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Using a lexical decision task, the relationship between magnitude of semantic facilitation and degree of prime-target relatedness was examined as a function of amount of attention allocated to the prime and the prime-target interval. In none of the conditions studied did amount of facilitation vary with prime-target relatedness, a finding which was seen as inconsistent with the spread of activation account of the association effect in lexical decision. Both forward (prime to target) and backward (target to prime) associations were effective in producing semantic facilitation. Backward associates, however, were effective only during earlier stages of the experiment and forward associations only during later stages. The implications of these findings for the processes underlying the association effect was discussed.  相似文献   

The semantic satiation hypothesis suggests that continuous verbalization of a word leads to a reduction in its meaning. This hypothesis was examined by having subjects repeat a priming word either once or for 30 sec prior to making a word-nonword lexical decision about a visually presented target. The primes were associated with (Experiments 1 and 3), identical to (Experiment 2), or unassociated with the word targets. As is usually found, target lexical decision times were significantly facilitated by oral priming with both the associated and identical words. While the magnitude of this facilitation effect was reduced slightly by continuous repetition of the prime in Experiment 1, no such reduction was observed in Experiments 2 and 3. These results are discussed in the context of a two-factor theory of semantic processing with the aid of Mortons logogen model. It was concluded that semantic satiation may not be semantic at all.  相似文献   

The present research examines the semantic priming effects of a centrally presented single prime word to which participants were instructed to either "attend and remember" or "ignore". The prime word was followed by a central probe target on which the participants made a lexical decision task. The main variables manipulated across experiments were prime duration (50 or 100 ms), the presence or absence of a mask following the prime, and the presence (or absence) and type of distractor stimulus (random set of consonants or pseudowords) on the probe display. There was a consistent interaction between the instructions and the semantic priming effects. Relative to the "attend and remember" instruction, an "ignore" instruction produced reduced positive priming from single primes presented for 100 ms, irrespective of the presence or absence of a prime mask, and regardless of whether the probe target was presented with or without distractors. Additionally, reliable negative priming was found from ignored primes presented for briefer durations (50 ms) and immediately followed by a mask. Methodological and theoretical implications of the present findings for the extant negative priming literature are discussed.  相似文献   

Three experiments examined both the impact of semantic analysis of 50-msec, masked visual primes on a target response and the impact of semantic analysis of the target on a prime response. The first two experiments used a prime-target interval of 1000 msec. In Experiment 1, subjects reported the identity of each prime: (a) after a lexical decision about the target, (b) both before and after a lexical decision, or (c) after a target detection response. Prime report after both types of target response showed retroactive priming in which report was facilitated by related targets and inhibited by unrelated targets. Analyses of lexical decision latency and accuracy conditionalized on prime report showed that semantic priming was restricted to reported related primes. In Experiment 2, subjects made no overt response to the primes. Priming was conditionalized on recognition of the primes on a subsequent test. The pattern was the same as Experiment 1: There was priming only for recognized primes; recognition memory showed a pattern consistent with retroactive priming. Experiment 3 also conditionalized priming on recognition performance but used a prime-target interval of only 250 msec. Again, semantic priming was found only for recognized primes, and recognition memory revealed retroactive priming. Retroactive priming indicates an interdependency between prime and target processing that needs to be incorporated into models of semantic priming.  相似文献   

W. Milberg and S. E. Blumstein (1981, Brain and Language 14, 371–385) demonstrated semantic facilitation effects in a visual lexical decision task administered to Wernicke and other aphasics with severe comprehension deficits. In an attempt to explore the generalizability of these findings in a task where the acoustic-phonetic system could not be bypassed to access meaning, Wernicke's, Global, Broca's, and Conduction aphasics were administered a lexical decision task in the auditory modality. The patients were also given a simple semantic judgment task using the word pairs from the lexical decision task. The aphasic patients showed evidence of semantic facilitation whether they were categorized by diagnostic group or comprehension level. Performance of the semantic judgment task correlated with the severity of auditory comprehension deficits, whereas the consistency of the semantic facilitation effect did not. Even patients with severe comprehension deficits showed semantic facilitation. These results decrease the likelihood that auditory comprehension deficits are due to semantic organization per se and increase the likelihood that the deficits lie in one of the many processes involved in access to that information.  相似文献   

