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The authors present a structural analysis of three spatial diagrams-matrices, networks, and hierarchies-that specifies 10 properties on which these diagrammatic representations are hypothesized to differ: global structure, building block, number of sets, item/link constraints, item distinguishability, link type, absence of a relation, linking relations, path, and traversal. Each property has a "value" for each diagram, and these property values constitute the applicability conditions for the representations. Twenty-three college students (computer science majors and math educators) selected the type of diagram they thought would be most efficient for organizing the information in each of 18 short scenarios and verbally justified the reasons for their selections. The verbal protocols were coded with respect to the structural analysis. Both the representation selection and verbal justification data provided strong support for the structural analysis. Additionally, a factor analysis of students' justifications indicated that the organization of their knowledge is consistent with the structural analysis. Students' use of the structural properties to select appropriate representations and to justify those selections indicates that the structural analysis has psychological force.  相似文献   

There are few empirical studies of age-associated differences in personality characteristics of individuals diagnosed with Personality Disorder (PD), and none that comparatively examine multiple personality characteristics, with a variety of psychological measures, across a wide age range in adults diagnosed with PD and coexisting substance abuse. Personality test data of 392 psychiatric inpatients diagnosed with PD were analyzed by age group. Patients were assessed with the California Psychological Inventory, Psychological Inventory of Personality and Symptoms, Diagnostic Inventory of Personality and Symptoms, Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-1, and the Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-1. There were no age differences in the number of patients diagnosed with PD, but older adults were significantly less likely to be diagnosed with more than one PD. Older patients with PD were significantly less impulsive, paranoid, high-energy, antisocial, and irresponsible than younger patients with PD. It appears that, with aging, there is a general mellowing of personality for those diagnosed with PD, which may be related to the proposed geriatric variants of PD.  相似文献   

The diagnostic label, Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), is rapidly gaining currency in the UK. Although many systemic practitioners are skilled and experienced at working with the clinical difficulties associated with the diagnosis, there is little systemic literature on the topic. This paper discusses some of the difficulties for systemic practitioners in engaging with the concept of BPD and offers some pointers for the development of systemic practice in this area.  相似文献   

从心理学、医学、哲学和伦理学的角度看,人格障碍这一变态心理学概念表现得相当复杂和模糊.从心理学角度看,人格障碍的本质是个体性格的多重性和矛盾性以及自我意识障碍及特殊的认知结构和行为模式.从医学模式疾病的六要素(病因、发病机制、临床表现、分类、诊断与治疗)看,人格障碍作为一个疾病单元基本不成立.从哲学角度看,人格障碍的哲学本质是患者主体价值世界与意义系统的紊乱.从伦理学角度看,人格障碍的一些特殊行为模式表现主要是违背了当时社会文化背景下的伦理规则和法律体系.  相似文献   

Research on group problem solving and on social cognition suggests that, during group discussion of a decision-making task, member acceptance of an unknown fact will be affected by the demonstrability of a fact's existence and the familiarity of the decision topic. Four-person groups read and discussed facts about a familiar or unfamiliar issue. Some groups could obtain written fact summaries during discussion, while the others could not. We predicted and found a three-way interaction between demonstrability, familiarity, and number of advocates. Verifiable single-advocate facts were accepted into discussion, but unverifiable facts required two advocates. These effects were more pronounced when the topic was familiar. Regression analysis of the influence of individual items on group choice revealed that, for the unfamiliar topic, the number of advocates of an item was directly related to that item's degree of influence only when the item could not be verified. Verifiable single-advocate facts were as influential as any other verifiable fact.  相似文献   

We examined the reliability and validity of scores on an interpersonal measure of borderline personality disorder (BPD). Ratings on the Interpersonal Measure of Borderline Personality Disorder (IM–B) were based on nonverbal behaviors and interpersonal interactions occurring during clinical interviews with 276 adults. Scores on the IM–B exhibited good reliability. IM–B scores also displayed expected patterns of associations with scores on other measures of BPD, as well as with scores on measures of affective dysfunction, interpersonal pathology, and behavioral impairment associated with BPD, including indexes of maladaptive emotion regulation, interpersonal sensitivity, and self-harm. The pattern of associations for IM–B scores was quite similar to what would be expected for a dimensional measure of BPD symptoms. Scores on the IM–B were also associated with symptoms of disorders generally comorbid with BPD. Finally, IM–B scores contributed incrementally to the prediction of interpersonal dysfunction and suicidal ideation and behavior. Discussion focuses on implications for the assessment of BPD.  相似文献   

