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In this study, changes in movement coordination caused by fatigue that developed during repetitive lifting were examined. Five men performed 6 times a 5-min bout of lifting an 8-kg barbell at 15 lifts/min, using two lifting techniques; one minimized trunk rotation (squat lift), and the other minimized rotation in the knee joint (stoop lift). Kinematics and dynamics were studied by means of movement analysis and inverse dynamics, using a two-dimensional linked segment model. Within-subject variation over repetitive lifts of the time course of joint angles was smaller than between-subjects variation on the first analyzed lift. Relative timing between joint rotations did not change significantly across repetitive lifts, except between knee and hip in the squat lift. No change of the lumbosacral torque over repetitive lifts was found. The adaptability of the neural control appeared to be sufficient to accommodate the strong changes of the input-output characteristics of the muscles caused by fatigue so that an essentially constant performance of the movement act was maintained.  相似文献   

In this study, changes in movement coordination caused by fatigue that developed during repetitive lifting were examined. Five men performed 6 times a 5-min bout of lifting an 8-kg barbell at 15 lifts/min, using two lifting techniques; one minimized trunk rotation (squat lift), and the other minimized rotation in the knee joint (stoop lift). Kinematics and dynamics were studied by means of movement analysis and inverse dynamics, using a two-dimensional linked segment model. Within-subject variation over repetitive lifts of the time course of joint angles was smaller than between-subjects variation on the first analyzed lift. Relative timing between joint rotations did not change significantly across repetitive lifts, except between knee and hip in the squat lift. No change of the lumbosacral torque over repetitive lifts was found. The adaptability of the neural control appeared to be sufficient to accommodate the strong changes of the input-output characteristics of the muscles caused by fatigue so that an essentially constant performance of the movement act was maintained.  相似文献   

In this study, the handwriting performances of dysgraphic children were compared to those of proficient children and adults. The task consisted in writing a single word at normal and fast speeds. A distinction was made between two kinds of pauses, which are often confounded: pen lifts, when the pen is above the paper, and pen stops, when it is immobile on the paper. The number and duration of lifts and stops were analyzed, together with the mean velocity. No difference in the number of lifts was observed between the three groups of writers, but the lift durations were shorter for adults. While dysgraphic children were able to write as fast as proficient children, their stops were more numerous and longer than those of proficient children who, themselves, made more stops than adults. A distinction was made between short, normal, and long, abnormal, stops. The results of this study suggest that pen stops are more appropriate than pen lifts in differentiating the handwriting fluency of dysgraphic and proficient children.  相似文献   

Sensorimotor prediction and memory in object manipulation.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
When people lift objects of different size but equal weight, they initially employ too much force for the large object and too little force for the small object. However, over repeated lifts of the two objects, they learn to suppress the size-weight association used to estimate force requirements and appropriately scale their lifting forces to the true and equal weights of the objects. Thus, sensorimotor memory from previous lifts comes to dominate visual size information in terms of force prediction. Here we ask whether this sensorimotor memory is transient, preserved only long enough to perform the task, or more stable. After completing an initial lift series in which they lifted equally weighted large and small objects in alternation, participants then repeated the lift series after delays of 15 minutes or 24 hours. In both cases, participants retained information about the weights of the objects and used this information to predict the appropriate fingertip forces. This preserved sensorimotor memory suggests that participants acquired internal models of the size-weight stimuli that could be used for later prediction.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the negative relationship usually found between reaction time and foreperiod duration in the variable foreperiod paradigm is entirely due to sequential foreperiod effects. It has been shown that when a particular foreperiod has been preceded by a longer one on the previous trial, reaction time is longer than when the preceding foreperiod was equal or shorter. This may be sufficient to explain the increase in reaction time observed for short foreperiods in variable foreperiod conditions.The present results show that, when sequential effects were controlled by the elimination of all trials where the foreperiod was shorter than the preceding one, the negative slope of the reaction time-foreperiod function diminished but did not disappear. The results suggest an interpretation of the role of conditional probability of stimulus arrival in terms of variation in the tendency to reprepare when the moment initially chosen for preparation appears to fall short of the moment at which the stimulus is actually presented.  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of lengthening foreperiod duration (i.e. the time between the presentation of a warning signal and a subsequent target stimulus) on choice RTs is examined. The foreperiod durations used were either 2 or 8 s and were fixed within pure blocks of trials. The task was to determine whether a single-digit target stimulus was either smaller or larger than 5 and responses were provided manually. An additive relation between foreperiod duration length and numerical distance from 5 was present in the mean RTs. Subsequent ex-Gaussian analyses of the shapes of the RT distributions indicated that they become shifted upwards as the foreperiod increased with relatively smaller increases in the sizes of their tails. It is argued mainly that the latter finding is incompatible with the strategic time estimation view of the fixed foreperiod duration effect.  相似文献   

