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This exploratory study compared the life style and interpersonal need orientation, leadership style, and perception of the organization structure of female supervisors in business and government organizations. The government group had a significantly higher formalistic and lower sociocentric and personalistic life style orientation; lower needs for expressed control, expressed affection, wanted inclusion, wanted affection, and a higher need for wanted control; were lower on consideration and higher on structure leadership dimensions; and perceived their organization as being more bureaucratic and less collaborative and coordinative than the business group. The findings were discussed in terms of the processes of individual-organization congruity and organizational socialization.  相似文献   

The work–family literature to date does not offer a clear picture in terms of the relative importance of different types of supports for balancing work and family demands. Grounded in conservation or resources theory, we develop an integrative model relating multiple forms of social support, both formal (i.e., work–life benefit use) and informal (supervisor work–family support and family support) to work-interference-with-family and family-interference-with-work and task and contextual performance. We chose to focus our study on lower-skill workers because, despite being a relatively large segment of the workforce, these workers are relatively understudied in the work–family literature. Results revealed that supervisor support is a key form of support in this sample. Supervisor support had negative same domain (work-interference-with-family) and cross domain (family-interference-with-work) effects with work–family conflict, as well as positive relationships with task and contextual performance. Family support was negatively related to family-interference-with-work; whereas use of work–life benefits was not significantly related to either form of work–family conflict or any of the performance variables. The implications of our results for conservation of resources theory and practical implications to employers of lower-skill workers are discussed.  相似文献   

The work–family literature to date does not offer a clear picture in terms of the relative importance of different types of supports for balancing work and family demands. Grounded in conservation or resources theory, we develop an integrative model relating multiple forms of social support, both formal (i.e., work–life benefit use) and informal (supervisor work–family support and family support) to work-interference-with-family and family-interference-with-work and task and contextual performance. We chose to focus our study on lower-skill workers because, despite being a relatively large segment of the workforce, these workers are relatively understudied in the work–family literature. Results revealed that supervisor support is a key form of support in this sample. Supervisor support had negative same domain (work-interference-with-family) and cross domain (family-interference-with-work) effects with work–family conflict, as well as positive relationships with task and contextual performance. Family support was negatively related to family-interference-with-work; whereas use of work–life benefits was not significantly related to either form of work–family conflict or any of the performance variables. The implications of our results for conservation of resources theory and practical implications to employers of lower-skill workers are discussed.  相似文献   

The way in which satisfaction with a romantic relationship may be affected by how supportive a partner is and how constructively they deal with conflict in that relationship was examined in young adults. Both greater support and less conflict were found to be independently associated with relationship satisfaction, implying that both are necessary for a satisfactory relationship. While support did not mitigate the possible effects of conflict on satisfaction, it may lead to more constructive conflict which in turn may enhance satisfaction. Support seen as being available as well as support that was received were independently associated with relationship satisfaction. Of the different forms of available support measured, only support reflecting being cared for was independently associated with relationship satisfaction. These results suggest that encouraging couples to be emotionally supportive to each other may improve the effectiveness of relationship counselling as well as relationship enhancement and problem prevention programmes.  相似文献   

Information relevant to setting up a computer-based psychology research laboratory is reviewed. The pros and cons of computer usage and of various hardware configurations are considered. Also, several approaches to program development are discussed. Guidelines for hardware and software development are put forth, and an example of a laboratory based on these principles is described.  相似文献   

In this randomized controlled trial, group behavior therapy (BT; n = 12) was compared to group supportive therapy (ST; n = 12) in the treatment of trichotillomania (TTM). Both treatments were also compared to a naturally occurring waiting period, the time period that participants waited for groups to form. Participants completing group BT experienced significantly greater decreases in self-reported hair-pulling symptoms and clinician-rated hair loss severity than did those in group ST. Decreases were significantly greater after treatment than after the naturalistic waiting period. In addition, a significantly higher percentage of those in the BT than ST condition were rated as much improved or very much improved on the Clinical Global Impression scale at posttreatment. However, despite substantial symptom improvement, TTM severity remained problematic at posttreatment. Specifically, few participants in either treatment met criteria for clinically significant change at posttreatment. In addition, relapse of symptoms occurred over the 6-month follow-up period. Results provided partial support for the short-term efficacy of group BT. However, the group format may not maximize the efficacy of BT for TTM. Thus, it is recommended that future BT research test either individual therapy or a combination of group and individual formats for TTM.  相似文献   

