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从个体情绪波动到社会经济兴衰, 越来越多的研究开始关注气象因素对人类行为的重要影响。本研究提出大数据时代下, 基于情境营销理论的气象营销新概念。通过识别动态气象环境中对消费者心理和行为有影响的气象因素, 提出和验证“气象因素-消费心理-消费行为”这一逻辑链条的影响机制。研究主要围绕情境营销的气象因素影响、气象因素对消费心理和行为的影响机制、气象因素影响消费者行为机制下的营销策略三个主要问题展开讨论。预期研究成果将进一步延伸和丰富现有情境营销理论, 同时对环境消费心理学也是有益的补充。  相似文献   

孤独感已成为一种日益普遍的社会现象。近年来,孤独感影响消费行为的研究成果为消费者行为领域做出了重要贡献。个体的孤独感会对补偿性消费行为、回避性消费行为、非理性消费行为及独特性消费行为产生影响。同时,这些影响会受到消费者亲密关系状态、营销策略、产品属性及消费情境等因素的影响。社交替代理论、控制感理论、补偿性消费行为理论、自我调节理论和人格特质理论可用来解释孤独感对消费行为的影响。未来研究应当关注孤独感对利他型消费行为的影响、孤独感类型和程度对消费行为的影响、孤独感影响消费行为的调节因素、孤独感影响消费行为的内在机制、消费行为对孤独感的反向影响等方向。  相似文献   

消费者能够基于长期形成的联结产生预期并引导产品搜索。然而, 在实际搜索过程中, 消费者可能会遭遇符合预期的经验或违反预期的经验。本研究主要探讨基于不同产品搜索经验的联想学习影响消费行为的机制, 主要涉及(1)消费者是否会基于产品搜索经验的联想学习产生“违反预期”的预期, 并且影响随后搜索中的注意加工; (2)违反预期和符合预期的产品搜索经验对任务无关信息的联想学习所产生的影响, 同时关注先前短期的联想学习能否建立预期从而引导随后的产品注意搜索过程; (3)基于产品搜索经验的联想学习对产品偏好的影响, 并将行为偏好和大脑奖赏进行联系。本研究有助于阐明消费情境中产品搜索对消费者行为和大脑的影响机制, 为营销应用中通过改变消费体验、促进产品购买提供实证依据。  相似文献   

王财玉  雷雳 《心理科学进展》2015,23(7):1245-1257
社会责任消费是指消费者通过个人努力来促进促进环境保护和社会良性发展的一种消费模式。社会责任消费结构与测量从单一维度逐渐过渡到了多维度, 并涵盖了从产品获得、使用到购后垃圾处理的整个过程。从影响社会责任消费的心理距离来看, 社会责任消费的形成机制主要包括三类:进化心理机制阐述了作为人类进化结果的亲社会偏好是如何影响社会责任消费的, 属于远端机制; 社会规范机制阐述了外部的社会规范(命令性规范与描述性规范)是如何发挥作用的, 属于中端机制; 态度-行为(意愿)模型则主要阐述了消费者内部心理因素的影响, 属于近端机制。随着消费者社会责任消费影响力的扩大, 企业纷纷重视其自身社会责任行为, 并由此衍生出以企业社会责任为导向的营销策略, 然而其效果受到诸多因素影响。文章最后指出了已有研究尚未解决的问题以及未来的一些研究方向。  相似文献   

在消费者行为学领域,以往有关绿色消费的研究多聚焦于促进和阻碍消费决策的客观因素和社会心理因素,并分析绿色营销策略在消费者心理或行为层面的积极效应,却很少对产品绿色属性信息的负面结果效应进行探讨。本研究以企业绿色产品策略为研究切入点,在划分绿色属性信息内容维度的基础上,探讨产品绿色属性信息对消费者决策行为的双刃剑效应。首先,基于风险-收益、认知平衡和积极情感多个研究视角,构建起产品绿色属性信息影响消费者行为决策的多层次整合模型;其次,从个体心理表征因素和外部情境因素出发探讨减弱负面效应的边界机制。  相似文献   