Students with borderline personality disorders are difficult to counsel and present problems in consultation. Providing these students with structure through consistent limit setting can produce positive changes in their behavior.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— The standard view of personality disorder is that it is a maladaptive expression of personality traits, which are relatively stable and unchanging. Thus, personality disorder has been considered to have its roots in childhood and adolescence, to persist in adulthood, and to be difficult to change. However, recent research has challenged this view, revealing that personality continues to change, albeit more slowly, well into adulthood, and that the maladaptive manifestations of personality disorder are much less stable than previously believed. These research findings are described, and factors that influence stability and change in personality disorder are discussed. The emerging view of personality disorder has important implications for diagnosis, assessment, and treatment of personality pathology.  相似文献   


This paper outlines a multidimensional conception of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) that differs from the ‘orthodox’ conception in terms of the content of its commitment to the reality of the self. Unlike the orthodox conception it recognizes that selves are fuzzy entities. By appreciating the possibility that selves are fuzzy entities, it is possible to rebut a form of fictionalism about the self which appeals to clinical data from MPD. Realism about self can be preserved in the face of multiple personalities.  相似文献   

The Schizotypal Personality Disorder, first appearing as a DSM diagnosis in 1980, is not well understood by social workers and mental health rofessionals in general. Because relatively little has been written a out the disorder, it may be underdiagnosed. Social workers need to be alert to its dynamics, however, as it calls , for a treatment approach different from that of other personality disorders and schizophrenic disorders. Schizotypal clients are rigid and difficult to treat, but when properly identified can be helpful to make a better adjustment to their environments. Long-term, relationship oriented treatment is the intervention most effective with these clients.  相似文献   

Categorized among learning practices, reflection involves cognitive processing. Some people say they reflect often, whereas others claim they are less inclined to reflect on a regular basis. The present study examines reflection in an academic learning setting. In contrast with previous studies testing reflective task accomplishment, we are interested in personality traits that can predict reflection or a reflective outcome. By means of a survey university students are questioned about their learning practices when working on their final thesis. To test whether certain traits influence reflection and whether reflection produces cognitive outcomes at the individual level, we performed hierarchical regression analysis. In addition, structural equation modeling is used to test for the mediation effects of reflection. The data stress a mediating role of reflection in the relationship between particular personality traits and cognitive complexity.  相似文献   

Adult patients who have been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) have provided valuable information about events and family dynamics that are frequently associated with BPD. Clinicians who work with children are frequently aware of family or individual characteristics that may put a child at risk for developing BPD. Such situations frequently involve attachment issues with the child's caregivers and can include sexual abuse, divorce, alcoholism/substance use, illness/ death, and neglect. Child characteristics such as learning difficulties and temperament may also predict BPD. Yet, many children are resilient and seemingly unaffected by these events or situations, especially when early intervention may prevent development of BPD.  相似文献   

This article endorses the contention that God suffers from a mental disorder, but challenges J. Henry Jurgens’ diagnosis of bipolar disorder as reported in The Onion (“God diagnosed with bipolar disorder”, 2001) and proposes narcissistic personality disorder instead. It uses the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1994) and various biblical citations in support of this diagnosis. It rejects the idea that a major personality change is reflected in the New Testament and claims that God did not experience a major transformation of his narcissistic personality structure as described by Heinz Kohut (Forms and transformations of narcissism, in A. P. Morrison, Ed., Essential papers on narcissism, pp. 61–87, New York University Press, New York, 1966/1986). However, it concludes that God’s creativity accounts for the stability of his narcissistic personality structure and helps to explain his lack of empathy toward human beings.
Donald CappsEmail:

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