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自传记忆的出现及早期发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Howe和Courage通过对有关婴儿遗忘症和自传记忆及相关领域的研究回顾,认为人类在婴儿期就 已具有了对信息编码、储存和提取的能力,婴儿遗忘症的消失和自传记忆的出现并不需要神经系统 的完全成熟或多重记忆系统的假设,也不需要语言的出现,而是认知发展的结果。2岁末儿童“认 知的自我” (cognitiv self)的出现,为个体组织与“我”相关的信息提供了一个新的组织结构。 随后,自传记忆的发展则是儿童记忆能力增长的结果。  相似文献   

10—15岁学习不良儿童自我概念发展的研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20       下载免费PDF全文
许多心理学家认为自我概念是一种有关自我的理论,福托斯认为自我概念是对自己多方面知觉的总和,包括被试对自己性格、能力兴趣、欲望的了解、个人与别人和环境的关系、个人处理事物的经验,以及对生活目标的认识和评价等。本文应用量表对小学四年级到初二年级(10-15岁)211个学习不良儿童和217个一般儿童的自我概念的8个维度进行了研究,结果表明学习不良儿童的自我概念发展有明显的性别差异和年龄特征;与一般儿童自我概念发展相比具有显着差异。  相似文献   

探讨9-15岁流动儿童自我概念的发展及其与心理健康的关系。选取北京市4所打工子弟学校9-15岁流动儿童644名,9-15岁城市普通儿童441名。采用Song-Hattie自我概念量表和心理健康量表(青少年版)分别评估自我概念和心理健康状况。结果发现:(1)流动儿童自我概念自9岁至15岁总体上均呈现下降趋势;(2)流动儿童的自我概念水平显著低于同龄城市普通儿童,但总体发展趋势与普通儿童相似;(3)流动儿童自我概念与心理健康之间存在正相关关系,自我概念各因子对心理健康有很好的预测作用。  相似文献   

为探究元认知监测与算术知识对儿童心算策略运用能力的影响如何随个体发展而变化,采用计算机任务与纸笔测量的方法,对85名小学三、五年级儿童进行了历时一年的纵向追踪研究。研究发现:(1)两组儿童的元认知监测和算术知识均呈增长趋势,算术知识的增长速度五年级显著快于三年级,且元认知监测增长速度与算术知识增长速度显著相关;(2)两组儿童中,元认知监测与算术知识增长速度更快的个体策略执行反应时与错误率的减少速度也更快;(3)五年级儿童的算术知识在元认知监测影响策略选择发展中起着完全中介作用。  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨戒毒人群儿童虐待情况,以及儿童虐待、自我概念和戒毒动机之间的关系。采用儿童虐待问卷、田纳西自我概念量表和戒毒动机问卷对771名(男520,女251)正在戒毒的人员进行调查。结果发现:(1)强制戒毒人群的儿童虐待现象比较普遍(56.7%),特别是躯体忽视和情感忽视;(2)儿童虐待与自我概念、戒毒动机呈显著负相关,自我概念与戒毒动机呈显著正相关;(3)自我概念在儿童虐待与戒毒动机间起部分中介作用。结论:治疗戒毒人群的心理成瘾,应评估其儿童虐待情况,针对有儿童虐待经历者,可通过构建积极自我概念的方式改善戒毒动机,进而提高戒毒成功率。  相似文献   

个体在回忆自传记忆时的主观体验特征称为自传记忆的现象学特征,而这种个体精神现象学特征的早期推动是个体依恋特征。研究采用依恋故事阅读启动范式,探讨依恋安全对自传记忆现象学特征提取的影响。研究结果显示,安全依恋启动组自传记忆的可得性、具体性、清晰性、生动性和关系自我构念显著高于不安全依恋启动组,且关系自我构念在依恋安全与自传记忆现象学特征之间起中介作用。研究从新的角度表明,依恋真实地生活在复杂的人际关系中,建构着个体关系自我构念,并真切影响着自传记忆现象学特征,积蓄着个体精神现象学特征的形成。  相似文献   

