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不同年龄群体大五人格与幸福感关系*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以毕生发展为研究视角,调查了3192位不同年龄群体被试,探讨不同年龄群体大五人格与幸福感的关系。结果发现:(1)各变量都存在显著的年龄效应,大五人格与主观幸福感相关显著;(2)在不同年龄群体里,神经质和开放性都能显著预测主观幸福感,且预测值随着年龄而增大,而外倾性、尽责性和宜人性对主观幸福感的预测存在年龄差异;(3)大五人格对主观幸福感的解释率随着年龄的增长而下降,到60岁之后其解释率上升;(4)年龄在大五人格与主观幸福感之间起了显著的调节作用。  相似文献   

从个体效能到集体效能--班杜拉自我效能理论的新发展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
姜飞月  郭本禹 《心理科学》2002,25(1):114-115
班杜拉于70年代后期提出了自我效能理论。但早期的研究主要集中在个体效能方面,强调个体行为的调控,却忽视了集体行为的研究。到了80年代中期,班杜拉又提出了集体效能的概念。经过十多年的研究积累。从90年代开始。班杜拉对集体效能概念进行了系统地理论整合和阐释。进一步扩展了其自我效能理论的内涵。因此,从个体效能概念发展到集体效能概念,代表着班杜拉自我效能理论的新进展。  相似文献   

Research on culture and personality is thriving. In this article, I address several prominent controversies, including: (a) alternative perspectives on the relationship between culture and personality; (b) the cross‐cultural universality versus specificity of personality structure; (c) whether comparisons of mean inventory profiles reveal valid cultural differences in trait levels; and (d) the importance and role of the trait concept across cultures. Greater consensus regarding the relationship between culture and personality will likely be achieved if researchers clarify which aspects of personality they are addressing (e.g., basic tendencies vs. characteristic adaptations). Recent lexical and indigenous studies have weakened consensus regarding the universality and comprehensiveness of the Five‐Factor Model. The validity of cultural mean profiles remains unresolved. Research on the importance of traits across cultures provides support for both trait and cultural psychology perspectives, although more culture‐comparative studies of consistency and predictive validity are needed. Suggestions for research are offered.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the ways in which an individual’s notions of sexuality are challenged by immigration. It describes four basic facets of sexuality and the ways in which each are rooted in culture. These include (1) the relative importance of sexuality in daily life; (2) potential or overt homosexuality; (3) marriage—whether based on arrangement or love; and (4) cross-cultural romantic and marital relationships. Immigration can stir up conflicts in each of these realms and lead to defensive retreat into familiar customs or a counterphasic plunge into new cultural avenues. Ideally, it would lead to a working-through of these conflicts and subsequent growth in the immigrant’s understanding of his or her sexual self.  相似文献   

Military technicians (N= 202) of the Telecommunication Maintenance Unit (TMU), as well as military staff (N= 185) in the Italian Air Force (IAF), were administered a questionnaire measuring self‐ and collective efficacy, perceptions of context (colleagues, direct superior, and top management), organisational commitment, and job satisfaction. Structural equation models support the hypothesised relationship among variables. Self‐efficacy and perceptions of context were related to collective efficacy which in turn was related to organisational commitment and job satisfaction. Collective efficacy was explained by self‐efficacy and by perceptions of context. In addition, organisational commitment was explained by collective efficacy, more so than job satisfaction. Perceptions of colleagues, direct superior, and top management were mainly related to job satisfaction. 202 techniciens militaires de l'Unité de Maintenance des Télécommunications ainsi que 185 militaires des Forces Aériennes Italiennes ont rempli un questionnaire portant sur l'efficience personnelle et collective, la perception de l'environnement (les collègues, le supérieur immédiat et le haut de la hiérarchie), l'implication organisationnelle et la satisfaction professionnelle. Des modèles en équations structurales ont confirmé les relations supposées entre les variables. L'efficience personnelle et la perception de l'environnement étaient liées à l'efficience collective qui était elle‐même en relation avec l'implication organisationnelle et la satisfaction professionnelle. L'efficience collective procédait de l'efficience personnelle et de la perception de l'environnement. En outre, l'implication organisationnelle dépendait de l'efficience collective, plus que de la satisfaction professionnelle. La perception des collègues, du supérieur immédiat et du haut de la hiérarchie étaient principalement en rapport avec la satisfaction professionnelle.  相似文献   

集体效能:一种团体研究的主体性视角   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
班杜拉于20世纪80年代中期将个体效能研究拓展到集体效能研究,吸引了相当数量研究者的注意。研究发现,集体效能信念在集体活动的因果结构中起着关键的作用,它不但能直接影响集体行为,而且还能作用于其它决定集体行为的因素,如目标设定、抱负水平、结果预期、情感倾向、对社会机遇和社会阻力的知觉等等。该文对近年来的集体效能研究进行梳理,考察不同领域的集体效能研究状况,并初步总结出相应的理论共识,指出该研究的贡献和局限。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is twofold: First, it discusses and derives personality types based on Big Five traits. Second, it compares their associations with career success. After deriving both a statistical and content-wise meaningful two-type solution referring to a resilient and a distressed profile, the explanatory value for both objective (i.e., promotions and income) and subjective career success (i.e., self-reported career success and career satisfaction) is tested for both traits and types. For objective career success, only traits appeared to be relevant predictors. For subjective career success, types appeared to have explanatory value as well, next to traits. This study concludes with a short discussion of its implications and possible further research avenues.  相似文献   