We investigated the influence of observed movements on executed movements in a task requiring lifting one foot from the floor while maintaining whole-body balance. Sixteen young participants (20–30 years) performed foot lift movements, which were either cued symbolically by a letter (L/R, indicating to lift the left/right foot) or by a short movie showing a foot lift movement. In the symbol cue condition, stimuli from the movie cue condition were used as distractors, and vice versa. Anticipatory postural adjustments (APAs) and actual foot lifts were recorded using force plates and optical motion capture. Foot lift responses were generally faster in response to the movie compared to the symbol cue condition. Moreover, incongruent movement distractors interfered with performance in the symbol cue condition, as shown by longer response times and increased number of APAs. Latencies of the first (potentially wrong) APA in a trial were shorter for movie compared to symbol cues but were not affected by cue-distractor congruency. Amplitude of the first APA was smaller when it was followed by additional APAs compared to trials with a single APA. Our results show that automatic imitation tendencies are integrated with postural control in a task with balance constraints. Analysis of the number, timing and amplitude of APAs indicates that conflicts between intended and observed movements are not resolved at a purely cognitive level but directly influence overt motor performance, emphasizing the intimate link between perception, cognition and action.  相似文献   

Effects of Response Probability on Response Force in Simple RT   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Response force (RF) was measured in a simple reaction time (RT) experiment varying response uncertainty by cuing the probability of the response on each trial. In all cases, RF decreased as response probability increased. The dependence of RF on response probability was insensitive to foreperiod length and to the use of loud auditory response signals, although the dependence of RT on response probability was sensitive to both of these manipulations. In combination with previous findings, these results provide evidence that RT and RF can be dissociated. We describe an extension of Naatanen's readiness model that can account for the effects of response probability on RF and RT. According to this model, the distance between motor activation and a threshold for action is relatively large when subjects are unprepared, and a large increment is needed to exceed this threshold, resulting in slow but foreceful responses. A possible neurophysiological implementation of this model is suggested.  相似文献   

Slow brain potentials were recorded during the foreperiod of a reaction time task, and the effects of instructions governing the trade-off between speed and accuracy were investigated. One brain potential, a slow negative shift preceding S2, was largely attenuated under accuracy instructions. It is suggested that this shift is dependent on a motor response and that its amplitude reflects the level of motor preparation. Two other brain potentials, a slow positive and a slow negative wave, seem to depend on the psychological properties of S1. Enhanced amplitudes were found, when S1 provides information, besides its warning function.  相似文献   

