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This investigation examined the relationship between career aspiration-current occupation congruence and the career maturity of 134 undergraduates (103 women and 31 men) attending a large midwestern community college. Results revealed a significant relationship (p < .01) between aspiration-occupation congruence and two separate measures of career maturity.  相似文献   

Some effects of a school-organised work experience scheme on the career maturity of 80 fifth-form secondary-school pupils are reported. Career maturity was measured at the end of the scheme, using Crites' Career Maturity Inventory. Pupils who undertook work experience scored significantly higher than those who did not on three of the six scales comprising the criterion test.  相似文献   

职业成熟度研究进展   总被引:31,自引:1,他引:30  
0 引言  学生职业心理发展的水平应有一个评价标准 ,针对学生职业发展状况而进行的职业指导之效果 ,也应有一个衡量标准 ,职业成熟度概念就是这种要求的产物。如果一个人能根据自己心理特点以及职业 (或专业 )的要求 ,将二者进行合理而科学的匹配 ,做出职业选择 ,采取客观可行的措施 ,最终获得职业 ,那么其职业成熟度就高 ,反之就低。随着研究的深入 ,人们发现人的一生往往不止一次职业选择 ,可能会面临多次决策 ;而且更重要的 ,职业心理发展水平与职业选择不是等同概念。在进入职业前 ,也许职业发展水平可以用与职业选择相关的心理活动…  相似文献   

This study was conducted to advance previous research in the use of computer-based, counselor-free career guidance systems instead of conventional counselor-free systems. The participants, Undergraduate college students (20 men and 20 women), were asked to rate their reactions to using the DISCOVER II microcomputer career guidance system and the Self-Directed Search. The majority of the participants preferred the DISCOVER II as a vocational exploration program.  相似文献   

Japanese “groupism,” or the tendency to emphasize groups rather than individuals, often favors the use of group psychotherapy with Japanese patients. However, the author recommends that the clinician should be sensitive to other cultural phenomena, which are thought to be related to groupism that will influence the nature of group treatments. For example, the traditional Japanese relationship to authority may make it difficult for many patients to express negative attitudes and to share intimate material. Differences regarding confidentiality and gender, distinction between “miuchi” (families) and “tanin” (strangers), and attitudes toward silence may also influence the nature of group therapy. The author discusses these and related cultural differences and highlights implications for the therapist's style of intervention. Finally, the amount of influence that groupism has on group psychotherapy must be considered. The author suggests that it is greater for patients with mild neurosis than severe psychosis.  相似文献   

针对领域一般性职业成熟度测量中存在的问题,从领域特殊性视角出发,在开放式问卷调查的基础上编制了师范生教师职业成熟度问卷,包括师范生教师职业态度成熟度和师范生教师职业能力成熟度两个分问卷,经过对2056名大学生的初测和5512名大学生的正式实测,结果发现:(1)师范生教师职业态度成熟度问卷包括内在取向、确定性、独立性和外在取向四个维度,研究编制的师范生教师职业成熟度问卷具有较好的信效度。(2)一般职业成熟度无法替代师范生教师职业成熟度的测量结果。与非师范生相比,师范生在师范生教师职业成熟度问卷上的得分更高,师范生教师职业成熟度随年级升高呈增长趋势。这些结果对于师范生教师职业成熟度问卷的构想效度提供了较好的支持。  相似文献   

Gender differences in 401 college students' career maturity were investigated. Quantitative measures included career-mature attitudes, career decision-making skills, and vocational congruence. Analyses revealed that female students scored significantly higher than did male students on each of the career maturity measures (p < .005). Nearly one third of the students (n = 128) were also interviewed. Qualitative analyses of the interviews revealed that the perception of barriers may serve as a motivating force in many students' career development. Findings suggest that current theories of career development may be lacking in their application to many of today's college students. Ideas for future research on the perception of barriers to career attainment are discussed.  相似文献   

Existing theories of career development are based primarily on observations of White, middle-class men. This has prompted many writers to question the validity of these theories and to consider the development of a separate theory of career development for women. But before a separate theory can be justified, it must be established that sex differences in the career development process do exist. The purpose of this study was twofold: first, to determine if sex differences exist in the way six independent variables interact in a causal model of career maturity, and, second, to compare the relative strengths of each variable's effect on career maturity for boys and for girls. The results suggest that, although the basic causal patterns are similar for adolescent boys and girls, significant sex differences exist as well. The observed differences are consistent with Gilligan's hypothesized “relational component of identity.”  相似文献   


