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Faces have features characteristic of the identity, age and sex of an individual. In the context of social communication and social recognition in various animal species, facial information is relevant for discriminating between familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Here, we present two experiments aimed at testing the ability of cattle (Bos taurus) to visually discriminate between heads (including face views) of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics represented as 2D images. In the first experiment, we observed the spontaneous behaviour of heifers when images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics were simultaneously presented. Our results show that heifers were more attracted towards the image of a familiar conspecific (i.e., it was chosen first, explored more, and given more attention) than towards the image of an unfamiliar one. In the second experiment, the ability to discriminate between images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics was tested using a food-rewarded instrumental conditioning procedure. Eight out of the nine heifers succeeded in discriminating between images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics and in generalizing on the first trial to a new pair of images of familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics, suggesting a categorization process of familiar versus unfamiliar conspecifics in cattle. Results of the first experiment and the observation of ear postures during the learning process, which was used as an index of the emotional state, provided information on picture processing in cattle and lead us to conclude that images of conspecifics were treated as representations of real individuals.  相似文献   

Great apes can perceive images as representative of corresponding real-life objects. Coupled with the potential advantages of identifying specific members of one’s species and mounting evidence for individual recognition in other non-humans, it seems likely that great apes would have the ability to identify conspecifics in photographs. The ability of four orangutans and a gorilla to match images of individuals of their own and a closely related but unfamiliar species was examined here for the first time. First, the subjects matched photographs of familiar conspecifics taken at various time points in a delayed matching-to-sample procedure (Experiment 1). Second, they matched different photographs of unfamiliar individuals of a different species (Experiment 2) at above chance levels. These results suggest that the subjects matched photographs by matching physical features, not necessarily by recognizing the identity of the individuals depicted. However, they also quickly learned to select photographs of familiar individuals when these photographs were paired with photographs of unfamiliar individuals of their own species (Experiment 3), and three subjects showed transfer to novel images of familiar and unfamiliar individuals. Thus, the findings support the idea that subjects attended to physical features to identify individuals that they could categorize on the basis of familiarity.  相似文献   

The ability to quantify, i.e. to estimate quantity, may provide evolutionary advantages in some contexts and has been demonstrated in a variety of animal species. In a prior study, we showed that angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) were able to discriminate between groups (shoals) in which a large number of conspecifics swam preferring to join the larger of the two. Our results implied that angelfish can compare relative shoal sizes likely on the basis of some quantitative attributes of the shoal. Here, also using a binary preference test, we examined whether angelfish are able to discriminate between shoals of small numbers of conspecifics, and if so whether their performance reveals a comparable underlying mechanism to that proposed for discrimination of small quantities in human and non-human animals, namely the possible precursor of the ability to count. Our results demonstrate that fish reliably chose 4 versus 1, 3 versus 1, 2 versus 1 and 3 versus 2 individuals, but were at chance performance level when having to choose between 4 versus 3, 5 versus 4 and 6 versus 5. Findings also reveal that the density of the fish in the stimulus shoals did not significantly affect the performance of experimental angelfish. These results are compatible with the hypothesis of the existence of an object-file mechanism to discriminate small quantities in vertebrates and provide evidence for spontaneous discrimination of up to three elements in angelfish, a similar limit to that found in human and non-human animals. The findings add to the growing body of data, suggesting that the mechanisms underlying discrimination between different quantities of items may be shared across different taxa and have an evolutionary ancient origin.  相似文献   

This study examined 3- to 5-year-olds' (N = 128; 54% girls) ability to discriminate emotional fantasy and reality. Children viewed images depicting fantastic or real events that elicited several emotions, reported whether each event could occur, and rated their emotional reaction to the image. Children were also administered the Play Behavior Questionnaire and Pretend Action Tasks to assess play behaviors. Findings revealed age-related improvements in performance and biases in judgment based on the emotion depicted. Children reported that happy fantastic events could occur significantly more often than frightening and angry fantastic events and that happy real events could occur significantly more often than frightening and angry real events. Children's emotional reactions to the images but not play behaviors were significantly related to their fantasy-reality distinctions. Implications for the relation between emotions and children's fantasy-reality distinctions are discussed.  相似文献   

