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Univ.-Prof. em. Dr. med. Siegfried Zepf 《Forum der Psychoanalyse》2013,29(4):499-515
The author investigates the relationship of defence, repression and substitutive formation as it presents itself in Freud’s writings. He shows that Freud gives at least four different meanings to the term “repression”: Freud uses it interchangeably with defence, as a consciously intended forgetting, as a specific unconscious mechanism of defence and to describe the consequence of defence mechanisms leading to substitutive formations. The inconsistencies in this relationship are discussed and clarified and Freud’s economic and linguistic attempts to justify repression are subjected to critique as well as the need of a primal repression as a necessary condition for repression proper. In developing Freud’s linguistic justification of repression further, the author presents defence as a semantic displacement. Ideas are excluded from the realm of the concepts which belong to them historically. These presentations become unconscious, i.e. repressed, in that they can no longer be identified as “cases” of these conceptual internal contents. At the same time they are displaced into the extensions of concepts whose internal contents do not belong to them originally. It is by virtue of the internal contents of these concepts that the displaced elements as substitutive formations once again attain consciousness, albeit a false one. It is suggested that repression as a specific defence mechanism of its own should be dismissed, to reverse Freud’s thesis that repression as a rule creates a substitutive formation into its opposite and to understand that the mechanisms used to build substitutes as a rule create repression. 相似文献
PD Dr. med. Dipl.-Soz. Alf Gerlach 《Forum der Psychoanalyse》2010,26(3):241-254
The following considerations have their source in more than 25 years experience with intercultural contacts in teaching and research in China and with psychoanalytic therapies with patients from foreign cultures. They may broaden the inner space of the psychoanalyst by a new dimension, which is not systematically reflected due to the integration of each in the own large group identity but influences the unconscious aspects in the work with people from foreign cultures. The concepts of psychosocial defence (S. Mentzos), of large group identity (V. Volkan) and of the ethnic unconscious (G. Devereux) are helpful instruments for understanding restrictive countertransference reactions, which handicap not only the work in the psychoanalytic setting, but also all intercultural relations. 相似文献
Michael Ermann 《Forum der Psychoanalyse》1998,14(2):95-110
Zusammenfassung. Der Umgang mit Tr?umen in der psychoanalytischen Behandlung ist seit Freuds fundamentalen theoretischen und technischen Schriften
zur Traumdeutung weitgehend unver?ndert geblieben. Er ist durch traumzentrierte Assoziationen und ihre Deutung in Hinblick
auf Trauminhalt und übertragung gepr?gt. Im Kontext der heutigen, beziehungsorientierten Behandlungstechnik wirkt dieses Vorgehen
wie ein Fremdk?rper, der eine zus?tzliche Integrationsaufgabe schafft und zum Kristallisationspunkt von Widerst?nden werden
kann. Diese Arbeit betont die Bedeutung, die das Erz?hlen von Tr?umen als Geschehen in der aktuellen analytischen Beziehung
hat, und gelangt zu der Konsequenz, Tr?ume im Rahmen der interaktionellen gegenw?rtigen Behandlungstechnik gleichartig wie
alle anderen Einf?lle in der Behandlungsstunde zu handhaben, d. h. ihre Bedeutung als unbewu?te Aussagen im Proze? der analytischen
Beziehung in das Zentrum der Aufmerksamkeit zu rücken. Die leitenden Fragen der Beziehungsanalyse von Tr?umen sind: Warum
erz?hlt der Analysand an dieser Stelle der Begegnung gerade einen Traum, und warum erz?hlt er diesen Traum und nicht einen
Telling dreams and the transference. The interactional function of dream reports as free associations
Summary. Since Freud's Dream Interpretation and his additional writings on the analysis of dreams, technique of handling a dream report within the analytic session has nearly been unchanged. It is characterized by dream centered associations and their interpretation in regard to dream contents and to transference. This approach constitutes an alien element within contemporary interactional psychoanalytic technique and tends to provoke resistances in the analytic dialogue. This article stresses the function of reporting of dreams during the session in respect to the interactional process. It comes to the conclusion that sufficient attention should be drawn to interactional analysis of dream reporting following the questions: Why does the patient at this point of the process tell a dream, and why does he tell this very dream instead of another?相似文献
