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This paper presents an innovative way to instruct students in logical decision making in a psychology assessment course without their needing to know any programming language. This also yielded a tool that can aid students in making differential diagnoses of psychological as opposed to medical conditions.  相似文献   

This is a response to a Letter to the Editor entitled “Stuttering prevalence, incidence and recovery rates depend on how we define it: Comment on Yairi & Ambrose’ article Epidemiology of Stuttering: 21st Century advances” by Paul Brocklehurst (2013). The criticism was directed specifically toward Yairi and Ambrose’ conclusions, based on review of recent studies, regarding the incidence and prevalence of stuttering. In this response, Brocklehurst's arguments and suggestions of criteria for incidence research are discussed and negated.  相似文献   

The creation of embryos for research use has drawn a great deal of criticism. It is difficult to defend an ethical distinction between what one can do to "spare" embryos and what one can do to "research" embryos. The strongest ground on which to argue against the creation of embryos for research is a symbolic one, having to do with respect for human life. Ronald Dworkin's work in Life's Dominion on the symbolic meaning of the abortion debate throws a helpful light on this dispute. By understanding the basic question to be, Does the creation of research embryos weaken or insult our communal respect for the sanctity of human life in some way that in vitro fertilization (IVF) or the experimental use of "spare" embryos does not?, the debate can move in a more constructive direction.  相似文献   

Multilevel modeling (MLM) is rapidly becoming the standard method of analyzing nested data, for example, data from students within multiple schools, data on multiple clients seen by a smaller number of therapists, and even longitudinal data. Although MLM analyses are likely to increase in frequency in counseling psychology research, many readers of counseling psychology journals have had only limited exposure to MLM concepts. This paper provides an overview of MLM that blends mathematical concepts with examples drawn from counseling psychology. This tutorial is intended to be a first step in learning about MLM; readers are referred to other sources for more advanced explorations of MLM. In addition to being a tutorial for understanding and perhaps even conducting MLM analyses, this paper reviews recent research in counseling psychology that has adopted a multilevel framework, and it provides ideas for MLM approaches to future research in counseling psychology.  相似文献   

Key assumptions and decisions influencing the design, programming, and operation of an interactive computer-control system for a biofeedback research laboratory are discussed. Most interactions with the computer are in the form of simple English queries and answers. Laboratory activities for which the computer provides assistance include instrument calibration, time-critical system testing, experiment set-up and instrument hook-up, experiment control, data management, and analysis. Use of structured programming technique is described. Authors and laboratory staff conclude that interactive assistance is a helpful research tool in many situations and that future laboratory-control systems will have more extensive English language interactive capability.  相似文献   

Microcomputer systems have become commonplace in the psychophysiological laboratory during the past 5 years and are currently used in all phases of data acquisition, experimental control, and data analysis. In the past year, however, advances in microprocessor technology and scientific software have greatly extended the capabilities of these desk-top systems. Small laboratories now can afford an integrated laboratory microcomputer system and both the high-fidelity data acquisition hardware and the sophisticated analysis capabilities traditionally found in large minicomputers. We briefly describe the demands that social psychophysiological research can place on computer systems, the system presently employed in our laboratory, and a system being installed to overcome limitations on sampling rate, sampling periods, and waveform analysis.  相似文献   

I want to argue for two propositions. First, I suggest that what some researchers may take to be a simple trade-off between minor violations of the truth for the sake of access to far greater truths represents a profound miscalculation with far-reaching and cumulative reverberations. Second, I submit that today's research environment, as demanding, competitive, and sometimes bewildering as it is, offers genuine scope for what Murdoch calls truth-seeking, for imaging and questioning, and for relating to facts through both truth and truthfulness; but that, in so doing, it presents hard choices with respect to methods, and, in turn, to personal integrity--not only in particular research projects but also with respect to that fragile research environment in its own right.  相似文献   

Many psychologists who currently use computers in research and instruction will eventually consider developing software of their own. Recommendations for structuring, writing, documenting, and possibly publishing software, as well as dealing with publishers, modifying programs, and converting syntax, are presented in hopes of stimulating the writing of new software.  相似文献   

