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Our aim was to identify in the scientific field of social psychology and management, the different academic approaches and models of the proactivity concept. In the first instance, the proactivity concept is mentioned as a dispositional variable and an interindividual difference involving personality traits and associated behaviors. In the second, we more specifically explore proactive behaviors and their features. In a complementary manner, we expose some environmental elements understood to promote the initiation and continuation of proactive behavior (decision latitude, autonomy, transformational leadership). Finally, we introduce a few proactivity concept limitations and benefits of using such behaviours in organizational environment. We then conclude this work with a few research proposals such as the variability of the proactivity level and the possibility of acquiring proactive behaviours.  相似文献   

This study focuses on how users and managers living in coastal areas represent their living environment and how the coastal risks (erosion and flooding) are included in this place representation. To do this, a qualitative survey (semi-structured interviews) was conducted with 61 people who live in towns so-called “at risky” or “vulnerable” in relation to this issue. The interviews were fully transcribed and they have been analyzed by the Alceste textual analysis software, supplemented by a manual content analysis. For all respondents, the results highlight that coastal risks are not a major concern. For managers, the risk is taken into account but it is not usually the priority. For users, the privilege of the surrounding and the place attachment obscure the existence of risk, whatever it is.  相似文献   

While the use of video projection systems for slide shows is being increasingly frequent in many professional environments, very little work has been devoted to the optimization of this type of document. The aim of this article is to provide a review of the work that is likely to help improve the effectiveness of this type of medium, in particular for learning purposes. It will deal, among other things, with the role of illustrations, results charts, the redundancy between the oral and written modes and the type of text presentation, as well as the use of various forms of attention guidance and modes of structuring information in memory.  相似文献   

According to Frege the notion of judgement cannot be defined, but must be explicated by referring to natural language. Frege uses a subjective and an objective notion of judgement: on the one hand a judgement is an inner mental process, on the other hand judging is explained as advancing from the thought to the truth-value. The subjective notion of judgement logically depends on the objective conception of a judgement, but nevertheless remains indispensable. To clarify the objective notion of judgement, the relation of thought and truth must be explicated by using Frege's theory of sense and reference. Only an intersubjective and action-guiding knowledge of the way in which the truth-value of a sentence is determined can make it possible to advance from the thought and the understanding of a sentence to the acknowledgement of its truth. Since by this advance a sentence receives a cognitive value, Frege's theory of sense and reference makes a contribution not only to semantics but also to epistemology.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2000,2000(45):2A-4A

Zusammenfassung Es wurden Beziehungen zwischen der Interferenzneigung (Stroop) und dem Entscheidungsverhalten untersucht. 64 Vpn führten 2 Versuche durch, in denen sie Entscheidungen mit Risiko zu treffen hatten. In dem Murmelversuch, der zur Messung von Wahrscheinlichkeitsbevorzugungen diente, entschied der Zufall über den Erfolg. In dem Kugelversuch hing der Erfolg davon ab, ob es der Vp gelang, eine Stahlkugel durch ein Tor zu stoßen. Beim Murmelversuch neigten die hohen Interferenzler (HI) mehr zur Wahl der niedrigen, die niedrigen Interferenzler (NI) mehr zur Wahl der hohen Erfolgswahrscheinlichkeiten. Das haben wir im Sinne der Annahme gedeutet, daß HI long samplers, NI short samplers sind. Long sampling definierten wir als die Neigung, Information aus einem räumlich, zeitlich oder inhaltlich großen Bereich zu berücksichtigen. Nach unserer Auffassung wirkt sich long bzw. short sampling so aus, daß den objektiven Wahrscheinlichkeiten gegenüber die subjektiven Wahrscheinlichkeiten bei HI mehr zur Mitte, bei NI mehr zu den Extremen der Skala hin verschoben sind. Hypothetisch angenommene Werte, die dieser theoretischen Vorstellung entsprechen, wurden in das SEU-Modell des Entscheidungsverhaltens von Edwards eingesetzt. Die Aussagen dieses Modells entsprachen unseren empirischen Ergebnissen. Auch differenzierten HI in geringerem Maße zwischen der Links-Rechtslage der Kugelaufgaben und wiesen weniger Intransitivität bei Entscheidungen auf, die einen stark und einen wenig beachteten Aspekt enthielten. Diese Ergebnisse interpretierten wir ebenfalls mit Hilfe des sampling-Begriffs. Wir konnten zeigen, daß eine Vielzahl von Ergebnissen aus der Literatur des Interferenzphänomens unter dem Gesichtspunkt von long und short sampling in ein theoretisches System gebracht werden kann.
Personality components of decision makingI. Relationships between decision-making behavior and, interference proneness
Summary Relationships between proneness to perceptual interference (Stroop) and decision-making behavior were investigated. 64 Ss took part in two experiments. In one, designed to measure probability preferences, success was determined by chance. In the other success depended upon skill in hitting a ball between two posts. In the first experiment high interference (HI) Ss chose lower probabilities of success. Interpretation of these results was based on the assumption that HI are long samplers and LI (low interference Ss) short samplers. Long sampling was defined as the tendency to process information from a wide area as regards content, space and time-span. The respective sampling tendencies were held to induce the subjective probabilities of HI to be displaced toward the middle of the scale, those of LI toward the extremes in relation to objective probabilities. Hypothetical values corresponding to this conception were inserted in Edwards' SEU-model. Predictions of the model concurred with our results. Also explainable in terms of sampling were the findings that HI differentiated to a lesser degree between the relative difficulty of the left and right positions in the ball-hitting tasks and demonstrated less intransitivity in decisions containing two aspects of unequal subjective importance. It could be shown that a wide range of results reported in the literature on the interference phenomenon are interpretable on the basis of long and short sampling.

