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The main purpose of this study was to examine whether the use of internal imagery would affect high jumping performance for active high jumping athletes. Over a period of six weeks, a group of active high jumpers were trained with an internal imagery program for a total of 72 minutes. This group was compared to a control group consisting of active high jumpers that only maintained their regular work-outs during the same time period. Four variables were measured; jumping height, number of failed attempts, take-off angle, and bar clearance. There was a significant improvement on bar clearance for the group that trained imagery (p < 0.05) but not for the control group. No other differences were found. The results suggest that internal imagery training may be used to improve a component of a complex motor skill. Possible explanations and future recommendations are discussed.  相似文献   


There is a growing popularity of non-pharmacologic treatments for hypertension; among them is exercise. This paper critically reviews the evidence for the anti-hypertensive effect of exercise, scanning both the epidemiologic and experimental research. It evaluates some of the literature on exercise adherence, briefly describes one exercise program designed to promote adherence, and draws conclusions based on the literature.  相似文献   

Two experiments are reported which examine imagery as a factor in children's learning to associate object pairs. The results of the first experiment indicated that presenting the objects in an interacting fashion greatly facilitated subsequent recognition performance. The outcome of Experiment II revealed that children can be trained to form their own interaction images. These findings are discussed in terms of their relevance to contemporary views of mediation in children's learning.  相似文献   

One hundred five business school students were given anagram and open‐ended ideational tasks under one of several conditions. One group of students received an incubation interval prior to problem solving. A second group received no such interval. A third group received imagery training to aid problem solving in addition to an incubation interval. A fourth group received imagery training but no incubation interval. The fifth and sixth groups received imagery training, incubation or no incubation, respectively, and deliberate instructions to use imagery in problem solving. Results showed significant effects for incubation on originality of ideas and imagery training on anagram solving, but the latter were inhibitory. Results are discussed in terms of incubation and imagery theories.  相似文献   



The purpose of the present study was to test a structural model examining the interrelationships between exercise imagery, self-reported exercise behaviour and well-being in older adults.


Cross-sectional survey.


Participants were 499 older Greek adults (50.10% males) aged between 51 and 84 years (M age = 57.31; SD = 5.52) who completed questionnaires measuring exercise imagery use, exercise behaviour, subjective vitality, and physical self-worth. The relationship between these variables was tested with a structural model based on the applied model of imagery use for exercise (Munroe-Chandler & Gammage, 2005).


Energy imagery positively predicted exercise behaviour and subjective vitality, and appearance and technique imagery positively predicted physical self-worth.


These results indicate older adults engage in different types of imagery to motivate themselves to exercise and improve their well-being, thus implying that the content of imagery interventions should be specifically tailored to the outcomes older adults wish to realise for interventions to be effective.  相似文献   

From a school population of normal children third through fifth grades), thirty children initially identified as “angry”were randomly assigned to either an affective imagery training group, an attention group, or a control group. The treatment group received three sessions of affective imagery in which they focused on physiological changes and on their thoughts associated with prior emotional experiences. Teachers recorded pre-, post- , and short term follow-up aggressive behaviors for all thirty children. Cognitive perceptions and attributions were recorded at the same three occasions on the Affect Questionnaire. Results suggested that, as a result of affective imagery training, angry children's perceptions and cognitions shifted from “angry” towards “sad,” and there was a concomitant decrease in observed aggressive classroom behavior.  相似文献   

We compared video versus live training as respective components of a program for training support staff in individualized intervention plans for people with severe disabilities and challenging behavior. Procedures constituting behavior plans for three individuals were presented to staff through an initial training session and then follow‐up assessment and training on the job. Twenty staff received the initial training in small groups by watching a video of a behavior analyst describing a plan along with informational bullets, and 18 staff received the initial training in live sessions with the behavior analyst. Results of knowledge quizzes and on‐the‐job observations and questions with staff indicated video and live training were both effective. Video training was more efficient regarding time required by staff trainees and trainers' direct‐contact time with staff. However, additional trainer time (and staff videographer time) was required to make the videos. Both types of training were well received by staff, though live training was slightly better received based on staff ratings. In light of results supporting effectiveness of video training, suggestions are offered regarding when such training is likely to be more and less advantageous from an efficiency perspective. Future research areas discussed focus on the ways to enhance the utility of video training. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Memory training was compared in adults aged 60-80. Groups 1 and 2 studied a self-instructional memory training manual; Group 2 also attended supplementary group discussions of typical problems of later life, related coping methods, and the techniques in the self-instructional manuals. Group 3 was a wait-list control group. Memory performance on 2 word lists significantly improved in the supplemental discussion group but not in the group that only studied the self-instructional manual. Enhanced performances were maintained at a 1-month follow-up. Bibliotherapy alone may be inferior to treatment involving a group component, although the mechanisms of such enhancement remain unexplored with respect to memory training. Neither treated group improved their digit span or recall of names and a brief prose passage; teaching older adults the strategies of chunking and use of imagery may not be beneficial.  相似文献   

