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Two experiments investigated the use of equal division as a social decision heuristic in a group resource-sharing task. We proposed that group members use equality as a decision heuristic to the extent that environmental cues making the rule salient are present and to the extent that competing cues are absent. In Study 1, subjects were provided with justification for being the first group member to withdraw resources from a common pool. The results showed that subjects for whom the justification was prototypical of resource-sharing situations were more likely to violate equality than were subjects with nonprototypical justifications. Study 2 investigated the extent to which arbitrary role assignments within a group affect choice behavior. As predicted, subjects assigned the role of "supervisor" made resource requests that exceeded an equal share, whereas subjects assigned the roles of either "leader" or "guide" made choices that corresponded almost precisely with equal division. Our results underscore the importance of examining implicit knowledge structures about resource-sharing situations and their implications for choice.  相似文献   

Earliest childhood memories (EMs) have been utilized as expressions of relationship paradigms, but few empirical studies have been conducted. This study outlines the construction and development of an EM relationship scoring system and scale utilizing nonclinical and clinical samples. It was hypothesized that relationship episodes could be reliably coded using EMs and that they would demonstrate convergent validity with measures of attachment style (Separation-Individuation Test of Adolescence), mood (Profile of Mood States), and clinical symptomatology (Symptom Checklist 90-Revised [SCL-90-R] and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory [MMPI]). The hypotheses received broad support. Findings indicate that relationship episodes may be reliably coded from EMs. Associations between individual EM variables, the EM relationship scale, and objective measures suggest that the quality of relationships expressed in EMs is associated with degree of general maladjustment. Suggestions for further research are discussed.  相似文献   

Despite the increase in popularity of prenatal genetic testing, relatively little is known about the role psychological factors play in the decision-making process. In this analogue study, a sample of Italian female university students was used to investigate determining factors that predict the intention of undergoing prenatal genetic testing. Structural Equation Modelling was used to describe the dynamic interplay between knowledge, beliefs, attitudes and health-related behaviour such as prenatal genetic testing. Following the Theory of Reasoned Action, three dimensions predicted the intention to undergo prenatal genetic testing: the need for more scientific information, a positive attitude towards genetic testing, and the inclination to terminate pregnancy after receiving a positive test result. Results showed that less religious women tended to be more in favour of prenatal tests and in undertaking such tests. This preliminary study provides genetic counsellors and policy makers with a clearer picture of their clients’ motives and attitudes behind the decision-making process of prenatal genetic testing, contributing to improving both the communication process between counsellors and their clients and the organization of genetic services.  相似文献   

This article presents the results of a study among 273 supervisors regarding the early retirement of older subordinates. The assumption is that attitudes of supervisors will stimulate early retirement in downsizing organizations and organizations where the employees are exposed to physical pressures. Next, the performance of older employees and supervisors' expectations regarding future performance are deemed important. The results show that supervisors are not in favor of encouraging large numbers of older employees to continue working until official retirement age (65 years). The results suggest that supervisors' attitudes are only weakly influenced by overall corporate goals, such as achieving a younger work force and decreasing employment, and that expectations regarding the loss of human capital and health and sickness absenteeism are important in retirement/retention recommendations.  相似文献   

The Netherlands is aging, the labor force participation of older men and women is low, particularly seen in an international perspective. At the same time the massive departure of elderly from the labor force seems to be becoming more and more difficult to afford. In addition, the question arises whether sufficient financial support will be available in the future for maintaining the current level of old age facilities. Despite the popularity of early retirement schemes in the Netherlands, little attention has been paid to the factors underlying this phenomenon. This article takes an initial step towards a multivariate modelling of the older employees' decision to retire early. Compared with other countries, the situation in the Netherlands is special to the extent that there is relatively little variation in the situational context of rules and regulations on voluntary early retirement. This does not imply that the opportunity structure is the same for every older employee: There is variation in the household context, state of health, the organizational context, and the normative context. Furthermore, within a given opportunity structure, there is variation in the older employee's disposition towards early retirement. Using a method of decreasing abstraction, data have been analyzed from a survey conducted among civil servants eligible for early retirement. In the case of the Netherlands, we conclude that mainly the organizational context, the normative context, and the employee's disposition towards retirement play a major role in explaining the early retirement decision. In comparison to former studies in the U.S., we find surprisingly no effect of the financial-economic variables on the decision to retire.  相似文献   

120名在校孤儿影响学习的心理因素调查研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李国强  郑力 《心理科学》2004,27(2):402-403
本文研究120名在校孤儿影响其学习的儿项心理因素情况.录川问卷测验法和个案调查法,结果表明:孤儿的智力水平、心理健康水平低于同龄正常儿童,提高学习能力较差,问题行为较多,但在校学习方法、与教师关系较好。  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the connection between narcissism and sensitivity to criticism. In study 1, participants completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Sensitivity to Criticism Scale (SCS) and were asked to construct and deliver speeches to be rated by performance judges. They were then asked whether they would like to receive evaluative feedback. Narcissism and sensitivity to criticism were mildly, but not significantly, negatively correlated and had contrasting relationships with choices regarding feedback. Highly narcissistic participants tended to seek (rather than avoid) feedback, whereas highly sensitive participants tended to reject feedback opportunities. Study 2 examined the relationship between sensitivity to criticism and both overt and covert narcissism. Those scoring high on the trait narcissism, as measured by the NPI, tended to be less sensitive to criticism, sought (rather than avoided) feedback opportunities, experienced little internalized negative emotions in response to “extreme” feedback conditions, and did not expect to ruminate over their performance. By contrast, participants scoring high on a measure of “covert narcissism” were high in sensitivity to criticism, tended to avoid feedback opportunities, experienced high levels of internalized negative emotions, and showed high levels of expected rumination. These findings suggest that the relationship between narcissism and sensitivity to criticism is highly dependent upon the definition or “form” of narcissism considered.  相似文献   

