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Most theoretical accounts of giftedness now include an emotional as well as an intellectual component. Yet the multi-dimensional nature of giftedness has often been overlooked in the field of education. According to practitioners, gifted children not only think differently but also feel in other ways. From this point of view, the intellectual complexity interacts with emotional intensity to provide a qualitatively different way of experiencing the world, which leads to the production of the gifted child’s greater potential for high achievement. This paper will focus on emotional features of gifted individuals, and how they could be used to complete current measures and to enrich the concept of giftedness.  相似文献   

Creativity (the capacity to realize original productions that fit the problem at hand) is increasingly considered as an important part of giftedness and talent. In this article, we first examine different points of view concerning the role of creativity in the phenomenon of giftedness and talent. Measures of creative potential and talent, as well as studies on the development of creativity are presented. We then consider the place of creativity in the education of gifted children. Finally, we discuss the implications of studying creativity in gifted children and propose possible lines of research and educational applications with a special focus on creativity.  相似文献   

This research captures the diversity of family patterns among gifted adolescents (IQ ≥ 130). Data on the perceived parental's support and investment in schooling, family relationships and sociobiographic characteristics were collected by questionnaire from 255 French junior high school gifted students (48 girls, 207 boys), aged 9 to 15 (M = 12.5; SD = 1.51). A hierarchical cluster analysis highlights the existence of four types differentiated, thereby going against a standardized and stereotypical representation of this population.  相似文献   

Developmental neuropsychology studies cognitive development in relation with brain maturation and cerebral plasticity. Some authors have reported physiological correlates of intellectual precocity with the purpose of demonstrating neural basis of intelligence. A part of the literature also reports various cognitive profile and specific talents in information processing in the clinical population of gifted children. Thus, the study of exceptional performances may contribute to our knowledge of functional brain organization taking into consideration individual differences.  相似文献   

Haut potentiel intellectuel et développement social   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The first part of this article presents a theoretical and empirical review on the issue of gifted children's social development. As a whole, data does not allow for straightforward conclusion as to whether gifted children may be socially at risk. Conflicting results may be due in part to heterogeneity across studies in sampling procedures and in assessing social adjustment. Next, we will examine how social skills development could be viewed as a potential domain for the expression of intellectual giftedness, in the light of theories that posit a multi-factorial view of intelligence or creativity. Accordingly, there may be a need to reconsider the notion of giftedness and thus take into account social giftedness, both for identification and education purposes.  相似文献   

In this contribution, authors try to give an interlocutory analysis of a particular verbal and work situation: a face to face activity of acquired knowledge validation panel. The analysis is made in order to verify the hypothesis that conversational activity, that realises an evaluative activity, is both the place and the instrument of the construction of a potential concept. Vygotski (1934/1997) calls “potential concept” the meeting between a concrete meaning, developed in action, with a “scientific concept”.  相似文献   

This study investigates the impact of socioecological synchronization on the level and variations in children's attention at school. The aim was to re-examine previous results and broaden the chronopsychological scope of the research to include new synchronizers originating from proximal ecological niches. Two time-management factors were considered, the organization of the school timetable and the regular and predictable daily time with parents, influenced by work organization and compromises within the family. Two studies were conducted on a total of 498 children between six and 11 years of age. Results confirm a daily attention pattern. The level of performance and the daily pattern are affected by the two time-management factors whose beneficial or adverse influence depends on the child's age. Thus, while the weekly school timetable organized over four days has the strongest negative impact on attention performance for the two age groups, desynchronization due to a longer week-end is greater in the older children. The effects of the two possible four-and-a-half-day timetables also differ according to age. The benefits of working on Wednesdays for younger children appeared less beneficial for the older pupils. Regular and predictable daily time with parents does appear to play a role which also varies according to age, as it has an effect on younger children but has no impact on older children's attention or performance. This study confirms the synchronizing role of temporal messages from school and parental niches in the level and variations in children's attention at school, and is in line with the ecological point of view demonstrated by chronobiological studies. These findings support the importance of research that takes an overall approach to the child's environment. Further work should investigate the prioritization of social synchronizers according to their proximity to the child and how they interact.  相似文献   

