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为了探讨青少年自伤行为自我惩罚功能的情绪条件,设计了两个研究:研究一包括2个实验,实验1对60名青少年、实验2对87名青少年进行行为实验;研究二使用青少年自我伤害行为问卷、中学生羞耻感量表以及中学生内疚感量表等对723名普通青少年进行问卷调查。行为实验的结果显示,内疚感和羞耻感均能有效诱发青少年的自伤行为,而自伤行为能有效缓解青少年的内疚感和羞耻感;问卷调查的结果显示,青少年自伤与内疚感有明显的负相关,与羞耻感有明显的正相关。因此,维持青少年自伤行为自我惩罚功能的情绪条件是羞耻感,而非内疚感。  相似文献   

采用问卷法对922名中学生进行调查,考察了家庭功能与青少年冒险行为的关系以及自我控制能力、不良同伴交往的中介作用。结果发现:(1)家庭功能、自我控制能力、不良同伴交往和冒险行为两两之间相关显著;(2)自我控制能力在家庭功能与青少年冒险行为之间起中介作用;(3)自我控制能力和不良同伴交往在家庭功能和青少年冒险行为之间构成序列中介,家庭功能对青少年冒险行为的影响主要通过家庭功能——自我控制能力——不良同伴交往——冒险行为这一路径实现。研究结果进一步揭示了家庭、同伴和个体自身因素影响青少年冒险行为的内在机制。  相似文献   

为探讨家庭功能影响青少年消极冒险行为的作用机制及条件,采用青少年冒险行为问卷、家庭功能问卷、自尊问卷、同伴群体特征问卷对山东省日照市940名初高中学生进行调查。结果发现:(1)家庭功能不良不仅可直接预测青少年更多的消极冒险行为,而且也可通过使青少年交往更多不良同伴进而使其冒险行为进一步增多;(2)不良同伴交往对青少年消极冒险行为的预测受到个体自尊的调节。低自尊个体更容易受到不良同伴交往的影响而发生更多的消极冒险行为,表现出两风险因素的叠加效应。研究结果提示,家庭是青少年健康成长的基础,家庭功能不良可使青少年适应不良,塑造良好的同伴环境、培养良好的自我素质或可降低这一风险。  相似文献   

采用问卷法考察了少管所、工读学校和普通中学740名青少年的违法犯罪行为.据严重违法犯罪行为得分将被试分为3组:无、中等和严重.三组青少年在家庭环境、父母监控和自我控制上差异显著:严重违法犯罪行为组父母离异比例高,父母受教育水平低;家庭氛围的矛盾性得分高,亲密度、情感表达和道德观等维度得分低;父母监控水平低;自我控制能力低.路径分析发现,低自我控制是预测青少年违法犯罪行为的重要个体因素,它对家庭氛围有显著的中介作用,但对其他变量的中介作用不显著.  相似文献   

以山东省济南市12所初中的2015名初一学生为被试,对其持续追踪至初二年级,采用自我报告法测查青少年的同伴侵害、受欺负和社交退缩,采用同伴提名法测查青少年的攻击行为。采用潜在剖面分析和潜在转变分析,探讨青少年早期同伴侵害的亚类别以及各亚类别中青少年受侵害身份的稳定性与发展变化。结果发现:(1)同伴侵害亚类别可以分为:未受侵害组、低受侵害组、中等受侵害组和高受侵害组四类,各亚类别间的异质性主要体现在受侵害程度上;(2)中等受侵害组和高受侵害组表现出高水平的攻击行为和社交退缩,且高受侵害组的社交退缩行为更多;(3)青少年早期个体的受侵害身份具有中到高水平的稳定性,同时也存在着一定的发展变化,主要表现为高受侵害组青少年倾向于向中等受侵害组转变,中等受侵害组青少年倾向于向低受侵害组转变。攻击行为是受侵害身份转变的重要预测因素。  相似文献   

