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Self-ratings by 308 shop workers of their job variety, autonomy, task identity, and skill challenge correlate significantly with ratings by observers of the jobs' skill requirements. Self-ratings, however, are unrelated to observers' estimates of the physical demands of the jobs or to environmental conditions of the work. The self-ratings and observer measures provide complementary, not substitute, information. Self-ratings can signal person-job dysfunctions, and more objective job measures can identify possible sources of the dysfunctions. Modifications to job characteristics measures are discussed and suggestions are made to begin a new phase of programmatic job characteristics research.  相似文献   

The authors examined self-ratings and spouse ratings in a young adult newlywed sample across a 2-year interval. Rank-order stability correlations were consistently high and did not differ across the 2 types of ratings. As expected, self-ratings showed significant increases in conscientiousness and agreeableness--and declines in neuroticism/negative affectivity--over time. Spouse ratings yielded a very different pattern, however, showing significant decreases in conscientiousness, agreeableness, extraversion, and openness across the study interval. Spouse ratings also showed evidence of a "honeymoon effect," such that they tended to be more positive than self-ratings at Time 1. This effect had dissipated by the 2nd assessment; in fact, the spouse ratings tended to be more negative at Time 2. Analyses of individual-level change revealed little convergence between self- and spouse-rated change, using both raw change scores and reliable change index scores. Finally, correlational and regression analyses indicated that changes in spouse ratings were significantly associated with changes in marital satisfaction; in contrast, changes in self-ratings essentially were unrelated to marital satisfaction. These results highlight the value of collecting multimethod data in studies of adult personality development.  相似文献   

The authors examined the relationship of hostility with (a) affective ratings of pictures and (b) state affects evoked by task-induced stress in 95 healthy men and women 22-37 years of age. Pictures were from the International Affective Picture System (IAPS; P. J. Lang, M. M. Bradley, & B. N. Cuthbert, 1999). Stressors included a startle task, mental arithmetic task, and choice-deadline reaction time task. The circumplex model of affect was used to structure the self-reported state affects. The authors found that hostility was associated with displeasure, high arousal, and low dominance ratings of IAPS pictures. Hostility was related to unpleasant affect and unactivated unpleasant affect during the experiment, and subscale paranoia was related to activated unpleasant affect. Findings suggest that participants scoring high on hostility are prone to negative emotional reactions.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationships of children's grade in school, sex, and social class to teachers' ratings on the Behavior Problem Checklist (BPCL). The sample consisted of 1,999 white children from kindergarten through fifth grade who were in regular classes. Three conclusions may be drawn from the study. The first is that grade and the interactions of grade with sex and social class are determinants of scores on the BPCL, but that no particular trends are characteristic of the relationships between these and the dependent variables. The second is that sex and social class are also determinants of scores on the BPCL, with boys and children from the lower social classes having more problems and girls and children from the higher social classes having fewer problems. The third is that the differences between schools and between teachers are responsible for more of the variance on the BPCL than grade, sex, and social class.For permission and assistance in obtaining the sample, the authors gratefully acknowledge John Bowser, superintendent of the Alief Independent School District, Alief, Texas. The authors thank Dorothy Schreiner, secretary-to-the-superintendent, and the following school principals and their teachers for their valuable cooperation: Betty A. Bennett, Jane E. Hunt, Bertha Jamison, James Keel, and James R. Woodfin. Appreciation is also expressed to Richard M. Patterson and James J. Wilmoth who generously offered their advice concerning the data analysis.  相似文献   

As hypothesized, data from two field studies among employees and their supervisors showed that employees are more likely to positively bias their self-ratings relative to supervisor ratings when creative performance rather than inrole performance is being evaluated. In addition, employees' performance-approach goal orientation and perceived influence were found to enhance positivity bias in self-ratings of creative performance. Moreover, performance-approach goal orientation and perceived influence appeared to combine and interact in their effects, such that the impact of perceived influence on positivity bias in self-ratings was larger when performance-approach goal orientation was weaker rather than stronger.  相似文献   