The force required to move commercial spring-loaded rat levers increases with lever displacement. This, characteristic allows the rat to terminate barpresses before they are recorded. Such partial presses are unlikely to occur when the force requirement rapidly decreases as displacement increases. This inverse relationship between force and displacement can be achieved by requiring the rat to lift the tail of the bar out of a magnetic field; the consequence is that the bar “falls out from under” the S, and nearly all movements of the bar result in switch closure. The use of electromagnetic fields provides two additional advantages: the force requirement can be established and monitored remotely.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined whether temporal uncertainty about the delivery of a response stimulus affects response force in a simple reaction time (RT) situation. All experiments manipulated the foreperiod; that is, the interval between a warning signal and the response stimulus. In the constant condition, foreperiod length was kept constant over a block of trials but changed from block to block. In the variable condition, foreperiod length varied randomly from trial to trial. A visual warning and response stimulus were used in Experiment 1; response force decreased with foreperiod length in the variable condition, but increased in the constant condition. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that responses are less forceful when the temporal occurrence of the response stimulus is predictable. In a second experiment with an auditory warning signal and a response stimulus, response force was less sensitive to foreperiod manipulations. The third experiment manipulated both the modality and the intensity of the response signal and employed a tactile warning signal. This experiment indicated that neither the modality nor the intensity of the response signal affects the relation between response force and foreperiod length. An extension of Näätänen’s (1971) motor-readiness model accounts for the main results.  相似文献   

Intersensory facilitation refers to the more rapid reaction time (RT) to a target in one modality and an accessory stimulus in a different modality compared to a RT to the target alone. Prior studies suggest two processes contribute to the phenomenon, termed the preparatory state and energy integration which refer to the action of accessory stimulation in providing forewarning and intensifying the reaction signal, respectively. Experiment I factorially varied foreperiod duration, light (target) intensity and tone (accessory) intensity in a discriminative RT task. The results were that foreperiod (preparatory state) and intensity (energy integration) effects were additive, implying that they affected separate processing stages. Accessory stimulus intensity affected false alarm rate on catch trials. This suggests that energy integration involves a form of response bias (increased likelihood of responding) and not facilitation (more rapid information processing). Experiment II indicated that comparable energy integration effects obtain with tone as target and light as accessory, as well as vice versa. The findings further indicated that RT to a bisensory pairing is more rapid when attention is directed to the more potent member of the pair.  相似文献   

The major purpose of the present investigation was to examine the combined influence of variations in foreperiod length (1.0, 5.0 sec) and catch trial frequency (0.0, 0.1, 0.2) on simple reaction time (RT) magnitude when verbal mediation was permitted and when it was not. A significant foreperiod length, catch trial frequency, mediation type interaction was obtained supporting the notion that all three factors influence a common process (i.e. Sternberg 1969), here called ‘preparation’. More specifically, for the non-mediation group, foreperiod length and catch trial frequency had both additive (0.0 vs 0.1) and interactive (0.1 vs 0.2) effects on mean simple RT while only catch trial frequency significantly altered simple RT for the mediating group. In all instances, mean simple RT increased significantly when some catch trials were employed as opposed to when none were used, a finding which was interpreted as reflecting an induced preparation decrement upon the introduction of catch trials.  相似文献   

Two fractionated RT experiments tested whether the response-preparation or response-implementation hypothesis better accounts for the observation that two-choice reaction time (RT) usually takes longer when the responses are performed by the fingers of the same hand (within-hand repertoire) than by the fingers of the two hands (between-hands repertoire). In Experiment I (n equals 8), the effect of repertoire on the premotor time and the motor time were studied. RT was divided into the two periods with respect to the onset of change in electromyographic (EMG) activity of the flexor digitorum profundus. Type of repertoire affected both time periods. In Experiment 2 (n = 16), the effects of repertoire and foreperiod duration on the premotor and motor times of the flexor digitorum profundus and flexor digitorum sublimis were studied. The results of Experiment I were confirmed, and the effects of repertoire and foreperiod duration were found to be additive on premotor time but interactive on motor time. These findings led to rejection of the response-preparation hypothesis and instead supported the view that the central command for the flexion of the right middle finger differs according to the type of repertoire. The command appears to specify a lower rate of recruitment of the prime movers in the within-hand repertoire than in the between-hands repertoire. The execution of the central commands may depend on the state of excitability of the spinal neurons. Analysis of the EMG signals revealed that speed of contraction of the prime movers depends on repertoire when the foreperiod is long but not when it is short. The additivity of the effects of repertoire and of foreperiod duration on premotor time support the view that regardless of the state of preparation of the subject the pattern of EMG activity required for flexion of the right middle finger in each repertoire is specified during the premotor time.  相似文献   