Two studies investigated the connection between narcissism and sensitivity to criticism. In study 1, participants completed the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) and the Sensitivity to Criticism Scale (SCS) and were asked to construct and deliver speeches to be rated by performance judges. They were then asked whether they would like to receive evaluative feedback. Narcissism and sensitivity to criticism were mildly, but not significantly, negatively correlated and had contrasting relationships with choices regarding feedback. Highly narcissistic participants tended to seek (rather than avoid) feedback, whereas highly sensitive participants tended to reject feedback opportunities. Study 2 examined the relationship between sensitivity to criticism and both overt and covert narcissism. Those scoring high on the trait narcissism, as measured by the NPI, tended to be less sensitive to criticism, sought (rather than avoided) feedback opportunities, experienced little internalized negative emotions in response to “extreme” feedback conditions, and did not expect to ruminate over their performance. By contrast, participants scoring high on a measure of “covert narcissism” were high in sensitivity to criticism, tended to avoid feedback opportunities, experienced high levels of internalized negative emotions, and showed high levels of expected rumination. These findings suggest that the relationship between narcissism and sensitivity to criticism is highly dependent upon the definition or “form” of narcissism considered.  相似文献   

解军 《心理科学》2001,24(5):634-635
依据发展心理学的理论,在对儿童个体发展起作用的遗传、环境、教育等三个方面中,教育是起决定作用的,在学前时期和小学阶段,儿童的心理刚刚开始发展,生理机能发育没有定型,外界对儿童的身心成长影响极大,尤其是家庭教育和学校教育的影响极其重大。这两方面教育适当与否就会看到儿童心理健康的状况如何。所以儿童的心理健康问题也必须首先从教育的角度去研究和引导。  相似文献   

赵崇莲  李宏翰  王玲 《心理科学》2003,26(3):430-432
探索了影响中学生成就目标各因素间的相互关系及其对学业成绩的影响,并就此提出一个中学生学业活动的简洁模式。(1)中学生的认知参与和能力知觉、成就目标之间极显著正相关,学业焦虑和认知参与、能力知觉、成就目标之间显著负相关;两成就目标间的相关不显著;(2)能力知觉、认知参与、学业焦虑是学业成绩的有效预测因子。  相似文献   

The phenomenon of spiritual bypass has received limited attention in the transpersonal psychology and counseling literature and has not been subjected to empirical inquiry. This study examines the phenomenon of spiritual bypass by considering how spirituality, mindfulness, alexithymia (emotional restrictiveness), and narcissism work together to influence depression and anxiety among college students. Results suggested that mindfulness and alexithymia accounted for variance in depression beyond what is accounted for by spirituality and that all 3 factors (mindfulness, alexithymia, and narcissism) accounted for variance in anxiety beyond what is accounted for by spirituality. Implications for counselors are provided.  相似文献   

影响大学生人际关系主观因素的初步研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
赵崇莲  郑涌  李宏翰  张建梅 《心理科学》2006,29(6):1431-1433
用自编的大学生人际关系主观因素问卷对800名1-4年级本科生进行调查。结果表明,影响大学生人际关系的主观因素涉及人际安全、人际疑虑、人际张力和人际报复;大学生的人际安全因子得分为3.86,人际张力、人际疑虑和人际报复因子得分和总均分在1.8-2.6之间;人际张力、人际疑虑、人际报复因子存在显著的年级差异(p<0.01);男生在人际报复因子上的得分明显高于女生;理科生的人际张力、人际报复和主观因素总均分显著高于文科生,人际安全因子得分显著低于文科生。表明大学生的人际安全感较强,人际交往和相处中的负性体验较弱,但存在年级、性别、专业等方面的差异。  相似文献   

中国文化有着辉煌的历史,其中先秦文化决策思想的精华确是十分宝贵的精神遗产,如整体系统思想、依存互变思想、平衡和谐思想、预测思想、重视人与实践的思想等,对于我们在实验室建设决策管理中开阔思路、分析研究问题和指导工作实践,提高实验室建设决策水平将有所裨益。  相似文献   


运用Nvivo12 Plus软件,通过对25名医生、6.8万字访谈资料三级编码的分析,发现影响医生身份建构的6个因素是:医生人格、身份认同、职业认知、职业成长、职业能力和职业压力。健全的性格心理是医生身份建构的人格要求;高度的身份认同是医生身份建构的心理基础;深刻的职业认知是医生身份建构的起点;持续的职业成长是医生身份建构的路径;突出的职业能力是医生身份构建的核心;应对复杂的职业压力是医生身份建构的策略。医生的身份建构需要从性格心理、情感态度、医学道德、医学教育、终身学习、学科交流、技术能力和尊重能力等方面切入培养。


The authors compared the career considerations of a group of Asian American college students (52 men and 72 women) with a comparison group of Caucasian students (95 men and 151 women) using an Occupations List. The results revealed that Asian American students were more likely to have considered Investigative occupations and less likely to have considered Enterprising and Conventional occupations than were the Caucasian students. There were also differences in the career considerations of the two racial groups in terms of the prestige level and gender traditionality of the occupations. The implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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