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知道感(FOK)和不知道感(FOnK)的实验分离   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
王培培  罗劲 《心理学报》2005,37(4):442-449
新近的脑成像研究结果提示:“知道感”(FOK)与“不知道感”(FOnK)可能是由两种不同的认知与脑机制所实现的。尽管这一设想质疑了以往的知道感研究中对此二者不加区分的处理方法,但脑成像研究在本质上是一种相关研究,因而并不能提供因果性的推论。这项行为实验将加工深度对FOK和FOnK的影响分开来加以考察,结果发现:深度加工只能使FOK的预测准确性增加,但却不但不能使FOnK的预测准确性增加,反而会使之降低。上述结果在(1)被试内设计,(2)被试间设计,(3)排除熟悉性所导致的不确定的再认等三种情况下都成立。上述结果为知道感的“双过程假设”提供了来自行为研究的证据。  相似文献   

王培培  罗劲 《心理学报》2006,38(5):702-708
为了实现FOK(feeling-of-knowing)和FonK(feeling-of-not-knowing)的双向分离,实验一采用高频词或者低频词为线索项目,检验FOK和FOnK的预测准确性。结果发现,在低频线索条件下FOK的预测准确性表现出高于FOnK的预测准确性的趋势,而在高频线索条件下则正好相反,但上述两组差异并未在统计学上达到显著的程度。实验二采用词-非词对和相关词对两种实验条件,在证明相关词对条件可以促进FOK并降低FOnK的同时,观察到词-非词条件可以促进FOnK并降低FOK,从而在较为严格的意义上证明了FOK和FOnK是两个不同的维度的量。上述结果为知道感的“双过程假设”提供了进一步的实验证据  相似文献   

采用事件相关功能性磁共振成像技术(event-related fMRI)以及在FOK(feeling-of-knowing)研究中常用的“线索回忆-FOK判断-再认测验”(Recall-Judgment-Recognition,RJR)程序,以汉字词对为识记材料,研究了FOK判断中的大脑活动区域。根据FOK判断的正负以及其后的再认测验的对错,实验将FOK判断的项目分为四类:PP项目(正性FOK判断,正确再认),NN(负性FOK判断,错误再认),NP(负性FOK判断,正确再认)以及PN(正性FOK判断,错误再认)。脑成像的分析结果显示:准确的FOK预测(即PP与NN项目)与不准确的FOK预测(即NP与NP项目)在脑活动上没有显著的差异。而进一步分析表明,这种“无差异”的现象可能是由于PP项目与NN项目激活了不同的脑活动模式所造成的。具体地讲,相对于NN项目而言,PP项目伴随有明显的左侧前额叶(BA 8区)的活动。这一观察提示我们:知道感(PP)与不知道感(NN)可能是由不同的脑神经网络所支持、并通过不同的认知过程来实现的。  相似文献   

刘岩  苏彦捷  徐国庆 《心理学报》2005,37(5):590-597
脑成像研究表明,准确的知晓感(FOK)可以分为知道感和不知道感,两者可能依赖不同的大脑机制实现。该研究通过两个实验,检验了线索和靶子的频率对FOK判断准确性的影响,并在行为水平上考察了“知道感和不知道感可能通过不同的认知过程来实现”的假设。实验一表明:靶子字的频率对FOK判断的准确性有影响,即靶子为低频字时,FOK判断的准确性降低;同时,线索和靶子的字频对知道感和不知道感判断的等级没有影响。实验二显示:线索熟悉性只影响准确的不知道感判断等级,而靶项目强度只影响准确的知道感判断等级,即产生了非交叉的双重分离。综上,我们发现了靶子的字频对FOK判断准确性的影响,并从行为实验的角度证实,知道感和不知道感依赖不同的认知加工过程。  相似文献   

李同归 《心理学报》2000,32(3):264-268
该实验考察了在“知道感”(FOK)任务中的字词和图片的感受性和判断标准的差异。实验运用Hart的“回忆—FOK判断—再认”(RJR)范式,用字词和图片作为刺激材料,采用两种不同的加工水平,并根据信号检测论中的评价法对结果进行分析,结果表明:在知道感任务中,只有在线索回忆正确百分率和FOK判断等级上表现出了图片优势效应,而再认正确率和FOK准确性则没有图片优势;而且,不论是深加工还是浅加工,被试对字词和图片的感受性都没有显著性差异,但判断标准的变化较为复杂,且受加工水平的影响较大,显示出图片优势效应的产生与被试的反应偏向有关。  相似文献   

