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控制与赋权:中国政府的社会组织发展策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
持续的经济改革和社会发展推动中国政府不断调整其社会组织发展策略。增强的国家能力、社会组织合法性的积累、对社会合作伙伴的真实需求、公共管理的现代化发展等因素,促使国家更多使用引导导向的控制策略,并全方位实施多种类型的赋权手段。发达地区的政府率先采取了控制与赋权并重的混合型社会组织发展策略,以培育具备高度专业竞争力同时政治上服从的社会组织。日益多维和复杂的社会组织发展策略,反映出在发展目标、约束条件、可用手段和政社关系等方面的变化。本文运用了多个案例讨论在地方和国家层面出现的社会组织发展策略,揭示中国社会体制发展的当下逻辑和取向。  相似文献   

社会福音运动在自身发展过程中呈现明显的阶段性特征,从个人化阶段到体制化阶段,其社会参与的方式及效果均有很大改变。对这一变化的揭示与研究不仅能丰富学术界对这一宗教社会运动的认知,还可由此一窥基督教社会参与的限度与边界。  相似文献   

和谐社会建构中的民间社会组织及其社会政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
徐永祥 《学海》2006,(6):57-61
本文通过相关概念的比较分析,论证了民间社会组织的定义及其基本特征,从五个方面阐述了民间社会组织在和谐社会建构中的角色和功能,并结合我国改革的进程和国际发展的经验,论述了我国民间社会组织发展所需的若干政策。  相似文献   

从社会交换的角度看组织认同的来源及效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
沈伊默 《心理学报》2007,39(5):918-925
从社会交换的角度探讨了组织认同的来源及效益。采用结构方程建模的方法,通过对398名企业个体的问卷调查所获取的数据进行分析,结果表明:(1)POS对组织认同和留职意愿有着直接的显著影响;同时,它通过组织认同的中介作用对个体的留职意愿、同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源会产生间接的影响;(2)LMX对组织认同和留职意愿没有直接的显著影响;但它对同事间利他行为、个人主动性、人际和谐和保护公司资源有着直接的显著影响  相似文献   

现代社会迅猛发展的形势下,社会组织是构建社会主义和谐社会建设的生力军,社会组织建设是促进社会和谐发展的有效途径和关键步骤。中国传统社会组织建设的思想精华和西方有关社会组织发展的理论文明成果为我国社会组织建设提供了丰富的思想来源。随着现代社会的迅猛发展,我国社会组织建设规模不断扩大,影响力也明显增强,但同时存在着现行管理体制的制度性障碍以及制约社会组织自身可持续发展的其他因素。只有对当前社会组织发展存在的问题加以恰当的解决,才能更好的促进我国社会组织管理的建设和发展。  相似文献   

市民社会与中国慈善组织的发育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
韩克庆 《学海》2007,(3):73-77
本文把慈善组织的发育置于社会结构转型和社会福利制度改革的背景之下,探讨了市民社会与中国慈善组织发育之间的关系,认为慈善组织的发育是中国市民社会成长的重要标志。但在当前市民社会发育不足的背景下,在构建以政府责任为主、以社会化服务为辅的社会福利体制改革的过程中,慈善组织的发育受制于政府自上而下的推动,政府应当在慈善立法、弘扬慈善文化、组织管理和财政支持等方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

社会印象:意识,还是无意识控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周爱保 《心理科学》2000,23(4):440-445
通过两个实验分别考察了在自然判断和社会判断条件下社会印象受意识控制情况的不同特点.实验-采用2×2×2×2的混合设计,给被试提供不同声望、不同性别的人名(组内设计),考察了在再认判断和频度判断条件下(组内设计)被试性别特征(组间设计)对社会记忆的影响;实验二采用2×2×2×2的混合设计,给被试呈现不同性别的人名(组内设计),考察了新、旧人名(呈现与否,组内设计)在声望判断和影响力判断条件下(组内设计),被试性别特征(组间设计)对社会印象影响;同时,还探讨了信号检测论(SDT)方法对测量内隐社会印象的有效性.结果表明,在自然判断的任务条件下,被试的记忆出现了"名人优势效应";在社会判断的任务条件下,被试的辨别力非参数指标A'没有表现出显著的差异,而其判断标准B则在被试性别、判断类型上表现出了差异.  相似文献   

