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The concept of projective identification as a primitive defense mechanism is reassessed. An alternative hypothesis is offered: that projective identification can best be understood as a compromise formation which includes as its major component an "identification with the aggressor" or a "turning of passive into active." This reversal is demonstrated within a two-tiered transference/countertransference of the analyst as powerful parent and the patient as the helpless child. On the deeper level the patient enacts the role of dominant parent and the analyst experiences the feelings which the patient had felt as a child.  相似文献   

采用事件相关电位(ERP)技术考察了情绪语音影响面孔表情识别的时间进程。通过设置效价一致或不一致的“语音-面孔”对,要求被试判断情绪语音和面孔表情的效价是否一致。行为结果显示,被试对效价一致的“语音-面孔”对的反应更快。ERP结果显示,在70-130ms和220-450ms,不一致条件下的面孔表情比一致条件诱发了更负的波形;在450-750ms,不一致条件下的面孔表情比一致条件诱发更正的后正成分。说明情绪语音对面孔表情识别的多个阶段产生了跨通道影响。  相似文献   

An aphasic patient was presented with a number of classification and identification tasks. The patient did better in classifying alphanumeric characters on various levels of abstraction than in identifying them. In another test the patient classified animals, birds, and flowers. His mistakes were interpreted as a consideration of characteristic features with a disregard of defining ones. The data are discussed in light of current research in cognitive psychology.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between religiosity and phonatory behavior. A total of 186 participants participated in a survey that included four sections: demographic data, extent of religiosity, history of dysphonia, phonatory behavior and laryngeal manipulation, in addition to the Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10). There was no significant association between the prevalence of phonatory symptoms and any of the religiosity questions. There was no significant association between phonatory behavior, history of laryngeal manipulation and any of the religiosity questions. There was also no significant association between the score of the Voice Handicap Index and any of the five religiosity questions. There is no association between religiosity and prevalence of phonatory disturbances, phonotraumatic behavior and/or history of laryngeal manipulation.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a controlled field experiment in which voice communication was introduced into an existing online community (online gaming guilds within the popular game “World of Warcraft”), comparing a mix of voice and text with text only. Quantitative results suggest increases in liking and trust due to the addition of voice, as well as insulation from unexpected negative impacts of text‐only play. The findings are discussed with respect to social capital, cyberbalkanization, and the general computer‐mediated communication literature, with special attention paid to social information processing theory.  相似文献   

To Find a Voice     
《Women & Therapy》2013,36(1):157-171

This article will present a compilation of case studies that will document the art therapy process utilized to assist incarcerated women with histories of severe trauma in expressing their feelings in an appropriate manner. These case studies will show how art images produced within this therapeutic milieu enabled the women described to reconnect with disowned thoughts, feelings and fantasies in a safe way.  相似文献   

This article describes a clinical moment in the analysis of a traumatized woman, in which specifically identified, subjectively felt pressures and analytic considerations, informed by the maturation process of analytic training, resulted in a change in my theoretical orientation. It may be surmised that this changing of theories is a process that applies not only to candidates but also to mature analysts, as new theories continue to emerge and develop in the psychoanalytic field.  相似文献   

In this reply, three core notions from Schürmann’s comment The materiality of the abstraction “voice” are picked out and discussed: the ethos, the so called trialogical self and vocality as principle. The notion of ethos is explored through the word’s history, coming to say that ethos develops in relation to a certain geographical place and is determined by the social practices of a historically situated community. Thus, the concept allows to see how current scientific activities are rooted in reality, taken in the socio-cultural sense. The “trialogical self” is discussed in its implications, leading to firmly retain “dialogical self” as sign of a movement leading through the other to self. Schürmann’s distinction of voice as phenomenon and vocality as principle is seen as fruitful supplement to own ideas, especially as it highlights the fact that it is the act of uttering in different modes which matters for a language notion based in addressivity.  相似文献   

Adult subjects attempted to identify structures (words and constituents) in sentences of a language they did not know. They heard each sentence twice-once with a pause interrupting a structural component and once with a pause separating different structural components. They were asked to choose the version that sounded more natural. An experimental group of subjects who had been previously exposed to a spoken passage in the same language as the test sentences was more successful in identifying structures of the sentences than was the control group with previous exposure to another language. This result was interpreted as demonstrating that language structure may be partially acquired during a brief exposure without reliance on meaning. It was also noted that the experimental group identified constituents more accurately than words. This result suggested that constituents, more than words, function as acquisitional units of language.  相似文献   

组织中的进谏行为   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
进谏行为是指以改善环境为目的,以变化为导向,富有建没性的人际问的交流行为。文章系统地介绍了进谏行为的概念,进谏行为对组织的作用以及影响进谏行为的因素。  相似文献   

Voice and interpersonal attraction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The present study examined the effects of voice and physical appearance on inter-personal attraction. Furthermore, the attributes of voice that enhance interpersonal attraction were investigated. In the first study the subjects were 25 female students from one university and the target persons were four male students from another university. The subjects rated attractiveness of voice and physical appearance, and the overall interpersonal attraction of the target persons. The attractiveness of voice and physical appearance had independent effects on interpersonal attraction. In the second study the subjects were 62 students (20 males, 42 females) from one university and the target persons were 16 students from another university (eight of each sex). The results of the first study were replicated. Bright, generous voices, low vocal pitch and a small range of vocal pitch increased interpersonal attraction.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined children's metacognitive monitoring of recognition judgments within an eyewitness identification paradigm. A confidence-accuracy (CA) calibration approach was used to examine patterns of calibration, over-/underconfidence, and resolution. In Experiment 1, children (n=619, mean age=11 years 10 months) and adults (n=600) viewed a simulated crime and attempted two separate identifications from 8-person target-present or target-absent lineups given lineup instructions that manipulated witnesses choosing patterns by varying the degree of social pressure. For choosers, but not nonchoosers, meaningful CA relations were observed for adults but not for children. Experiment 2 tested a guided hypothesis disconfirmation manipulation designed to improve the realism of children's metacognitive judgments. Children (N=796, mean age=11 years 11 months) in experimental and control conditions viewed a crime and attempted two separate identifications. The manipulation had minimal impact on the CA relation for choosers and nonchoosers. In contrast to adults, children's identification confidence provides no useful guide for investigators about the likely guilt or innocence of a suspect. These experiments revealed limitations in children's metacognitive monitoring processes that have not been apparent in previous research on recall and recognition with younger children.  相似文献   

段锦云  魏秋江 《心理学报》2012,44(7):972-985
作为一种组织促进性行为, 员工建言在知识经济时代对组织的作用日益显著。学界从多角度探讨了建言的发生机制, 然而从认知的视角的研究则较为缺乏。本研究从社会认知理论视角, 构建了建言效能感结构(研究一), 并探索了建言效能感在建言行为发生中的作用(研究二)。研究一从长三角地区企业的26名基层员工中提取建言效能感关键事件, 编制初始问卷, 通过对188个样本的探索性因子分析及对另188个样本的验证性因子分析, 探索并验证了建言效能感的结构及其量表; 研究二通过对401份“员工-上级”配对样本的问卷研究显示, 一般自我效能感对建言行为有着正向影响, 且建言效能感在其中起着中介作用, 工作可得性缓冲调节建言效能感与建言行为之间的关系。  相似文献   

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