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道德建设:价值向度的迷失与回归   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为道德结构是规范向度和价值向度的内在统一,然而人们往往偏爱前者,忽视后者,造成了规范向度的膨胀和价值向度的迷失,因此本文着重从理论上对道德的价值向度及其功能作了阐释和论证,并对在道德建设中凸显价值向度的途径作了陈述和分析。  相似文献   

新农村和谐家庭建设的伦理维度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新农村和谐家庭的建设是乡村社会和谐与稳定的重要基础和新农村建设的内在要求;构建农村和谐家庭要以建立民主平等的家庭关系、培育良好的家风、确立健康文明的家庭生活方式、建设先进的和谐家庭文化等为基本内涵;推进农村和谐家庭建设,必须从培养提高农民的科学文化素质,充实加强家庭经济基础,巩固强化家庭道德基础等几个方面入手.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: This paper explores the relationships among culture, character, and suicide. It draws on the author's research in Scandinavia and his studies of suicide among United States urban blacks and college students. The differences in motivation and significance of suicide in Sweden and Denmark are illustrated. The United States is an amalgam of subcultures which must be studied separately to identify the psychosocial determinants of behavior. The varying rates and motivations for suicide in different cultures and subcultures, the differences between men and women, between young and old, differences in ways of coping with love and loss, life and death make clear that suicide is part of a culture's possibilities. The varying psychodynamic ways in which the suicidal individual in differing cultures and subcultures conceives of, uses, and absorbs death also has much to tell us about how we live.  相似文献   

An exploration of the use mind/body metaphors in a woman whose physical, environmental and psychoneurotic trauma culminated in an irreversible colostomy. She lived in a world of concrete symbols, her primary process damaged such that she could not create generative symbols to process her trauma. She regressed to a state of infantile megalomania, recoiling from the external reality of subjective others. Her introjective disorder mirrored her digestive disorder as she could absorb neither good objects nor good nutrients. The analytic situation has been an auxiliary fecal container and we work to bridge her mind body split with mind/body metaphors. As she reclaims lost development mastery, she displays a symbolized sphincter. As her capacity to form symbols grows, she rages and mourns for the loss of her fantasized ideal parents and her ideal body.  相似文献   

以往学界对毛泽东反官僚主义斗争的研究多偏重于其发动群众运动、开展思想教育方面,不同程度地忽视了毛泽东反官僚主义斗争的制度向度。新中国成立后,毛泽东着眼于防范和克服官僚主义,推动创立干部参加劳动制度,探索以党委领导下的厂长负责制和两参一改三结合的管理制度代替一长制,对干部等级工资制也有独特的批判性思考。要客观评价毛泽东反官僚主义斗争的制度向度,必须正确理解制度概念的层次性,正确看待运动治理与制度治理之间的关系,正确认识制度设计与制度执行之间的关系。  相似文献   

Stierlin (11) recently examined owning and disowning in the parent-child relationship from a psychoanalytic-developmental perspective. This paper examines the same phenomena from a structural viewpoint, deriving implications for the conduct of therapy.  相似文献   

道德需要是主体意识到道德与其生存和发展的价值、意义后而对道德产生的心理倾向。道德需要作为人的特殊的高级需要 ,具有功利性和超功利性的二重属性。  相似文献   


In this second of three papers, I identify three fundamental phenomenological themes that have informed Christian mystical theology and then explore how these themes might be given further understanding via natural science. The first theme, detachment, minimizes any association with the secular world in favor of humility and openness to God. Detachment is chosen in consciousness using a resonant global workspace linked through the hippocampus to reconstructions of both declarative and emotional memory. The second theme, infused contemplation, is concerned with God's top-down revelation to the recollected mind of the mystic. The resulting top-down resonance creates an appropriate theory of mind for infused contemplation, as the human mind is now more perfectly linked with the mind of God. The third theme is mystical union, which both theology and science claim occurs within consciousness. Starting in intentional consciousness, the mystic undergoes an unmediated surrender beyond cognition to non-intentional consciousness. Because God fills the center of our being, a resonating luminosity can thus occur arising from the union of God and self within pure consciousness.  相似文献   