The emerging field of Evolutionary Computation (EC), inspired by neo-Darwinian principles (e.g. natural selection, mutation, etc. ), offers developmental psychologists a wide array of mathematical tools for simulating ontogenetic processes. In this brief review; I begin by highlighting three of the approaches that EC researchers employ (Artificial Life, evolutionary robotics and comparative stochastic optimization). I then focus on the advantages of using comparative stochastic optimization as a method for studying development. As a concrete example, I illustrate the design and implementation of an EC model that simulates the development of reaching in young infants.  相似文献   

There are no official data on suicide from Pakistan, a conservative South Asian Islamic country with traditionally low suicide rates. Both suicide and attempted suicide are illegal acts, as well as socially and religiously condemned, making research in this area difficult. Recent reports suggest an increase in suicide rates. In this study, police data from the Sindh province were examined to provide a unique picture of trends of suicide over 15 years (1985-1999). During this period there were 2,568 reported suicides (71% men, 39% women; ratio 1.8). The lowest number was 90 in 1987 and maximum was 360 in 1999. Poisoning by organophosphates was the most common method followed by hanging. This study, although limited in scope, provides evidence of an increase in suicide rates in Pakistan, from one data source. There is urgent need for further research on suicide in Pakistan; interventions for suicide prevention in the country can then be planned.  相似文献   

Choice opportunities were built within an existing robot-assisted occupational program. The new version of the program (with choice opportunities) was then employed with a low-functioning, multiply handicapped man who had previously been trained in the old version of the same program (the one with no choice opportunities). The results have shown that the man responded “purposefully” to choice situations and maintained highly accurate activity engagement. The importance of providing choice opportunities to people with severe and multiple handicaps and the cost and benefits of the program used in this study are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, persuasion theory was used to develop the following predictions about use of humor in persuasive messages for business ethics training: (a) cartoon drawings will enhance persuasion by creating liking for the source, (b) ironic wisecracks will enhance persuasion by serving as a distraction from counterarguments, and (c) self-effacing humor will enhance persuasion by improving source credibility. Canadian business students (N = 148) participated in 1 of 4 versions of "The Ethics Challenge," a training exercise used by the Lockheed Martin Corporation. Three versions were modified by adding or removing cartoon drawings (of cartoon characters Dilbert and Dogbert) and humorous responses (Dogbert's wisecracks). Removing the cartoon drawings had little effect on persuasiveness. Removing ironic wisecracks had more effect, and interfering with the self-effacing combination of cartoons and wisecracks had the strongest effect. The results suggest that researchers should ground their predictions in existing theory and that practitioners should differentiate among humor types.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to analyze a specific kind of ICT-related urban initiatives: the role of virtual cities in improving democratic participation in cities of the developing world. The Internet’s global reach is producing an increasing presence of virtual cities in the developing world. And it may be precisely in this type of context where virtual cities can make a difference regarding democratization and participation. The examination of the virtual cities phenomenon in Lima, Peru, is useful to acknowledge some interesting urban trends and to point up some of the difficulties and potentials linked to the use of virtual cities as a democratization tool. She is involved in research on the relationship between Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and the contemporary city since 1997. She is currently finishing her Ph.D. research on ICT related transformations in Latin American metropolises.  相似文献   

Argumentive reasoning skills are featured in the new K-12 Common Standards (Common Core State Standards Initiative, 2010), yet with little said about their nature or how to instill them. Distinguishing reasoning skills from writing skills, we report on a multiyear intervention that used electronically conducted dialogues on social issues as the medium to develop argumentive reasoning skills in two cohorts of young adolescents. Intervention groups demonstrated transfer of the dialogic activity to two individual essays on new topics; argument quality for these groups exceeded that of comparison groups who participated in an intervention involving the more face-valid activity of extensive essay writing practice, along with whole-class discussion. The intervention group also demonstrated greater awareness of the relevance of evidence to argument. The dialogic method thus appears to be a viable one for developing cognitive skills that the comparison-group data show do not routinely develop during this age period.  相似文献   

PurposeWhile many resources, particularly those available on the Internet, provide suggestions for fluent speakers as they interact with people who stutter (PWS), little evidence exists to support these suggestions. Thus, the purpose of this study was to document the supportiveness of common public reactions, behaviors, or interventions to stuttering by PWS.Methods 148 PWS completed the Personal Appraisal of Support for Stuttering-Adults. Additionally, a comparison of the opinions of adults who stutter based on gender and their involvement in self-help/support groups was undertaken. Results Many of the Internet-based suggestions for interacting with PWS are aligned with the opinions of the participants of this study. Significant differences were found amongst people who stutter on the basis of gender and involvement in self-help groups.Conclusions Lists of “DOs and DON’Ts” that are readily available on the Internet are largely supported by the data in this study; however, the findings highlight the need for changing the emphasis from strict rules for interacting with people who stutter to more flexible principles that keep the needs of individual PWS in mind.  相似文献   

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