本文通过重新审视对信访的研究,提出寻求组织庇护这一新的农民信访解释框架,以解释当前信访中的部分现象——部分农民将个人的困苦以及公共物品的匮乏建构成信访问题,或通过信访实现找价。这种寻求组织庇护的信访实践在与基层政府的非对抗性、上访的合法性依据、访民行动的组织性和目的性等方面具有不同于维权型信访特征。在寻求组织庇护的上访中,访民通过苦难——救援、蒙冤——为民做主的情境构建使自己的上访具有合法性。寻求组织庇护类上访之所以存在,从根本上是源于政府庇护主义的执政承诺。  相似文献   

国家治理的建构性意涵既包含了治理所主张的多主体、多中心的治道逻辑,又彰显了国家在保障治理实践有效开展上的不可或缺性,强调通过国家组织来预防社会治理因缺乏必要的规则约束、过程监督、资源供给以及外部谈判能力等而导致的普遍失败。社会组织作为一类组织载体和一种实体力量,它既能打通国家与社会之间的实体壁障,又能将治理体系与能力的现代化统一起来,从而成为国家治理机制建构的不可或缺的必要组成部分或重要实践手段。在国家治理的视域下,对社会组织的实体论和系统论想象,应超越片面关注其位置属性和结构特征的单一视角,而将更多的精力放在其在国家治理系统建构过程中的功能定位及其行为评析上,应根据国家治理的国家属性、结构特性和运作逻辑而定位其未来发展的价值、功能与实践取向。  相似文献   

公民社会组织在艾滋病防治中发挥着重要和不可替代的作用.通过SWOT分析法,试图找出公民社会组织在艾滋病防治领域中作用的优势和劣势、面临的机遇和威胁,根据分析结果提出完善公民社会组织在艾滋病防治领域中作用的策略,以促进艾滋病防治工作的全面发展.  相似文献   

价值观与大学生寻求社会支持的关系研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
游洁 《心理科学》2005,28(3):713-717
在大学学习阶段,各种青年期不可避免的问题和大学生所特有的紧张与压力极大地影响着大学生的健康成长。尽管家长、同学、老师和朋友都可能为他们提供有效的社会支持与帮助,然而他们在遇到困难或烦恼时却很少主动寻求帮助,造成这种现象的原因是多方面的,如个体需要帮助的原因,个人价值观、对自我的评价、对帮助者意图的分析等,本文主要研究和探讨了价值观对大学生寻求社会支持与帮助的影响,并初步揭示了它们之间的相互关系。  相似文献   

(Wallach, M. A., and Wing, C. W., Jr. The Talented Student: A Validation of the Creativity-Intelligence Distinction. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969) Reviewed by John G. Nicholls  相似文献   

In this article I present an overview of critiques of strategic planning, focusing on their conceptualizations of the environment. I first outline the need for a more comprehensive understanding of the nature of the environment of strategy, and then outline some of the alternatives to strategic planning and their underlying bases in constructivism and the sciences of complexity. I conclude by arguing that Banathy's systems design methodology is eminently suited to the process of strategy formulation, and should be explored more deeply within this context.  相似文献   

