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In a 3 × 3 factorial experiment with 3 additional cells, 329 male or female subjects working with two same-sex confederates (A and B), received either voluntary, involuntary, or no help from A after which attraction to A and B were measured for one-fourth of the subjects. The remaining subjects were assigned to a second set of tasks and were induced to help A, help B, or were not given an opportunity to help, after which they completed attraction and mood measures. Subjects were more likely to volunteer help after the second task when they had received prior help. Receipt of help led to more liking for the helper and the helper was liked more when subjects were able to reciprocate. Attraction and mood results are discussed in relation to attractiveness mediation, modeling, and indebtedness explanations for reciprocity.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of observations of natural and man-made disasters, festive social events, and task-oriented crash programs led to a three-factor hypothesis of attraction facilitation. It was proposed that interpersonal attraction toward strangers is facilitated when there is emotional arousal, sharing, and out-of-role behavior. In a laboratory investigation (N= 120), postexperimental attraction toward a dissimilar stranger increased when all three factors were present but not when only two of the three factors were present (p < .01). Consistent with the reinforcement-affect model of attraction, increased attraction toward the stranger in the three-factor conditions was paralleled by more positive feelings about the experiment in the three-factor than in the two-factor conditions. Knowledge of the variables underlying facilitation effects could be utilized on a societal basis to create attraction-enhancing occurrences.  相似文献   

Research by Spence and Helmreich and their colleagues suggests that competitiveness is self-defeating in terms of achievement. It was presently hypothesized that interpersonally, competitiveness may produce greater attraction than uncompetitiveness. This study manipulated the perceived competitiveness of undergraduate men by varying their WOFO scores and confirmed that competitiveness is a valued interpersonal trait that can engender greater liking by both men and women. The implications of these findings for the paradoxical disadvantage of competitiveness in the area of achievement are discussed.  相似文献   

Two investigations examine the effect of similarity of sexual attitudes on (a) attraction to a stranger and (b) marital sexual satisfaction. In an experiment using undergraduates, manipulation of subject-stranger similarity in general affective orientation to sexuality affected attraction and other evaluative dependent variables. In the second investigation, married couples revealed sexual attitudes and sexual satisfaction. Husbands and wives were similar (r= 0.58, p < 0.001) in their affective orientations to sexuality. Discrepancy between the partners’ scores predicted sexual dissatisfaction in both partners. In addition, the wife's affective orientation to sexuality predicted more indices of sexual satisfaction and adjustment in both the wife and the husband than did the husband's affective orientation to sexuality. Finally, spouses with a positive affective orientation to sexuality were more accurate when judging their partner's sexual enjoyment, compared to spouses with a negative orientation. The findings have implications for the effects of similarity of attitudes on interpersonal attraction and on relationship quality.  相似文献   

主我分享:人际吸引研究的新发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在James的"主体自我"和"客体自我"的基础上,Pinel和Long等人提出了人际吸引和人际联结的主我分享新机制.文章回顾了人际吸引的影响因素,以相似性对喜爱的影响为基础,探讨了客体相似和主我分享对人际吸引的影响;从自我与环境两个维度介绍了主我分享在自我完善、排除孤独感以及群际接触中的作用;最后对主我分享研究进行了评价和展望.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of interpersonal attraction for group behaviors, it has been largely unexplored in the context of organizational environments. This study examined two possible determinants of interpersonal attraction in organizational settings: managers' performance and perceived attitudinal similarity. Using a videotape medium, subjects assessed their interpersonal attraction to a manager interacting with a subordinate within a 3 × 3 experimental design. Main effects for managerial competence and perceived attitudinal similarity were observed but with no evidence of an interaction effect.  相似文献   

研究考察了自我表露热情与能力是否对人际吸引存在不同影响。通过两个实验发现,自我表露热情对社会吸引影响更大,自我表露能力对任务吸引影响更大,但表露负面热情也会显著削弱任务吸引,且表露正面热情与能力在社会吸引上的差异在男性身上不再显著。研究表明,自我表露热情与能力对人际吸引存在不同影响,且会受到表露内容效价与表露者性别的调节。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Sixty-five subjects were assessed by a computer program that asked them to list the primary people they interact with, the situations they inhabit with these people, and the traits and behaviors they typically show with these people The program stored these data as a tree of information Subjects also kept detailed behavioral diaries over a 10-day period and completed Snyder's (1974) Self-Monitoring Scale The consistency of subjects' behaviors and settings over interpersonal relationships was computed from the computer data and from behavioral diaries Results indicated that consistency as assessed idiographically from computer data, consistency as assessed idiographically from diaries, and self-monitoring were intercorrelated These results illustrate the possibility of wedding idiographic and nomothetic approaches in research on the consistency and variability of behavior  相似文献   

Affect has been identified across numerous research studies to be a vital element in understanding couple relationship processes. Affect has been shown to distinguish between satisfied and dissatisfied couples and to be important in understanding processes leading to relationship dissolution. However, research has not yet uncovered nonverbal indicators that a couple is experiencing negative affect compared to other affective states. In this study we sought to identify specific nonverbal behaviors associated with different affective states. Results suggested that differences in looking-behavior and smiling can be used to identify affect states during couple communication. We outline how the results can aid couples therapy interventions.  相似文献   