产生效应指朗读单词的记忆成绩要好于默读单词的记忆成绩。采用“学习-再认”的实验范式,以小学三年级、小学五年级、初一、初二和大学生为被试,采用2(阅读方式:朗读,默读)×2(学习次数:1次,3次)×5(年级:三年级,五年级,初一,初二,大学)的混合设计,探讨中文词汇产生效应的发展特点。结果发现:(1)年级的主效应显著,大学生的记忆成绩显著高于三年级、五年级和初一学生的;五年级、初一和初二学生的记忆成绩显著高于三年级学生的;(2)阅读方式的主效应显著,朗读的记忆成绩显著高于默读的;(3)学习次数的主效应显著,3次的记忆成绩显著高于1次的;(4)阅读方式和年级的交互作用显著,在朗读的记忆成绩上,小学三年级的与大学生的差异显著,但小学五年级、初一、初二学生的和大学生的差异均不显著,说明朗读的记忆成绩在小学五年级趋于成熟;在默读的记忆成绩上,小学三年级、五年级、初一学生的均与大学生的差异显著,初二学生的与大学生的无显著差异,表明默读的记忆成绩在初二年级趋于成熟。初一学生的产生效应大小与大学生的无差异。研究结果支持产生效应的特异观。  相似文献   

对189名3-6年级小学儿童进行半结构的故事情境访谈,从独创性、适当性、有效性、流畅性、变通性、好奇性、挑战性和冒险性八个指数,考察了儿童在同伴交往、师生交往和亲子交往三种典型情境中的社会创造性倾向的发展。结果显示:(1)小学儿童的流畅性、变通性、好奇性、挑战性、冒险性与其实际的年龄呈显著正相关;(2)5、6年级儿童的流畅性和变通性显著地高于3年级,在三种情境中表现出类似特点,4年级前后可能是小学儿童社会创造性倾向发展的转折期。  相似文献   

尽管抑郁的影响因素得到了比较多的探讨,但是鲜有研究探讨职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁的关系以及性别和性别平等观在其中的作用。根据生涯发展理论和自我差异理论,本研究探讨了大学生职业自我概念清晰度与大学生抑郁的关系,并考察了性别和性别平等观在二者关系之间的调节作用。通过对463份大学生的数据进行实证分析发现:(1)职业自我概念清晰度与大学生抑郁负相关;(2)职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁的关系存在显著的性别差异;(3)职业自我概念清晰度、性别和性别平等观对大学生抑郁存在三重交互作用。当个体持有高性别平等观时,男性和女性的职业自我概念清晰度都与抑郁负相关。当个体的性别平等观较低时,女性的职业自我概念清晰度与抑郁正相关。研究结果对于大学生的职业发展和心理健康教育具有重要实践意义。  相似文献   

关于欺负类儿童自我概念的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
采用问卷调查法,对广州市2所中学的380名初中生的欺负行为进行研究。考虑是否受到家庭欺负,对学生自我报告的类别进行调整,然后考察欺负类儿童的自我概念。结果表明:(1)欺负类儿童与非卷入类儿童在自我概念的各方面均没有显著差异;而欺负/受害类儿童与非卷入类儿童除社交认知外,在学业认知、自尊方面均存在显著差异。欺负/受害类儿童具有较低的学业认知和自尊。(2)欺负类儿童与欺负/受害类儿童在自我概念的各方面均存在显著差异,欺负类具有较高的自我概念。  相似文献   

