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We argue that there is no metaphysically possible world with two or more omnipotent beings, due to the potential for conflicts of will between them. We reject the objection that omnipotent beings could exist in the same world when their wills could not conflict. We then turn to Alfred Mele and M.P. Smith’s argument that two coexisting beings could remain omnipotent even if, on some occasions, their wills cancel each other out so that neither can bring about what they intend. We argue that this argument has an absurd consequence, namely having to regard an utterly powerless being as omnipotent.  相似文献   

We examined whether two memories can be retrieved concurrently from long-term memory. In Experiment 1, the subjects recalled words, either from two categories—alternating between the two—or from just one category. In Experiment 2, the subjects recalled two words belonging to either the same category or different categories, and the category prompts for these two responses appeared either simultaneously or successively. The results of both studies are consistent with the view that two items from different categories must be retrieved serially, whereas two items from the same category can be retrieved in parallel.  相似文献   

Two experiments demonstrate that 14‐ to 18‐month‐old toddlers can adaptively change how they categorize a set of objects within a single session, and that this ability is related to vocabulary size. In both experiments, toddlers were presented with a sequential touching task with objects that could be categorized either according to some perceptually salient dimension corresponding to a taxonomic distinction (e.g. animals vs. vehicles) or to some less obvious dimension (e.g. rigid vs. deformable). In each experiment, children with larger productive vocabularies responded to both dimensions, showing evidence of sensitivity to each way of categorizing the items. Children with smaller productive vocabularies attended only to the taxonomically related categorical grouping. These experiments confirm that toddlers can adaptively shift the basis of their categorization and highlight the dynamic interaction between the child and the current task in early categorization.  相似文献   

In the present study, the persistence of personal false memories (FMs) after social feedback that denies their truth was assessed. Participants imitated actions performed by the experimenter (Session 1) and watched a doctored video with performed and critical “fake” actions (Session 2), followed by a memory rating and a recognition task. A few days later (Session 3), participants were clearly told that some memories were false and received daily reminders of the correct list of objects/actions before testing their memory again in Session 4. Results of both memory ratings and recognition indicated effective FM implantation. Interestingly, response times for correct rejections were longer for fake than true objects, suggesting participants struggled to ignore false suggestions. Crucial for our aim, Session 4 showed that FM persisted also after the debriefing and repeated presentations of correct list of objects/actions, suggesting that FMs for actions are rather difficult to discard.  相似文献   

Ono H  Shimono K  Saida S  Ujike H 《Perception》2000,29(4):421-436
We examined Wheatstone's (1838 Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 128 371-394) claim that images falling on retinally corresponding points can be seen in two different directions, in violation of Hering's law of identical visual direction. Our analyses showed that random-dot stereograms contain stimulus elements that are conceptually equivalent to the line stimuli in the stereogram from which Wheatstone made his claim. Our experiment demonstrated that two lines embedded in a random-dot stereogram appeared in two different directions when they stimulated retinally corresponding points, if the disparity gradient value of the lines was infinity relative to adjacent elements. To ensure that the two lines stimulated corresponding points, observers made vergence eye movements while maintaining the perception of the two lines in two different directions.  相似文献   

Bogardus  Tomas 《Philosophia》2022,50(4):1639-1664
Philosophia - What is a woman? The definition of this central concept of feminism has lately become especially controversial and politically charged. “Ameliorative Inquirists” have...  相似文献   

Philosophical Studies - Significant variations in the way objects appear across different viewing conditions pose a challenge to the view that they have some true, determinate color. This view...  相似文献   

View combination refers to a process that allows generalization to novel views of an object by the combination of object views represented in memory. The present experiments examined whether the perceived similarity between views or the temporal separation of views poses constraints on the view combination process. The results indicated that, although similar views are mapped onto the same object more easily than dissimilar views, dissimilar views, when experienced contiguously in time, produce greater generalization after view combination than similar views. These findings suggest that although the mapping of dissimilar views to the same object is difficult, exposure to temporally contiguous dissimilar views produces better generalization than does exposure to similar views, presumably because they provide more structural information about the object. However, view combination appears to be constrained to views experienced contiguously in time.  相似文献   

Summary The paper argues for a distinction between sensory-and conceptual-information storage in the human information-processing system. Conceptual information is characterized as meaningful and symbolic, while sensory information may exist in modality-bound form. Furthermore, it is assumed that sensory information does not contribute to conscious remembering and can be used only in data-driven process reptitions, which can be accompanied by a kind of vague or intuitive feeling. Accordingly, pure top-down and willingly controlled processing, such as free recall, should not have any access to sensory data. Empirical results from different research areas and from two experiments conducted by the authors are presented in this article to support these theoretical distinctions. The experiments were designed to separate a sensory-motor and a conceptual component in memory for two-digit numbers and two-letter items, when parts of the numbers or items were imaged or drawn on a tablet. The results of free recall and recognition are discussed in a theoretical framework which distinguishes sensory and conceptual information in memory.  相似文献   