In group-living animals, it is adaptive to recognize conspecifics on the basis of familiarity or group membership as it allows association with preferred social partners and avoidance of competitors. However, animals do not only associate with conspecifics but also with heterospecifics, for example in mixed-species flocks. Consequently, between-species recognition, based either on familiarity or even individual recognition, is likely to be beneficial. The extent to which animals can distinguish between familiar and unfamiliar heterospecifics is currently unclear. In the present study, we investigated the ability of eight carrion crows to differentiate between the voices and calls of familiar and unfamiliar humans and jackdaws. The crows responded significantly more often to unfamiliar than familiar human playbacks and, conversely, responded more to familiar than unfamiliar jackdaw calls. Our results provide the first evidence that birds can discriminate between familiar and unfamiliar heterospecific individuals using auditory stimuli.  相似文献   

The social environment is thought to have a strong impact on cognitive functions. In the present study, we investigated whether social enrichment could affect rats’ memory ability using the “Different Objects Task (DOT),” in which the levels of memory load could be modulated by changing the number of objects to be remembered. In addition, we applied the DOT to a social discrimination task using unfamiliar conspecific juveniles instead of objects. Animals were housed in one of the three different housing conditions after weaning [postnatal day (PND) 21]: social-separated (1 per cage), standard (3 per cage), or social-enriched (10 per cage) conditions. The object and social recognition tasks were conducted on PND 60. In the sample phase, the rats were allowed to explore a field in which 3, 4, or 5 different, unfamiliar stimuli (conspecific juveniles through a mesh or objects) were presented. In the test phase conducted after a 5-min delay, social-separated rats were able to discriminate the novel conspecific from the familiar ones only under the condition in which three different conspecifics were presented; social-enriched rats managed to recognize the novel conspecific even under the condition of five different conspecifics. On the other hand, in the object recognition task, both social-separated and social-enriched rats were able to discriminate the novel object from the familiar ones under the condition of five different objects. These results suggest that social enrichment can enhance social, but not object, memory span.  相似文献   

Most people who are regular consumers of psychoactive drugs are not drug addicts, nor will they ever become addicts. In neurobiological theories, non-addictive drug consumption is acknowledged only as a "necessary" prerequisite for addiction, but not as a stable and widespread behavior in its own right. This target article proposes a new neurobiological framework theory for non-addictive psychoactive drug consumption, introducing the concept of "drug instrumentalization." Psychoactive drugs are consumed for their effects on mental states. Humans are able to learn that mental states can be changed on purpose by drugs, in order to facilitate other, non-drug-related behaviors. We discuss specific "instrumentalization goals" and outline neurobiological mechanisms of how major classes of psychoactive drugs change mental states and serve non-drug-related behaviors. We argue that drug instrumentalization behavior may provide a functional adaptation to modern environments based on a historical selection for learning mechanisms that allow the dynamic modification of consummatory behavior. It is assumed that in order to effectively instrumentalize psychoactive drugs, the establishment of and retrieval from a drug memory is required. Here, we propose a new classification of different drug memory subtypes and discuss how they interact during drug instrumentalization learning and retrieval. Understanding the everyday utility and the learning mechanisms of non-addictive psychotropic drug use may help to prevent abuse and the transition to drug addiction in the future.  相似文献   