社会支配倾向指个体对基于群体产生的等级制度及社会存在不平等现象的偏好程度。高社会支配倾向者认为高能力者应比低能力者获得更多的社会权利与社会资源;低社会支配倾向者认为社会应该按需分配,不存在等级差异。社会支配倾向会对社会阶层、偏见、政治态度、公平等现象的作用产生影响,是这些现象的重要影响因素。今后需要立足于社会支配倾向的本质与社会应用开展整合性研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated antecedents of seeking different types of feedback. Individual differences in goal orientation and cost and value perceptions were proposed as antecedents of seeking different types of feedback. We hypothesized that 4 dimensions of cost and value perceptions of feedback seeking (expectancy value, appraisal value, ego cost, and self-presentation cost) are related to an individual's goal orientation. Furthermore, moving beyond a focus on the frequency of feedback seeking, we proposed that the perceptions of costs and values of feedback seeking influence the preference for and choice among 4 distinct feedback types (diagnostic, normative, assurance, and no feedback). A total of 240 students participated in a computer-simulated work setting. Results were largely consistent with the hypotheses; each goal orientation had a unique pattern of relations with the perceptions of costs and values. Cost and value perceptions, in turn, influenced preference and choice for feedback type. The theoretical implications of the research are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Recently, a model of learning has been proposed that argues that Sensation Seeking indirectly predicts functional and dysfunctional behaviors through Mastery Orientation. Central components of the model were tested across two studies. Study 1 tested the proposed indirect effect in the prediction of functional behavior using an objective learning task. Study 2 tested the proposed indirect effects in the prediction of functional and dysfunctional self-report behavior across two very different samples. Regression analyses in both studies generally supported the proposed model.  相似文献   

Relatively few authors attempt to assess individuals’ moral responsibility for collective action within organizations. I draw on fairly technical recent work by Seamus Miller, Christopher Kutz, and Tracy Isaacs in the field of collective responsibility to see what normative lessons can be prepared for people considering entry into large hierarchical, compartmentalized organizations like businesses or the military. I will defend a view shared by Isaacs that group members’ responsibility for collective action depends on intentions to contribute to particular collective actions, against Miller and Kutz’s more inculpating standards. Miller and Kutz fail to achieve their goal of articulating a variable standard for measuring individual responsibility within organizations, for reasons suggesting we might not be able to do better with their theoretical commitments than a threshold warning for all potential entrants to be wary of the groups they enter. Isaacs sketches an approach that is more successful at creating a variable standard for assessing high echelon actors; I build on and refine her theory to argue that organization members can be held responsible for their unique interpretations of the organization mission and unique contributions to their role duties. High echelon actors may share personal responsibility for their subordinates’ behavior when they have created the conditions for those actions through their unique orders.  相似文献   


Impression formation research has traditionally focused on either the characteristics of the target or of the participant, failing to examine their interplay. In the present study, we explored the role of interdependent self-construal on ratings of others who are portrayed as alone or connected. We hypothesized that participants with an interdependent view of the self would prefer others who are portrayed as socially connected, while the opposite would be true for participants low on interdependence. Results showed that college students high on interdependence rated a university professor photographed with another person relatively more positively than a professor photographed alone. This pattern was reversed for participants low on interdependence.  相似文献   

刘长江  郝芳 《心理学报》2011,43(4):432-441
以往研究表明, 社会价值取向对社会困境中合作行为变异的解释量不高。本研究指出, 初始资源配置导致个体处于某种优劣势位置上, 从而影响社会价值取向不同的个体的合作行为。研究设置了两人互动和多人互动两种情境, 通过变化被试所拥有的初始资源的相对价值或相对数量来操作优势差异, 检验亲社会者和亲自我者在社会困境中的心理与行为差异。研究结果表明, 在初始资源处于相对劣势位置时, 亲社会者比亲自我者表现出更高的合作水平。  相似文献   

The current study provides an innovative examination of how and why religious networking organizations work for social justice in their local community. Similar to a coalition or community coordinating council, religious networking organizations are formal organizations comprised of individuals from multiple religious congregations who consistently meet to organize around a common goal. Based on over a year and a half of ethnographic participation in two separate religious networking organizations focused on community betterment and social justice, this study reports on the purpose and structure of these organizations, how each used networking to create social capital, and how religion was integrated into the organizations' social justice work. Findings contribute to the growing literature on social capital, empowering community settings, and the unique role of religious settings in promoting social justice. Implications for future research and practice also are discussed.  相似文献   

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