Twenty-four university students received differential Pavlovian conditioning with two colored stimuli separately accompanied by shock, and two other colored stimuli separately presented without shock. The reinforced and nonreinforced pairs of stimuli both contained complementary elements. After differentiation between the reinforced and nonreinforced elements was established, the complementary pairs were each additively mixed, (i.e., presented at the same time and in the same locus), producing two identical white compounds (established by pilot study). The subjects’ skin-conductance responses to the two compounds showed that their different conditioning histories did not result in different responses. Rather, a simple declining function was obtained, resembling habituation or extinction. It was concluded that the definition of the conditional stimulus as a physical event is inappropriate in studies in which physically different stimuli may result in identical internal processes (or phenomenologic experiences)—for example, in additive color mixture.  相似文献   

A key epistemological difference between behaviorism and cognitivism concerns their respective attitudes toward the analysis of so-called cognitive processes into functional modules. Behaviorists generally say it is not possible. Cognitivists argue that this is an achievable goal. The question has been concretized by recent developments in brain imaging technology. A consideration of the matter suggests that technical and conceptual difficulties abound in the effort to localize "high-level cognitive functions" in narrowly circumscribed regions of the brain. Some of the most serious involve the ambiguous definition of the putative mental components that are to be localized and the generally unacknowledged nonlinear complexity of both psychological processes and the brain. In addition, the imaging techniques themselves are replete with technical difficulties that raise additional questions about this particular application, even though these wonderful machines can make extraordinary contributions to our knowledge of brain anatomy and physiology. The cumulative implication of these difficulties is that the cognitive approach to the study of scientific psychology has once again set out on a search for a chimera. New approaches to behaviorism may be required to set psychology back on the correct track.  相似文献   

Studies on affordances typically focus on single objects. We investigated whether affordances are modulated by the context, defined by the relation between two objects and a hand. Participants were presented with pictures displaying two manipulable objects linked by a functional (knife-butter), a spatial (knife-coffee mug), or by no relation. They responded by pressing a key whether the objects were related or not. To determine if observing other's actions and understanding their goals would facilitate judgments, a hand was: (a) displayed near the objects; (b) grasping an object to use it; (c) grasping an object to manipulate/move it; (d) no hand was displayed. RTs were faster when objects were functionally rather than spatially related. Manipulation postures were the slowest in the functional context and functional postures were inhibited in the spatial context, probably due to mismatch between the inferred goal and the context. The absence of this interaction with foot responses instead of hands in Experiment 2 suggests that effects are due to motor simulation rather than to associations between context and hand-postures.  相似文献   

In several species, the ability to locate a disappearing object is an adaptive component of predatory and social behaviour. In domestic dogs, spatial memory for hidden objects is primarily based on an egocentric frame of reference. We investigated the geometric components of egocentric spatial information used by domestic dogs to locate an object they saw move and disappear. In experiment 1, the distance and the direction between the position of the animal and the hiding location were put in conflict. Results showed that the dogs primarily used the directional information between their own spatial coordinates and the target position. In experiment 2, the accuracy of the dogs in finding a hidden object by using directional information was estimated by manipulating the angular deviation between adjacent hiding locations and the position of the animal. Four angular deviations were tested: 5, 7.5, 10 and 15°. Results showed that the performance of the dogs decreased as a function of the angular deviations but it clearly remained well above chance, revealing that the representation of the dogs for direction is precise. In the discussion, we examine how and why domestic dogs determine the direction in which they saw an object disappear.  相似文献   

Heider (1958) has suggested that perception aides control and power over that which is perceived. Individuals' belief in this assumption was tested in an interpersonal situation. Subjects were given the expectation that they would be either cooperating or competing with another person in a game. Half of the subjects were lead to believe they would be interviewing their partner or opponent before the game, and half expected to be interviewed. Subjects who expected to interview the other could choose whether or not to see the other person through a one-way mirror. Subjects who expected to be interviewed could choose whether or not they wanted to be seen by the other. As predicted, the tendency to choose to allow perception was strong in all conditions except the condition in which subjects expected to compete with the other and might be seen by him.  相似文献   

Covering up what can't be seen: concealable stigma and mental control.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In these studies the authors examined the effects of concealing a stigma in a social interaction relevant to the stigma. An interview paradigm called for undergraduate female participants who either did or did not have eating disordered characteristics to play the role of someone who did or did not have an eating disorder (ED) while answering stigma-relevant questions. The data suggest that the participants who concealed their stigmas become preoccupied with the control of stigma-relevant thoughts. In Study 1, participants with an ED who role-played not having an ED exhibited more secrecy, suppression, and intrusive thoughts of their ED and more projection of ED-related thoughts onto the interviewer than did those with an ED who role-played someone with an ED or those without an ED who role-played someone without an ED. This finding was replicated in Study 2, and the authors found both increasing accessibility of ED-related words among those participants with concealed stigmas during the interview and high levels of accessibility following the interview.  相似文献   

Analysis of primary process thinking of the same children at kindergarten level and at grade four revealed that amount of primary process thinking was relatively constant with development, contrary to predictions based on psychoanalytic theory. However, the two facets of primary process thinking, i.e., drive related ideation and formal deviations of thought follow different lines of development with the former increasing and the latter decreasing in quality and type with age.  相似文献   

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