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Henry E. Adams and William K. Boardman. Advances in Experimental Clinical Psychology. Elmsford, N. Y.: Pergamon Press, 1971, 219 pages, $11.50. Reviewed by Sol L. Garfield

L. B. Ames, R. W. Metraux, and R. N. Walker. Adolescent Rorschach Responses. Rev. Ed.) New York: Bruner/Mazel, 1971, 319 pages, $10.00. Reviewed by Donald B. Colson, Ph.D.

Rudolf Arnheim. Toward a Psychology of Art: Collected Essays. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1972, 369 pages, $3.95. Reviewed by Ray A. Craddick, PhD

Harriet Linton Barr, Robert J. Langs, and Robert R. Holt, Leo Goldberger, George S. Klein. LSD: Personality and Experience. New York: Wiley-Interscience, 1972, 247 pages, $10.00. Reviewed by Russell Eisenman

Marta Olivetti Belardinelli. Identificazione e proiezione: Natura e caratteristiche. Bologna: Cappelli Editore, 1971, 212 pages. Price not given. Reviewed by Luciano L'Abate

Henry B. Biller. Father, Child and Sex Role. Lexington, Massachusetts: D. C. Heath, 1971 xi, 208 pages, $12.50. Reviewed by A. Barclay, Ph.D.

Herbert L. Collier. The Psychology of Twins. Phoenix: Herbert L. Collier, Ph.D., Ltd. 1972. 145 pages, no price given. Reviewed by Edward S. Filicky, Ph.D.

W. Grant Dahlstrom, George S. Welsh, and Leona E. Dahlstrom. An MMPI Handbook, Volume I: Clinical Interpretation. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1972. 507 pages, $18.75. Reviewed by Jerome D. Pauker, PhD

Hans J. Eysenck (Ed.). Readings in Extraversion-Introversion, 3 volumes. New York: Wiley Interscience-John Wiley, 1971, 1411 pages, $41.50 set. Reviewed by Eugene J. Loveless, PhD

Hans J. Eysenck and Sybil Eysenck. Personality Structure and Measurement. San Diego: Robert Knapp, 1972. 365 pages, no price given. Reviewed by Russell Eisenman

Charles A. Kiesler. The Psychology of Commitment. New York: Academic Press, 1971, xii + 190 pages, $9.95. Reviewed by Lita Linzer Schwartz

Edgar A. Levenson. The Fallacy of Understanding: An Inquiry into the Changing Structure of Psychotherapy. New York: Basic Books, 1972, 236 pages, $7.95. Reviewed by Lois Ann Levin, Ph.D.

Eugene E. Levitt and Aare Truumaa. The Rorschach Technique with Children and Adolescents. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1972, 146 pages, $7.95. Reviewed by Robert Allen, PhD

S. R. Maddi and P. T. Costa. Humanism in Personology. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1972, 200 pages. Cloth, $7.75; Paper, $3.75. Reviewed by Ernest Kramer, Ph.D.

James F. Masterson. Treatment of the Borderline Adolescent: A Developmental Approach. New York: Wiley &; Sons, 1972, 289 pages, $13.50. Reviewed by Leo Goldberger, PhD

James F. Masterson. Treatment of the Borderline Adolescent: A Developmental Approach. New York: John Wiley &; Sons, 1972, 289 pages, $13.50. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone

Peter Mittler (Ed.) The Psychological Assessment of Mental and Physical Handicaps. London: Methuen; New York: Barnes &; Noble, 1970, 857 pages, $25.00. Reviewed by Leon J. Whitsell, MD

H. Nagera (Ed.). The Hampstead Clinic Psychoanalytic Library. Vol. IV. Basic Psychoanalytic Concepts on Metapsychology, Conflicts, Anxiety and Other Subjects. New York: Basic Books, 1970, 233 pages, $7.50. Reviewed by George Athey, Jr., PhD

A. S. Neill. Neill! Neill! Orange Peel! New York: Hart Publishing Co., 1972, 538 pages, $10.00. Reviewed by Irving R. Stone

Donald P. Ogdon. Psychodiagnostics and Personality Assessment: A Handbook. Los Angeles: Western Psychological Services, 1967, paperbound, 96 pages, $7.50. Reviewed by Eleanore Kay

B. G. Rosenthal, The Images of Man. New York: Basic Books, 1971, 244 pages, $8.95.

I. Chein, The Science of Behavior and the Image of Man. New York: Basic Books, 1972, 348 pages, $12.50. Reviewed by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

Joseph S. Roucek (Ed.). The Slow Learner. New York: Philosophical Library, Inc., 1969, 373 pages, $10.00. Reviewed by Leon J. Whitsell, M.D.

Aron W. Siegman and Benjamin Pope (Eds.) Studies in Dyadic Communication. New York: Pergamon Press, 1972, 336 pages, $13.50.

Joseph D. Matarazzo and Arthur N. Wiens. The Interview: Research on its Anatomy and Structure. Chicago: Aldine·Atherton, 1972, 183 pages, $9.75.

Albert Mehrabian. Nonverbal Communication. Chicago: Aldine·Atherton, 1972, 226 pages, $9.75. Reviewed by David C. Murray  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore the recognition of emotional and non-emotional biological movements in children with severe and profound deafness. Twenty-four deaf children, together with 24 control children matched on mental age and 24 control children matched on chronological age, were asked to identify a person's actions, subjective states, emotions, and objects conveyed by moving point-light displays. Results showed that when observing point-light displays, deaf children showed impairments across all conditions (emotions, actions, and moving objects) compared with their chronological age-matched controls but showed no differences across subjective states. The results are supportive that deaf children present developmental delays in their biological motion apart from the ones relative to their own mental state, and this may be interpreted in relation to the expertise they have acquired in decoding action toward themselves. The findings are discussed in relation to deaf children viewing motion stimuli very differently to hearing children.  相似文献   

Word learning is a lifelong activity constrained by cognitive biases that people possess at particular points in development. Age of acquisition (AoA) is a psycholinguistic variable that may prove useful toward gauging the relative weighting of different phonological, semantic, and morphological factors at different phases of language acquisition and development. Our aim here was to evaluate AoA as a statistical tool for taking “snapshots” of cognitive development. We examined a large corpus of English nouns (n = 1,381) with AoA as the outcome variable in three separate multivariate regressions, encompassing different age ranges (early–middle–late). Predictors included perceptual (e.g., imagery), phonological (e.g., phonological neighborhood density), and lexical (e.g., word length) factors. Different combinations of predictors accounted for significant proportions of the variance for different AoA ranges (i.e., early–middle–late). For example, imageability and frequency are stronger predictors of early relative to late word learning. These corpus analyses support a hybrid model of word learning in which multiple perceptual and linguistic factors are differentially weighted over time. This statistical approach may provide independent corroboration of and motivation for experimental studies in language learning and cognitive development.  相似文献   

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