A measure of collective efficacy was developed and administered to undergraduates working in project teams in engineering courses. Findings in each of two samples revealed that the measure contained a single factor and was related to ratings of team cohesion and personal efficacy. Collective efficacy was also found to relate to indicators of team performance at both individual and group levels of analysis. Consistent with social cognitive theory, collective efficacy was a stronger predictor of team performance than team members’ perceptions of their self-efficacy. We consider the implications of these findings for further research, theory, and practice on team functioning within occupational and educational settings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to compare the creative performance of students belonging to 2 different cultures, Italian and Ugandan. The participants were 462 children between the ages of 6 and 14 (231 in each group). The children were distributed across the age groups, between the 1st and 7th years of primary school. This study used a quantitative methodology and an intercultural perspective to explore the socio-cultural variables involved in defining and expressing creative action. To evaluate creative performance, Williams’s TCD (Test of Creativity and Divergent Thinking, 1996) was used along with a questionnaire to identify socio-anagraphical characteristics. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed no statistically significant difference between the averaged total scores of the two groups on creativity and divergent thinking tests. However, Ugandan and Italian students had statistically significant differences in the flexibility (FS) category, with Italian students earning higher scores than the Ugandan students, and also in fluency (FL), where the Ugandan children achieved higher scores than the Italian ones.  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代中期开始,国外自我效能的研究表现出从个体效能向集体效能的转变,集体效能是自我效能在集体水平上的扩展。在效能内涵和效能形成上,集体效能与个体效能存在着密切的相互作用,但在效能的测量上,集体效能又有着许多不同于个体效能之处,与个体效能相比,集体效能的研究在整体上还存在着明显的不足。  相似文献   


(Porteus, Stanley D. The Porteus Maze Test and Intelligence. Palo Alto: Pacific Books, 1950. Pp. 194.) Reviewed by Gladycs C. Schwesinger.  相似文献   

公共领域中的集群效能研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公共领域中的集群效能是指公众通过分享所在地区的公共信任和社会凝聚力, 从而对于共同努力实现所在地区特定目标的一种集体信念和预期。公共领域中的集群效能有其独特的测量方法和研究结论, 集群效能的相关前因变量可以分为社会认同、社会经济地位和社会参与, 集群效能的相关影响作用研究可以分为公共安全、政治行为、公共卫生三个领域内的研究。文章最后指出未来在公共领域中集群效能研究有必要加强作用机制、动态变化等方面的探讨。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that involvement in massively multiplayer online role‐playing games (MMORPGs) provides users with a sense of support and community. In the present study, we examined the possible buffering effects of MMORPGs on depression. First, we examined whether higher involvement in MMORPGs was associated with higher levels of perceived social support. Second, we examined whether, consistent with past research, higher levels of perceived social support were associated with lower levels of nonclinical depression. Using structural equation modeling, we found that involvement in MMORPGs was not associated with perceived social support. However, we further confirmed that a lack of perceived social support is associated with higher levels of depression. Implications for MMORPGs and its players are discussed.  相似文献   

A conceptual framework is presented for studying trivariate inference, in which the influence of a primary independent factor, x, on a dependent variable, y, depends on a secondary factor, z. In two experiments, this was operationalized as the contingency between mating strategies, x, and mating success, y, for targets stemming from different tribes, z. In Experiment 1, z was manipulated to produce four contingency types: control, orthogonal, suppressor, and spurious correlations. Performance variation was not restricted by encoding capacity; explicit and implicit measures were more accurate at the trivariate level than at the bivariate level of assessment. Aside from normal regression effects, neither task complexity nor competition among influence factors led to impaired performance. Impairment was evident mainly in a radical discounting effect for spurious correlations due to representational conflicts. Experiment 2 demonstrates that the difficulties with spurious correlations can be overcome when temporal cues disambiguate the joint influence of x and z on y.  相似文献   

刘红云  孟庆茂  张雷 《心理科学》2004,27(5):1073-1076
通过对28所小学1299名教师的调查结果,作者主要对教师集体效能和自我效能对工作压力与教师工作满意度、内在动机及离职倾向之间关系的调节作用进行了分析。多层分析结果表明:(1)教师工作压力与教师工作满意度和内在动机的关系受教师自我效能高低的调节,教师自我效能高的教师.工作压力所带来的负面影响较小;在考虑了教师自我效能的调节作用后,教师工作压力对教师工作满意度、内在动机和离职倾向的影响存在显著的学校水平的差异。(2)学校水平背景特征一教师集体效能对教师工作压力与内在工作动机和离职倾向之间的关系有显著的调节作用,在集体效能高的学校中的教师,工作压力的负面影响较弱。  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to examine cognitive ability and personality correlates of assessment center exercise ratings. The sample included 429 individuals who participated in a 2-day management development assessment center during a 5-year period. The assessment center yielded scores on 8 exercises. Assessees also completed a measure of cognitive ability (Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal) and the California Psychological Inventory (CPI). The CPI scales were incorporated into 4 of the Big Five personality factors for easier interpretation. Our hypotheses were partially supported since ratings of exercises that were largely interpersonal in nature tended to correlate with interpersonal personality constructs (emotional stability, extraversion, and openness to experience), and ratings of cognitive problem-solving exercises correlated with cognitive ability and conscientiousness.  相似文献   

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