In speeded choice tasks with variable foreperiods (FPs), individuals behaviourally adapt to various frequency manipulations. Adaptations have been shown to frequencies of different stimulus-response events, to frequencies of different foreperiods, and to frequencies of different event-foreperiod combinations. We have investigated how participants adapt to a situation where all three frequency manipulations are done simultaneously. Three variable foreperiod experiments are reported. In Experiment 1, one target (the peak distributed target) appeared particularly frequently after one particular FP (the peak foreperiod), while another target was less frequent and equally distributed over all foreperiods. In Experiment 2, the equally distributed target was overall more frequent than the peak distributed one. In both experiments, performance advantages for the peak distributed target were specific to the peak foreperiod, and performance advantages at the peak foreperiod were specific to the peak distributed targets. A third experiment showed that, when two differently frequent target are both equally distributed over FPs, the performance distribution over FPs is not significantly different between both targets. Together, the results suggest that participants were able to simultaneously and specifically adapt to frequency manipulations in events, foreperiods, and event-foreperiod combinations.  相似文献   

When a stimulus-response event is frequently paired with a specific foreperiod, response performance for this event is improved after this foreperiod. This phenomenon is referred to as specific temporal expectancy. In four experiments, we investigated whether stimulus- or response-related processing benefits from specific temporal expectancy. In a speeded choice reaction task, different features of the imperative stimuli were frequently paired with foreperiods in such a way that only in some experiments were the responses also frequently paired with foreperiods. Participants revealed evidence for specific temporal expectancy when responses were frequently paired with foreperiods, but not when only the stimuli were frequently paired with foreperiods. We concluded that specific temporal expectancy affects response-related processing.  相似文献   

This paper explores four factors which could be important in accounting for the discrepant results which have previously been obtained with respect to the effect of foreperiod duration on reaction time (RT). In some studies a clear effect of foreperiod duration on auditory RT has been found, in contrast to a recent finding that foreperiod duration affected visual RT but not auditory RT. By means of two experiments, the effects of practice, time-on-task, reaction task (a-reaction versus selective reaction) and signal intensity were studied. The latter variable appears to be the principal determinant of the discrepant results in that there is an interaction between signal intensity, foreperiod duration and modality. The results fit the hypothesis that signals beyond a given intensity exert an immediate arousing effect which counteracts the foreperiod effect.  相似文献   

Two groups of pigeons were exposed to a simple reaction-time procedure in which mean foreperiod duration was 5, 10, or 20 seconds. For one group, the foreperiods had an arithmetic, or rectangular, distribution; for the second group, they had a constant-probability, or Bernoulli, distribution. Under both distributions, mean response latency was an increasing, negatively accelerated function of mean foreperiod duration. On a given trial, response latency was a function of its associated foreperiod duration: latency was a decreasing function of foreperiod duration in the arithmetic distribution, and an increasing function of foreperiod duration in the constant-probability distribution. Examination of the distribution of latencies revealed a harmonic structure reminiscent of distributions of interresponse times under variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. Taken together, the results confirm and extend previous findings with human subjects, and also suggest numerous similarities to behavior maintained by variable-interval schedules.  相似文献   

The theory of direct perception suggests that observers can accurately judge the mass of a box picked up by a lifter shown in a point-light display. However, accurate perceptual performance may be limited to specific circumstances. The purpose of the present study was to systematically examine the factors that determine perception of mass, including display type, lifting speed, response type, and lifter's strength. In contrast to previous research, a wider range of viewing manipulations of point-light display conditions was investigated. In Experiment 1, we first created a circumstance where observers could accurately judge lifts of five box masses performed by a lifter of average strength. In Experiments 2–5, we manipulated the spatial and temporal aspects of the lift, the judgement type, and lifter's strength, respectively. Results showed that mass judgement gets worse whenever the context deviates from ideal conditions, such as when only the lifted object was shown, when video play speed was changed, or when lifters of different strength performed the same task. In conclusion, observers' perception of kinetic properties is compromised whenever viewing conditions are not ideal.  相似文献   

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