Criteria-Based Content Analysis (22) is part of the Statement Validity Assessment (SVA), a method used for assessing the credibility of witness’ statements. CBCA relies on two assumptions, one referring to the cognitive strain of inventing a complex false declaration, the other being related to self presentation as a competent, reliable and truthful person by avoiding potentially “damaging” contents. When evalutating statements, forensic experts take into account that cognitive capacity - and thus potential content quality of a false declaration - increases with age. On the other hand there is no empirical evidence for an improvement of deceptive self-presentation strategies so far. Recent studies on content-related deceptive strategies with children and adults support the assumption that children as well as adults do apply specific deception strategies. Due to methodological differences, however, a direct comparison between these studies to obtain results on possible age effects has not been possible. The aim of this study was to investigate whether children, adolescents and adults differ in the content-related deceptive strategies they apply. Children (n = 48), adolescents (n = 73) and adults (n = 50) were given an age appropriate standardized questionnaire about their content-related deception strategies. Results show age differences in the strategic value assigned to certain content characteristics. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Christian Reimer Harald B. Jurkat Anke Vetter Katja Raskin 《Psychotherapeut》2005,50(2):107-114
In a large empirical cross-sectional study the quality of life of medical and psychological psychotherapists ( n =71, respectively n =103) was examined as well as the influence of the different therapeutic methods used. Instruments used were the Questionnaire on Quality of Life of Physicians (Reimer and Jurkat 2003) respectively the Questionnaire on Quality of Life of Psychologists (Jurkat and Reimer 2003) as well as the SF-36 Health Survey (Bullinger and Kirchberger 1998). The majority of participants in both samples are satisfied with their life. Psychological psychotherapists are comparatively more content with their work situation and judge their own health more positively than their medical colleagues do. Both groups feel their income situation to be a loss in quality of life. A common fear is an even greater bureaucratic burden and financial deterioration. Thus it seems that psychohygienic measures and secure job perspectives may contribute to raising the quality of life of psychotherapists. 相似文献
Ohne Zusammenfassung 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Der Erstkontakt psychisch und psychosomatisch Erkrankter findet im deutschen Gesundheitssystem meist unter der Präsentation von körperlichen Störungen in einer Hausarztpraxis statt. Aufgrund der speziellen äußeren Strukturen der hausärztlichen Praxisführung und einem besonders dem Hausarzt eigenen pragmatischen lösungsorientierten Umgang mit seinen Patienten begegnet er den Patienten mit psychischen und psychosomatischen Krankheiten in anderer Weise, als es der Psychotherapeut für adäquat hält. Der vorliegende Text will das gegenseitige Verständnis für die unterschiedlichen Typen der Therapeut-Patienten-Interaktionen zwischen den Hausärzten und den Psychotherapeuten fördern. Die psychotherapeutischen Leser werden zu neuen Kooperations- und Kommunikationsformen mit Hausärzten ermutigt, dem hausärztlichen Leser werden Fallstricke im therapeutischen Kontakt zu psychisch und psychosomatisch Erkrankten aufgezeigt, und er wird ermuntert, strukturierter und kompetenter als bisher mit diesen schwierigen Patienten zum Wohle dieser Patienten umzugehen. 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Es wird über drei Experimente berichtet, in denen auf verschiedene Art und Weise subjektive Ähnlichkeitsbeziehungen zwischen Reizen ermittelt worden sind. Während im Versuch I Distanzen zwischen den Objekten auf Grund direkter Ähnlichkeitsschätzungen gewonnen wurden, sind im Experiment II die Ähnlichkeitsbeziehungen aus Entscheidungszeiten definiert worden, die von der Darbietung der Reizpaare bis zur Urteilsabgabe benötigt worden sind. Im Versuch III ist schließlich die Anzahl der Verwechslungen beim Wiedererkennen als quantitativer Ausdruck für die Ähnlichkeit verwandt worden.Mit Methoden der multidimensionalen Skalierung sind die aus den Ähnlichkeitsmatrizen analysierbaren Ordnungsgesichtspunkte ermittelt worden. Ihre psychologische Deutung ist durch Benennung der Skalen und durch Versuche zur Rekonstruktion der Urteils- bzw. Wiedererkennungsprozesse versucht worden. In den ersten beiden Versuchen konnten je drei interpretierbare Dimensionen ermittelt werden. Experiment III erbrachte einen weiteren vierten Faktor. Beim Vergleich der drei Ähnlichkeitsstrukturen konnten für jeweils zwei Skalen inhaltliche Übereinstimmungen erkannt werden. Dabei zeigten die auf Entscheidungszeiten zurückgehenden Dimensionen den jeweils geringsten Differenzierungsgrad mit nur wenigen Unterscheidungsklassen. Die verbleibenden Faktoren konnten weitgehend auf spezielle Bedingungen des jeweiligen Versuches zurückgeführt werden.