The effects of hypnosis and imagery training on the naming behavior of three subjects with Broca's aphasia were investigated using a multiple baseline design across subjects. Treatment consisted of the induction of hypnosis, followed by guided imagery focused on the physical and functional attributes of stimulus objects. Measures of naming ability on both trained and untrained items were taken at baseline, after every training session, and a few hours after training each day. Measures were also taken of imagery ability, hypnotic susceptibility, and psychological state. Results indicated that treatment facilitated improvement in naming ability, over baseline level, for two subjects. In the case of the third subject, the verbal label was incorporated into the imagery procedure following 10 training sessions. Subsequently, this subject's naming behavior improved over baseline level. The results are discussed in terms of current theory and research in neuropsychology and cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

Passive relaxation training can be an important technique when conducting psychotherapy with anxiety disorder clients. A central element of the passive relaxation process is the use of guided imagery. The clinical use of imagery is verbally guided by the therapist and includes multiple sense modalities. The exact procedures used in guided imagery are not often described in adequate detail. An appendix is included to describe five guided imagery modules to be used in combination with the passive relaxation procedures.  相似文献   

近年来,认知训练被广泛应用于防治和延缓老年人的认知功能衰退。通过总结近7年(2008~2014年)关于老年人认知功能训练的研究,比较训练的有效性、训练效果的迁移和保持,结果表明,大部分实验都发现了积极的即时训练效果,训练效果得到保持的研究以认知控制和综合认知能力训练为主;大部分的迁移都集中在与流体智力联系较密切的认知功能如工作记忆和注意力等上;部分研究探索了认知功能提升的大脑神经可塑性基础。未来研究应进一步将行为训练与神经测量手段相结合考察训练效果的迁移与保持,更加注重个体差异的影响,并深入考察认知训练对日常生活能力的迁移。  相似文献   

Objective: Examine psychosocial mediators of the effects of high vs. low-dose resistance training (RT) maintenance interventions among older (ages 50–69), overweight and pre-diabetic adults.

Design: Participants (N = 123) completed a three-month supervised RT initiation phase and were subsequently randomised (time 1) to high or low-dose six-month unsupervised RT maintenance interventions (time 2), followed by a six-month no-contact phase (time 3).

Main Outcome Measures: Online measures of putative mediators and RT behaviour.

Results: RT intervention condition (high vs. low dose) had significant effects on change from time 1 to time 2 in behavioural expectation, self-regulation and perceived satisfaction (f2 = .04–.08), but not outcome expectancies, RT strategies or behavioural intentions (f2 ≤ .02). Change in each of the putative mediators, except for outcome expectancies (f2 ≤ .02), had significant effects on RT behaviour at times 2 (f2 = .12–.27) and 3 (f2 = .23–.40). In a multiple mediation model, behavioural expectation (f2 = .11) and self-regulation (f2 = .06) mediated the effects of RT intervention condition on time 2 RT behaviour, whereas perceived satisfaction did not (f2 = .01). Self-regulation was a significant mediator of intervention effects on time 3 RT behaviour (f2 = .11), but behavioural expectation and perceived satisfaction were not (f2 = .04).

Conclusions: Findings suggest that behavioural expectation and self-regulation are appropriate targets for RT maintenance interventions among at-risk older adults.  相似文献   

BackgroundRegular muscle and bone strengthening activities through resistance training (RT) have been associated with numerous health benefits, particularly as adults age, yet participation is low. Effective promotion is likely founded on an understanding of theory-based correlates, yet almost all RT research has focused on college-aged convenience samples and employed social cognition models, which do not consider the intention-behavior gap. The purpose of this study was to explore RT from the perspective of the multi-process action control (M-PAC) framework in a large Canadian adult sample.MethodCanadian adults (N = 1338) completed M-PAC measures of reflective (instrumental attitude, affective attitude, perceived capability and opportunity), regulatory (planning and self-monitoring), and reflexive (habit, identity) processes as well as intention to engage in RT at baseline and RT behavior two-weeks later.ResultsThree intention-behavior profiles emerged: a) non-intenders who were not active (41.4%), b) unsuccessful intenders who failed to enact their positive intentions (32.9%), and c) successful intenders who engaged in RT (23.5%). A discriminant function analysis (p < .01) showed that instrumental and affective attitude, perceived opportunity and planning/self-monitoring distinguished between all three intention-behavior profiles, while perceived capability predicted the intention-RT profiles of females but not males (p < .01). By comparison, identity was particularly important to younger/middle-aged adults than older females (p < .01), while habit was associated with the intention-RT profiles of older adults but not younger/middle-aged adults (p < .01).ConclusionsThe findings support the importance of considering both intention formation and translation in RT. Behavior change techniques aimed at reflective, regulatory, and reflexive processes appear necessary. Additional considerations of targeting specific constructs by age and sex may maximize the potential effectiveness of RT interventions.  相似文献   

Objective: Effective motivational support is needed in chronic disease management. This study was undertaken to improve a novel type 2 diabetes motivational intervention, (functional imagery training, FIT) based on participant feedback and results from a self-management randomised controlled trial.