An adequate risk management requires taking into account all the categories of stakeholders, including the exposed populations. Nowadays, one difficulty is to involve these populations and consequently to understand their reactions face to the eventuality of a disaster's occurrence. Several issues must be addressed: how is the representation of risk built up ? How do people develop adaptive strategies towards risk ? And above all, how is it possible to ensure an increase in behaviours suited for prevention and protection ? After drawing up a report on the research in this area, we will discuss the limitations of a persuasive communication, in order to better understand the interest of a binding communication for the management of natural hazards.  相似文献   

This research studies the varied forms of parental supervision in early period. With this intention, thirty-six dyads non-defective parent-child of second year of life and thirty-six dyads parent-child carrying a Down syndrome, of the same age of development were thus observed, during a situation of play of embedding. The cluster analysis revealed the existence of four forms of parental guidance: one non-directive form and three directives forms corresponding to the communication of increasingly precise information for the resolution. Also, the four forms are very similar between the two groups. In conclusion, our results suggest, that independently of the groups, the varied forms of parental guidance could be regulated by the parental goals.  相似文献   

The aim was to test the effect of two-mode trainings on letter knowledge, pseudowords spelling and reading with 3-year- and 5-year-old children. A classical pretest/training/post-design was used. Trainings differed on the letter sensory exploration (auditory/visual [V], auditory/ haptic [H] and auditory/graphomotor [G]). Results indicated that performance on letter-sound knowledge and spelling was globally better with H training with 3-year-old. Five-year-old children improved in all tasks after all trainings. In reading, G group obtained better performance. These results suggest that tactilo-kinesthesic informations in H and G forms contribute to the elaboration of visual and phonological representations of the letter.  相似文献   

This study is interested in the link between acute alcohol consumption and the perception of dynamic and spontaneous emotional facial expressions (EFE). The noxious effects of alcohol on EFE recognition are now well demonstrated (Attwood et al., 2009a). Studies showed that alcohol drinking impairs the judgment of facial expressions, especially of negative ones (EFE of anger and disgust notably). However, such effects have been observed for the judgment of artificial material (static/posed/morphed/EFE). Yet, everyday EFE are far from the archetypes used in the lab. Therefore, the present study aims at completing previous observations, this time for the identification of dynamic and spontaneous EFE. Dynamic and spontaneous EFE of amusement, interest, irritation, anxiety, and neutral were judged by 63 normal male drinkers. Buck et al.’s (1972) paradigm was adopted since it is recommended for the study of nonverbal behavior in the process of communication ( [Buck, 1990] , [Wagner, 1990] , [Wagner et al., 1986] and [Zuckerman et al., 1976] ). The emotion to be identified is the one self-reported by the EFE sender. On the pretext of tasting drinks, participants were randomly assigned to one out of six experimental conditions. Two conditions are concerned with the nature of the drink (alcohol or non-alcohol drink). Three other conditions relate to the participant's experimentally manipulated belief regarding the nature of the drink (non-alcohol drink, slight alcohol drink, hard alcohol drink). Results confirm the emotion identification impairment due to alcohol usually noted, thus showing that the effects of alcohol are also observed for the perception of spontaneous and natural facial expressions. Indeed, the comparison of participants who drank alcoholic drinks versus those who did not drink alcohol shows that the formers identify less well emotions than the latter. Moreover, results show that beliefs do not play a role in this deficit since participants’ identification errors are not linked to the belief they hold regarding the nature of the drink (with/without alcohol). Finally, the confusion matrix analysis brings to light the existence of recurrent confusions amongst alcoholized participants, confusions that do not appear amongst sober participants. Thus, results show that, to the exception of EFE of amusement, participants who drank alcohol recurrently assess stimuli as displaying anxiety. To conclude, it comes out that acute alcohol drinking alters the capacity to accurately identify spontaneous emotions expressed by faces, which capacity is essential to the smooth unfolding of human interactions.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to investigate the influence of children's self-efficacy, attitudes and their parent's asthma management on quality of life among children suffering from asthma. One hundred and forty-six children (8-12 years old) with moderate to severe asthma filled in a quality of life questionnaire, and a self-efficacy and attitudes scales; 92 parents completed the childhood asthma self-management scale. Results show that the children's negative feelings about asthma and the parents’ difficulties to manage asthma are linked to a worse quality of life; the children's self-efficacy influences both positively and negatively children's quality of life. The development of parents’ asthma management program should enhance their children's quality of life.  相似文献   