Experiments in multidimensional scaling of subjective stimulus similarities based on ratings, descion times, and confusions in recognition
Summary This is a paper showing in different ways subjective relations of similarity between stimuli. While in experiment No. I distances between objects have been won due to direct ratings of similarity, the relations of similarity in experiment No. II have been defined from the time of presentation of the pairs of stimuli until the stating of judgement. In experiment No. III, finally, the number of mistakes in recognition were used as a quantitative expression of similarity.The analyzable aspects of classification, which were used by the Ss, have been won by means of procedures of multidimensional scaling. A psychological interpretation has been tried by denominating the scales and by tyring to reconstruct the processes of judgement respectively recognition. In each of the first two experiments three interpretable dimensions were found. Experiment No.III showed a further fourth factor. When comparing the three structures of similarity, agreement in content could be found out for the first two scales as well as for the second ones. The dimensions going back to the decision times showed the least rate of differentiation with only few classes of discrimination. The remaining factors could be attributed mostly to the special conditions of each of the experiments.相似文献
Prof. Dr. phil. Verena Kast 《Forum der Psychoanalyse》2014,30(2):179-192
According to Jung fantasies appear during sleep as dreams and while awake, they appear as more or less conscious fantasies. He understood fantasy as an activity of the psyche itself. Fantasy is that which simply occurs without any effort on our part and is always present. Imagination is what we call fantasy when we concentrate on it, i.e. perceive it and do something with it. Due to the close relationship of dreams, fantasies and imagination, the more they are consciously observed and perceived, the more it is possible to use imagination with dreams to better understand them. This is especially true for nightmares so that through imagination helplessness can be overcome and self-efficacy can be stimulated. Steven Starker already proposed using imagination for working on nightmares in 1974 and he also showed how the style of the nocturnal dreams changed as a consequence. In a clinical vignette I show how this technique can be used and what an influence it has. The analyst and analysand are in a communal space of visualization, framed in the beginning by the nightmare. This space is considered as a space of interaction and of potential transformation. The analyst is a part of the process, offering ideas in a symbolic form and reinforcing the analysand’s ideas which lead to stress-reducing behaviour and images that provide an opening for the future. There are pauses in the imaginative work to talk together about the experiences, to link the situation in the imagination to biographical material, and to understand the resources opening up in the material, through the analysand herself. The goal of working with imagination is to ban the anxiety in the dream and to let the dreamer experience the fact that dreams and imagination are not only determined by the anxious feelings but it is also possible to transform these kinds of energy into creative fantasies. 相似文献
Martin Kurthen 《Journal for General Philosophy of Science》1989,20(1):54-86
In his recent paper Indeterminacy, empiricism, and the first person John R. Searle tries to refute Willard V. O. Quine's famous indeterminacy of translation thesis by arguing that this thesis is in fact areductio ad absurdum of Quine's own linguistic behaviorism. Searle accuses Quine of being (irrationally) antimentalistic and suggests that the absurdity of Quine's thesis might be avoided if a full-fledged intentionality were tolerated in the debate on meaning. — This anti-Quinean approach in some respects reminds of the improbable debate between Searle and Jacques Derrida ten years ago, when Derrida had split and deferred intentionality by showing that the essential iterability of signs inevitably infects every intentional act with an unremovable non-presence.In this paper it is argued that Searle's attacks on Quine and Derrida have both failed — and that there are structural similarities between these two failures which reveal some interesting parallels between Quine's and Derrida's philosophy. 相似文献
Psychological Research - 相似文献
