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We argued that parental identification should be viewed as an intermediate variable which mediates the impact of parental characteristics on women's career orientation but does not directly affect career orientation itself. Questionnaire data from 457 college women showed that, while there was no overall association between career orientation and parental identification, these variables interacted significantly in their association with self-differentiation from the father, maternal employment and occupation, and maternal sex role ideology. As predicted, career orientation among mother-identified women was associated with more extensive maternal employment and less conventional sex role ideology in both parents. For this group it was also associated with greater dissimilarity between perception of self and father. For father-identified women, we hypothesized that career orientation would be associated with less dissimilarity between self and father, less extensive maternal employment, and greater maternal sex role traditionality. Results directionally supported this father-identified pattern.  相似文献   

Contrasting hypotheses that psychological androgyny (Bem, 1974, 1975) would be associated with (1) identity confusion and a lack of personal integration or (2) identity achievement and high levels of integration were tested. Sex-role orientation, ego-identity status, and self-esteem were determined for 111 college men and women. The results support the second hypothesis, that high levels of masculinity and femininity (androgynous orientation) are conducive to identity achievement and high self-esteem. In contrast, low levels of masculine and feminine characteristics (undifferentiated sex-role orientation) were associated with uniformly low self-esteem and a lack of personal integration (identity diffusion). Sex-typing was most often associated with premature identity commitments and a lack of personality differentiation (identity foreclosure) and with high self-esteem in males but low self-esteem in females. Cross-sex-typing was associated with high levels of self-esteem and identity achievement in females, but with somewhat lower self-esteem in males and either unsuccessful (diffusion) or transitional (moratorium) levels of identity resolution.This research was supported by University of Missouri Summer Research Fellowship 3694-1100. The author would like to express his gratitude to Mona Asbed, Richard Baker, Sheila Ginsburg, Keith Shaw, and Marsha Whitson for conducting and rating the identity status interviews.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of the sex roles of homosexual and heterosexual men and women on the Bem Sex Role Inventory, Personality Attributes Questionnaire, Personality Research Form Androgyny Scale, Adjective Checklist Masculinity and Femininity Scales, Extended Personality Attributes Questionnaire and Undesirable Characteristics Scale. The results indicated that homosexuals and heterosexuals differ in their response to different aspects of sex roles. The most consistent difference was the greater femininity of male homosexuals in respect to male heterosexuals. Other differences were scale-specific and the low interscale comparability indicated such scales should not be used interchangeably. Differences between results of studies comparing sex roles of the homosexuals and heterosexuals appear attributable to sample heterogeneity and distinctions between sex-role scales.  相似文献   

Parental sex-role attitudes (i.e., sex-role ideology, self-perceptions of masculinity and femininity and stereotyping) were examined in relation to the parental child-rearing values of independence granting and pressure for achievement. The major hypothesis was that nontraditional sex-role attitudes would be related to earlier independence granting and greater emphasis on achievement, particularly among parents of female children. A second objective was to examine sex-of-child and sex-of-parent differences in these two child-rearing values. The subjects were the natural mothers (n=138) and fathers (n=114) of preschool girls and boys. The sample (N=252) was all White, middle class, in two-parent families, and highly educated. Among parents of girls, but not of boys, sex-role attitudes had a significant effect on child-rearing values in the hypothesized direction. As for the child-rearing values per se, few sex-of-child or sex-of-parent differences emerged. In contrast to previous studies, fathers' child-rearing values were found to be relatively unaffected by the sex of their children.Data reported here were gathered as part of a research project supported by NIMH Grant No. 25217. The author is deeply grateful for the collaboration of Grace Baruch in all phases of the research. She wishes also to acknowledge the assistance of Susan Dibner, Nancy Harmon, and Diana Jeffries in instrument design and data collection, and of Frances Stubblefield in data analysis. The cooperation of participating children, parents, and preschool personnel is greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

Two career orientation factors, Career Centeredness and Career Commitment, were predicted to relate differentially to women's achievement motivation and sex-role identity. Career Centeredness is an orientation which places a career above other life activities (e.g., recreation, family life, etc.) as a source of satisfaction whereas Career Commitment concerns the intention of steadily pursuing a career throughout life. The expectation that Career Centeredness would be more characteristic of masculine women and correlate higher with achievement motivation than would Career Commitment was generally supported. Results are discussed in terms of societal support for these two career orientations and of role conflict experienced by women with different sex-role identities.  相似文献   

Stephanie A. Tesch 《Sex roles》1984,11(5-6):451-465
Sex-role orientation based on combined t-ratio/median-split scoring of Personal Attributes Questionnaire data was investigated in relation to intimacy status in a sample of university alumini with an average age of 25 years. There was no significant sex difference in sex-role orientation or social status. As expected, androgyny was associated with the preintimate status in both men and women. Contrary to prediction, androgyny was also associated with the less intimate statuses of merger in men and pseudointimate in women; sex-typing was associated with the most intimate status in both sexes. All sex-typed individuals were involved in long-term, heterosexual partnership varying in level of intimacy.Part of this research was included in a presentation at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, September 1980. The author thanks Susan Krauss Whitbourne for providing advice and intimacy status ratings for this research.  相似文献   

