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The present study investigated students' behavior across academic departments to establish how personality, demographic, educational, attitudinal, and climate (both psychological and departmental) predicted self-reported cheating behavior at a university. Participants were 107 students from a variety of academic disciplines. The results explain 50.5% of the variability in self-reported cheating behavior in terms of demographic (male, school education qualifications), departmental climate, and individual differences (Lie and Neuroticism scales). We concluded that an expanded theoretical perspective (utilizing a wide range of person and situation variables) explained more variability than would otherwise be explained from any single perspective, and that findings from the literature of integrity at work generalize to educational settings. Finally, we discuss the limitations and implications of this research.  相似文献   

L'histoire de la psychologie à l'Université Nationale de Singapour (NUS) est assez courte. Le premier cycle de psychologie remonte à 1986. Néanmoins, le secteur psychologie du Département de Travail Social et de Psychologie s'est considérablement développé pour ce qui est de l'enseignement, de la recherche et des services. Les auteurs décrivent le développement de la psychologie à la NUS depuis son introduction. Nous décrivons le cursus, l'équipe enseignante et ses activités, et l'infrastructure de recherche. L'analyse des documents officiels prouve que ce département est un succès institutionnel. En outre, ce projet a contribué au développement de la psychologie théorique et appliquée.
The history of psychology at the National University of Singapore (NUS) is rather short. The undergraduate degree with psychology as a subject first became available in 1986. Nevertheless, the psychology program of the Department of Social Work and Psychology has grown considerably in terms of teaching, research, and service. The authors describe how psychology has been developing at NUS since its inception. The present review pertains to the existing academic programs, the teaching staff and their activities, and the infrastructure for psychological inquiry. Analyses of the official data disclosed that the Department of Social Work and Psychology at NUS can be regarded as a successful experiment in institution-building. Moreover, the psychology program has contributed to both basic and applied psychology.  相似文献   

This essay provides a brief history and overview of the psychological, especially psychoanalytic, study of religion at Rice University.  相似文献   

This article describes the Industrial and Organizational Psychology Programme at the University of Colorado at Denver (CU-Denver). First, we provide an overview of the programme's most salient characteristics and objectives. Next, we summarize five ongoing research programmes being conducted at CU-Denver: (a) Social Power and Influence in Organizations, (b) Personnel Selection, (c) Applied Research Methods, (d) Training Evaluation, and (e) Cognitive Assessment. For each research programme we describe (a) primary questions addressed, (b) selective recent findings, and (c) current projects and future directions. Finally, we describe the role and current activities of the Centre for Applied Psychology  相似文献   

The current state of psychology is examined from the perspective that academic psychology and the private practice of psychology are faced with threats of their own obsolescence. Factors contributing to tensions in the discipline, as well as some hopeful signs, are reviewed. Three linked proposals are presented for the long-term resolution of these problems. An appropriate setting and a comprehensive model for graduate education are suggested. The third proposal concerns changes in our view of ourselves. A restoration of a sense of community is seen as a precondition for any constructive action.  相似文献   

This brief paper introduces the special edition of Pastoral Psychology on the psychology of religion at Rice University.  相似文献   

The field of mental health tends to treat its literary metaphors as literal realities with the concomitant loss of vague “feelings of tendency” in “unusual experiences”. I develop this argument through the prism of William James’ (1890) “The Principles of Psychology”. In the first part of the paper, I reflect upon the relevance of James' “The Psychologist's Fallacy” to a literary account of mental health. In the second part of the paper, I develop the argument that “connotations” and “feelings of tendency” are central to resolving some of the more difficult challenges of this fallacy. I proceed to do this in James' spirit of generating imaginative metaphors to understand experience. Curiously, however, mental health presents a strange paradox in William James’ (1890) Principles of Psychology. He constructs an elaborate conception of the “empirical self” and “stream of thought” but chooses not to use these to understand unusual experiences – largely relying instead on the concept of a “secondary self.” In this article, I attempt to make more use of James' central division between the “stream of thought” and the “empirical self” to understand unusual experiences. I suggest that they can be usefully understood using the loose metaphor of a “binary star” where the “secondary self” can be seen as an “accretion disk” around one of the stars. Understood as literary rather the literal, this metaphor is quite different to more unitary models of self-breakdown in mental health, particularly in its separation of “self” from “the stream of thought” and I suggest it has the potential to start a re-imagination of the academic discourse around mental health.  相似文献   

During the years which followed World War I, psychologists of the Sorbonne organized “control experiments” to question the reality of parapsychological phenomena. They worked with well-known mediums and the results of their investigations were published in widely-read French and American newspapers. Despite the melodramatic and somewhat humorous character of these episodes, the researchers involved were engaged in efforts toward genuinely scientific psychology. Henri Pieron and Henri Laugier, both positivists and militant rationalists, were leaders in the institutionalized development of psychology in France.  相似文献   

Les auteurs décrivent le statut actuel et réfléchissent à l'avenir possible de la psychologie du counseling au Portugal, cela à partir de ses forces, de ses faiblesses, de ses opportunités et de ce qui la menace. Le counseling est de plus en plus une aide proactive au développement individuel, plutôt qu'une solution aux situations problématiques. Dans ces conditions, l'une des orientations possibles de la psychologie du counseling est le traitement de la diversité des approches théoriques et techniques pour mettre au point des méthodes d'intervention communes. Les défis que rencontreront prochainement les psychologues du counseling sont analysés à partir des demandes universitaires et autres, la qualité des services et la nécessité d'une réglementation officielle. On propose enfin des recommandations relatives à l'avenir de la psychologie du counseling.
Based on an analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats the authors discuss the current status and possible future directions for counseling psychology in Portugal. Counseling is increasingly being viewed as a proactive support to individual development, rather than as a remedial solution to problem situations. In this environment, pursuing diversity in theoretical and techniques approaches to find common intervention methodologies is one possible direction for counseling psychology. The challenges encountered by counseling psychologists in the near future are analysed relative to academic and other demands, the quality of the services, and the need for statutory regulation. Recommendations pertaining to the construction of the future for counseling psychology are proposed.  相似文献   

A retrospective is given of the contributions by York University psychologists to humanistic psychology as it is expressed in the theory, research and practice of humanistic psychotherapies. These contributions are contextualized in the history and mission of the University. Attention is then turned to the author's qualitative research on the client's experiencing in psychotherapy and the main understanding coming from it, namely that clients are aware of their self-awareness and are agential in terms of this capacity, called radical reflexivity. Implications of radical reflexivity for client-centered/experiential therapists' reduction of the person to an organism and for the psychotherapy practice and research are derived.  相似文献   

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