The present study reports two experiments that required subjects to name target items preceded by a masked prime. Additionally, and subsequent to the naming task, subjects were required to indicate whether or not the prime was a word, along with a confidence rating of their lexical decision. Experiment 1 demonstrates that the processing of masked primes is facilitated by related targets when such targets are presented either 100 or 200 msec after the onset of the prime. Experiment 2 extends the finding of “retroactive” priming to a 1000=msec separation in prime-target presentation (SOA). The extent of retroactive priming is not dependent on SOA between prime and target, nor is it affected by the prime-mask SOA, which varied from 10 to 180 msec. Priming of targets was also independent of prime-target and prime-mask SOA, providing that primes had been classified as words. For word primes classified as non-words there was no semantic priming on target naming reaction time. Implications of these findings with respect to the nature of retroactive priming and the current controversy concerning subliminal priming effects were discussed.  相似文献   

Single-word, low-constraint adjective contexts were used to "prime" lexical decision to noun targets in Serbo-Croat. Semantically congruent situations consisted of adjective-noun pairs that were not highly predictable but were nonetheless plausible (e.g., GOOD-AUNT). Semantically incongruent situations used pairs that were implausible (e.g., SLOW-COAT). All adjective-noun pairs were grammatically congruent and were compared with a neutral XXX baseline. In Experiment 1, at a stimulus onset asynchrony of 300 ms, congruous situations showed 59 ms of facilitation while incongruous situations did not differ from the baseline. The same pattern was repeated in Experiment 2, at a stimulus onset asynchrony of 800 ms. Congruous situations were facilitated 67 ms. Results are discussed in terms of a message-level coherence check in Forster's (1979) model of autonomous levels of language processing.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted testing predictions derived from context-dependent and context-independent models of lexical access. Four types of unambiguous test sentences were constructed. The direct object of each test sentence was preceded by a verb that was either semantically related or unrelated to it, and by an adjective that was semantically related or unrelated. Context-dependent models predict that the speed with which the object noun is retrieved from the mental lexicon will be faster when the verb and/or the adjective is semantically related; context-independent models predict no such facilitation. Forty-four subjects each heard 32 test sentences and were asked to monitor within the sentence for a word-initial target phoneme. The target phoneme occurred on the word following the object noun. Reaction times to detect the targets were obtained. According to context-dependent models, these times should be shorter when related words precede the object noun, and that is what was found. It was also observed that the facilitation effects due to the related verbs and adjectives were additive. Implications of these results were discussed.  相似文献   

Ss classified visually presented verbal units into the categories “in your vocabulary” or “not in your vocabulary.” The primary concern of the experiment was to determine if making a prior decision on a given item affects the latency of a subsequent lexical decision for the same item. Words of both high and low frequency showed a systematic reduction in the latency of a lexical decision as a consequence of prior decisions (priming) but did not show any reduction due to nonspecific practice effects. Nonwords showed no priming effect but did show shorter latencies due to nonspecific practice. The results also indicated that many (at least 36) words can be in the primed state simultaneously and that the effect persists for at least 10 min. The general interpretation was that priming produces an alteration in the representation of a word in memory and can facilitate the terminal portion of the memory search process which is assumed to be random.  相似文献   

Two experiments addressed whether response latency in a trial of the lexical decision task is independent of the lexical status of the item presented in the previous trial. In Exp. 1, it was found that both word and nonword responses were significantly slower when the previous trial had involved a nonword than when it had involved a word. In Exp. 2, which employed a different list composition, it was found that responses to nonwords and pseudohomophones were significantly slower when the previous trial had involved a nonword or a pseudohomophone than when it had involved a word. However, responses to words were not influenced by the nature of the previous trial. We concluded that sequential dependencies exist across consecutive trials in the lexical decision task even when there is no semantic, morphological, phonological, or orthographic relationship between the items presented during those trials.  相似文献   