We showed mice videos of three conspecific social behaviors, namely sniffing, copulation, and fighting, in pairwise combinations using iPods and evaluated preference as determined by time spent in front of each iPod. Mice preferred the copulation video to the sniffing video, the fighting video to the sniffing video, and the fighting video to the copulation video. In Experiment 1a, we used a single video clip for each social behavior but used multiple video clips for each social behavior in Experiment 2a. Next, we trained mice to discriminate between the fighting and copulation videos using a conditioned-place-preference-like task in which one video was associated with injection of morphine and the other was not. For half of the subjects, the fighting video was associated with morphine injection, and for the other half, the copulation video was associated with morphine injection. After conditioning, the mice stayed longer in the compartment with the morphine-associated video. When tested with still images obtained from the videos, mice stayed longer in the compartment with still images from the video associated with morphine injection (Experiment 1b). When we trained mice with multiple exemplars, the subjects showed generalization of preference for new video clips never shown during conditioning (Experiment 2b). These results demonstrate that mice had a preference among videos of particular behavior patterns and that they could discriminate these videos as visual category. Although relationship between real social behaviors and their videos is still open question, the preference tests suggest that the mice perceived the videos as meaningful stimuli.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the connection between aggressive and sexual behavior with the aid of testosterone propionate (TP) and parachlorophenylalanine (PCPA). Previous studies have indicated that aggressive and sexual behavior are positively correlated, and it has been suggested that both behaviors are related to the level of general arousal. Testosterone has documented effects on both aggressive and sexual behavior. It has been hypothesized that these effects are due to an increased level of general arousal. If this is the case, aggressive and sexual behavior could be restored by administration of drugs excitating the central nervous system, e.g., PCPA. The present study examined the effects of TP and PCPA on aggressive and sexual behavior in gonadectomized male mice. Control animals were injected with sesame seed oil or saline. The level of aggressiveness was assessed by means of dyadic tests with gonad-intact male opponents. For the sexuality tests, a receptive female was placed in the home cage of the experimental male. The results showed that male mice injected with PCPA were more aggressive than the males of the other groups, while the TP-exposed males expressed the most sexual activity. Compared to the control group, the PCPA and TP groups were more active in both the aggression and the sexuality tests. These findings lend support to the hypothesis that the earlier documented correlations between aggressive and sexual behavior could be due to both behaviors being dependent on a certain level of general activation. Aggr. Behav. 24:367–377, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The ability to recognize self has been known to be limited to some animal species, but previous research has focused almost exclusively on the animal's reaction to a mirror. Recent studies suggest that the temporal contingency between a subject's action and the corresponding visual scene reflected in a mirror plays an important role in self-recognition. To assess the roles of visual-proprioceptive contiguity in self-recognition, we explored whether pigeons are able to discriminate videos of themselves with various temporal properties. We trained five pigeons to respond to live video images of themselves (live self-movies) and not to video filmed during previous training sessions (pre-recorded self-movies). Pigeons learned to peck trial-unique live self-movies more frequently than pre-recorded self-movies. We conducted two generalization tests after pigeons learned to discriminate between the two conditions. First, discrimination acquired during training sessions was transferred to a test session involving live self-movies and new pre-recorded self-movies. Second, the same pigeons were tested in extinction procedure using delayed live self-movies and new pre-recorded self-movies. Although pigeons responded to delayed presentations of live self-movies more frequently than to new pre-recorded self-movies, the relative response rate to delayed presentation of live self-movies gradually decreased as the temporal discrepancy between pigeons' own behavior and the corresponding video increased. These results indicate that pigeons' discrimination of self-movies with various temporal properties was based on the temporal contiguity between their behavior and its visual feedback. The methodology used in the present experiment is an important step toward improving the experimental analysis of self-recognition in non-human animals.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between sets that differ in the number of elements can be useful in different contexts and may have survival and fitness consequences. As such, numerical/quantity discrimination has been demonstrated in a diversity of animal species. In the laboratory, this ability has been analyzed, for example, using binary choice tests. Furthermore, when the different number of items first presented to the subjects are subsequently obscured, i.e., are not visible at the moment of making a choice, the task requires memory for the size of the sets. In previous work, angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) have been found to be able to discriminate shoals differing in the number of shoal members both in the small (less than 4) and the large (4 or more) number range, and they were able to perform well even when a short memory retention interval (2–15 s) was imposed. In the current study, we increased the retention interval to 30 s during which the shoals to choose between were obscured, and investigated whether angelfish could show preference for the larger shoal they saw before this interval. Subjects were faced with a discrimination between numerically small shoals (≤4 fish) and also between numerically large (≥4 fish) shoals of conspecifics. We found angelfish not to be able to remember the location of larger versus smaller shoals in the small number range, but to exhibit significant memory for the larger shoal in the large number range as long as the ratio between these shoals was at least 2:1. These results, together with prior findings, suggest the existence of two separate quantity estimation systems, the object file system for small number of items that does not work with the longer retention interval and the analogue magnitude system for larger number of items that does.  相似文献   

