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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived parenting styles and urban adolescents' learning and studying strategies. The results revealed that those adolescents who perceived their parents as being authoritative tended to engage in more effective learning and study strategies. Implications are discussed for counselors and teachers using this information as a fostering tool in their work with urban adolescents.  相似文献   

Studies of the prevalence and impact of aggression among school-age children and adolescents document the pervasiveness of bully-victim problems and indicate clear linkages between bully-victim problems, psychological distress, and, in rare instances, lethal attacks on perceived tormentors or towards the self. Evidence is slowly accumulating to show how well-conceived school-based strategies can be effective in addressing bully-victim problems—if implemented and sustained. However, anecdotal evidence suggests many comprehensive school-based initiatives suffer from incomplete implementation, resulting in limited effectiveness. We propose that multiple factors nested within different levels of social ecological complexity (e.g., individual, school, community, and culture) limit the widespread use of schoolwide approaches to reducing bully–victim–bystander problems. Challenges arise at each of these levels and can potentially thwart efforts to produce meaningful changes in the problems of peer victimization in and around school. Drawing from efforts to implement and evaluate bully–victim–bystander programs, we describe a core set of potential barriers at each ecological level and offer possible strategies for action.  相似文献   


Two experimental studies were carried out in order to find within-subject consistencies as individual differences in a concurrent choice situation simulating risk-taking. In a first experiment, six adults were exposed to different values of probability and numbers of reinforcement in a task involving betting on two simultaneous horse races displayed on a microcomputer monitor. In the second experiment, two subjects were exposed to a within-session replication of the first experiment. The results in both experiments support the reliability of within-subject consistencies when experimental tasks are built as open contingencies. The conceptual and experimental implications of the data are discussed in relation to the study of personality.


提取练习效应是指在学习与最终测验之间,等长时间的提取练习与重复学习相比,前者更能促进长时记忆的保持,也称为测试效应。大量研究表明提取测试是一种高效的学习策略,师生却对此认识不足,认为测试只是检测学习效果的评估工具,并不能改变或促进学习。本文主要从提取练习促进学习的认知神经加工机制、提取练习在实践应用中的特点、提高提取练习效应的方法及其在教学实践中的局限四方面梳理了相关研究,为提取练习广泛应用于教学实践提供支持,同时也为师生正确高效利用这一策略提供了参考,使学生获得更高效和持久的学习。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

采用青少年生活事件问卷、大五人格量表和自编中学生吸烟行为调查问卷对2415名中学生进行问卷调查。结果发现:压力与青少年吸烟行为显著正相关,大五人格的开放性、宜人性与青少年吸烟行为显著负相关;大五人格的宜人性在压力对青少年吸烟行为的影响中起调节作用;性别在压力对青少年吸烟行为的影响中起调节作用。  相似文献   

The current study was designed to test specific hypotheses associated with W. J. Lyddon and A. Sherry's (2001) attachment theory model of developmental personality styles. More specifically, 4 adult attachment dimensions were correlated with 10 personality scales on the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory‐III (T. Millon, R. Davis, & C. Millon, 1997) with a sample of 273 men and women. Findings indicated that the adult attachment dimensions were able to predict 7 of the 10 personality styles.  相似文献   

Qualitative methods were used to develop a contextually relevant quantitative measure of parenting stress and inform the design of family-focused interventions aimed at preventing adolescent mental and behavioral health problems. The study focused on the experiences of low-income one- and two-parent families representing three ethnic groups (Mexican, African, and European Americans) living in low-income neighborhoods in a large Southwestern city. This report describes the place of this study in a broader program of prevention research, the qualitative methods and data analysis procedures employed, and how the results were used to develop a new measure of parenting stress and inform future program design. The report also includes reflective comments on the methods used and lessons gained.  相似文献   

This study obtained feedback from intimate partner abuse survivors (N = 104) regarding helpful and unhelpful aspects of therapy. The survivors’ narrative accounts and answers to quantitative questions were subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis. Results suggest that survivors sought therapy to understand themselves and the abuse they endured. Clinicians’ diagnoses of codependency or assertions that survivors chose the relationship weakened the therapeutic alliance and reduced the perceived helpfulness of therapy.  相似文献   

This article proposes the implementation of the occupational therapy Kawa (Japanese for river) model to promote “culturally relevant” client-centered care for combat and operational stress control services provided in the military context. Currently, the occupational therapy literature lacks a culturally sensitive approach to address the military service members’ experiences with combat and operational stress. A review of the Kawa model features are provided within a case study for a military service member affected by combat and operational stress. This theoretical article offers a pragmatic method for infusing occupational therapy theory to address the cultural aspects of military service members in recovery.  相似文献   

Through a national survey, Roman Catholic deacons (n = 1349) and men in spiritual formation for the diaconate, called candidates (n = 205), completed on-line measures of personality dimensions (i.e., HEXACO-60) and transformational leadership, as well as demographic variables. Results indicated that for both candidates and deacons, personality dimensions of agreeableness and conscientiousness were the most important variables for predicting transformational leadership styles. For deacons only, higher levels of honesty/humility, extraversion, and openness to experience also led to higher transformational leadership styles. Adding demographic variables as co-variates (age, years in a parish, number of children, and number of families in a parish) in the models did not seem to affect the predictive models; however, years in formation (for candidates) and years as a deacon did affect servant leadership style. Implications for the personality and leadership attributes of Catholic “married clergy” are discussed.  相似文献   