In lexical decision experiments, subjects have difficulty in responding NO to non-words which are pronounced exactly like English words (e.g. BRANE). This does not necessarily imply that access to a lexical entry ever occurs via a phonological recoding of a visually-presented word. The phonological recoding procedure might be so slow that when the letter string presented is a word, access to its lexical entry via a visual representation is always achieved before phonological recoding is completed. If prelexical phonological recodings are produced by using grapheme-phoneme correspondence rules, such recodings can only occur for words which conform to these rules (regular words), since applications of the rules to words which do not conform to the rules (exception words) produce incorrect phonological representations. In two experiments, it was found that time to achieve lexical access (as measured by YES latency in a lexical decision task) was equivalent for regular words and exception words. It was concluded that access to lexical entries in lexical decision experiments of this sort does not proceed by sometimes or always phonologically recoding visually-presented words.  相似文献   

The research tests the prediction of the inhibitory-interaction hypothesis that experience with a task accentuates the functional imbalance between the hemispheres. Right-handed males who were experienced readers were presented a letter string to the centre visual field for lexical decision. The string was or was not accompanied by a blinking light to the left or right visual field. It was predicted that asymmetry would be greatest for strings that spelled words, less for strings that were orthographically correct (pseudowords) and least for strings that were orthographically incorrect (nonwords) because efficient adult readers have more experience with letter strings that do than do not spell a word, and have more experience with orthographically correct than incorrect letter strings. The analysis of response times supported the prediction. Moreover, in the nonword and in early trials of the pseudoword conditions, response times were faster when one or other hemisphere was distracted than when both were engaged suggesting the hemispheres use strategies that conflict when suppression has not been accentuated by practice. As well, as the trials progressed in the pseudoword condition, asymmetry reversed before increasing suggesting that the hemispheres reduce conflict by competing for and then strengthening suppression.  相似文献   

We report lexical decision experiments in which eye movements and lexical decision time were analysed. The results show that nonwords produced more fixation than words, and that the time to make a lexical decision was also greater for nonwords. Further, a preview of the stimulus was presented on some occasions either at fixation or peripherally. When the presentation was peripheral the number of refixations and lexical decision times were reduced. Parafoveal previews of words also reduced word length effects on refixations and lexical decision time. These effects decreased (for nonwords) when the case of the letters was changed in the preview. These results are compatible with the idea that the peripheral preview benefit derives from word visual structure in addition to information about word length, word envelope, and single letter identities.  相似文献   

Associative strength effects in the lexical decision task   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Four experiments explore the role of automatic and attentional processing in producing strength effects in a lexical decision task. Experiment I manipulated the relative proportion of related and unrelated pairs, the stimulus-onset-asynchrony (SOA), and the strength of the prime-target relationship. Results indicated that strength was independent of the proportion of related and unrelated pairs and SOA. Experiment 2 manipulated the relative proportion of strong and weak related pairs and the strength of the prime-target relationship at a relatively long SOA interval (500 msec). Results showed that the strength effect was present when more strong than weak pairs were presented, and it was absent when the stimulus list contained more weak than strong pairs. Experiment 3 replicated the more weak pairs condition of Experiment 2 but with a short SOA interval (100 msec) and showed that the strength effect was found regardless of the large number of weak related pairs presented. Experiment 4 manipulated strength of the prime-target relationship and proportion of strong and weak pairs but introducing a neutral prime condition and a longer SOA interval (1000 msec). Results are discussed within a two-process model (Posner & Snyder, 1975) postulating that the strength effect at short SOAs is due to automatic processes, whereas at long SOAs it is due to the influence of attentional processes.  相似文献   

Two experiments explore the nature of prelexical expectancy processes in the lexical decision task. The strength of the prime-target relationship and the size of the associative set defined by the prime were manipulated in both experiments. In Experiment 1, the proportion of strong relative to weak primes induced subjects to include strong and weak candidate words in their expectancy set, whereas in Experiment 2 that proportion attempted to induce subjects to include mainly strongly related words. Results showed that priming depended on whether the primes were included in the set. Thus, in Experiment 1 facilitation was obtained for both strong and weak primes, whereas in Experiment 2 the facilitation of weak primes depended on the size of the associative set defined by the prime. Results are discussed within a theoretical framework that includes prelexical expectancy processes in the lexical decision task.  相似文献   