In the last few years, the field of psychology has been challenged with a crisis in the rigor and reproducibility of the science. The focus of these issues has primarily been in social, cognitive, and cognitive neuroscience psychology, however, the area of developmental research is not immune to these issues. This paper provides an overview of the “replication crisis” and the choices made by researchers that are often not noted in methods, thus making the replication of studies more difficult. In this review we discuss issues of researcher flexibility in the data design and selection of sample size, collection, and analysis stages of research. In each of these areas we address examples of bias and how developmental researchers can address these issues in their own research.  相似文献   

IntroductionThis article examines the history and development of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR), from Dr. Francine Shapiro's original discovery in 1987, to current findings and future directions for research and clinical practice.Elements of the literatureAn overview is provided of significant milestones in the evolution of EMDR over the first 20 years, including key events, research and scientific publications, and humanitarian efforts. The authors also describe the Adaptive Information Processing (AIP) model, which is the theoretical basis of the therapy; they address the question of mechanisms of action, and EMDR's specific contribution to the field of psychotherapy.DiscussionEMDR is an integrative psychotherapy, which sees dysfunctionally stored memories as the core element of the development of psychopathology. In its view of memory, it integrates information that is sensory, cognitive, emotional and somatic in nature. The EMDR protocol looks at past events that formed the presented problem, at the present situations where the problem is experienced, and at the way, the client would like to deal with future challenges.ConclusionEMDR is a 25-year-old therapy that has accumulated a substantial body of research proving its efficiency, and is now part of many professional treatment guidelines. The research is pointing to its potentially large positive impact in the fields of mental and physical health.  相似文献   

The use of microprocessors in a timeshared computer facility at the Learning Research and Development Center, University of Pittsburgh, is described for applications in research, development, and teaching. Modes of usage are described, as are the advantages of microprocessor interfaces for on-line experimentation.  相似文献   

This review aims to assess the most prevalent disruptive technologies of the past decade and evaluate them from a dual perspective. This study utilises the technology life cycle framework to classify disruptive technologies into three phases, (i) emerging, (ii) industry, and (iii) customer-focused research outcomes. Subsequently, entities using six thematic categories via topic modelling are assessed to determine the research trajectory about customers, industries, and theory. The present study utilises the Latent Dirichlet Allocation framework for topic modelling, a quantitative tool that employs advanced statistical methodology to extract semantic knowledge from large text corpora. This approach offers a more comprehensive and insightful categorisation of information compared to traditional research review models such as archive review, meta-review analysis, and systematic literature review. After the review, over 750 articles were analysed and classified according to their unique themes and technological emphasis. The study suggests practical applications that could enhance industrial progress through disruptive technology. Furthermore, by identifying gaps, the authors suggest multiple research prospects for forthcoming investigations on disruptive technologies and their impact on consumer behaviour. This research is novel in various aspects. This research is by far the only research record in the last decade that provides a systematic literature review of disruptive technologies with an extensive focus on customers. Considering the methodological perspective, this research uses topic modelling as a new literature review model, enabling analysing more research outputs and yielding more valuable findings than traditional methodologies.  相似文献   

This paper describes how funds from an NSF Instrumentation and Laboratory Improvement grant allowed development of a computer lab with a local area network (LAN) for undergraduate research in psychology. The lab has been used mainly in conjunction with an applications of research methods course, but expanded use is expected because of the connection of the LAN to a mainframe computer’s LAN, the proposed installation of PSYCLIT on the LAN, and the proposed connection of the LAN to faculty offices. The main experimental software packages used are MEL Lab and Micro Experimental Laboratory (MEL); both are critical to the lab’s operation. Funds for maintenance of the lab will be obtained by charging applications course students a lab fee.  相似文献   

This article summarizes research conducted over the last seven years on videodisc instruction in science and mathematics. Research findings, as well as the instructional design principles used to create programs, have direct implications for the general debate over media and its effects on learning. The array of studies conducted with the videodisc programs indicates that the medium is very cost effective. High quality instruction can be presented reliably and with much less human effort than traditional methods of instruction. By using videodiscs, developers are also able to exploit the strong graphic features of the medium, thus allowing carefully-designed visual images to play a key role in the instruction. Empirical support for non-text presentations along with examples of the graphics used in the science and mathematics programs are discussed.  相似文献   

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