In this third of three papers, I identify three fundamental psychological themes that have informed Christian mystical theology and then explore how these themes might be given further understanding via natural science. The first theme, desire, represents an ever greater love for God: an insatiability related to the limitations of human language. Such focused desire for God is likely associated with brain activity in the caudate nucleus (CN); associated permanent changes in the neuroplastic brain further enhance this desire. The second theme, discernment, is about listening to God, being open to God's graces, and waiting for the right time to make godly decisions. Such decisions reflect both cognitive and emotive skills, as verified by their overlapping neural circuits within the brain. Psychotherapy indicates that the mind can control the brain, consciously improving and directing chosen events, thus leading to enhanced discernment. The third theme is charity, which represents the universal link between love of God and love of neighbor. Neuroscience demonstrates how cognition gives rise to such features as willfulness, surrender, fragmentation and wholeness—all of which play significant roles in mystical experiences, including the evolution to charity. Love of neighbor can be taken as shared attention building on intersubjective perception; such shared attention represents a deep interaction of lovers in voluntary self-disclosure—surely the ultimate basis for charity.  相似文献   

The study of compromise in career decision-making has been neglected. Out of Pryor's adoption of Gottfredson's compromise formulation, a programme of research was undertaken to investigate the basic dimensions of career compromise. The results of four separate studies are reported, investigating compromise conceptions, compromise plans, compromise choices and compromise interventions. These data support the importance of the three Gottfredson dimensions — psychological characteristics, prestige and sex-type-in the process of career compromise. The major deficiency of the Gottfredson compromise model is the need for elaboration of several of its aspects, such as sex differences in compromise strategies, 'refusal to compromise', the existence of more than one compromise paradigm and the interrelatedness of the compromise dimensions.  相似文献   

重新思考马克思与正义:希腊的维度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
作者认为马克思思想具有希腊的维度,古希腊伦理哲学中的本质主义、目的论和正义这三个要素深刻地影响了马克思对资本主义的分析和批判.在作者看来,马克思的历史理论是本质主义和目的论的,这与亚里士多德的影响密不可分.而马克思对正义的看法则深受伊壁鸠鲁的影响,即将一种历史的维度引入了关于正义的讨论,在这种观点的影响下,马克思在正义问题上采取了"有限相对主义"的立场,即认为资本主义就其本身来看是正义的,但是从社会主义的立场来,这种正义又是有限的和不足的.正因为历史地看待正义问题,所以马克思又用道德的语言来谴责资本主义.作者认为,这种"有限相对主义"和用道德的语言抨击资本主义之间的张力并不像某些学者认为的是一种矛盾,而是马克思处理问题的一种辩证方法.  相似文献   

环境伦理学的正义向度   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
“环境正义”问题的凸现在环境伦理学的发展过程中具有重要的意义,它重新规定了环境伦理学的理论向度,更加重视塑造环境伦理学的实践品格。“环境正义”问题也是当今我国所面临的重大社会问题,我国环境伦理学的研究也应通过对这一问题的关注逐渐形成自己的话语系统和价值立场。  相似文献   

I propose a characterization of the dialectical dimension of argumentation by considering the activity of arguing as involving a “second order intersubjectivity”. I argue that argumentative communication enables this kind of intersubjectivity as a matter of the recursive nature of acts of arguing—both as justificatory and as persuasive devices. Calling attention to this feature is a way to underline that argumentative discourses represent the explicit part of a dynamic activity, “a mechanism of rational validation”, as Rescher (Dialectics. A controversy oriented approach to the theory of knowledge. SUNY Press, Albany, 1977) showed, which is a practice that presupposes the possibility of attaining objectivity.  相似文献   

关于秩序的思考是贯穿于先秦儒家治世之道中的一条内在逻辑理路.以孔子、荀子为代表的儒家意识到等级秩序的破坏是社会动乱的根源所在,秩序构建是治世中必须解决的重大现实问题.正是以秩序建构为逻辑起点,儒家设计了其治世之道.以礼义为核心的伦理价值系统是儒家治世之道中的重要内容,关于秩序的思考既是其逻辑起点,又是其最终的价值归依.人伦关系协调是儒家治世之道中的重要问题,无论是对"人"还是"伦"的思考,秩序构建始终是贯穿于儒家人伦思想中的核心问题.  相似文献   

论生态经济学的伦理基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生态经济学主张经济发展的现实基础是人的感性生存;经济发展的动力机制是人类文明的可持续性;经济发展的价值目的是人的全面发展.  相似文献   

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