西方关于消费者信息加工的新近研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
个体的消费行为特点及其主客观影响因素,一直为西方学者所重视。把个体的消费 行为视作信息加工过程,是目前比较流行的认识。近年来,西方学者对该过程中消费者的感 知觉、注意、信息分类、记忆、信息搜寻以及态度等方面进行了一系列研究,取得了一些值 得关注的研究成果。  相似文献   

随着经济社会的不断发展与物质生活的日益丰富, 一股消费“清流”——极简主义消费愈来愈受到学界和业界的共同关注。极简主义消费是人们出于社会意识或个人理念而自发采取的一种“从简”式消费行为, 覆盖个人、社会和自然各个层面。受人口变量、心理特质、情境线索和宗教文化等因素驱动, 极简主义消费对个体心理健康与行为决策产生重要影响。基本价值理论、自我决定理论、需求层次理论和自我调节理论是认识和理解极简主义消费形成路径与影响机制的重要理论视角。未来研究可进一步厘清极简主义消费的构念与维度内涵, 采用科学流程开发测量工具, 深化本土化和跨文化研究, 并从多元理论视角, 综合运用不同实证方法, 深入探索其前因后效、心理机制和边界条件。  相似文献   

伦理消费(Ethical consumption,EC)是指消费者在获取、使用或处置产品时考虑到个人消费行为对社会、环境或动物福祉的影响。虽然伦理消费日渐流行,但在金钱支付时伦理消费的态度却往往难以转化为实际的行为,即言行不一。本文从解释水平理论视角出发,以"心理距离→解释水平→个体反应"为分析框架展开。从时间维度上来说,在态度评价阶段和产品选择阶段两个时间点上,消费者与伦理产品的心理距离远近不同,分别激活了高低解释水平表征;高低解释水平下个体在动机和认知上又存在诸多差异,这种差异导致两个阶段的反应不同,继而出现伦理消费者态度与行为的分离。未来研究应重点关注如何根据解释水平理论有效提高伦理消费行为。  相似文献   

网络游戏消费研究日益受到研究者的关注。本文对网络游戏消费的影响因素进行了梳理。网络游戏消费的影响因素主要包括个体特征、网络游戏特征、社交特征、知觉特征和体验特征这五个方面。影响网络游戏消费的个体特征包括年龄、性别和人格;网络游戏特征包括游戏品质、服务质量、定制和创新;社会交往包括社交行为、社会资本和社会规范;知觉特征包括价值知觉、风险知觉、控制知觉,体验特征包括乐趣和心流。未来的研究应该关注不同品类网络游戏消费的影响因素的比较,消极社交互动以及与线上-线下社交迁移对网络游戏消费的影响。  相似文献   

权力感是个体感知自身控制他人的能力,它在消费行为中无处不在。现有权力感对消费行为影响的研究主要围绕权力感影响消费者心理感知、消费者价值观、消费者行为倾向以及消费者信息加工和说服四个方面开展。社会心理学中的相关理论可用于解释权力感对消费行为的影响及其作用机制。未来研究应区分不同类型权力感对消费行为的影响,探讨权力感对自我控制行为发挥作用的边界条件,加强中国本土化的权力感研究,以及比较不同操纵办法下的权力感所导致的消费行为差异。  相似文献   

Karl E. Peters 《Zygon》2003,38(2):333-354
Much good work has been done on the evolution of human morality by focusing on how “selfish genes” can give rise to altruistic human beings. A richer research program is needed, however, to take into account the ambivalence of naturally evolved biopsychological motivators and the historical pluralism of human morality in religious systems. Such a program is described here. A first step is to distinguish the ultimate cause of natural selection from proximate causes that are the results of natural selection. Next, some proximate causes are suggested as possible conditions of biological and emotional valuing as well as of customary social morality and individual rational ethical thought. Finally, different moral perspectives of Confucianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Christianity are briefly presented in order to illustrate how one might inquire about the selection of a variety of biopsychological and cultural proximate causes that enable the evolution of a plurality of religious moral systems.  相似文献   

Evolutionary biologists often refer to a distinction between ultimate and proximate explanation. On the one hand, such a distinction points to important issues for social psychologists, especially in terms of what it means to say that people experience emotions such as guilt and shame. On the other hand, the value of the ultimate/proximate distinction depends on how it is understood because its application can be problematic. We illustrate the use and possible misuse of the distinction in terms of its application to the differentiation of the self‐conscious emotions guilt and shame.  相似文献   