This study investigated the relationship between gender, disability and career maturity among 180 college students enrolled in a university in northwestern Pennsylvania. A multivariate analysis of variance yielded a significant main effect for gender, no significant effect for disability, and no significant interaction effect. As compared with males, females demonstrated higher overall levels of career maturity, as well as higher levels of career development knowledge, including knowledge about decision making and the world of work.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of short-term counseling on Career Maturity of tenth-grade students as measured by the Career Maturity Inventory was studied. The Career Maturity Attitude Scale and the Self Appraisal subscale of the Competence Test were administered to a random sample (87 subjects) of tenth-grade students. The subjects whose scores fell below the mean were assigned randomly to experimental and control groups. The experimental group (17 subjects) received special counseling during a short term of 6 wk. Using repeated measures of analysis of variance, a statistically significant interaction was found with both the Self Appraisal subscale scores and the Total scale scores. Results indicate that career maturity as a developmental process can be measured and facilitated through counseling.  相似文献   

大学生职业成熟度的课程干预研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
为探索课程干预对提高大学生职业成熟度的效果,对120名大学生进行了10次共25小时的辅导,使用择业自我效能感(CDMSE)和职业选择态度(VDI)问卷对实验组和对照组实施了前后测量。结果表明:(1)课程干预后,实验组被试的择业自我效能感和择业态度有显著性提高。对照组被试的前后测没有显著性差异;(2)使用协方差分析控制前测影响后,实验组被试的择业自我效能感和择业态度显著高于对照组;(3)课程干预能够有效提高大学生的职业成熟度。  相似文献   

大学生生涯成熟状况及与自我同一性关系研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
"职业生涯规划"教育在各高校受到极大关注,但辅导成效甚微,缺少实证研究、缺乏针对性是其深入拓展的障碍.本研究采用自编的<生涯成熟度量表>,测查大学生生涯成熟特点及与自我同一性关系,结果表明:大学生生涯发展的总体水平不是很高;受性别、年级、父母期望、兼职经验等因素影响;不同自我同一性地位大学生的生涯成熟状况存在差异.  相似文献   

The multidimensional assessment of career decision problems as measured by the Career Decision Diagnostic Assessment (CDDA; Bansberg & Sklare, 1986) is described, and the CDDA is evaluated for reliability, validity, and factor structure with a sample of 844 students from three universities. Results supported the reliability and validity of the CDDA as a measure of psychological blocks to career decision making. Preliminary normative scores for university students are presented. Recommendations for improving the CDDA and for using the CDDA in career counseling are discussed.  相似文献   

Most clients are in committed relationships in which both partners are engaged in paid employment, yet counselors have not readily shifted to “couples-oriented” career assessment. This article is devoted to addressing this problem and (a) reviews general approaches to career assessment focused on the individual and provides recommendations for revising these assessment strategies to better fit couples, (b) examines the limited literature on couples-oriented career assessment including strategies to analyze the impact of workplace and social policies on families, and (c) outlines implications for practice, theory, training, and research.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of career counseling on a juvenile offender population (N = 22). Results indicated the intervention produced significantly higher levels of career maturity and self‐efficacy for the treatment group compared with a control group.  相似文献   

大学生职业成熟度结构及问卷编制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
研究通过文献综述、开放式调查、专家咨询和样本预测的统计分析等提出了大学生职业成熟度的理论构想,以此为基础自编了大学生职业成熟度问卷,并对正式问卷调查结果进行了探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析,结果表明:大学生职业成熟度主要包括职业知识和职业态度两个维度;研究所构建的大学生职业成熟度理论结构比较合理,编制的大学生职业成熟度问卷是一个具有较好信度和效度的测量工具,可以为进一步研究提供依据与基础。  相似文献   

本研究基于生涯发展理论探讨了主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难的关系,以及职业生涯探索与职业成熟度的中介效应。以接受了专业培训的心理学专业研究生为主试,采用主动性人格量表、职业生涯探索量表、职业成熟度量表和大学生职业决策困难量表对647名大学生进行研究。结果显示:主动性人格影响大学生职业决策困难的路径有四条,(1)主动性人格对大学生职业决策困难具有直接负向预测作用;(2)职业生涯探索在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起中介作用;(3)职业成熟度在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起中介作用;(4)职业生涯探索和职业成熟度在主动性人格与大学生职业决策困难之间起链式中介作用。因此,主动性人格不仅会直接影响大学生职业决策困难,还会通过职业生涯探索与职业成熟度间接影响大学生职业决策困难。  相似文献   

An assessment scale of career concepts found to be reliably related with vocational sophistication is developed. With the renewed emphasis in CETA programs for youth-employment counseling efforts, the relative prevocational maturity of those seeking our services can be an element in deriving baseline data from which the efficacy of vocational counseling services can be judged.  相似文献   

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