为探索童年期情感虐待对青少年自伤行为的影响,以及焦虑的中介作用,本研究采用分层随机抽样,选用童年期虐待问卷、情绪调节问卷、焦虑自评量表及青少年自我伤害问卷对初一到高三共3250名学生进行问卷调查。结果显示,童年期情感虐待可以直接导致青少年自伤行为概率的增加,也可通过焦虑间接影响青少年自伤行为,情绪表达抑制调节了情感虐待和焦虑之间的关系,高表达抑制时,童年期情感虐待对焦虑的影响更强。  相似文献   

采用负性生活事件量表、自我批评量表、亲子关系量表和青少年自我伤害行为问卷对333名初中生进行测查,探讨负性生活事件对初中生自我伤害行为的影响及作用机制。结果表明:(1)负性生活事件对初中生的自我批评和自我伤害行为均有显著的正向预测作用;(2)自我批评在负性生活事件与初中生自我伤害行为之间起着部分中介作用;(3)负性生活事件和自我批评的关系(中介效应的前半段路径)受到亲子关系的调节,即负性生活事件对自我批评的正向影响随着父子关系和母子关系的增强而减弱。因此,负性生活事件和初中生自我伤害行为之间存在有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

从网络环境的视角来看, 同一性实验是指青少年以互联网为媒介, 通过自我表征和自我探索来构建同一性的一系列行为。网上交际的优越性、青少年的人格特征、同一性状态和动机等因素促使青少年进行同一性实验。青少年在参与同步聊天、社交网站和网络游戏的过程中实现同一性实验, 并对其同一性发展产生重要影响。未来的研究应关注网络环境差异和社会比较对青少年同一性实验影响的同时, 还应通过追踪研究和跨文化研究等, 探索同一性实验的深层机制。  相似文献   

采用青少年自我伤害问卷对2388名过去一年里有过自伤史的青少年进行施测,并采用潜在剖面分析方法探讨青少年自伤的分类模式,以及人口学变量对青少年II类自伤异质性的作用。结果发现,青少年自伤存在明显的异质性,首先,根据性质不同,将青少年的自伤行为分为Ⅰ类自伤和Ⅱ类自伤;其次,根据自我伤害程度,进一步将Ⅱ类自伤分为轻度自伤、较轻度自伤、中度自伤、较重度自伤和重度自伤;性别和家庭所在地主要对青少年Ⅱ类自伤中的轻度/较轻度自伤产生影响,年龄对青少年Ⅱ类自伤的5种潜在类别均有影响。  相似文献   

本研究基于自伤的体验回避模型,考察父母“低头族”对青少年自伤行为的影响,并检验焦虑和体验回避的序列中介作用。以808名中学生为被试,采用父母低头族量表、抑郁-焦虑-压力简版量表、接纳与行动问卷第二版和青少年自我伤害行为问卷进行测试,结果发现:(1)父母“低头族”与青少年焦虑、体验回避、自伤行为呈显著正相关;焦虑、体验回避与自伤行为呈显著正相关;(2)焦虑和体验回避在父母“低头族”和青少年自伤行为之间均起部分中介作用;(3)焦虑和体验回避在父母“低头族”和青少年自伤行为之间构成序列中介,即父母“低头族”通过增加青少年的焦虑,从而提高体验回避倾向,进而增加青少年自伤行为。研究从情绪和应对手段角度来考察父母“低头族”对青少年自伤行为的作用机制,对青少年自伤行为的预防和干预具有启示意义。  相似文献   

In recent years, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) among adolescents has been identified as alarmingly common place. Some studies have suggested that more than one in eight adolescents have engaged in self-cutting or other self-injuring behaviors. Even more of a concern is that self-injury often foreshadows suicide or suicide attempts. With self-cutting common in middle and high schools, understanding the antecedents and correlates of such behavior may help counselors and others public health officials identify troubled students and initiate preventative measures. This study utilizes data from 2,639 high school students from the Delaware Youth Risk Behavior Survey to investigate the gender differences in NSSI and suicidal ideation. Overall, 13% reported engaging in NSSI within the past year, with females reporting significantly higher rates (17%) of NSSI than males (9%). Results indicate that there are significant gender differences in NSSI and suicidal thoughts based upon previous victimization experiences, reported substance use, depression, health behaviors, and sexual orientation.  相似文献   

Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) was originally developed for chronically suicidal adults with borderline personality disorder (BPD) and emotion dysregulation. Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) indicate DBT is associated with improvements in problem behaviors, including suicide ideation and behavior, non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI), attrition, and hospitalization. Positive outcomes with adults have prompted researchers to adapt DBT for adolescents. Given this interest in DBT for adolescents, it is important to review the theoretical rationale and the evidence base for this treatment and its adaptations. A solid theoretical foundation allows for adequate evaluation of content, structural, and developmental adaptations and provides a framework for understanding which symptoms or behaviors are expected to improve with treatment and why. We first summarize the adult DBT literature, including theory, treatment structure and content, and outcome research. Then, we review theoretical underpinnings, adaptations, and outcomes of DBT for adolescents. DBT has been adapted for adolescents with various psychiatric disorders (i.e., BPD, mood disorders, externalizing disorders, eating disorders, trichotillomania) and problem behaviors (i.e., suicide ideation and behavior, NSSI) across several settings (i.e., outpatient, day program, inpatient, residential, correctional facility). The rationale for using DBT with these adolescents rests in the common underlying dysfunction in emotion regulation among the aforementioned disorders and problem behaviors. Thus, the theoretical underpinnings of DBT suggest that this treatment is likely to be beneficial for adolescents with a broad array of emotion regulation difficulties, particularly underregulation of emotion resulting in behavioral excess. Results from open and quasi-experimental adolescent studies are promising; however, RCTs are sorely needed.  相似文献   

Suicidality represents one of the most important areas of risk for adolescents, with both internalizing (e.g., depression, anxiety) and externalizing-antisocial (e.g., substance use, conduct) disorders conferring risk for suicidal ideation and attempts (e.g., Bridge, Goldstein, & Brent, 2006). However, no study has attended to gender differences in relationships between suicidality and different facets of psychopathic tendencies in youth. Further, very little research has focused on disentangling the multiple manifestations of suicide risk in the same study, including behaviors (suicide attempts with intent to die, self-injurious behavior) and general suicide risk marked by suicidal ideation and plans. To better understand these relationships, we recruited 184 adolescents from the community and in treatment. As predicted, psychopathic traits and depressive symptoms in youth showed differential associations with components of suicidality. Specifically, impulsive traits uniquely contributed to suicide attempts and self-injurious behaviors, above the influence of depression. Indeed, once psychopathic tendencies were entered in the model, depressive symptoms only explained general suicide risk marked by ideation or plans but not behaviors. Further, callous-unemotional traits conferred protection from suicide attempts selectively in girls. These findings have important implications for developing integrative models that incorporate differential relationships between (a) depressed mood and (b) personality risk factors (i.e., impulsivity and callous-unemotional traits) for suicidality in youth.  相似文献   

This study investigated the ways in which 2 indicators of parental autonomy granting, adolescents' decision-making input and parental knowledge of adolescents' daily experiences, differed as a function of contextual factors (i.e., parents' gender role attitudes or sibling dyad sex composition) and boys' and girls' personal qualities (i.e., gender, pubertal status, developmental status, or birth order) in a sample of 194 families with firstborn (M = 15.0 years) and second-born (M = 12.5 years) adolescents. Firstborns were granted more autonomy than second borns, especially in families with firstborn girls and second-born boys. Girls in families marked by traditional maternal gender role attitudes were granted fewer autonomy opportunities. Postmenarcheal second-born girls were granted more opportunities for autonomy than were premenarcheal second-born girls, but only in families with less traditional maternal gender role attitudes.  相似文献   

