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A simple and inexpensive system for coding and recording interaction patterns in small groups is described. It consists of a keyboard and a standard tape recorder, and it is capable of storing sequential data using up to 36 codes. Its main application is in the study of speaker-target patterns, but it can also be used in encoding up to 12 behavioral codes, or six speakers and 6 codes. The keyboard costs less than $200 and is used with conventional tape recorders and minicomputers available at most research sites.  相似文献   

A method for recording the path of a rat during exploration or during a search task in an open field is presented. Its principle relies on the monitoring of the center of gravity of the rat. The open field lies on three strain gauges, on which output signals are sampled at a certain frequency by a digital acquisition system while the rat is walking on the platform. The discrete path is reconstructed off line, and several representative parameters are calculated. Some illustrative results are given.  相似文献   

A system is described involving three tape recorders and a control device whereby dichotic tapes can be prepared with onset alignment accurate to a few milliseconds, or to a measured asynchrony if required. No modifications of any sort are necessary for the three tape recorders. The two channels are separately recorded in the speaker’s own time, the only requirement being that the separate words be spoken with an interword interval of 350 msec or more, to provide sufficient time for starting and stopping the system. A tone burst is placed directly on tape on another channel ahead of each word, the latter being delayed by recording in tandem through two tape recorders. The first recorder is set to the delay (echo, NAB) facility, while the tone is recorded directly on the second. Subsequently, when this is done for each item on the two speech channels, the device, described below. utilizes the tone bursts to align the two input recorders. It then rerecords each pair of words on to the third (output or dichotic) machine, to the desired synchrony/asynchrony, and interitem interval. The system can be left to align the two channels automatically. A maximum repetition rate of two dichotic pairs every 1.3 sec can be achieved with Revox A77 tape recorders.  相似文献   

Currently available methods for the analysis of circadian rhythms provide little help in the evaluation of the circadian rhythm of body temperature because they either assume that the circadian rhythm of body temperature approximates a cosine wave (which for many species is not true) or simply do not address important parameters, such as the amplitude and the shape of the temperature rhythm. The present paper presents methods for the computation and statistical evaluation of the period, amplitude, mean level, and general shape of the circadian rhythm of body temperature. The period is analyzed by the periodogram procedure, whereas the other parameters are analyzed by the histogram method. Both procedures are simple to implement and relatively insensitive to spurious data points. A simplified but fully operational program in BASIC is provided.  相似文献   

Adaptation of a commercially available timer for use as a means of operating an audio tape recorder several times during the day is described. Data on a mother's rates of commanding her children were collected via both physically present observer and recorder methods in order to compare the usefulness of the recordings with direct observation. There was a high positive relationship between observer-recorder command rates, with the observer rates being consistently higher, when data were collected via both methods simultaneously as well as at different points in time.  相似文献   

A technique for recording heart rate (HR) from freely moving rats using a specially developed harness and subdermal electrodes is described. Electrodes are implanted via a hypodermic needle. Animals prepared in this way are unrestricted in their behavior and show no signs of distress. EKG signals are of high fidelity and are relatively free of electromyographic interference. These characteristics enable reliable phasic HR responses to be recorded during periods of high skeletal muscle activity such as those exhibited during aversive conditioning. Since the procedure is relatively untraumatic, electrodes may be removed and reimplanted at a later date.  相似文献   

Performance decrements attributed to mental fatigue have been found to be especially pronounced in tasks that involve the voluntary control of attention. Here we explored whether mental fatigue from prolonged time on task (TOT) also impairs temporal preparation for speeded action in a simple reaction-time task. Temporal preparation is enabled by a warning signal presented before the imperative stimulus and usually results in shorter reaction time (RT). When the delay between warning and imperative stimuli - the foreperiod (FP) - varies between trials, responses are faster with longer FPs. This pattern has been proposed to arise from either voluntary attentional processes (temporal orienting) or automatic trial-to-trial learning (trace conditioning). The former account suggests a selective RT increase on long-FP trials with fatigue; the latter account suggests no such change. Over a work period of 51 min, we found the typical increase in overall RT but no selective RT increase after long FPs. This additivity indicates that TOT-induced mental fatigue generally reduces cognitive efficiency but leaves temporal preparation under time uncertainty unaffected. We consider this result more consistent with the trace-conditioning account of temporal preparation.  相似文献   

An easily constructed telemetry system for measuring deep body temperatures in rodents is described and data collected with the system is presented. The system allows continual monitoring of core temperature without interfering with concomitant behavioral or physiological measurements.  相似文献   

The movement-activated recording monitor (MARM) is a small noninvasive device that continuously detects, accumulates, and stores the amount of motor activity produced during sequential time intervals of designed duration. If motor activity totals are recorded every 15 min, the MARM is capable of calculating and storing 96 data points/day for 5.33 days. The MARM employs large-scale-integrated complementary-metal-oxide integrated circuits. To date, application has been primarily limited to psychiatric investigations, but the MARM is readily applicable for other time-motion studies of human or animal subjects.  相似文献   

Saccade curvature is becoming a popular measure for detecting the presence of competing saccadic motor programs. Several different methods of quantifying saccade curvature have been employed. In the present study, we compared these metrics with each other and with novel measures based on curve fitting. Initial deviation metrics were only moderately associated with the more widely used metric of maximum curvature. The latter was strongly related to a recently developed area-based measure and to the novel methods based on second- and third-order polynomial fits. The curve-fitting methods showed that although most saccades curved in only one direction, there was a population of trajectories with both a maximum and a minimum (i.e., double-curved saccades). We argue that a curvature metric based on a quadratic polynomial fit deals effectively with both types of trajectories and, because it is based on all the samples of a saccade, is less susceptible to sampling noise.  相似文献   

We respond to Isak Svensson's reaction to our article titled “Shrouded: Islam, War, and Holy War in Southeast Asia,” which was published in Volume 53 of the Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.  相似文献   

The internal nature of motor imagery makes the measurement of motor imagery ability a difficult task. In this review, we describe and evaluate existing measures of motor imagery ability. Following Jeannerod (1994, 1997) we define motor imagery in terms of imagined movement from the first person perspective. We describe how explicit motor imagery ability can be measured by questionnaire and mental chronometry, and how implicit motor imagery ability can be measured through prospective action judgement and motorically driven perceptual decision paradigms. Future research should be directed towards a theoretical analysis of motor imagery ability, the improvement of existing questionnaires and the development of new ones, and the standardisation of existing paradigms.  相似文献   

A diagrammatic technique for recording family sessions is presented. The Interaction Chronogram is a visual display system originally devised for use in group psychotherapy by Cox, but can be modified for work with families. The system permits a family session to be summarized diagrammatically and aids review of a family's treatment. A 'diagnostic' and treatment session with one family is presented to illustrate the system's use.  相似文献   

An observational system, which has been developed to facilitate recording of the total behavioral repertoire of autistic children, involves time-sampling recording of behavior with the help of a common Stenograph machine. Categories which exhausted all behavior were defined. Each category corresponded with a designated key on the Stenograph machine. The observer depressed one key at each 1-sec interval. The observer was paced by audible beats from a metronome. A naive observer can be used with this method. The observer is not mechanically limited and a minimum of observer training is required to obtain reliable measures. The data sampled during a five-week observation period indicated the stability of a taxonomic instrument of behavior based upon direct, time-sampling observations and the stability of spontaneous autistic behavior. Results showed that the behavior of the subjects was largely nonrandom and unsocialized in character.  相似文献   

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