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This article presents evidence for the view that an important precursor to a feminist identity is a sense of one's own marginality plus a redefinition of what that marginality means. Choosing marginality appears to be a highly adaptive strategy for social activists who can pass as members of the dominant majority. Women leaders in psychology appear to be more likely to be Jewish and/or to be from working class backgrounds than one would expect by chance. An examination of their autobiographical narratives indicates that many of them have actively engaged their marginal identities and redefined them into a source of strength. This article also explores the historical and contextual factors that influence overt identification with some form of marginality. These factors include historical differences in the danger due to a particular stigmatizing social label, familial social activism, and the social power possessed by an individual woman. Finally, it is argued that positive marginality appears to promote an awareness that injustice is rooted in structural processes rather than personal inadequacy.  相似文献   

职业妥协是职业决策中的一个重要概念,关系着个体职业发展和社会就业的稳定。为了充分了解职业妥协和有效促进就业。首先,介绍了职业妥协的概念、测量;其次,总结了职业妥协的影响因素,并基于差异理论、目标设定理论、社会认知职业理论和人-环境匹配理论解释了职业妥协的实施效果,汇总了实施效果的边界条件;最后从职业妥协对职业行为的影响、个体职业生涯态度、家庭代际支持和上下级匹配与职业妥协的关系几个方面对未来研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

自我刻板化是指个体自认为某群体的成员时,把伴随此种身份的刻板印象加诸于自己身上的过程。该文首先简要介绍了自我刻板化的理论基础——自我归类理论,然后从自我刻板化的行为效应、态度效应以及影响自我刻板化的因素等方面对以往的相关研究进行了回顾。最后,指出未来的研究还有必要加强对自我刻板化的应用研究等五方面问题的探讨  相似文献   

《Military psychology》2013,25(3):225-236
The purpose of this study was to examine some antecedents and some consequences of organizational commitment as conceptualized by Meyer and Allen (1991) Meyer, J. P., & Allen, N. J. (1991). A three component conceptualization of organizational commitment. Human Resource Management Review, 1, 6198.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]. Specifically, gender, ethnicity, branch of the Army, and perceptions of tokenism (e.g., isolation and stereotyping) were examined as antecedents of organizational commitment. Peer-rated leadership performance served as the outcome measure of affective (AC), continuance (CC), and normative commitment (NC). Findings indicated ethnic differences in AC and CC, gender differences in CC, and Army branch differences in AC and NC. Perceived tokenism was associated with lower levels of AC and NC and higher levels of CC. Finally, higher levels of AC and NC predicted higher leadership evaluations, whereas higher levels of CC were associated with lower leadership evaluations.  相似文献   

Antecedents and Consequences of System-Justifying Ideologies   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Abstract— According to system justification theory, there is a psychological motive to defend and justify the status quo. There are both dispositional antecedents (e.g., need for closure, openness to experience) and situational antecedents (e.g., system threat, mortality salience) of the tendency to embrace system-justifying ideologies. Consequences of system justification sometimes differ for members of advantaged versus disadvantaged groups, with the former experiencing increased and the latter decreased self-esteem, well-being, and in-group favoritism. In accordance with the palliative function of system justification, endorsement of such ideologies is associated with reduced negative affect for everyone, as well as weakened support for social change and redistribution of resources.  相似文献   

关爱就是注意到他人痛苦, 经过对当前情况评估之后, 对他人痛苦产生共情感受, 最终采取行动帮助他人脱离困境的过程。目前, 关爱已经成为积极组织行为学关注的热点问题。关爱的测量主要有4种方法:行为编码、量表、自我报告和定性评估。关爱对积极情绪、焦虑、员工满意度、组织承诺、组织公民行为、离职意向、组织合作能力等有积极的影响。组织成员之间的关系质量、组织文化、组织领导者与制度化的组织关爱措施对关爱具有预测作用。未来关于关爱的研究需加强对结构测量、影响因素与作用机制的进一步探讨。  相似文献   