The current study examined the utility of behavioral measures of risk-taking propensity in the assessment of self-reported real-world risk-taking behaviors using a sample of 51 high-school-aged inner-city adolescents. Results indicated that performance on one behavioral measure, the balloon analogue risk task, accounted for unique variance in self-reported delinquency/safety risk behaviors as well as substance use risk behaviors, above and beyond that provided with demographics and self-report measures of risk-related constructs (i.e., impulsivity and sensation seeking). These results are discussed in relation to the potential utility of using a multimethod assessment approach for better understanding risk-taking vulnerability among adolescents.  相似文献   

考察父母行为和心理控制与青少年早期攻击和社会退缩有无特异性联系、是否存在非线性关系、是否以情绪调节策略(认知重评和表达抑制)作为中介。694名青少年(平均年龄13.67岁)完成了父母控制问卷、情绪调节量表、青少年攻击以及社会退缩量表。结果表明:(1)行为控制和心理控制均与两类结果有关,未表现出"一对一"的特异性联系;(2)行为控制与两类结果呈倒U型曲线关系,心理控制与两类结果呈线性关系;(3)认知重评在心理控制与攻击之间具有部分中介作用,表达抑制在心理控制与社会退缩之间具有部分中介作用。  相似文献   

为探讨青少年网络受欺负与自伤行为的关系,以及友谊质量和反刍思维在二者关系中的调节作用,采用青少年自我伤害问卷、网络受欺负问卷、友谊质量问卷等对1805名青少年进行调查。结果表明,网络受欺负对自伤行为有正向预测作用,且友谊质量和反刍思维共同调节二者的关系,即在低友谊质量高反刍思维的情况下,网络受欺负对青少年自伤行为有明显影响。提示心理干预者要注意帮助网络受欺负者寻找同伴友谊情感支持和构建理性健康认知模式。  相似文献   

Few studies have examined the association between impulsivity and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This study examined whether individuals with probable GAD display impulsivity in a particular way, and the extent to which impulsivity uniquely predicts GAD severity and GAD status, over and above intolerance of uncertainty (IU), a key cognitive factor in GAD. Individuals with (= 63) and without (= 77) probable GAD completed self-report measures of impulsivity and IU. Results revealed that elevations in the severity of GAD symptoms and in IU were associated with impulsive actions in the face of negative affect (i.e., negative urgency), but also greater premeditation and lower “functional” impulsivity (i.e., the ability to take quick action when it is advantageous to do so). Impulsivity led to an increment in the prediction of GAD symptoms and GAD status, over and above IU. Negative urgency and lower functional impulsivity were significant unique predictors of GAD severity or GAD status. The findings highlight a need to consider impulsivity in theories that implicate intolerance of negative affect and uncertainty in excessive and uncontrollable worry.  相似文献   

This study investigates the career development of adolescents with a family business background through a motivational lens. Drawing on self-determination theory, antecedents and consequences of three succession motivations (autonomous, e.g., career interest; introjected, e.g., family obligation; external, e.g., job opportunities) were analyzed in a sample of 152 adolescents in family firms. Structural equation modeling revealed that parental relational support and adolescent's perceived entrepreneurial competence predicted autonomous motivation, whereas parental control related to introjected motivation. Moreover, autonomous motivation related positively to offspring's succession likelihood. Findings point to the relevance of parental career-specific behaviors in the early process of career and succession planning in family firms.  相似文献   

This study investigates the career development of adolescents with a family business background through a motivational lens. Drawing on self-determination theory, antecedents and consequences of three succession motivations (autonomous, e.g., career interest; introjected, e.g., family obligation; external, e.g., job opportunities) were analyzed in a sample of 152 adolescents in family firms. Structural equation modeling revealed that parental relational support and adolescent's perceived entrepreneurial competence predicted autonomous motivation, whereas parental control related to introjected motivation. Moreover, autonomous motivation related positively to offspring's succession likelihood. Findings point to the relevance of parental career-specific behaviors in the early process of career and succession planning in family firms.  相似文献   

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