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Researchers explored patient and staff perceptions of spiritual well-being and the spiritual needs of patients enrolled in a residential substance abuse treatment program. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale was used to gather quantitative data. Additionally, a brief questionnaire containing one qualitative and two quantitative questions was completed by both clients and staff. A statistically significant difference was found, indicating a more positive sense of spiritual well-being among patients upon discharge. Although the staff and clients of the residential program have similar perceptions regarding the concept of spiritual well-being, their definitions do not appear identical.  相似文献   

This article concerns the relationship between addiction recovery, spirituality and psychotherapy. Since its founding, members of AA have been encouraged to pursue a spiritual life. They have also sought psychotherapy. A paradox obtains, because 51 % of therapists are atheists. Others have little awareness of the dynamics of the spiritual life. The developmental process of the spiritual life is discussed, and suggestions are made regarding how a therapist might be helpful in this process.  相似文献   

This review considers the role of drug therapy in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia, the evidence for efficacy of different agents, and the theory-based explanations of drug-related benefits for aphasia rehabilitation. Pharmacological interventions modulating stroke-induced disruption of diverse neurotransmitters may improve language and communication deficits in aphasic patients through facilitation of brain plasticity and long-term potentiation. However, benefits are not evident for all compounds and refinement in clinical trial designs is required. Some pharmacological trials have failed because drug treatment was not combined with speech-language therapy, while other trials combining drugs with intensive model-driven therapies also failed probably because of short-trial duration, inadequate sample selection, or lack of drug action. Preliminary data reveals that combining neuroscience-based intensive aphasia techniques (constraint-induced aphasia therapy) and drugs acting on cholinergic and glutamatergic neurotransmitter systems are associated with better outcomes than other strategies and long-term maintenance of benefits. Although further studies are needed, current state of the evidence suggests that drug therapy may play a key role in the treatment of post-stroke aphasia.  相似文献   

A large research literature attests to the positive influence of spirituality on a range of health outcomes. Recently, a growing literature links spirituality to improved recovery from cardiac surgery. Cardiac surgery has become an increasingly common procedure in the United States, so these results may provide a promising indication for improved treatment of patients undergoing surgery. To our knowledge, a comprehensive review of the literature in this area does not exist. Therefore, this paper reviews the literature relevant to the influence of spirituality on recovery from cardiac surgery. In addition, it proposes a conceptual model that attempts to explicate relationships among the variables studied in the research on this topic. Finally, it discusses limitations, suggests directions for future research, and discusses implications for the treatment of patients undergoing cardiac surgery.  相似文献   

This paper reviews empirical studies conducted on the role of spirituality and religiosity (S/R) characteristics in 12-step recovery among program members followed up after substance abuse treatment and those assessed independent of formal treatment. Aspects of spiritual functioning that change in relation to program participation and those S/R characteristics that were found to mediate the association between program involvement and drinking-related outcomes are discussed. In addition, a review is provided of 12-step program studies investigating S/R-related predictors of clinical outcomes relevant to risk of relapse among members in long-term recovery. To further examine the role of S/R characteristics in recovery, a study was conducted on long-term AA members to assess the relationship of S/R characteristics and AA program involvement to craving for alcohol and emotional distress after controlling for relevant demographic variables. Feeling God’s presence daily, believing in a higher power as a universal spirit, and serving as an AA sponsor were all predictive of positive outcomes.  相似文献   

The authors suggest that a condition of “negative spirituality” underlies and sustains alcoholism, and perhaps all addictions, and that a secure recovery is not possible unless a “spiritual awakening,” such as is envisioned by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), is achieved. A broadly applicable conceptual model of spirituality is inferred from the AA 12-step rehabilitation program.  相似文献   

Since self-efficacy is a positive predictor of substance use treatment outcome, we investigated whether it is associated with spirituality within a religious 12-step program. This was a cross-sectional survey (N = 91) of 10 different Celebrate Recovery sites held at community churches. The mean spirituality score for those with high confidence was significantly greater than those with low confidence. Spirituality associated with greater confidence to resist substance use (OR = 1.09, 95% CI 1.02–1.17, P < 0.05). So every unit increase of measured spirituality increased the odds of being above the median in self-efficacy by 9%. We conclude that spirituality may be an important explanatory variable in outcomes of a faith-based 12-step recovery program.  相似文献   

