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再婚与再婚家庭研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
金一虹 《学海》2002,3(1):90-96
随着离婚率的上升 ,再婚家庭和再婚人口在不断增加 ,婚姻的重组构成了现代社会中与婚姻的解体同样值得关注的一个社会现象。这一现实在制造新的矛盾冲突之时 ,也孕育着新的观念和新的关系的形成。本文将其置于现代化进程背景之下 ,既分析婚姻重组的趋势 ,也研究分析这一婚姻的重构对家庭关系、人的情感需求、保障需求以及满足这些需求的方式的影响 ,以展示现代社会在何种程度上可以给人以新的选择、发展空间和新的调节手段  相似文献   

This article reports the authors' observations on 22 families in which a young adult member has been diagnosed as manic-depressive, and on 11 families in which a member has been diagnosed as suffering from major schizoaffective disorder. All families could be described as extremely rigid and bound-up systems. Many of them were characterized by a "restrictive parental complementarity" and reciprocal delegation, and they shared certain cognitive features and assumptions. "Manic-depressive" families showed similarities as well as differences when compared with families in which there were schizophrenic and serious psychosomatic disorders.  相似文献   

绩效评价的若干问题   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过对绩效的内涵、绩效评价标准的确定、评量指标体系的构建以及多样性评量指标的整合意义与方法等四个绩效评价的最基本问题进行反思 ,提出如下观点 :(1 )对绩效进行考量时必须同时考虑时间、方式和结果三个维度。 (2 )绩效评价标准的确定应先于具体评量指标的选择 ,且应保持一定的稳定性 ,不可随意增删 ;(3 )评量指标体系的构建应本着贵精不贵多、贵明确不贵模糊、贵敏感不贵迟钝 ,贵关键不贵空泛的原则进行 ;(4)多样性评量指标是否整合需根据具体的需要而定 ,整合时要考虑评量指标本身的权重差异以及不同评价者由于对标准尺度掌握的松紧不一和评判角度不同所带来的对最终评价结果的影响。  相似文献   

The primary aim of this study was to ascertain the psychosocial issues faced by families affected by maple syrup urine disease (MSUD). The psychosocial adjustment and quality of life of children with MSUD were also described. Participants included 55 families and their children (ages 5 to 18 years) and teachers. Measures included a MSUD Family Survey, the Behavior Assessment System for Children (BASC) and the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL). Parents reported via the MSUD Family Survey that the greatest sources of stress were financial and emotional. Many parents reported difficulty interacting with the medical staff and with schools. On the BASC, half of the children fell within the average range in psychosocial adjustment, although there were elevations in scales measuring attention, hyperactivity, and learning problems. On the PedsQL, the mean quality of life scores were closer to children with cancer than to a healthy sample. Despite the emotional and financial burden, parents reported that MSUD has also had a positive influence on their lives, leading to a world-view that is more compassionate and caring.  相似文献   

How might counseling professionals interact with clients facing their own or a loved one's serious illness or death and help prepare them for this severe stress and loss? Counseling professionals are encouraged to do no harm, be sensitive to beliefs and traditions, use life stories, and help resolve unfinished business.  相似文献   

A variety of terms, definitions, and typologies describing dual-career families can be found in the literature. This has resulted in a body of research plagued with conflicting findings. Major work and family issues are examined with subsequent implications for counseling.  相似文献   

In political philosophy and in economics, unfair inequality is usually assessed between individuals, nowadays often on luck‐egalitarian grounds. You have more than I do (through no fault of my own) and that's unfair. By contrast, in epidemiology and sociology, unfair inequality is traditionally assessed between groups. More is concentrated among people of your class or race than among people of mine, and that's unfair. I shall call this difference the egalitarian ‘divorce’. Epidemiologists, and their ‘divorce lawyers’ Paula Braveman, Norman Daniels, and Iris Marion Young, explain that not every inequality between individuals is an inequity. Only inequality between social status groups is unfair. Only such inequality stems from problems like partiality, discrimination, oppression, inequality‐related population health problems, and unfair distribution of prospects. And it alone is actionable. By contrast, inequality between individuals, e.g. in longevity, is natural, inevitable, less important, or otherwise less informative — not unjust. In ‘divorce trial’ mode, I respond to epidemiologists that group inequalities lack the intrinsic disvalue that they ascribe them. They may be instrumentally or contingently bad or wrong, not essentially so. I then shift to ‘remarriage’: although group inequalities lack intrinsic badness or wrongness, for multiple reasons they remain useful to measure.  相似文献   

Consideration and use of remarriage as a response to cope with the death of a husband was examined in 39 women who had been widowed and had subsequently remarried, 192 widows who had considered remarriage but had not yet remarried, and 420 widows who had not considered remarriage. Controlling for age, we found that women who had remarried reported fewer current concerns than did the other two groups. Furthermore, we found that women who retrospectively recalled the most concerns immediately after the death of the spouse were the ones who eventually remarried. The remarried group believed that they were experiencing significantly fewer concerns now than they had after the spouse's death; the women who had not considered remarriage believed that they were experiencing the same number of concerns now as before; and those women who had considered remarriage believed that they were experiencing significantly more concerns. Implications for remarriage as a coping mechanism for widowhood and the relation of age to remarriage decisions are discussed.  相似文献   


Maladaptive efforts to adjust to remarriage can provoke or exacerbate parental alienation syndrome. The remarried parent, the other parent, the stepparent, and the child each may contribute to the disturbance. Underlying dynamics include jealousy, narcissistic injury, desire for revenge, the wish to erase the exspouse from the child’s life in order to “make room” for the stepparent, competitive feelings between the exspouse and stepparent, the new couple’s attempt to unite around a common enemy and avoid recognition of conflicts in the marriage, the child’s attempt to resolve inner conflict, and parent-child boundary violations. These dynamics are discussed and suggestions for treatment are offered.  相似文献   

This article addresses the primary modifications necessary for system change to better meet the mental health needs of children under the age of three. The role of risk and resiliency factors in the young child, family and community and the necessity for a comprehensive community infant-family mental health system with a focus on the whole family are addressed. Barriers to care within early childhood systems of care are examined, including stigma, community referral and collaboration, diagnostic concerns during infancy, issues around family engagement, empowerment and partnership, funding of comprehensive and well coordinated infant-family services, workforce capacity and evaluation. Recommendations for implementation of system changes at the community and federal levels are proposed.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of methodological and conceptual issues underlying the assessment of change during psychotherapy with children and families. Three central considerations are discussed: (1) What changes do we measure? (2) When do we measure change? (3) How do we measure change? The difficulties with the traditional methods of assessing change are highlighted, and suggestions for a new paradigm that calls for expansion of the nomological network relevant to the analysis of change, as well as the inclusion of more assessment points and more reliable and valid measures of the change process, are presented. Illustrations of key points are provided from the Adolescent Transitions Program, a theoretically based intervention program targeting high-risk youth.  相似文献   

Beginning counselors typically experience difficulty in transitioning from classroom-based counseling skills and theory training to their initial clinical experience. Current training models fail to provide a conceptual bridge of practical value to assist in this transition. Three organizing processes, illustrated through 20 counseling maxims, were developed for skills-trained novice counselors to provide a conceptual foundation for their clinical decision making.  相似文献   


Family counseling has long been an important aspect of pastoral counseling. With recent trends toward increasing remarriage among older persons, pastoral family counseling will take on an additional dimension. This study provides information concerning motivation and attitudes toward remarriage, behavior during the interim period, adjustment to remarriage and the impact of remarriage on family relationships.  相似文献   

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