Self-report questionnaires of difficulty in right-left discrimination and handedness were given to 575 male and 607 female undergraduates. Significantly more men and lefthanders reported having right-left confusion frequently or all the time. The validity of such self-report measures in predicting actual performance on right-left discrimination tasks is questioned since the results, at least as a function of handedness, depended on the question asked.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the meaning of the construct, career orientation. Fourteen presumed measures of career orientation as well as Super's Work Values Inventory were administered to college women. Analysis of the relationships among these variables identified two relatively independent clusters. The first cluster most closely approximated the usual definition of career orientation. Career-oriented women were found to be highly career motivated and perceived the career role as primary in their adult lives. The second cluster was called work orientation. This orientation characterized women with well-defined occupational aspirations who placed a high value on both the career role and marriage-family responsibilities in their future. Work-oriented women tended to choose traditionally feminine occupations in contrast to the career-oriented women whose aspirations included higher level and less traditional occupations.  相似文献   

Finlay  Barbara  Starnes  Charles E.  Alvarez  Fausto B. 《Sex roles》1985,12(5-6):637-653
Data from two Virginia Slims Surveys of American Women (1974 and 1979) are analyzed to test the hypotheses that sex-role value differences between men and women are greater in the divorced population than among married adults and that those differences have increased in recent years. The hypotheses are generally supported, and implications are drawn for the explanation of remarriage probabilities of divorced men and women. The explanation of the growing gender gap among the divorced is linked to recent changes in the position of women in the general economic structure.Revised version of a paper presented at the 1983 annual meetings of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Houston, Texas.  相似文献   

William H. McBroom 《Sex roles》1981,7(10):1027-1033
The responses of university women to a scale composed of items reflective of traditional expectations for females are examined. Women who reject such stereotyped expectations had poor childhood relationships with their fathers, and the women who endorse the expectations had good paternal relationships. This is a class-specific pattern most characteristic of those of lower socioeconomic background. No similar effect was found when childhood relationships with mothers were considered. Implications of fathers' influence on daughters' sex-role orientations are considered.An earlier version of this article was presented as a paper at the meeting of the Pacific Sociological Association in Victoria, British Columbia, April 1975. The patience and ideas of an anonymous reviewer have considerably strengthened this revision. This research was partially supported by NSF Grant ISP-8011449.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship of traditionality of occupational preferences and sex-role orientation to personality-occupational environment congruence in college women. Three-letter Holland personality codes were obtained for each of 184 college women based on same-sex normative scores from the Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory and on scores from the ACT Unisex Interest Inventory (UNIACT). Subjects' occupational preferences were classified as traditional, moderately traditional, or nontraditional based on the percentages of women in the occupation. Scores on the Bern Sex Role Inventory were used to classify subjects into one of four sex-role categories. Results indicated a strong association between congruence and traditionality of choice; women whose choices were in nontraditional career fields were significantly more likely to be making choices congruent with their personality type than were women choosing traditional career fields. Further, while sex-role orientation was not significantly related to either congruence or traditionality, masculine-typed women were most likely to make nontraditional and congruent career choices, while the majority of feminine-typed, androgynous, and undifferentiated women stated preferences for traditional career fields. Implications for the applicability of Holland's congruence postulate to women's vocational behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

The present experiment assessed the impact of a person's sex role and occupational preferences on his/her social attractiveness, attractiveness as a coworker, and attractiveness to a prospective employer. Male and female subjects were provided information describing a competent male or a competent female stimulus person. Stimulus persons (SPs) were portrayed as favoring either traditionally masculine or traditionally feminine occupations, and as masculine or feminine in their sex-role preferences. As expected, both male and female SPs were seen as most socially attractive when their sex-role preferences were “gender consistent.” In contrast, subjects favored SPs who expressed masculine sex-role preferences when assessing the individual's attractiveness as a prospective employee. These findings were compared and contrasted with the results of earlier research, and the implications of sex-role deviance for males and for females were discussed.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest that sexual orientation has an early neurodevelopmental basis. Handedness, a behavioral marker of early neurodevelopment, has been associated with sexual orientation in some studies but not in others. The authors conducted a meta-analysis of 20 studies that compared the rates of non-right-handedness in 6,987 homosexual (6,182 men and 805 women) and 16,423 heterosexual (14,808 men and 1,615 women) participants. Homosexual participants had 39% greater odds of being non-right-handed. The corresponding values for homosexual men (20 contrasts) and women (9 contrasts) were 34% and 91%, respectively. The results support the notion that sexual orientation in some men and women has an early neurodevelopmental basis, but the factors responsible for the handedness-sexual orientation association require elucidation. The authors discuss 3 possibilities: cerebral laterality and prenatal exposure to sex hormones, maternal immunological reactions to the fetus, and developmental instability.  相似文献   

The beliefs of college students about (a) choices they would make when presented with opportunities to achieve by competing with persons of the other gender and (b) the consequences of such achievement choices were assessed. Drawn from a population of predominantly upper middle-class students, with a minority enrollment of 14.7%, 83 men and 84 women were presented with vignettes which depicted (a) either a challenge for a first violin in an orchestra or a Ping-Pong match at a party and (b) events related to the opportunity to become class valedictorian. Multivariate analytic techniques were employed, and overall the results indicated that men seemed less willing than women to compete against the other gender, and women seemed to view the consequences about such competition as more positive than men. In the violin and Ping-Pong vignettes, men indicated that they, more than women, would be criticized for playing to win and that, if a woman played to win, her male opponent would feel more ridiculed than respected. In the valedictorian vignette, women indicated that men who decided to compete would feel more pleasure than guilt, whereas women who decided to compete would feel more guilt than pleasure. The results are discussed in terms of conceptualizing achievement choices as more situational than static or gender linked.The authors wish to thank David A. Cole, University of Notre Dame, for statistical advice, Chau T. Wong, University of Notre Dame, for assistance in data analysis, Kathleen L. Davis, University of Tennessee, and Michael J. Patton, University of Missouri, for reading and commenting on early versions of this paper and undergraduates from the University of Notre Dame for working on this project.  相似文献   

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