Online social interactions occur in many venues, from e-mail lists and Usenet newsgroups to real-time chat-rooms and multiuser domains (MUDs). We conceptualize such online interactions as intentional social action and study its individual-level antecedents (attitudes, perceived behavioral control [PBC], anticipated emotions) and social-level antecedents (subjective norms, group norms, social identity). Further, we examine a number of its key behavioral outcome consequences such as changes in offline interactions with family and friends, engagement in neighborhood activities and hobby groups, and the use of such mass media as television, radio, and print publications. An empirical study involving 545 members of 7 different types of high- and low-interactivity online venues not only supports our theoretical framework but uncovers interesting venue- and gender-related differences among participants.  相似文献   

This expaloratory study examines the relationship between personality characteristics (extraversion, core self evaluations), social tie characteristics (number, breadth, depth), and three types of expatriate adjustment (general, interaction, and work). Data was collected at two points in time from 75 expatriate employees from one organization on international assignments around the world. Results indicate that core self‐evaluations, but not extraversion, are positively related to the number of ties formed with other expatriates and host country nationals. Social ties with other expatriates were found to provide greater social support, but similar access to information, than those with host country nationals (HCNs). In general, depth and breadth of relationships with other expatriates predicted general and work adjustment; whereas, breadth and total number of relationships with HCNs predicted all three types of adjustment. Overall, these results provide initial support for the importance of social ties in facilitating expatriate adjustment.  相似文献   

随着劳动力结构与工作特点的巨大变化,工作-家庭冲突问题日益突出。国内外研究主要从工作、家庭与个体三个层面对工作-家庭冲突的前因变量、后果变量及干预策略进行了深入探讨。前因变量主要包括工作与家庭层面的压力、特点,性别等;后果变量主要涉及个体的工作家庭满意感、组织承诺、离职和心身健康;干预策略涉及家庭友好政策和个体应对方式等。作者认为今后研究可以在工作-家庭冲突积极面、跨文化研究等方面进行突破  相似文献   

The present study investigated the relationship between employees’ perceptions of five characteristics emphasized in their work organization (i.e., individualism, hostile interaction styles, competition, hierarchical governance, and email reliance) and the occurrence of incivility in that context. We also examined how perceptions of uncivil environments, in turn, related to personal experiences of workplace incivility and negative outcomes for targets. The proposed model was examined in two samples of university faculty. Study 1 tested the model with three organizational characteristics (individualism, hostile interaction styles, and competition) and three outcomes (job satisfaction, turnover intentions, and physical health) in a sample of faculty from a wide range of departments at a large Southern university. The second study investigated two additional organizational characteristics (hierarchical governance and email reliance) and an additional outcome (psychological distress) in a nationwide sample of law faculty. Results demonstrated that all but one of the characteristics (email reliance) related to perceptions of an uncivil workplace environment; uncivil environment perceptions, in turn, predicted personal experiences of incivility and negative occupational and health outcomes.  相似文献   

Scholarship on informal discussion of politics and current events has mainly focused on its cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral effects. In comparison, fewer studies have addressed the antecedents of political talk. Using 2‐wave U.S. panel survey data, this study sheds light over 2 sets of motivations people may have for engaging in political conversation: civic‐oriented and social‐oriented goals; and their effects over civic participation. Using structural equation modeling, results suggest that both civic and social motivations are positive predictors of frequency of political discussion, and indirectly associated with civic engagement. From a theoretical perspective, these findings cast political talk as a more complex phenomenon than what deliberative theory suggests, and point to social motivations as an additional path to civic life.  相似文献   

This research examined the relationship of perceived threats to job security, job satisfaction, and psychological mood among recent business school graduates. Most job insecurity research has considered longer-tenured organizational employees. Two hundred and seventeen respondents completed anonymous questionnaires. LISREL analysis provided considerable support for the research model. Perceived threats to job security had direct effects on job insecurity and job satisfaction and indirect effects on psychological mood through job insecurity and job satisfaction.  相似文献   