Zusammenfassung Die Verstärkung von Primärprävention als Senkung der Eintrittswahrscheinlichkeit von Krankheiten ist angesichts der Dominanz chronisch-degenerativer Erkrankungen und der wachsenden Ungleichheit von Gesundheitschancen in reichen Industrieländern eine zentrale Herausforderung zeitgemäßer Gesundheitspolitik. Die heute dabei verwendeten Konzepte und Methoden haben historische Wurzeln, deren Kenntnis Anregungen für ihre Verbesserung und weitere Entwicklung liefern kann. Moderne Primärprävention senkt Gesundheitsbelastungen und fördert gesundheitsdienliche Ressourcen, sie arbeitet mit spezifischen und unspezifischen Interventionen, gibt der Veränderung der Kontexte von Krankheitsentstehung und belastendem Verhalten Priorität und ist partizipativ angelegt. Das gilt für Interventionen auf der Ebene des Individuums ebenso wie für solche in settings/Lebenswelten und für bevölkerungsweite bzw. zielgruppenspezifische Kampagnen. Eine Verbesserung der Qualitätssicherung ist notwendig. Das im Jahr 2005 gescheiterte Präventionsgesetz sollte zwar lediglich den Beitrag der Sozialversicherungsträger zu dieser anspruchsvollen, gesamtgesellschaftlichen Strategie regeln, enthielt aber Festlegungen im Hinblick auf Ziele, Instrumente, Zuständigkeiten und Ressourcen, die auch für den nächsten Anlauf der Gesetzgebung richtungweisend sein sollten.
R. RosenbrockEmail: |
Dipl.-Psych. Christa Leiendecker 《Forum der Psychoanalyse》2004,20(3):351-361
Taking the inherently conflicting relationship between psychoanalysis as a science of the unconscious and reality as her starting point the author describes the historically developed need of an extensive political commitment as a genuine task of the psychoanalyst to ensure the own group’s survival within health system in the long run. The author illustrates her argument by the numerous changes, which have been introduced into the field of professional and social law within in the last 12 years and affected clinical practice within the legal health insurance system as well as psychoanalytic training. She describes the area of tension in which politically committed psychoanalysts find themselves. These tensions are produced by a frequently met defence fuelled by anxieties and denial of the own colleagues against professional politics within psychoanalytic organisations and by various defences in extraanalytical professional politics. The author discusses ways of an individual, intrapsychical mastering both on part of colleagues committed to professional politics and of members of analytic organisations and describes ways of institutional dealing with these conflicts in psychoanalytic organisations and in the extraanalytical field of professional politics as a precondition of a more successful representation of the own group’s political interests. Finally she considers structural changes which are necessary if psychoanalysis is to succeed not only in the struggle about distribution of resources but also in the interdisciplinary scientific debate. 相似文献
In 2010 the classification and terminology committee of the International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE) presented a revised proposal for the classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsy, which is also available as a German translation. In 2016 this commission presented an operational classification of epileptic seizures and new concepts for the classification of epilepsy. The essential amendments and aspects of this new classification system in comparison to the previous classification of epileptic seizures and epilepsy are briefly summarized and exemplified by two case reports. 相似文献
Prof. Dr. Sven Olaf Hoffmann Dipl.-Psych. Gerd Rudolf Bernhard Strauß 《Psychotherapeut》2008,53(1):4-16
Unwanted effects or even damage due to psychotherapy are largely neglected issues within psychotherapy research as compared to other fields. On the other hand, it is reasonable to assume that unwanted effects of a treatment which intends to influence patients into a positive direction are very likely. The rate of negative effects of psychotherapy (the deterioration effect according to Bergin) is consistently estimated to be 10% of all cases and shows this same rate in a variety of studies. This review highlights side effects of psychotherapy both on the part of the patients and of the therapists. It reports unwanted effects related to different psychotherapeutic methods, i.e. psychoanalysis, cognitive behaviour therapy, client-centered psychotherapy and – beyond these basic orientations – group psychotherapy. The paper also reports on negative effects of psychotherapy on an untreated partner. Finally, some proposals are given on how negative effects of psychotherapy could be diminished. The authors especially highlight the possibilities of changing the therapist, the treatment technique, or the theoretical treatment approach as a way to reduce negative effects. 相似文献