express their appreciation to a number of individuals who provided assistance during the conduct of this research. Those who deserve recognition include Roger Blashfield, John Crawford, John Gower, James Lingoes, Wansoo Rhee, F. James Rohlf, Warren Sarle, and Tom Soon.  相似文献   

We extended self-determination theory by examining personality antecedents and self-regulatory consequences of perceived locus of causality (PLOC), which is the extent to which individuals perceive their actions as caused by internal or external reasons. We theorized that personality would influence PLOC and that individuals with internal PLOC would engage in more self-regulatory activities, which would in turn predict performance and enjoyment. We used structural equation modeling with data collected from 260 students at 4 time points to test our hypotheses. The model fit the data well. Although personality had direct effects on the self-regulatory activities of effort and meta-cognitive strategies, in addition to the indirect effects via PLOC, tests confirmed that including the indirect effects produced the best-fitting model.  相似文献   

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