莫书亮  金琼 《心理科学》2013,36(6):1428-1434
共有136名藏族和139名汉族青少年参与本实验。研究使用指导语启动方法控制自我概念,把被试随机分到独立取向、互依取向和控制组。之后使用线索词技术,对自传体记忆进行测量,考察自我概念启动对自传体记忆的影响。结果表明,自我概念启动对藏族和汉族青少年的自传体记忆内容描述的自主取向产生了启动效应。自我概念启动对于藏族被试自传体记忆社会事件报告的影响较弱。藏族青少年的自传体记忆与自我概念存在一定程度的分离现象,其自传体记忆的社会性可能更多受到个体的文化建构影响,一定意义上表明自我概念和自传体记忆的联系具有文化差异性。  相似文献   

Autobiographical memory research documents increased access in the number of memories recalled by emerging adults (ages 18–25) with stable, clearly defined self-concepts. Very little research has examined the relationship between self-concept clarity and the episodic and semantic components of emerging adults’ autobiographical recollections. This study examined the relationship between episodic and semantic autobiographical memory and self-concept clarity in 100 undergraduate students. Contrary to previous findings, which indicated that stable self-beliefs may be used to facilitate access to episodic memories, the results suggested that self-concept clarity may not be associated with memory specificity. Instead, self-concept clarity was associated with recall of events involving cooperative social interactions. Results further showed that older age was associated with higher SCC. The implications of these results are discussed within the context of the theoretical literature concerning the relation between autobiographical memory and the development of the self-concept during emerging adulthood.  相似文献   

This article explores how autobiographical memory serves as the foundation for people's accounts of their wisdom. Two complementary approaches to wisdom are introduced: an intrapersonal or person-based approach, which defines wisdom as personal qualities or personality traits, and an interactionist or endeavor-based approach, which focuses on wisdom incidents—people's displays of wisdom in real-life situations. The literatures on autobiographical memory and on wisdom suggest that, when wisdom is defined as personal qualities or personality traits, its foundation in autobiographical memory is self-concept. However, when wisdom is defined as actual displays of wisdom, its foundation in autobiographical memory is specific autobiographical memories. The article discusses how autobiographical memory grounds and constrains the memories of wisdom. Further, using research on autobiographical memory, it argues that memories of wisdom incidents serve self, directive, and social functions, and that such memories are highly accessible, vividly remembered, and reasonably accurate.  相似文献   

In dating past events, one sometimes recalls inaccurate dates and tends to estimate recent events too remotely and remote events too recently (telescoping). On the other hand, even when one knows the exact dates of events, subjective time could be elastic and often different from objective time. This Feeling of Time Discrepancy between objective and subjective elapsed times was examined with two autobiographical events. Results showed that (1) subjects reported a discrepancy even if the exact dates of events were known and (2) the discrepancy for entrance into university was higher than that for graduation from high school, even when they happened at almost same time. The results are discussed in terms of "location" and "distance" theories, Kemp's 1999 associative model of dating, and Conway's 2000 self-memory system. Autobiographical memory may be organized in terms of present self-concept with our past fitted to the present self-concept. However, if autobiographical memory changes greatly, we cannot share autobiographical memory with other people. We may be adapted to the present life by making only a sense of the subjective elapsed time of each event change with the accurate time information of the autobiographical facts held.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that autobiographical remembering serves several functions. This research builds on previous empirical efforts (Bluck, Alea, Habermas, & Rubin, 2005) with the aim of constructing a brief, valid measure of three functions of autobiographical memory. Participants (N=306) completed 28 theoretically derived items concerning the frequency with which they use autobiographical memory to serve a variety of functions. To examine convergent and discriminant validity, participants rated their tendency to think about and talk about the past, and measures of future time orientation, self-concept clarity, and trait personality. Confirmatory factor analysis of the function items resulted in a respecified model with 15 items in three factors. The newly developed Thinking about Life Experiences scale (TALE) shows good internal consistency as well as convergent validity for three subscales: Self-Continuity, Social-Bonding, and Directing-Behaviour. Analyses demonstrate factorial equivalence across age and gender groups. Potential use and limitations of the TALE are discussed.  相似文献   