While admirable, Guala's discussion of reciprocity suffers from a confusion between proximate causes (psychological mechanisms triggering behaviour) and ultimate causes (evolved function of those psychological mechanisms). Because much work on "strong reciprocity" commits this error, I clarify the difference between proximate and ultimate causes of cooperation and punishment. I also caution against hasty rejections of "wide readings" of experimental evidence.  相似文献   

In this study, coordinated breathing was studied in 13 common bottlenose dolphins because of its links with spontaneous coordinated behaviors (e.g., swimming, foraging, and playing). A strong link was shown between dyadic coordination levels and age/sex categories when both association patterns and spatial formation are considered. This is consistent with a significant influence of social relationships on cooperating and contrasts with an economic perspective based on immediate material outcomes alone. This cooperation bias is explained by linking proximate processes that evoke performance with ultimate evolutionary processes driven by long-term adaptive outcomes. Proximate processes can include 2 kinds of immediate outcomes: material reinforcements and affective states associated with acts of cooperating that can provide positive reinforcement regardless of immediate material benefits (e.g., when there is a time lag between cooperative acts and material outcomes). Affective states can then be adaptive by strengthening social relationships that lead to eventual gains in fitness.  相似文献   

达尔文医学与中医学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
达尔文医学是博物学(进化论)传统与生理医学传统(终因和近因生物学)最后的结合,尝试着对这门新兴学科作出理论基础和研究内容的建构。在此基础上,达尔文医学与中医学的可通之处在如下三个层次上作出了探讨:医学理念的整体性,理论基础的哲学思辨性和学科结构中的修辞性。  相似文献   

Explanations for suicide attacks abound. Yet the literature remains conceptually fragmented, with different authors focusing on different attitudes, incentive structures, values, psychological processes, strategic imperatives, and cultural, historical, and personal circumstances. Curiously, however, there have been few efforts to cast suicide bombing within the extensive evolutionary literature on human altruism—in which it clearly belongs. Neither have there been more than occasional efforts to mobilize the distinction between “proximate” and “ultimate” explanations, with most proposed explanations being proximate. Here we draw on content analyses from materials written by Japanese Kamikaze pilots to propose an evolvable cognitive algorithm—by hypothesis, species typical—that (1) specifies environmental circumstances under which such “heroic” behavior is likely; (2) is consistent at the proximate level with the Japanese data; and (3) that is not inconsistent with many of the diverse proximate attitudes, values, and psychological mechanisms that dominate discussions of contemporary suicide campaigns. The evolutionary perspective is not an alternative to most of the proximate explanations offered in discussions of contemporary cases but is, rather, a paradigm around which diverse proximate explanations can be organized.  相似文献   

To date, reviews of partner rape have focused on the proximate (or immediate) causes of partner rape. Missing from these reviews, however, is theory and research that has examined the ultimate (or evolutionary) causes of partner rape. Here, we review this literature, and we discuss the complementarity of proximate and ultimate levels of analysis. We conclude by highlighting the importance of integrating multiple levels of analysis when studying men's sexual coercion of their intimate partners.  相似文献   

Common issues of mental health liability are examined in relationship to recent legislative and case law. Matters of practical importance to practitioners including the applicability insurance coverage to punitive damage awards of arising from malpractice are addressed. Specific legal doctrines involving proof of liability, proximate cause and the standard of care are explored as they relate to mental health malpractice cases.  相似文献   

This article offers a critique of Littlefield and Rushton's (1986) application of sociobiological principles to bereavement following the death of a child. The following general issues are considered: (a) whether behavior is always adaptive and (b) the distinction between proximate and ultimate explanations. It is argued that grief is a maladaptive by-product of another, adaptive feature and that hypotheses about the severity of grief are best derived from proximate considerations rather than genetic relatedness. The use of a single-item rating scale to measure grief is questioned, and it is noted that interspouse reliabilities reported in the article were low, a problem not solved (as claimed) by aggregation. Criticisms are made of the specific hypotheses, notably in terms of their origins in sociobiological theory. It is argued that functional hypotheses are not alternatives to proximate mechanisms, but enable some proximate mechanisms to be viewed from the perspective of evolutionary biology.  相似文献   

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