Aphasia is a common symptom after left hemispheric stroke. Neuroimaging techniques over the last 10–15 years have described two general trends: Patients with small left hemisphere strokes tend to recruit perilesional areas, while patients with large left hemisphere lesions recruit mainly homotopic regions in the right hemisphere. Non-invasive brain stimulation techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) have been employed to facilitate recovery by stimulating lesional and contralesional regions. The majority of these brain stimulation studies have attempted to block homotopic regions in the right posterior inferior frontal gyrus (IFG) to affect a presumed disinhibited right IFG (triangular portion). Other studies have used anodal or excitatory tDCS to stimulate the contralesional (right) fronto-temporal region or parts of the intact left IFG and perilesional regions to improve speech-motor output. It remains unclear whether the interhemispheric disinhibition model, which is the basis for motor cortex stimulation studies, also applies to the language system. Future studies could address a number of issues, including: the effect of lesion location on current density distribution, timing of the intervention with regard to stroke onset, whether brain stimulation should be combined with behavioral therapy, and whether multiple brain sites should be stimulated. A better understanding of the predictors of recovery from natural outcome studies would also help to inform study design, and the selection of clinically meaningful outcome measures in future studies.  相似文献   

When we confront the meaning of spirituality in education confusion and conflict can arise as they arise from the confrontation with spirituality in ourselves. This occurs both at the personal and at the collective level, according to writers such as C.G. Jung. Failure to understand that human spirituality includes a shadow side of this kind is precisely what leads many forms of human spiritual expression, including organized religion, into deep splits and schisms. It is unsurprising, therefore, that the willing, but perhaps, nä L ve attempts of contemporary educationalists to understand spirituality within education in a wholly positive light have themselves run into trouble. This paper will attempt to argue that without balancing contemporary educational debate about spirituality against some writers', including C.G. Jung's, deepest insights into the place of shadow in spirituality, children will yet again be sold a misfaction [1] about the nature of that aspect of human being and becoming. This, in turn will merely deepen the chaos, confusion and conflict arising from the earnest and well-intentioned, but perhaps nä L ve, attempt to make spirituality part of the cross-curricular experience of all children in all common schools.[2]  相似文献   

We critically review the literature on subcortical aphasia, suggest that a number of traditional concepts regarding mechanisms of aphasia are inconsistent with now abundant data, and propose several new hypotheses. The absence of aphasia in 17 reported cases of dominant hemisphere striatocapsular infarction and the finding of nearly every conceivable pattern of language impairment in 33 different reported cases of striatocapsular infarction provide strong evidence against a major direct role of the basal ganglia in language and against disconnection or diaschisis as mechanisms of nonthalamic subcortical aphasia. However, detailed consideration of the vascular events leading to striatocapsular infarction strongly suggests that associated linguistic deficits are predominantly related to sustained cortical hypoperfusion and infarction not visible on structural imaging studies. Thalamic disconnection, as may occur with striatocapsular infarcts with extension to the temporal stem and putamenal hemorrhages, may also contribute to the language deficits in some patients. Review of the literature on thalamic infarction, in conjunction with previously unreported anatomic details of four cases, suggests that what infarcts in the tuberothalamic artery territory and the occasional infarcts in the paramedian artery territory associated with aphasia have in common is damage to the frontal lobe–inferior thalamic peduncle–nucleus reticularis–center median system that may be involved in regulating the thalamic gate in attentional processes. Disruption of attentional gating in the pulvinar and lateral posterior nuclei resulting from such lesions may impair selection of specific neuronal networks in the projection field of these nuclei that serve as the substrate for lexical–semantic function, which is in effect a disruption of a type of working memory, as defined by Goldman–Rakic. We define this as a defect of selective engagement.  相似文献   

We analyzed the relationship between age and clinical type of aphasia in 167 right-handed men who had suffered cerebrovascular accidents. Patients with unequivocal diagnoses as Broca's, Wernicke's, anomic, conduction, and global aphasics were considered. The median age of the Broca's group (51 years old) was significantly lower than that of the total group (55.8 years old), while the median age of the Wernicke's group was significantly higher (63 years old). Moreover the incidence of Wernicke's aphasia increased steadily with age, while incidence of the other types of aphasia peaked in the sixth decade and then diminished with increasing age.  相似文献   

Counseling and the helping arts in general have been hesitant to openly embrace the concept of spirituality as part of their working knowledge base. Part of the dilemma centers on sometimes confusing a religious view with a more secular conception of the term. Another potentially confounding element is the existing variety of ways the term is actually being used by both. In this investigation of the roots of the problem I hope to catalyze a more inviting and open dialogue as the profession considers the possibilities associated with an expansion or consolidation of definition(s).  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):201-213
Ritual has been used as a therapeutic tool within family therapy for nearly two decades. Our understanding of ritual has been drawn from studies of cultures in which all life was viewed as sacred. However, common use of ritual in therapy lifts ritual out of its sacred context and secularizes it. Blending some of the key thinking in feminist theology with feminist psychology can help women reconnect with a perspective on the sacred that is empowering. Reimbuing ritual with the sacred and expanding its use in therapy make it a powerful healing process for women.  相似文献   

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