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This study assessed characteristics that affect decisions about receipt of a tattoo‐removal procedure among members of stigmatized groups. Two experiments, each with different participants, assessed how changes in characteristics of hypothetical patients described as having a tattoo that reduced employment prospects affected how participants allocated access to the procedure. Patient characteristics assessed were parental status, age, and tattoo content. Participants ranked prospective patients (all described as having an undesirable tattoo, and varied with respect to the aforementioned characteristics) on the priority for receipt of removal. Young patients with children, and with specific tattoo contents, were favored. Implications for prejudice against certain groups are noted.  相似文献   

This study assessed how changes in the characteristics of parental status, intelligence level, and mental health of hypothetical patients suffering from a kidney disease altered participants' decisions about allocating access to a life-supporting artificial-kidney machine. Participants were given a list of hypothetical prospective patients who were described as having a kidney disease, yet varied with respect to the three aforementioned characteristics. Participants rank-ordered patients on the basis of priority for treatment. Participants clearly favored hypothetical patients who (a) had children, (b) were of high intelligence, and (c) were mentally healthy.  相似文献   

Children of parents with a mental illness are often found to be at high risk of developing psychological problems themselves. Little is known about the role of family factors in the relation between parental and adolescent mental health. The current study focused on parent–child interaction and family environment. This cross-sectional questionnaire study included 124 families with a mentally ill parent and 127 families without a mentally ill parent who at the time of the study had children aged 11–16 years old. Parents completed questionnaires about their mental health, parent–child interaction (i.e., parental monitoring and parental support), and family environment (i.e., cohesion, expressiveness, and conflict). Adolescents reported their internalizing and externalizing problems. Path analyses were used to examine the direct associations between parental mental illness and adolescent problems as well as the indirect relations via parent–child interaction and family environment. The results showed that interaction between parents with a mental illness and their child was significantly worse compared to parents without a mental illness. The family environment of parents with mental illness was also more negative. Mentally ill parents monitored their adolescents less, which in turn related to more externalizing problems of the adolescents. No factors mediated the relation between parental mental health and adolescent internalizing problems. Moreover, no direct effects of parental support, family cohesion, and family expressiveness with externalizing problems were found. These findings imply that parental monitoring should get a specific focus of attention in existing interventions designed to prevent adolescents with a mentally ill parent from developing problems.  相似文献   

Guided by theory on stigma, a Likert‐type scale was developed to measure 7 factors of attitudes toward people with mental illness: interpersonal anxiety, relationship disruption, poor hygiene, visibility, treatability, professional efficacy, and recovery. The scale was validated among college students and community members, measuring attitudes toward people with mental illness, depression, bipolar disorder, and schizophrenia. In a second application, college students completed the scale from their own perspective, then from an imagined perspective of someone with mental illness, while psychiatric patients completed the scale from their own perspective, then from an imagined viewpoint of someone without mental illness. Psychiatric patients assumed that they were stigmatized to a greater extent than was admitted by the student sample.  相似文献   

Applying the idea of "intelligent testing" (Kaufman, 1979, 1994) to creativity assessment could broaden our understanding of creativity assessment and would be in accord with the vision of E. Paul Torrance. Such intelligent creativity testing would not seek a single creativity score. Testers would consider patterns of scores in different domains and interpret them for comparative strengths and weaknesses in various areas of creative activity. Specific suggestions on how this might be done are offered.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Although parents often provide care for adult children coping with serious mental illness, adult siblings are typically expected to assume caregiving...  相似文献   

Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) is a systems-based, home-based, and strengths-oriented treatment model that has been developed and implemented within the community mental health system. Using a single case example, this paper discusses the application of I-FAST to a Chinese family in Hong Kong in which the mother was diagnosed with depression. The paper critically examines the deficit-based approach, widely used in the mental health field, which stigmatizes people with psychiatric disabilities. Treatment implications of families with parental mental illness in a Chinese context are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation examined the interactive effects of moods and performance on allocations of reward. Ninety-seven undergraduate students were randomly assigned to six treatment conditions. Mood (happy, neutral, sad) and relative performance (better than competitor, worse than competitor) were factorially combined to produce a 2 x 3 design. It was hypothesized that results consistent with equity theory (performance main effect) and mood research (main effect for mood with happy subjects acting selfishly and sad subjects behaving generously) would be found. Following the inductions, subjects divided 100 raffle tickets between themselves and their competitors. As expected, main effects for mood and performance reached or approached conventional levels of significance. However, these findings were qualified by a significant interaction between mood and performance. In general, moods affected allocations for worse performers but not for better performers. These findings are discussed in terms of the effects moods are believed to have on attentional focus, which is thought to mediate subsequent allocations.  相似文献   

Three hundred sixty eight female and male college students read a completed job application and an article written by the applicant. Both the job and the article were in non-sex-typed fields. The applicant was described as either female or male, single or married, and having one or no children. Subjects answered eight evaluative questions concerning the competence of the applicant and the merits of the article. Females were devalued by both male and female subjects, but particularly by males. Applicants of both sexes who were married and childless were evaluated more favorably than applicants who were single and had a child.  相似文献   