王斌  李梅  王娟 《心理科学》2015,(6):1419-1424
亲子自传叙事中母亲的语言支架指母亲在对过去事件进行回忆和交流的过程中给儿童提供的引导性语言。母亲语言支架的风格分为高详尽和低详尽两个水平,高详尽的语言风格更能促进儿童语言、认知和社会情感的发展。在特定情绪性事件中,母亲的语言支架对儿童社会性的发展也有十分重要的影响。此外,亲子自传叙事中母亲的语言支架还存在性别和社会文化差异,且在特殊儿童身上表现出不同的特点。未来应加强对母亲语言支架的影响因素以及母亲回忆目标对语言支架的影响等问题的探讨。  相似文献   


There is a debate over the extent to which personal identity or the self is preserved in patients with Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Autobiographical memory deficits at early stages of AD could contribute to altering patients’ self. However, the nature of the relationship between autobiographical memory deficits and the self in AD has not been much investigated experimentally. In the present study, we aimed to investigate the integrative meaning of self-defining memories (SDMs) in early stages of AD and to analyse its relationship with the self-concept. The results showed that, when compared to the control group, AD patients less frequently extracted meaning from their SDMs and the meaning was less frequently tied to the self. Patients exhibited some altered aspects of the self-concept (i.e., complexity and strength), though some other components still persisted (i.e., valence and certainty). Correlation analyses showed that the impaired integrative meaning in the AD group was correlated with some changes in self-concept. We suggest that integrative meaning may act as a bridge between autobiographical memories and the self-concept, with reduced integration abilities appearing as a potential mechanism for the deterioration of the self-concept in AD.  相似文献   

Theory suggests that autobiographical remembering serves several functions. This research builds on previous empirical efforts (Bluck, Alea, Habermas, & Rubin, 2005) with the aim of constructing a brief, valid measure of three functions of autobiographical memory. Participants (N=306) completed 28 theoretically derived items concerning the frequency with which they use autobiographical memory to serve a variety of functions. To examine convergent and discriminant validity, participants rated their tendency to think about and talk about the past, and measures of future time orientation, self-concept clarity, and trait personality. Confirmatory factor analysis of the function items resulted in a respecified model with 15 items in three factors. The newly developed Thinking about Life Experiences scale (TALE) shows good internal consistency as well as convergent validity for three subscales: Self-Continuity, Social-Bonding, and Directing-Behaviour. Analyses demonstrate factorial equivalence across age and gender groups. Potential use and limitations of the TALE are discussed.  相似文献   

部分线索效应指让学习者学习一系列材料, 在随后的测试阶段, 给学习者提供先前所学材料的一部分作为提取线索, 让其回忆剩余的材料, 回忆成绩反而比没有提取线索时回忆成绩差的现象。通过3个实验, 以图片为实验材料, 考察了图片部分线索效应学习时间分配的发展特点。实验1考察了图片部分线索效应的边界条件, 结果发现:图片学习中, 以物体名称为线索时, 不存在部分线索效应; 而以图片为线索时, 存在部分线索效应。结果表明:跨域线索是图片部分线索效应的边界条件。实验2利用图片作线索, 考察了图片部分线索效应的发展特点, 结果发现:图片学习中, 不同年龄被试均存在部分线索效应。结果表明:年龄不是图片部分线索效应的边界条件。实验3考察不同年龄被试对部分线索消极作用的记忆监控的发展变化趋势, 结果发现:小学二年级儿童即使经过多次学习, 也不能意识到部分线索的消极作用; 小学五年级儿童经过二次学习后, 方可意识到这种消极作用, 并在部分线索条件下安排了更多的学习时间; 初二和高二年级学生经过一次学习, 即可意识到部分线索的消极作用, 他们均在部分线索条件下安排了更长的学习时间。结果表明:儿童的学习时间分配决策能力在小学二年级到小学五年级之间有一个质的提高; 与初二学生相比, 高二学生对部分线索带来的消极影响做了更多的时间补偿。  相似文献   

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