Scientific research has shown the influence of norms and of gender and beauty stereotypes on evaluations and hiring decisions. Recent studies (Desrumaux, 2005; Jawahar & Mattson, 2005) have shown an evolution of the lack of Fit model (Heilman, 1983). The objective of this research is to test the effects of physical appearance, GMA and normative pieces of information (internality/externality) related to the candidate on the candidates’ recrutabilty. This study has also taken into account hierarchy level and sexual connotation of the job. We have tested its effects on medical jobs, of higher level (surgeon, doctor nutritionist) or subordinate (ambulance man and dental assistant). The results indicate that an attractive candidate is judged more recrutable for a subordinate job than a superior one. Moreover, for a subordinate job, the effect of the attractiveness was more important for male target than for feminine target. Results show also that men are judged less hirable than the women for female type jobs. Moreover, the effect of the aptitude is more discriminating for the external ones than for the internals. Results were discussed on the line of the lack of fit correspondence model.  相似文献   

The goals of this study consist, on the one hand, to verify the relationship between psychological empowerment and behavioural empowerment, and on the other hand, to verify whether employees’ empowerment may be positively influenced by different components of work climate, including job enrichment, role clarity, coworker support, leaders’ empowering practices, top management's empowering practices, and resources accessibility. This study also aims to test the mediating role of psychological empowerment in the relationships between the components of work climate and employees’ behavioural empowerment. The data were collected from 227 employees without managerial responsibilities. Results showed that psychological empowerment may intervene as a mediator between some work climate components (job enrichment, role clarity, and coworker support) and employees’ behavioural empowerment. The theoretical and practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

The article describes some of the foundations of the striving for happiness and the experience of happiness from the point of view of different psychoanalytical theories and applies this to the luck of “Hans in luck” in the fairy tale. While happiness in the drive theory is reached through the gratification of needs, in the theory of narcissism it is defined as a regression to a narcissistic feeling of unity. In object-relations theory it is described how, beside happiness as a mere passive aim of expectation, a capacity to be happy has to be developed progressively.  相似文献   

Dissociative disorders often develop after chronic traumatization. But they can also occur without preceding traumatization. Newer psychodynamic concepts explain dissociation as a specific defense-constellation and as a result of specific neurobiological and neuroanatomical effects of trauma. In dissociative disorders differentiated interdisciplinary somatic and psychiatric diagnostic procedures should be performed. Many somatic and psychiatric disorders should be considered concerning the differential diagnosis. Specific therapeutic techniques have to be applied.  相似文献   

This research is aimed to study managers’ professional as well as personal activities in the theoretical perspective of the Activity System. We focused on managers’ population because of the specificity of their relationship to time at work, and the uncertain boundaries they establish between professional and personal life. This leads to a complex relationship between life's boundaries. The triangulation of three methods (self-observations, interviews based on those self-observations, Activity System Inventories) gives access to useful and complementary data, and allows us to carry out four thorough case studies (three women are 38, 46 and 51 years old, one man is 38 years old). The results emphasize the multiple determinants which coexist in each individual, the different ways to manage one's life activities, and finally additional prospects on further studies.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》1999,1999(39):A2-A4

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