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20世纪的美国现象学心理学简评   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
伍麟 《心理科学》2004,27(1):239-240
20世纪中叶逐步形成与发展的美国现象学心理学以胡塞尔现象学为哲学基础,总体上体现为一种内源性研究取向,强调反思和描述人的心理现象的结构与意义,主张发展作为人文科学的心理学,坚持把“生活世界”作为心理学研究的重要根基,重视意识“意向性”的心理学价值,发展特有的心理学研究程序与方法。处于非主流心理学地位的美国现象学心理学对心理学的发展产生了一定贡献,但其影响又是有限的。  相似文献   

This article investigates federal district court decision making in First Amendment lawsuits concerning religious expression and public forums. As trial courts, district courts are the first to adjudicate claims concerning religious speech in public places and thus they determine whether a public forum is open to expression in general, as well as grant or deny access to that forum for a religious speaker. With a comprehensive database of all district court cases concerning religious expression and public forum doctrine, we use logistic regression to measure the significance of several legal and extra-legal variables in order to explain district court outcomes.  相似文献   

We examine the relationship between demographics and adherence to certain religious traditions within American Christianity. Starting with Niebuhr's Social Sources of Denominationalism , we interact with a long scholarly tradition that connects demographics and religious groups, particularly the abiding "class-sect" relationship. Included in this literature are works by Roof and McKinney (1987), and the particular profiles of evangelicals by Hunter (1983) and more recently by Smith et al. (1998). Findings indicate slow convergence on certain demographics highlighted by Niebuhr (social class, region, population size), and slow divergence on other demographics (age, percent female, percent married, number of children). Contrary to previous research, evangelical Protestantism is not very distinct demographically; however, black Protestantism is, and this reflects the continued demographic significance of race. Our findings lead us to question accepted theoretical links between demographics and religious groups. We end with some preliminary recommendations for future theorizing in this area.  相似文献   

We investigate whether there is a relationship between religious affiliation and child mortality among indigenous and nonindigenous groups in Chiapas, México. Our analysis relies on Brass-type estimates of child mortality by ethnicity and religious affiliation and multivariate analyses that adjust for various socioeconomic and demographic factors. The data are from the 2000 Mexican Census 10 percent sample. Among indigenous people, Presbyterians have lower rates of child mortality than Catholics. However, no significant differentials are found in child mortality by religious affiliation among nonindigenous people. The indigenous health ministry of the Presbyterian Church and the social and cultural transformations that tend to accompany religious conversion may have an impact on child survival among disadvantaged populations such as the indigenous people in Chiapas.  相似文献   

Clergy have an undeniable ability to shape the political beliefs and attitudes of their congregations and thus revealing how the framing activities of clergy affect behavior and influence mobilization is vital for political sociology. This ethnographic work delineates how, in 1972, the Second Baptist Church of Evanston's new pastor initiated a rapid change from social conservatism to become one of the most politically and socially active African–American Baptist churches in the Midwest. Second Baptist's radical change confirms the power of religious elites in shaping politics in spiritual institutions, and also demonstrates the vital impact of professional socialization on the theological and political orientations of clergy.  相似文献   

20世纪中国史学:特点和趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于沛 《学海》2001,(4):38-43
20世纪历史剧变,对中国史学发展产生了深刻的影响,使之表现出明显的特点中国史学的发展是和中国社会的发展紧紧地联系在一起的,史学理论研究是中国历史学的重要组成部分,20世纪中国史学的主要成就,首先是理论上的成就.这些特点也是中国史学的优点,规定了新世纪中国史学的发展趋势.今日的中国正处在一场深刻的社会变革之中,历史研究不仅面临着尖锐的挑战,而且也面临着难得的发展机遇.  相似文献   

张晓东 《学海》2007,3(3):51-56
准则功利主义与行为功利主义围绕行为的功利标准等问题展开了长期的理论争论。两派的争论打破了元伦理学此前的一统天下,推进了当代功利主义伦理学的发展;但这只是功利主义伦理学同一理论谱系的内部争论,它没有也不可能超出旧功利主义的传统理论基地。唯物史观在深刻揭示、批判功利主义理论之资产阶级道德意识形态本质的同时,在正确理解的功利基础上,实现了对新旧功利主义的理论超越。  相似文献   

冯友兰先生在《新理学》开头就说 :此书“是‘接着’宋明以来底理学讲底 ,而不是‘照着’宋明以来底理学讲底”。冯先生在《中国现代哲学史》中又说 :“新的现代化的中国哲学 ,只能是用近代逻辑学的成就 ,分析中国传统哲学中的概念 ,使那些似乎是含混不清的概念明确起来 ,这就是‘接着讲’与‘照着讲’的分别。” (冯友兰 :《中国现代哲学史》 ,广东人民出版社 1 999年版 ,第 2 0 0页 )张立文教授也在《中国人民大学学报》 2 0 0 0年第 2期上发表了题为《中国哲学 :从“照着讲”、“接着讲”、到“自己讲”》的文章。笔者受冯、张两先生的启…  相似文献   

龚隽 《世界哲学》2004,(2):34-37,50
毗邻中国的日本佛教和以佛教学说为基础而建构哲学系统的京都学派的哲人们,在20世纪上半叶风云变幻的世界格局中,为了对抗西方启蒙以来现代性的压力和挑战,为他们的思想赋予了具有相当倾向性的意识形态策略。他们从佛教的传统中学习到了一些  相似文献   

How do religious denominations select potential adherents? Previous literature indicates that market niches direct this decision, yet few studies examine how religious groups determine their niche. Analyzing annual reports and periodicals of Reform and Conservative Jewish organizations from 1910 to 1955, I find that the two denominations responded differently to the mass influx of Jewish immigrants at the turn of the 20th century. Compared to the Conservative organization, which openly welcomed new immigrants, the Reform organization actively chose not to recruit them. Reform statements make it clear that this decision was a result of how working‐class, Eastern European immigrants threatened their American‐centered organizational identity. This finding suggests that religious institutions carefully consider their organizational identity based on nativity, ethnicity, and social class when determining whom to include in their market niche.  相似文献   

In the encyclopedicPsychology of the 20th Century three volumes are relevant to the work of I. P. Pavlov, his predecessors, contemporaries, and followers. Volume 1 (1976) provides an extensive account of the history of non-introspective, “objective” psychology. In Volume 4 (1977), examined in this review and consisting of sections on “Theories of Learning” and “Behavior Modification,” separate chapters are devoted to Pavlov’s life and work, and its continuation in the Soviet Union. Classical conditioning is considered in the context of S-R learning theories, interaction with operant conditioning, and development of behavior therapy. Additional materials are likely to be presented in Volume 6 (to be published) dealing with animal psychology, ethology, and physiological psychology.  相似文献   

20世纪全球卫生发展的回顾与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
20世纪人类的健康状况发生了革命性的转变,同时也面临着前所未有的挑战。疾病谱的改变及人口寿命的延长以及医疗费用的上涨仍然是困扰各国决策者的难题,卫生发展与改革任重道远。完善健康保障体系最理想的选择方案是政府为居民“购买”基本卫生服务,由国家财政和居民共同承担保险基金,普及初级卫生保健,鼓励多种形式办医,WHO确定的卫生工作目标是各成员国卫生系统改革与发展的指导方针。  相似文献   

Book reviewed:
New Religious Movements in the 21st Century: Legal, Political and Social Challenges in Global perspective , Philip Charles Lucas and Thomas Robbins (eds), Routledge 2004 (0-415-96576-4), 364 pp., pb £19.99  相似文献   

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