Past work suggests that a strong sense of control over one's cognitive ability is associated with higher levels of cognitive performance and that control beliefs may be even more important in later life, due to age-related declines in cognitive processes. However, less is known about the effects of control beliefs on encoding strategies, and whether these effects are comparable for younger and older adults. Participants were divided into high- (HC) and low- control (LC) beliefs groups based on their scores on the Personality in Intellectual-Aging Contexts Inventory. Participants then read relatively easy and difficult passages word-by-word on a computer for subsequent recall. The data suggest that among older, but not younger adults, control beliefs are particularly important when reading difficult passages. Findings as they relate to models of self-regulation and to implications for everyday functioning are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the role of parental emotional well-being and parenting practices as mediators of the association between familial socioeconomic status (SES) and child mental health problems. The sample included 2,043 5th-7th graders (50.7 % female) participating in the second wave of the Bergen Child Study. Children completed the Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire, parents reported family economy and education level, emotional well-being (measured with the Everyday Feelings Questionnaire), and the use of negative disciplinary and affirmative parenting practices (measured using the Family Life Questionnaire). Path analyses were conducted to examine the associations between SES and externalizing and internalizing problems. Results supported a model where family economy was associated with externalizing problems through parental emotional well-being and parenting practices, whereas maternal education level was associated with externalizing problems through negative discipline. The direct association between paternal education level and externalizing problems was not mediated by parenting. For internalizing problems, we found both direct associations with family economy and indirect associations with family economy through parental emotional well-being and parenting. The results suggest that parental emotional well-being and parenting practices are two potential mechanisms through which low socioeconomic status is associated with child mental health problems.  相似文献   

精神疾病患者遭受社会歧视的现状及其原因与对策分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
社会对精神疾病患者的歧视由来已久,这种歧视广泛存在于不同的阶层与民族当中,且各有其特点。其对精神病患者及其家属带来的负面影响是显而易见而且是深刻的,这种影响涉及到了患者生活的各个方面。本文对各种歧视的特点及其深层次原因进行了初步分析和探讨,并对如何减少这种歧视进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Medical accounts of the absence of conscience are intriguing for the way they seem disposed to drift away from the ideal of scientific objectivity and towards fictional representations of the subject. I examine here several contemporary accounts of psychopathy by Robert Hare and Paul Babiak. I first note how they locate the truth about their subject in fiction, then go on to contend that their accounts ought to be thought of as a "mythos," for they betray a telling uncertainty about where "fact" ends and "fantasy" begins, as well as the means of distinguishing mental health from mental illness in regard to some social roles.  相似文献   

Is the question ‘will you regret it if you do (not do) this?’ helpful when people face difficult life decisions, such as terminating a pregnancy if a disability is detected or deciding to become a parent? Despite the commonness of the question in daily life, several philosophers have argued lately against its usefulness. We reconstruct four arguments from recent literature on regret, transformative experience and the use of imagination in deliberation. After analysis of these arguments we conclude that the prospect of regret remains a useful deliberative heuristic, provided four conditions are fulfilled. If the prospect of (the absence of) regret is arrived at via reflection on one’s values, in a non-coercive context, when well-informed about factual circumstances, and in a process of self-commitment, the question of what one will regret is a helpful device to get in touch with one’s deepest concerns that give reasons to act in a particular way.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which 2 status characteristics—pay level and part-time vs. full-time employment—influence the effectiveness of age as a predictor of work-related attitudes and behaviors. Using a sample of 157 registered nurses, hierarchical regression was used to determine whether pay level or employment classification (part-time vs. full-time) moderated the relationship between chronological age and the following outcomes associated with the process of voluntary turnover: job satisfaction, organizational commitment, withdrawal cognitions, perceived alternatives, search behavior, and actual turnover behavior. Findings indicate that the effects of age on work attitudes and behaviors are moderated to some extent by both status characteristics. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Firearm violence is a top-tier public health problem in the U.S., killing 33,563 and injuring an additional 81,396 people in 2012 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, 2015 ). Given constitutional protection and the cultural entrenchment of private gun ownership in the U.S., it is likely that guns will remain widely accessible – and largely unrestricted – for the foreseeable future. Therefore, most policies and laws intended to reduce firearm violence focus selectively on preventing “dangerous people” from having access to guns. That is a formidable challenge. How do we think productively about guns and mental illness in this context, and about the role of law in lessening the toll of gun violence? Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study examined whether street homelessness, sheltered homelessness, and the severity of psychological symptoms predicted non-violent and violent crime among 207 mentally ill participants who were homeless at baseline. Participants were interviewed at 9 time points over 4 years. Hierarchical linear modeling (HLM) was used to examine whether changes in homelessness status and symptom severity predicted changes in criminal activity over time. Results indicated that homelessness both on the streets and in shelters and psychological symptom severity predicted increases in non-violent crime. Sheltered homelessness and symptom severity predicted increases in violent crime, although street homelessness did not. A separate mediational analysis with 181 participants showed that the relationship between diagnosis of a psychotic disorder and both non-violent and violent criminal activity was partially mediated through the severity of psychotic symptoms. Implications for research and intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Women living in vulnerable neighborhoods experience higher rates of poverty, homelessness, psychiatric issues, illicit substance use, rates of HIV, and a lowered life expectancy. The aim of the study was to further explore the history of mental illness and trauma in a sample of women (N?=?31) who had recently given birth and had a substance use problem while pregnant. We investigated sociodemographic characteristics, history of trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), rates of substance use and dependence, and psychiatric symptoms. Childhood and adult traumatic experiences were found in the majority of the sample, and one-third presented with suspected PTSD diagnosis at the time of the interview. Women-centered services are in great demand, as well as trauma informed care, and further research on appropriate treatment for substance using, traumatized, women with a mental illness.  相似文献   

精神病患者是社会弱势群体,其权利易遭受他人的侵害,同时其有可能对他人权利造成损害。因此为维护本人和他人权利,有必要对其实施特殊的措施。大陆和台湾地区均规定对严重精神病患者实施强制住院医疗措施,但二者在强制医疗的对象、程序以及人身自由的限制等方面存在重大差异。大陆强制医疗采取的是行政程序,而台湾地区是"准司法程序",其强制医疗决定由第三方作出。台湾地区精神卫生法为精神病患者提供了较为完善的权益保障体系。  相似文献   

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