Design: Qualitative inductive thematic analysis of semi-structured interviews.

Main outcome measures: Open-ended questions on participant experiences of the FIT intervention content, process, most/least helpful features, suggestions for improvement and general feedback.

Results: Eight themes emerged. Participants thought FIT promoted autonomy and self-awareness. They found the intervention interesting and helpful in keeping their health on track through accountability provided by regular phone calls. However, boredom with repetitive use of imagery, feeling inadequately equipped to manage unhealthy cravings, and difficulty with the time commitment was reported by some. Supplementary written material was recommended.

Conclusion: Several well-received features of FIT overlapped with those from traditional motivational interviewing. FIT sessions should ensure content is regularly adapted to new health-enhancing goals. After self-management behaviour becomes habitual, imagery practice could be restricted to challenging contexts. Provision of a written rationale and use of mindfulness for cravings is recommended. With these improvements, the impact of FIT on diabetic control may be substantially enhanced.  相似文献   

The effects of integrated pictures of nouns, training in imagining relations between separate pictures of nouns, and the combination of training and integrated pictures on the recall of noun triplets were assessed in children from grades one, three, and six. The cued recall of nouns under these three conditions was from two to six times greater than that of the control group in all three grades. In grade six, those children who had been trained to generate their own relations between the pictured nouns recalled significantly more than those who had been shown integrated (i.e., already related) pictures of the nouns. It was suggested that encouraging young children to seek out and generate relations between items to be learned might help them become aware of and more confident in their ability to improve their own learning efficiency.  相似文献   

IntroductionInternet Gaming Disorder (IGD) was introduced for the first time within the “conditions for further study” in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association, and a systematic review has concluded that the only available instrument for its measurement is the Problem Video Game Playing scale (PVP). Nevertheless, this scale was presented as a diagnostic tool for adolescents, and to date no study has analyzed its properties amongst adults.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to analyze and compare the diagnostic and psychometric properties of the PVP in adult and adolescent gamers.MethodTwo samples of adult (n = 525) and adolescent (n = 384) gamers completed a survey including patterns of play, PVP, Severity of Dependence Scale, and other measures of playing to excess.ResultsConfirmatory factor analyses revealed that the scale presents a one-factor structure that is similar to that of the original version, both in adults and adolescents. Construct validity was supported by highly significant associations between the PVP and all alternative measures of playing to excess. On the other hand, reliability values were lower than in previous studies.ConclusionsThe PVP scale's properties are appropriate for the measurement of problem video gaming in adults as well as in adolescents, but studies with clinical assessments are still needed before any cutoff value for diagnosis can be established.  相似文献   

In research on cognitive plasticity, two training approaches have been established: (1) training of strategies to improve performance in a given task (e.g., encoding strategies to improve episodic memory performance) and (2) training of basic cognitive processes (e.g., working memory, inhibition) that underlie a range of more complex cognitive tasks (e.g., planning) to improve both the training target and the complex transfer tasks. Strategy training aims to compensate or circumvent limitations in underlying processes, while process training attempts to augment or to restore these processes. Although research on both approaches has produced some promising findings, results are still heterogeneous and the impact of most training regimes for everyday life is unknown. We, therefore, discuss recent proposals of training regimes aiming to improve prospective memory (i.e., forming and realizing delayed intentions) as this type of complex cognition is highly relevant for independent living. Furthermore, prospective memory is associated with working memory and executive functions and age-related decline is widely reported. We review initial evidence suggesting that both training regimes (i.e., strategy and/or process training) can successfully be applied to improve prospective memory. Conceptual and methodological implications of the findings for research on age-related prospective memory and for training research in general are discussed.  相似文献   

Forty-eight moderately intellectually-handicapped, institutionalized adults were randomly assigned to a behavioural social-skills training (BSST), a cognitive social-problem-solving (SPS), attention-placebo control (APC) or no-treatment control (NTC) group. Significant improvement in basic social-skill performance was found for the BSST group but not for the SPS, APC or NTC groups, whereas significant increases in the generation of alternative solutions were found for the cognitive SPS group but not the BSST, APC or NTC groups. Neither training approaches produced lasting benefits, nor were skill improvements associated with changes in global ratings of social competence made by staff. The implications for future intervention with intellectually-handicapped adults are discussed.  相似文献   

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