Fifty children (six to ten years old) were asked to tap a flat surface as regularly as possible with their finger at different semi-spontaneous tempi. Their chosen tapping speed was estimated by each sequence's mean inter-tap interval. The range of chosen speeds widens with age. The just tenable difference (JTD) between inter-tap intervals is proportional to their reference, the mean. The motor-timing precision, estimated through the standard-deviation/mean ratio, clearly improves with age. Children are more precise at faster tempi, not around their “normal” tempo as adults. Our simple semi-spontaneous finger-tapping task could be applied to the clinical evaluation of age-dependent explicit and implicit timing components in motor performance.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at examining the role of context and intonation in sarcastic-request understanding by French-speaking children 3- to 7-year-olds. An individual completion of stories task is given to the children. Stories vary according to two factors: intonation (sarcastic or neutral) and context (sarcastic or neutral). The results showed that the children were able to understand sarcastic requests before the age of 6 or 7. Intonation seems to be an earlier cue than context in sarcastic-request understanding. At the ages of 3 and 5, children appear to primarily base their interpretation on intonation; it is not until they are 7 that they are also able to take context into account.  相似文献   

This study is designed to examine how biological knowledge is organized and structured in children. Five- to nine-year-old children's interpretations of biological phenomena are studied by examining to what extent the transmission of different kinds of properties is perceived as being causally related to birth origins. A property generalization task is used, in which biological relations (birth origins) are pitted against adoptive relations. The characteristics to be generalized correspond to non-obvious biological characteristics, visible physic characteristics or behavioural characteristics. Our results show that five-year-old children do not understand the origin of these characteristics. A conceptual change seems to be at work by the age of seven but the delimitation of biological categories remains imperfect.  相似文献   

In a political environment increasingly concerned with the problem of escalating health care costs, the issue of psychotherapy efficacy evaluation is still debated. Historically, this debate started after Eysenck (1952) published a famous article suggesting that average improvement from pre- to post-therapy has nothing to do with psychotherapy participation, but something that would tend to happen anyway (“spontaneous remission”). Wanting to prove that psychotherapy was effective (Glass, 2000), Smith and Glass (1977) published the first meta-analysis of the psychotherapy efficacy, combining the results of several controlled clinical trials, and found that psychotherapy was remarkably efficacious. Following a brief historical introduction, the objectives of this paper is to define the principles of meta-analysis, to discuss of epistemological contextualization of this methodological approach, and finally to examine the interest and limits of the application of this method in the field of evaluation of psychotherapy.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the development of working memory's components and their relationships. Phonological loop's, visuospatial sketchpad's and central executive's efficiencies were assessed by simple and complex span tasks and executive tasks with verbal and visuospatial material. The analyses were performed on 64 second-grade and 55 fifth-grade children's data. Developmental performances improvement was examined according to tasks and material. Analyses of variance revealed performances improvement according to age and type of material (verbal > non verbal) for the slave system tasks and for a part of central executive's tasks. Correlation analysis and exploratory factorial analysis suggested that slave systems would become progressively more specific and that central executive's efficiency would be dependent on this specialization.  相似文献   

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