Two reaction time experiments explored the effect of semantic associations on the time required to make mental size comparisons. Subjects in both experiments were able to judge relative size more quickly for associated than for nonassociated pairs. This association effect was found for a variety of different types of semantic relationships. Experiment 2 used a large pool of pairs that were scaled for degree of association and subjective size of the individual items. This experiment demonstrated that a high degree of association is more facilitative for pairs with small rather than large size differences. Two different explanations of the results are presented, and it is tentatively suggested that work on mental comparison may be integrated with a broader range of semantic memory research.  相似文献   

Summary Research concerned with semantic priming has used a neutral prime as a benchmark for measuring the amount of facilitation for related targets and the amount of inhibition for unrelated targets. Recently, de Groot, Thomassen, and Hudson (1982) have reported that lexical decisions to targets are faster when preceded by the neutral prime BLANK as compared to a neutral prime consisting of a string of X's. Additionally, Antos (1979) has reported that an X neutral prime induces an inhibitory effect when the stimulus-onset-asynchrony (SOA) is short. The present experiment manipulated class of neutral prime, SOA, and practice. The results failed to support the observation by Antos. However, the results did support the finding by de Groot et al. at shorter SOA's (200 and 550 ms). At a longer (1000 ms) SOA the effect of the two neutral primes as well as the effect of the unrelated primes were equivalent. Practice had no differential effect on either of the neutral primes as compared to the unrelated priming conditions. These results were interpreted to mean that the difference between the two neutral primes at a brief SOA were perceptual in origin and that an unrelated word prime is neutral with respect to the target in the absence of strategic priming effects.  相似文献   

Four lexical decision experiments using a masked priming paradigm were conducted to analyze whether the previous presentation of a syllabic neighbor (a word sharing the same 1st syllable) influences recognition performance. The results showed an inhibitory effect of more frequent syllabic primes and some facilitation of nonword syllabic primes (Experiments 1-3). When monosyllabic pairs were used (Experiment 3), no priming effects of the 2 initial letters were found. Finally, when using only syllables as primes, latencies to words were shorter when preceded by primes that corresponded to the 1st syllable than by primes that contained 1 letter more or less than the 1st syllable (Experiment 4). Results are interpreted using activation models that take into account a syllabic level of representation.  相似文献   

The assumptions tested were that the relative contribution of each hemisphere to reading alters with experience and that experience increases suppression of the simultaneous use of identical strategies by the non-dominant hemisphere. Males that were reading disabled and phonologically impaired, reading disabled and phonologically normal, or with no reading disability were presented familiar words, orthographically correct pseudowords, and orthographically incorrect non-words for lexical decision. Accuracy and response times in all groups showed a shift from no asymmetry in processing non-words to a stable left hemisphere advantage and clear suppression of the right hemisphere in processing words. In the pseudoword condition, accuracy scores were higher when both hemispheres were free to engage, especially in those with a reading disability and responses slowed in the phonologically impaired group but not the phonologically normal groups when the right hemisphere was disengaged. As familiar words typically invoke lexical processing by both hemispheres while pseudowords invoke lexical processing by the right and non-lexical processing by the left hemisphere, and as non-lexical processing is weak in the phonologically impaired, the results support the assumptions that were tested.  相似文献   

Time and the accuracy of a lexical decision performed on a letter string (either a word or nonword), presented foveally after a parafoveal preview displayed at 5 degrees of eccentricity and 100 msec. duration were measured. Students of Padova University, 10 women and 7 men, ages 19 to 23 years were subjects. The hypothesis investigated was whether the facilitatory effect, a reduction in lexical decision time due to the parafoveal preview, was tied to global visual information acquired in the visual periphery during the preview presentation. In Exp. 1, eight subjects performed the task either with no preview (No Preview) or with a preview presented at 5 degrees eccentricity in two conditions, preview of the same foveal string (Preview-Letters) and preview of symbols ("x xx...") of the same length as the foveal string (Preview Symbols). In Exp. 2, 9 subjects performed the task with two preview conditions, No Preview and preview of the foveal string in uppercase letters at 5 degrees of eccentricity (Preview Uppercase). Analyses suggested the reduction in lexical decision time due to the Preview with respect to the No Preview condition is tied to global information extracted during parafoveal presentation. The reduction in lexical decision time depends on word texture, i.e., letters' identities and also word boundary, in addition to word length.  相似文献   

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