The field of psychoneuroimmunology (PNI) examines interactions among psychological and behavioral states, the brain, and the immune system. Research in PNI has elegantly documented effects of stress at multiple levels of the neuro‐immune network, with profound implications for both physical and mental health. In this review, we consider how the neuro‐immune network might be influenced by “positive” psychological and behavioral states, focusing on positive affect, eudaimonic well‐being, physical activity, and sleep. There is compelling evidence that these positive states and behaviors are associated with changes in immune activity in the body, including reductions in peripheral inflammatory processes relevant for physical health. Growing evidence from animal models also suggests effects of positive states on immune cells in the brain and the blood‐brain barrier, which then impact critical aspects of mood, cognition, and behavior. Tremendous advances are being made in our understanding of neuro‐immune dynamics; one of the central goals of this review is to highlight recent preclinical research in this area and consider how we can leverage these findings to investigate and cultivate a healthy neuro‐immune network in humans.  相似文献   

Infants’ ability to accurately represent and later recognize previously viewed objects, and conversely, to discriminate novel objects from those previously seen improves remarkably over the first two years of life. During this time, infants acquire extensive experience viewing and manipulating objects and these experiences influence their physical reasoning. Here we posited that infants’ observations of object feature stability (rigid versus malleable) can influence the use of those features to individuate two successively viewed objects. We showed 8.5-month-olds a series of objects that could or could not change shape, then assessed their use of shape as a basis for object individuation. Infants who explored rigid objects later used shape differences to individuate objects; however, infants who explored malleable objects did not. This outcome suggests that the latter infants did not take into account shape differences during the physical reasoning task and provides further evidence that infants’ attention to object features can be readily modified based on recent experiences.  相似文献   

Septal-forebrain lesions significantly increased the defensive reactions of lactating Long-Evans rats (n = 13) relative to nonlesioned control females. The lesions greatly enhanced defensive behaviors on a number of standard tests (e.g., responsiveness to humans and anesthetized conspecifics) while abolishing aggression toward intruding male conspecifics. The lesions also produced a striking disruption in maternal behavior as evidenced by absence of nest building, reduced litter weights, failure to retrieve, lick, or nurse pups, and increased cannibalization. While these results cannot be interpreted as indicating that maternal aggression is equivalent to offense, they are congruent with such a view. Certainly they are not supportive of a view that maternal aggression is primarily defensive. The lesion-induced abolition of maternal attack may have resulted from an inhibition of offensive tendencies by heightened defensiveness and/or reduced pup stimulation. There was no evidence that the lesion-induced impairment in maternal behavior resulted from a failure to sequence the individual behavioral acts comprising maternal behavior. Rather, all features of maternal care seemed to be greatly attenuated.  相似文献   