Unlike many minority members, lesbian and gay employees often make conscious decisions about revealing their minority status at work. Past research suggests that lesbian and gay employees utilize different strategies (i.e., counterfeiting, avoidance, integrating) to manage a stigmatized sexual identity. This study explored the relationship between each strategy and predicted antecedents (i.e., sexual identity achievement, perceived organizational climate) and consequences (i.e., open group process). Results demonstrated that lesbian and gay employees are more likely to adopt an integrating strategy when they have higher sexual identity achievement and perceive an affirming organizational climate. Open group process was found to have a negative relationship with avoidance. A significant positive relationship was found between counterfeiting and open group process, suggesting that maintaining a false identity may facilitate some work group interactions. Implications for work group relationships and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Research on sexual harassment as a prevalent job stressor has focused primarily on outcomes for the direct targets of harassment; the antecedents and consequences ofindirectexposure to sexual harassment have not been explored. Ambient Sexual Harassment is proposed as an assessment of indirect exposure to sexual harassment. Ambient Sexual Harassment is defined as the general or ambient level of sexual harassment in a work group as measured by the frequency of sexually harassing behaviors experienced by others in a woman's work group. The integration of Ambient Sexual Harassment into the model of sexual harassment developed by Fitzgerald, Drasgow, Hulin, Gelfand, and Magley (1997) proposes that indirect exposure to sexual harassment will have similar antecedents and job-related, psychological, and health outcomes as direct exposure. An empirical test of the model, using samples of female employees from a public utility company (N= 455) and a food processing plant (N= 194), generally supports predictions.  相似文献   

快速信任是适应临时性组织的速成性、短期性和任务复杂性特点而形成的新的信任研究方向, 其一反传统信任对个性、人际关系和情感的关注而转向对认知、行为和角色的关注。利用快速信任能有效地管理临时性组织的脆弱性、不确定性、风险和期望问题。在介绍快速信任的概念和测量的基础上, 综述了影响快速信任形成的信任倾向、类别与原型和角色等因素, 并阐述了快速信任对团队及系统层面结果变量的影响。未来研究需对快速信任的情感成分、测量及维度划分、快速信任与领导的交互影响、快速信任下的不信任以及快速信任的动态发展方面展开深入探讨。  相似文献   

从社会交换的角度看组织认同的来源及效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈伊默 《心理学报》2007,39(5):918-925
从社会交换的角度探讨了组织认同的来源及效益。采用结构方程建模的方法,通过对398名企业个体的问卷调查所获取的数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)POS对组织认同和留职意愿有着直接的显著影响;同时,它通过组织认同的中介作用对个体的留职意愿、同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源会产生间接的影响;(2)LMX对组织认同和留职意愿没有直接的显著影响;但它对同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源有着直接的显著影响  相似文献   

Two studies examined the role of task‐, self‐, and other‐approach achievement goals, trait curiosity, and enjoyment as antecedents of creative self‐efficacy and the influence of creative self‐efficacy on grade point average and perceived performance/effort exerted among college business students from Mexico. To test our research hypotheses, we used Structural Equation Modeling treating the variables as latent. Results from study 1 showed that task/self‐approach goal was a significant antecedent of creative self‐efficacy and enjoyment a marginally significant antecedent. Results from study 2 showed a positive, significant influence of trait curiosity on creative self‐efficacy. Similarly, creative self‐efficacy had a positive, direct influence on perceived performance/effort exerted and an indirect influence on students' grade point average. The implications of our results were discussed.  相似文献   

责任意识,不仅是一个多学科、多领域共同关注的社会性主题,也是一个可以从多个视角审视、多种认知逻辑考量的复杂性问题.心理学对责任意识有着特殊的关注,已经取得了大量的研究成果,对责任归因、儿童责任意识发展、责任与情感关系等进行了实验研究,对责任意识的文化特征和文化差异,也有研究者做了深入分析.  相似文献   

This study introduces and reports an initial test of a theoretical model of play in romantic relationships. It was hypothesized that self–esteem and humor orientation would be positively associated with playfulness in romantic relationships. Playfulness in romantic relationships was predicted to be positively associated with the experience of positive emotion. Positive emotion, in turn, was predicted to be associated with relationship satisfaction. A self–report instrument was administered to students and community members via snowball sampling. Path analysis revealed that the data were consistent with the proposed model.  相似文献   

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