The binary remember/know task requires participants to dichotomize their subjective recognition experiences into those with recollection and those only with familiarity. Many variables have produced dissociative effects on remember/know judgments. In contrast, having participants make independent recollection/familiarity ratings has consistently produced parallel effects, suggesting the dissociations may be artifacts of using binary judgments. Bodner and Lindsay (2003) reported a test-list context effect with binary judgments: Increased remembering but decreased knowing for a set of critical items tested with a set of less-memorable (vs. more-memorable) items. Here we report a parallel effect of test-list context on recollection and familiarity ratings, induced by a shift in response bias. We argue that independent ratings are preferable to binary judgments because they allow participants to directly report the co-occurrence of recollection and familiarity for each item. Implications for the measurement of self-reported recognition experiences, and for accounts of recognition memory, are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the validity of self-estimates of ability on a vocational interest measure (the Self-Directed Search). Self-ratings of 149 female undergraduates were correlated with well-validated measures of abilities corresponding to each of Holland's six interest domains. Employing a multitrait, multimethod methodology, the study found a pattern of, at best, moderate correlations between self-ratings of ability and the objective ratings. Higher correlations were found between self-ratings of abilities and objective measures than for self-ratings of competencies on the Self-Directed Search. However, for both areas there were findings contrary to predictions. Implications for the use of self-ratings in the measurement of vocational interests and related constructs are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship among teacher, peer, and self-ratings of children's social behavior. The Pupil Evaluation Inventory was completed by 172 first-graders, 346 fourth-graders, 283 seventh-graders, and 30 teachers. Groups of deviant responders and controls were also selected from the total sample on the basis of peer-rated aggression and withdrawal scores. Interrater agreement was consistently greater between peer and teacher ratings than between self-ratings and either peer or teacher ratings. Discrepancies between raters were greatest for children with more deviant scores, with peer ratings providing the highest estimates of deviant behavior, and self ratings yielding the lowest. Self ratings were lower than teacher or peer ratings on aggression and withdrawal, and higher on likability. Aggression produced greatest agreement between raters. Agreement was uninfluenced by the cognitive maturity of peer evaluators. The results suggest that the selection of raters should be influenced by the class of behaviors to be evaluated and the context in which they occur.This research was funded by Québec Ministry of Social Affairs Grant RS 281 to Jane Ledingham and Alex Schwartzman. The authors wish to thank Lisa Serbin for her helpful comments on this article, and Claude Senneville, Geoff Selig, and Denise Morin for their assistance in the data collection and analysis.  相似文献   

In three studies, cartoons were rated for aggression, pain, and funniness in order to determine whether aggression, pain, or both correlated with funniness and whether a positive or inverted-U function described the relationship. Pain correlated more reliably with funniness than did aggression. A probable explanation for this is that cartoons showed greater variability in pain than in aggression ratings, since pain could be self-inflicted or could result from a mishap or from another's aggression. Funniness increased to asymptote within the first third of the pain dimension and was unaffected by further pain increases. No significant downward trend in funniness was observed with increased pain ratings. The results were interpreted by assuming that cartoon violence is a salient dimension, in which to create discrepancies, and that the discrepancies were reflected in the pain ratings.These studies were supported by Ball State University Research Grants.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to describe naïve conceptions of creativity and offer some explanation for their variability. Two methods are used to analyze conceptions of creativity. The first one consists of analyzing adjectives that are associated by naïve judges with the notion of creativity of an advertisement. The second one consists of predicting the evaluation of creative level of advertisements by naïve judges, through the assessment of dimensions such as the originality of these advertisements or the quality of their design. Results show that with both methods, originality is always the most characteristic dimension of creativity. Moreover, the results show that the variability of the importance given to the dimensions of creativity is linked to certain characteristics of judges. In particular, factor g is positively related to the weight given to originality in creativity. A personality trait, preference for novelty, is also positively associated with greater weight for originality in creativity judgments.  相似文献   

Summary: When art quality varied for a set of figure drawings, judges were unable to differentiate hospitalized schizophrenic females from a matched nonpatient group. Both trained and naive judges erroneously tended to see drawings of low art quality as of patient origin, and drawings of high overall quality as of nonpatient origin. When art quality was held constant judges did slightly better than chance in differentiating the patient vs. nonpatient drawings. Psychologists were no more accurate than untrained judges. Results support the position that art quality of drawings influences judges' evaluations, and, in terms of the present investigation, represents a major source of error in drawing interpretation. Even when art quality was controlled, however, judges' rate of success was low, casting doubt on the status validity of the Draw-A-Person test (DAP).  相似文献   

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