虚拟环境(VE)中的临境感是用户感知身处VE而产生的一种主观体验,是评价VE的重要指标。VE临境感产生的基础在于个体VE某一特征的集中注意,其程度强弱在一定范围内取决于个体分配于VE的注意资源量,受诸如计算机技术设备等系统因素、表现为个体差异的用户因素以及人机对话过程中交互因素的影响。在此基础上本文从生理指标(生理测量法、心率变化和皮肤电阻变化)、行为指标(姿势变化和冲突条件下的刺激定位)、心理物理学(对比法和跨通道匹配法)、主观评价(WS-PQ、SUS-PQ、ITC-SOPI和直接主观评价法)和绩效衡量对VE临境感的测量方法进行总结和简单评价。  相似文献   

以羞感文化与罪感文化的区别来推定重视"面子"的中国道德观缺乏自律,其实是不恰当的。因为中国道德观赖以为基础的"羞恶之心"其实是耻感,而耻感是羞感和罪感的双重迭加。以儒学为旨,可知耻感即是羞恶之心,它出于恻隐之心,并可明确其萌发历程为:由不忍→将他者投射到自我心象→意识到对他者负有伦理责任。由于耻感非羞感,故以西方思想论羞感来理解羞恶之心,也就难以说明羞恶之心是道德本体,以及为仁与义的结合。最后,透过王船山的释义可以发现,耻感的扩充历程,即是孟子所言的"养气"。  相似文献   

消费情感是顾客对交易过程是否公平的情感性体验,公平感是顾客满意感形成的基础条件。在医疗服务消费过程中,患者满意感不仅是对医疗效果是否符合其预期的主观评价,而且也是对医疗服务消费过程中诸如服务行为方式、操作程序规范以及经济利益交换等环节的情感认知性反应。  相似文献   

消费情感是顾客对交易过程是否公平的情感性体验,公平感是顾客满意感形成的基础条件.在医疗服务消费过程中,患者满意感不仅是对医疗效果是否符合其预期的主观评价,而且也是对医疗服务消费过程中诸如服务行为方式、操作程序规范以及经济利益交换等环节的情感认知性反应..  相似文献   

王沛 《心理学探新》2000,20(3):20-23
本文集中探讨了成人中的一种特殊的元认知过程--知晓感过程.首先讨论知晓感现象本身的早期研究,然后再探讨其潜在的机制;最后阐述这一过程的各种用途.  相似文献   

张振新  明文 《心理科学》2012,35(5):1102-1106
元记忆监测在记忆活动中发挥重要作用。元记忆自FOK研究开始,到理论框架的提出,各种理论逐渐发展成熟。文章从元记忆监测总过程的视角对近年来EOL、FOK、JOL、JOC等元记忆监测成分的研究范式、认知机制及神经机制进行了横向比较,概述了元记忆监测研究的进展及动态。  相似文献   

将定向遗忘和FOK判断的范式相结合,探讨高强迫症状被试(HOC)和低强迫症状的控制组(LOC)在不同词语类型的条件下,线索回忆和元记忆判断的定向遗忘效应的差异。实验结果表明,HOC组在中性词语条件下比LOC组表现出更低的定向遗忘效应。FOK的结果表明HOC被试对于不同条件的元记忆的分辨能力比LOC组要差,他们在威胁性词语方面,对未来记忆任务的成绩也没有预测性。研究结果从一定程度上支持强迫症的一般记忆损伤模型  相似文献   

The current research investigated the impact of self-referencing (SR) on feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgements to improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying these metamemory judgements and specifically test the relationship between recollective experiences and FOK accuracy within the accessibility framework FOK judgements are thought to be by-products of the retrieval process and are therefore closely related to memory performance. Because relating information to one's self is one of the factors enhancing memory performance, we investigated the effect of self-related encoding on FOK accuracy and recollective experience. We compared performance on this condition to a separate deep processing condition in which participants reported the frequency of occurrence of pairs of words. Participants encoded pairs of words incidentally, and following a delay interval, they attempted at retrieving each target prompted by its cue. Then, they were re-presented with all cues and asked to provide FOK ratings regarding their likelihood of recognising the targets amongst distractors. Finally, they were given a surprise recognition task in which following each response they identified whether the response was remembered, known or just guessed. Our results showed that only SR at encoding resulted in better memory, higher FOK accuracy and increased recollective experience.  相似文献   