This study explored the combined effects of personal factors (participant sex), interpersonal factors (experimenter sex), and situational factors (performance feedback) on two forms of behavioral self-handicapping. Participants received non-contingent success or failure feedback concerning their performance on a novel ability and were given the opportunity to self-handicap before performing again. Behavioral self-handicapping took the form of (a) exerting less practice effort (practice) or (b) choosing a performance-debilitating tape (choice). Men practiced least after failure feedback and chose a debilitating tape if they were interacting with a female experimenter. Generally, across all participants in both choice and practice conditions, high performance concern and the presence of a male experimenter led to the most self-handicapping. Results are interpreted in terms of self-presentational concerns that emphasize a desire to impress or an awareness of the female or male experimenter's acceptance of self-handicappers.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to examine the use of behavioral cues to identify deception within structured interviews. In Study 1, participants engaged in mock interviews in which they were instructed to lie on specific questions that varied by person. Trained coders evaluated the presence and extent of deception cues in each videotaped response. Nine cues predicted responses as expected, demonstrating that, with careful scrutiny, it is possible to detect deception. In Study 2, participants, either informed or uninformed regarding deception cues, viewed five interviews and evaluated responses as being honest or deceptive. Participants also rated overall interview performance. Participants were unable to accurately distinguish lies from truths. Nevertheless, performance ratings differed on the basis of rater perceptions of truthfulness.  相似文献   


In an experimental simulation with Israeli participants, the author examined the influence of two aspects of pre-employment screening (duration of screening and type of testing) on applicants' attitudes toward a recruitment effort and toward a potential job. Testing that lasted longer led to more favorable attitudes. The participants considered knowledge testing, compared with personality testing, more job related, less invasive of privacy, and less sensitive to the amount of time spent testing.  相似文献   

It was predicted that negative affect associated with one component of air pollution (malodor) reduces attraction toward both similar and dissimilar strangers. In one experiment, 27 subjects rated attitudinally similar or dissimilar strangers while confined in a room whose atmosphere was ambient (no-odor control) or polluted by ammonium sulfide. Contrary to predictions, similar strangers elicited greatest liking in the polluted atmosphere. It was suggested that air pollution had increased attraction for another who might be experiencing the same disagreeable situation (i.e., “shared stress”). In a second experiment, this suggestion was examined by assuring subjects that they were alone and would not meet the similar or dissimilar person they rated. As predicted, exposure to either ammonium sulfide or butyric acid combined additively with attitudinal dissimilarity to depress liking, mood-affect, time spent in the setting, and ratings of the environment. These results were viewed as consistent with the reinforcement-affect model of attraction, but it was cautioned that the effects of air pollution may depend on social factors, such as shared stress, and dosage level of the pollutant.  相似文献   

Aid programs can be used as an antidote to social conflict. Under certain conditions, however, they may create hostility. In this experiment subjects representing six hypothetical countries (1) either received or did not receive material aid from a seventh nation and (2) had a high or low level of material need. Attraction for the aid-giver decreased markedly when aid was denied, but increased very little when it was granted. When subjects were high in material needs, the denial of aid produced maximal antagonism. However, when aid was received, high need did not enhance attraction to the donor. The implications of these findings for an exchange theory of attraction and for aid giving are discussed.  相似文献   

Byrne's reinforcement theory of attraction is almost exclusively based upon studies that use the Interpersonal Judgment Scale (IJS) as their measure of attraction. The present study used Byrne's general experimental procedure but employed an unobtrusive “looking” measure of attraction as well as the more familiar IJS measure. The degree of attitude similarity between women subjects and a female stranger was not significantly related to the IJS measure of attraction but was significantly related to the proportion of looking time measure (p < .01). This was true for both subjects who verbalized and did not verbalize awareness of the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent measures of the study.  相似文献   

Recent decades have seen the development of robust systems of community health indicators, but those indicator sets tend to have few indicators related to behavioral health. Gauging community behavioral health can be complex, but given the interconnectedness of health and behavioral health and the high social and financial cost of unaddressed behavioral health needs, it is essential to develop meaningful indicators. A community-based participatory research project in Austin, Texas developed behavioral health indicators based on a review of social indicators movements across the globe, existing sets of proposed key indicators of mental health and mental illness, and ongoing community initiatives in Austin relevant to behavioral health. The community behavioral health indicators have been refined through the challenging process of implementing them in the face of competing efforts and imprecise communication about their use. While indicators should always be adapted to suit local conditions, this indicator set should provide a good starting point for researchers and communities to assess and improve the behavioral health of their community.  相似文献   

The greater effect of negative than positive stimuli on judgments—the positive-negative asymmetry (PNA)—is rather pervasive. However, the effects of the valence of evaluations of the participant by the partner and attitude similarity between them on attraction have been inconsistent with PNA. The hypothesis that the weighting rule instigated by the first response interferes with the weighting rule normally expected for the second response was tested. As hypothesized, evaluations and attitude similarity interacted when attraction response was assessed prior to competence response but not when competence response was assessed first. The effects in the first measured response fully mediated the effects in the second measured response but not vice versa. Implications of the finding for attraction and PNA are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-enhancement approaches to self-concept provide a perspective for identifying motivational factors likely to be affected by interpersonal evaluative feedback. The main hypothesies were that in contrast to positive feedback, negative feedback would lead to higher self-esteem, lower perceptions of task importance, and lower perceptions of control over an evaluator's reactions. Students received a lesson on solving analogies from a teacher (confederate), and then took a test on analogies. After reviewing the student's test, the teacher conveyed either positive feedback, negative feedback, or no feedback. Consistent with a self-enhancement perspective, recipients of negative feedback increased their global self-esteem, placed less importance on succeeding at the task, and felt less control over the teachers' reactions. Implications for understanding the role of interpersonal evaluative feedback in motivation and self-esteem, and self-enhancing responses to threats more generally are discussed.  相似文献   

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