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Artistic presentations of Jesus are as numerous and varied as the artists who created them. Whether on canvas or in music, Jesus has been portrayed as a redeemer, revolutionary, teacher, and clown. While some people are inspired by a particular presentation of Jesus, others are angered and incensed at what they perceive to be blasphemous. An example of the latter is Martin Scorsese's film, The Last Temptation of Christ. This article examines why people responded so negatively to this and other artistic presentations of Jesus. It suggests they have failed to recognize how the portrayal reflects a personal experience of the artist and is not meant to be a final portrait of Christ. And on a more unconscious level, these works of art evoke feelings within people which they fear to acknowledge and which they escape by condemning the work.  相似文献   

I am not, however, addressing myself to the happy possessors of faith, but to those many people for whom the light has gone out, the mystery has faded, and God is dead. For most of them there is no going back, and one does not know either whether going back is always the better way. To gain an understanding of religious matters, probably all that is left us today is the psychological approach. That is why I take these thought-forms that have become historically fixed, try to melt them down again and pour them into moulds of immediate experience. C. G. Jung  相似文献   

This article discusses the meaning of Christ’s unifying and catholizing love in a time of COVID-19. The love of Christ is trinitarian love. It is the love of Christ on the cross. It is the love of the father, mother, parent who sent Jesus to the cross. It is the love of the Spirit who is also the comforter who actualizes, operationalizes, and makes tangible the love of the triune God. This love of the cross is a unifying love, a love that creates unity between God and God’s creatures, unity among God’s people and creatures, global and ecumenical unity, unity in diversity, unity in concreteness and visibility, unity not from a distance, but unity in proximity. This sacrificial love of Christ is a catholizing love, a love that brings into being the catholicity of God’s people and creatures; catholicity in all ages, all places, and in truth; catholicity as catholicity in particularity and not in vague universality; catholicity as partisanship for the sake of the universal. The time of the COVID-19 pandemic has intensified existing challenges and concerns. Of major concern are the increase of social alienation and social exclusion (local and global) and the decrease of social cohesion and social solidarity in a world of inequality. The well-intended use of the expression “social distancing” instead of “physical distancing” might lend momentum to social alienation and exclusion.  相似文献   

Abstract:   The image of the church as the body of Christ is deployed by Karl Barth and Robert Jenson in the service of very different and equally unsatisfactory ecclesiologies. While Barth's concern for divine freedom causes him to accentuate the distinction between head and members to the point of positing two churches, Jenson's stress on Christ's objective presence in the world risks collapsing Christ into the church. Against both positions, attention to the fact that human bodies can be encountered in what may be distinguished as second- and third-person modes allows the image of the body of Christ to be deployed in a way that precludes both any confusion of divine and human agency and any separation of Christ from the earthly-historical community.  相似文献   

Christ and China     

The Christian church's aversion to suicide need not inform its position on voluntary active euthanasia any more than it informs its understanding of the role Jesus played in securing his own death. When the ontological polarity of freedom and destiny is kept in balance and is in agreement spontaneously and independently, culpability for the death of Jesus should be assigned neither to him nor to those who sought his crucifixion. This correspondence of freedom and destiny results in a theonomous moment, transcending all guilt. Similarly, when one elects to die because that choice best corresponds with one's self-image, it is extremely doubtful that this act of faith can be made intelligible or justified to others. If Jesus is example and not merely redeemer, this understanding implies that all people should be afforded the same freedom in death that jesus was without incurring moral guilt.  相似文献   

Call the claim, common to many in the Christian intellectual tradition, that Christ, in virtue of his created human intellect, had certain, infallible exhaustive foreknowledge the Foreknowledge Thesis. Now consider what I will call the Conditional: If the Foreknowledge Thesis is true, then Christ’s created human will lacked an important sort of freedom that we mere humans have. Insofar as many, perhaps all, of the people who affirm the Foreknowledge Thesis also wish to affirm the robust freedom of Christ’s human will, the truth of the Conditional would be most unwelcome to them. I consider an argument in support of the Conditional from the necessary conditions for deliberation, arguing that the argument fails.  相似文献   

Marit Trelstad 《Dialog》2014,53(3):179-184
The intertwining of reflection about Christ and personal experience of Jesus has been at the heart of the matter from the start of the Reformation. Luther's Christology unites the transcendent and the intimate; it is Christ alone, Solus Christus, who mediates God's presence and promise to the world. This becomes one of the “solas” of the Reformation and the one to which this volume of Dialog is dedicated. This introduction considers the variety of ways theology has described the primary experience of Christ; we will consider how Christ has been theologically presented in terms of love, liberation, creativity, co‐sufferer, and holy presence. In addition, within the last century, one can see Christologies taking on universal or particular forms. The universal approach sees Christ in, with and under all the world, whereas the more “particular” forms connect to the singularity of Christ or Jesus as the sole locus of revelation of God in history or today. This introduction also explores the contemporary debate about the meaning of the cross and atonement in relation to the understanding of Christ as savior.  相似文献   

To conclude, (1) although homosexuality has been recognized for hundreds of years, we still do not understand it completely. (2) This paper places emphasis on the process of individuation and gender-identity that takes place very early in childhood as the cause of homosexuality. (3) If the process is not completed properly, the individual's gender-identity will deviate from that of the vast majority of people. Homosexuality is, therefore, considered by me as a deviation from, rather than a variation of, human sexuality. (4) The degree of neurosis or psychosis associated with homosexuality or heterosexuality is not causal in nature, although the two are intimately intertwined. (5) The stress of coming out varies a great deal in intensity and depends on the degree of integration of the individual and the support given to him by his friends, associates, and family. (6) Although the last decade has brought about a greater acceptance of homosexuality than ever before, sufficient prejudice, ignorance, and fear remain to keep many homosexuals "in the closet." (7) Even today the disclosure of one's homosexuality threatens the individual with the loss of so many important aspects of his life, such as his job, his friends, and even his family, that there is little wonder that coming out of the closet poses such problems for so many homosexuals.  相似文献   

This article has the twofold aim of bringing the Christology of St. Bonaventure into dialogue with contemporary attempts to formulate an informational worldview, and with the recent theological proposal of deep incarnation. It is argued that even though Bonaventure is a pre‐modern theologian, he anticipates central aspects of a contemporary informational worldview based on differential information, structural information, and semantic information. Moreover, the article explores Bonaventure's unique combination of a “high” exemplarist Christology with a “low” Franciscan view of the humility of Christ. While Bonaventure shares seminal concerns of deep incarnation, his strong view of divine perfection prohibits him from assuming that the divinity of Christ embraces the full gamut of human emotions and anxieties related to the future.  相似文献   

Abstract:  A reading of Paul and Matthew on Christian obedience suggests that the polemic against 'law' is not directed to all forms of religious practice, but instead only to a particular set of religious practices developed by Israel's sages. Law should not therefore be opposed to grace; instead the correct opposition is between the 'law' taught as the proper way of living before God by the majority of rabbis and the law of Christ, taught by Paul, Matthew and others.  相似文献   

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