Several studies have been conducted on OCD patients' memory and metamemory performance in episodic tasks. However, there is a clear lack of research addressing these issues for semantic memory (i.e., retrieval of information from long-term memory). Although findings regarding a memory deficit is somewhat equivocal, the empirical evidence clearly demonstrates that OCD patients with primarily checking compulsions show reduced confidence in their memory performance. The purpose of the present study was to investigate memory and metamemory performance of checkers in semantic memory domain. We compared checker OCD patients, non-checker OCD patients and normal controls on their ability to retrieve answers to general knowledge questions with a recall as well as a recognition test. We also investigated prospective (feeling-of-knowing (FOK)) and retrospective (confidence) metamemory judgments. Checker OCs were not poorer in retrieving semantic information from long-term memory. Neither were they less confident about their ability to remember currently unrecallable information in the future (FOK judgments) or about the accuracy of retrieved information (confidence judgments). Moreover, accuracy of metamemory judgments were comparable across groups. Overall, our results revealed that checker OCs do not show a memory or metamemory deficit when semantic memory was concerned, suggesting that any memory and metamemory deficit may be special to recently experienced materials.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether monitoring measures are differentially disturbed in dysexecutive patients after frontal lesions. Twelve dysexecutive patients and 12 healthy controls were administered a paired-associates learning task. Their performances on recall prediction, judgment-of-learning (JOL), and feeling-of-knowing judgment (FOK) were then compared. The results revealed that the two groups differed only on accuracy measures of the FOK paradigm. The study of the overall correlations between the three measures of metamemory revealed a significant relation between recall prediction and accuracy measures of the JOL. We failed to find any significant correlation with the accuracy measures of the FOK. Taken together, our data confirm that metamemory experience is not a unitary construct but rather a group of distinct and quite independent mechanisms.  相似文献   

A model for the basis of feeling of knowing (FOK) is proposed, which combines 2 apparently competing accounts, cue familiarity (L. M. Reder, 1987), and accessibility (A. Koriat, 1993). Both cue familiarity and accessibility are assumed to contribute asynchronously to FOK, but whereas the effects of familiarity occur early, those of accessibility occur later and only when cue familiarity is sufficiently high to drive the interrogation of memory for potential answers. General information questions were used to orthogonally manipulate cue familiarity and accessibility. As expected, both familiarity and accessibility enhanced FOK judgments, but the effects of accessibility were found mostly when familiarity was high. This interactive pattern was replicated when FOK judgments were delayed but not when they were immediate. The results support the proposed cascaded model of FOK but also imply a differentiation between 2 variants of the accessibility heuristic.  相似文献   

One significant issue in metamemory is how variables increasing memorability affect metamemory. Previous research has produced inconsistent results. The effect of directed forgetting on the magnitude and accuracy of feeling-of-knowing (FOK) judgments was investigated. Participants were presented with word pairs, some to be remembered and some to be forgotten, and then were asked to recall all target words regardless of initial instructions. For unrecalled items, they were asked to give FOK judgments about performance in a future memory task: a cued stem-completion task (Experiment 1) or a recognition test (Experiment 2). This encoding manipulation increased both the memory performance and the magnitude of FOK judgments. However, no such effect on the accuracy of FOK judgments was observed.  相似文献   

This research investigated the effect of divided attention at encoding on feeling-of-knowing (FOK). Participants had to learn a 60 word-pair list under two experimental conditions, one with full attention (FA) and one with divided attention (DA). After that, they were administered episodic FOK tasks with a cued-recall phase, a FOK phase and a recognition phase. Our results showed that DA at encoding altered not only memory performance, but also FOK judgments and FOK accuracy. These findings throw some light on the central role of the quality of memory encoding to make accurate FOK judgments and provide new evidence supporting the relationship between memory and metamemory judgments.  相似文献   

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