Based on recent evidence, this study identified 10 strategies advocated by sport psychology consultants as effective at developing and maintaining robust sport-confidence in athletes. Due to the study's exploratory nature, qualitative interviews were conducted and content analyzed. Six themes emerged for developing robust sport-confidence and 4 emerged for maintaining robust sport-confidence. Findings reveal a need to develop an athlete's signature strengths, increase pressure experienced in training, and identify broad stable sources of confidence to develop robust sport-confidence. Consultants reported that maintaining robust sport-confidence occurs through constant development. Theoretical implications and future research directions are discussed.  相似文献   

A videotaped psychotherapy analogue compared psychology trainees' (n = 67) and undergraduate non-therapists' (n = 115) perceptions of three theoretically derived questioning styles: Socratic disputation in Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), solution focused questioning (e.g. the miracle question), and diagnostic interviewing. Non-therapists rated REBT and diagnostic styles more highly than psychology trainees. All subjects rated solution focused questioning more highly than both other styles, perceiving it as more collaborative and conducive to the client's independent thinking. The constructs of collaborative empiricism and solution focused cooperation are discussed in relation to findings. The study also compared psychology trainees' and non-therapists' Big Five personality profiles, a topic which has not previously been addressed in the literature. Psychology trainees were higher in Big Five Openness and Agreeableness than non-therapists. Openness was negatively associated with ratings for solution focused and diagnostic questioning styles, replicating findings of previous analogue studies, in which undergraduate subjects preferred straightforward approaches to therapy.  相似文献   

This study examined 72 women's retrospectively reported reactions to miscarriage, including depression, stress, and anxiety. The buffering role of women's attributional explanations for the event, the significance of the loss of the baby, coping strategies, and women's knowledge of miscarriage were also assessed. Correlational analyses revealed that women's attributions were tied to their reactions, in that the more women blamed their own character or doctor, the more severely they reacted. Coping strategies accounted for a large portion of the variance (64%), whereby women who used cognitive restructuring as a strategy suffered less adverse reactions than did those who used social withdrawal or wishrul thinking. Women's knowledge before miscarriage, rather than after, accounted for 6% of the variance in their reactions. Examining the interrelations of these variables revealed that the amount of women's knowledge before miscarriage was related to less wishful thinking, and their knowledge after the event was related to less problem avoidance. Women's attributions were also related to their coping strategies: Blaming one's character, behavior, or doctor were positively related to self-criticism and social withdrawal, and negatively related to support from doctors and significant others. The implications of these findings for interventions to facilitate adjustment to miscarriage and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

采用父母教养方式评价量表、大五人格量表和威廉姆斯创造性倾向测验,测量了311名初高中生及大学生的父母教养方式、人格与创造性,并对其关系进行考察。结果发现:(1)父母温暖、理解与其子女创造性倾向显著正相关,父亲过分干涉和母亲拒绝否认与其子女创造性倾向显著正相关;(2)开放性和外倾性人格在父母教养方式与创造性倾向之间起中介作用。研究探讨了教养方式、人格与创造性之间的关系以及对父母养育子女的启示。  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine differences in anxiety and depression related to differences in attachment models of the self and of others and whether personality traits mediate this relationship. The authors assessed attachment styles, anxiety, depression, and personality traits among 274 adult volunteers. Participants were classified into 4 attachment groups (secure, preoccupied, fearful, and dismissing–avoidant) according to K. Bartholomew's (1990) Bartholomew, K. 1990. Avoidance of intimacy: An attachment perspective. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 7: 147178. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] model. The present authors found significant differences among attachment groups on anxiety and depressive symptoms with attachment styles involving a negative self-model showing higher scores than attachment styles characterized by a positive self-model. The authors also found that differences between attachment styles in anxiety and depression remained significant when personality factors related to attachment prototypes were entered as covariates. Results indicate that secure attachment in adults was associated with better mental health, while insecure attachment styles characterized by negative thinking about the self were associated with higher depression and anxiety scores. Our findings seem to evidence that attachment and personality are only partly overlapping and that attachment cannot be considered as redundant with personality in the explanation of psychological disease.  相似文献   

This article presents a computational model of the learning of diagnostic knowledge, based on observations of human operators engaged in real-world troubleshooting tasks. We present a model of problem solving and learning in which the reasoner introspects about its own performance on the problem-solving task, identifies what it needs to learn to improve its performance, formulates learning goals to acquire the required knowledge, and pursues its learning goals using multiple learning strategies. The model is implemented in a computer system which provides a case study based on observations of troubleshooting operators and protocol analysis of the data gathered in the test area of an operational electronics manufacturing plant. The model not only addresses issues in human learning, but, in addition, is computationally justified as a uniform, extensible framework for multistrategy learning.  相似文献   

The relationship between validity measures of the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI; Morey, 1991) and homelessness was investigated in this archival study. Two groups (N = 50) of compensation-seeking adults were included: homeless and domiciled. The purpose of the study was to determine if differences existed between these 2 groups on the validity measures of the PAI to inform the clinical evaluations of the compensation-seeking homeless. Results of independent sample t tests indicated no significant differences between the homeless and domiciled groups on the 4 validity scales and 2 additional indexes of exaggerated responding (Malingering Index [Morey, 1996] and Rogers Discriminant Function [Rogers, Sewell, Morey, & Ustad, 1996]). Results suggested the compensation-seeking homeless have similar elevations on the PAI validity indexes as domiciled groups seeking compensation.  相似文献   

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