Scent marking in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta) includes the deposition of anal sac secretions, or "paste," and presumably advertises territorial ownership. To test whether captive hyenas classify and discriminate individuals using odor cues in paste, the authors conducted behavioral discrimination bioassays and recorded hyena investigation of paste extracted from various conspecific donors. In Experiment 1, subjects directed most investigative behavior toward scents from unfamiliar hyenas and members of the opposite sex. In Experiment 2, male hyenas discriminated between concurrent presentations of paste from various unfamiliar females in similar reproductive states. Thus, pasted scent marks convey information about the sex, familiarity, and even identity of conspecifics. Aside from territory maintenance, scent marking may also communicate information about individual sexual status.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate between larger and smaller quantities has been demonstrated in several mammalian and avian species suggesting the possibility of evolutionary conservation of this characteristic. Preference for the larger of two groups has also been shown in fish species, although this ability has rarely been systematically studied in lower order vertebrates, and thus the mechanisms of such ability are not understood. Here, we exploit the tendency of angelfish to seek protection in an unfamiliar environment by joining a group of conspecifics, a behaviour called shoaling. Test fish were given a simultaneous choice between shoals varying both in terms of numerical ratios and absolute numbers of fish. Our results provide evidence for quantity discrimination in angelfish. In general, experimental subjects chose the larger of two shoals. Furthermore, in agreement with Weber’s law, which holds that discrimination between two quantities depends on their ratio, the discrimination between shoals of different quantities of fish was more difficult when the shoal sizes became more similar. The limit of discrimination ratio was found to be below 2:1. Briefly, angelfish are able to discriminate between different quantities of conspecifics subject to a ratio limit, a finding that implies a fitness component in this behaviour similar to what has been demonstrated in higher order vertebrates.  相似文献   

培训迁移效果影响因素的初步研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
王鹏  杨化冬  时勘 《心理科学》2002,25(1):69-72
本研究通过访谈、问卷调查和现场研究等多种方法,考察了中学教师在接受一种新的教学方法培训后。组织气氛和个人特征对其迁移行为的影响。如果发现:(1)受训者对迁移气氛的知觉直接影响迁移行为发生的次数。(2)受训者对训练内容实用性的看法是影响迁移行为发生的重要环境因素,而受训者对训练内容实用性的看法会受到零反馈、自己的灵活性和自我效能的影响。(3)领导有无反馈、时间支持和同事支持等因素是区分培训迁移气氛类型的关键指标。  相似文献   

Monitoring drug-induced side effects is especially important for patients who undergo treatment with antipsychotic medications, as these drugs often produce extrapyramidal side effects (EPS) resulting in movement abnormalities similar to parkinsonism. Scientists have developed several objective laboratory tests to measure and research drug-induced movement disorders, but equipment and tests are complex and costly and have not become accepted in large-scale, multi-site clinical trials. The goals of this study were to test whether a simple handwriting measure can discriminate between individuals with psychotropic-induced parkinsonism, Parkinson's disease, and healthy individuals, and to examine some of the psychometric properties of the measure. We examined pen movement kinematics during cursive writing of a standard word in 13 patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (PD), 10 schizophrenia patients with drug-induced parkinsonism (SZ), and 12 normal healthy control participants (NC). Participants were instructed to write the word "hello" in cursive twice, at three vertical height scales. Software was used for data acquisition and analysis of vertical stroke velocities, velocity scaling, and smoothness. There were four important results from this study: (1) both SZ patients with drug-induced EPS and PD participants exhibited impaired movement velocities and velocity scaling; (2) performance on the velocity scaling measure distinguished drug-induced EPS from normal with 90% accuracy; (3) SZ, but not PD participants displayed abnormalities in movement smoothness; and (4) there was a positive correlation between age and magnitude of the velocity scaling deficit in PD participants. This study demonstrates that kinematic analyses of pen movements during handwriting may be useful in detecting and monitoring subtle changes in motor control related to the adverse effects of psychotropic medications.  相似文献   

Double video paradigm (DVP) studies have found contradictory evidence regarding the young infants' ability to discriminate their mother's 'replay' image from 'live'. This study examined the hypothesis that 4-month-old infants whose mothers showed high-levels-of-playful-behavior are more likely to discriminate social contingency in the DVP. We also examined the relationships between the infants' DVP behaviors and mothers' free-play behaviors at home with their 3-month-old infants. The results supported our hypothesis. Further, when the mothers' behaviors were reduced to playful companion (PC) and sensitive support (SS) by a principal component analysis, the level of PC was closely related to the infants' detection of social contingency, but SS was not. The different functions of mothers' 'playfulness' and 'sensitivity' in communication with their infants are discussed.  相似文献   

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