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Ten-month-old infants received contingent pairings of a tone (T+) and food reinforcer. Groups Sr and SD received the food on an FI 23-sec schedule for target touching, the former group receiving T+ immediately after the response and 1.5 sec prior to food and the latter group receiving T+ at the end of the intertrial interval. Group SC received food reinforcers 1.5 sec after T+ with no response required. A second tone (Tn) was heard by all groups once during each intertrial interval, at randomly determined points. All groups subsequently were given a spatial discrimination task, receiving T+ for one alternative and Tn for the other. Group Sr gave significantly more responses for T+ than for Tn, but neither of the other two groups produced a superiority for T+. Thus, both contiguity with a primary reinforcer and the presence of an operant during training appear to be necessary for a neutral signal to acquire the ability to enhance responding.  相似文献   

In this research, we examined children's awareness of inconsistencies in messages that are meaningful for children, instructions for games. In the first experiment, kindergarten (n = 25) and second- (n = 25) and fourth-grade (n = 26) children were individually read the instructions for two games, each of which included two inconsistent statements. Chi-square analyses yielded a significant effect for grade for one game (p < .05) and a marginally significant effect for a second game (p < .10). In a second experiment, second- (n = 40), fourth- (n = 40), and sixth-grade (n = 40) children were read the instructions for two games, each of which included two statements that were inconsistent. An analysis of variance demonstrated that with an increase in grade, there was a significant increase (p < .001) in awareness that a message contained an inconsistency. The analysis also indicated that the subjects were more willing (p < .08) to question an adult than they were to question a child about an inconsistency. Moreover, a regression analysis indicated that awareness of inconsistencies in the rules for games was significantly related to memory (p < .001) and to one's ability to note inconsistencies in shorter, simpler messages (p < .001).  相似文献   

The validity of a univocal multiple-choice test is determined for varying distributions of item difficulty and varying degrees of item precision. Validity is a function of d 2 + v 2 , where d measures item unreliability and v measures the spread of item difficulties. When this variance is very small, validity is high for one optimum cutting score, but the test gives relatively little valid information for other cutting scores. As this variance increases, eta increases up to a certain point, and then begins to decrease. Screening validity at the optimum cutting score declines as this variance increases, but the test becomes much more flexible, maintaining the same validity for a wide range of cutting scores. For items of the type ordinarily used in psychological tests, the test with uniform item difficulty gives greater over-all validity, and superior validity for most cutting scores, compared to a test with a range of item difficulties. When a multiple-choice test is intended to reject the poorestF per cent of the men tested, items should on the average be located at or above the threshold for men whose true ability is at theFth percentile.This research was performed under contract Nop 536 with the Bureau of Naval Personnel, and received additional support from the Bureau of Research and Service, College of Education, University of Illinois.  相似文献   

In knowledge space theory a knowledge structure provides a deterministic representation of the implications among the items in a given set Q. Concrete procedures for the efficient assessment of knowledge by means of a knowledge structure have been proposed by Doignon and Falmagne [Falmagne, J.-C., & Doignon, J.-P. (1988a). A class of stochastic procedures for the assessment of knowledge. British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 41, 1-23; Falmagne, J.-C., & Doignon, J.-P. (1988b). A markovian procedure for assessing the state of a system. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 32, 232-258]. The primitive idea at the core of such procedures is that the (correct or wrong) answers of a student to a subset AQ of items could be inferred from the answers to a subset BQ of items that were previously presented to that student. Since B provides information about A, from the viewpoint of the teacher these two subsets are not independent. This idea of dependence vs. independence is formalized in this paper in terms of an independence relation on the power set of Q. A nice characterization of this relation allows to express an arbitrary knowledge structure as the combination of a number of substructures each of which is independent of each other. An algorithm is then proposed which checks for independence in a knowledge structure and decomposes this last into a collection of independent substructures.  相似文献   

We extend a Bayesian method for combining estimates of means and variances from independent cues in a spatial cue-combination paradigm. In a typical cue-combination experiment, subjects estimate a value on a single dimension—for example, depth—on the basis of two different cues, such as retinal disparity and motion. The mathematics for this one-dimensional case is well established. When the variable to be estimated has two dimensions, such as location (which has both x and y values), then the one-dimensional method may be inappropriate due to possible correlations between x and y and the fact that the dimensions may be inseparable. A cue-combination task for location involves people or animals estimating xy locations under two single-cue conditions and in a condition in which both cues are combined. We present the mathematics for the two-dimensional case in an analogous manner to the one-dimensional case and illustrate them using a numeric example. Our example involves locations on maps, but the method illustrated is relevant for any task for which the estimated variable has two or more dimensions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we argue that a distinction ought to be drawn between two ways in which a given world might be logically impossible. First, a world w might be impossible because the laws that hold at w are different from those that hold at some other world (say the actual world). Second, a world w might be impossible because the laws of logic that hold in some world (say the actual world) are violated at w. We develop a novel way of modelling logical possibility that makes room for both kinds of logical impossibility. Doing so has interesting implications for the relationship between logical possibility and other kinds of possibility (for example, metaphysical possibility) and implications for the necessity or contingency of the laws of logic.  相似文献   

The present study simulated an organizational dispute to test 12 hypotheses about mediator behavior that were derived from the strategic choice model of mediation. This model is based on the assumption that mediators have four basic strategies to resolve disputes: (a) integrate, which involves a search for mutually acceptable outcomes; (b) press, which involves lowering one or both parties' aspirations; (c) compensate, which involves offering positive benefits in exchange for concessions; and (d) inaction, which involves letting the parties handle the dispute by themselves. The major proposition of the model is that two factors, the mediator's assessment of the likelihood of a mutually acceptable agreement and the mediator's concern for the parties' aspirations, interact to predict mediator behavior. Nine of the 12 hypotheses derived from the model were supported. Pressing by mediators occurred most when mediators had a low estimate of the likelihood of agreement in combination with a low concern for the parties' aspirations. Compensating occurred most when mediators had a low estimate of the likelihood of agreement in combination with a high concern for the parties' aspirations. Inaction occurred most when the mediators' estimate of the likelihood of agreement was high and their concern for the parties' aspirations was low. Integrating occurred most when the mediators had a high concern for the parties' aspirations.  相似文献   

The effect of both a primed and a conscious goal on performance in the workplace was investigated. The primed goal was pilot tested. People on their way to work (n = 52) shown a photo of a woman winning a race performed better on a brainstorming task within a 2-min time period than people in the control group. A laboratory experiment (n = 71) revealed that this primed goal significantly increased the participants’ subconscious need for achievement, as measured by a projective test, relative to those in the control group. A 2 (primed goal vs. control group) × 2 (conscious goal vs. do best goal) factorial design involving call center employees (n = 81) revealed a main effect for this primed goal, as well as a main effect for a conscious goal for money solicited from donors.  相似文献   

Parents often become frustrated when their perception of their child’s talent in mathematics differs from that held by the school. Yet for the young child, research suggests parents have a much deeper insight into the interests and talents of their child. Failure to recognize talent can result in lost opportunities for the child as well as a loss to society. This article evaluates the development of an instrument designed to assess parent perceptions of mathematical talent. Parental perceptions and family demographics were collected for third grade students participating in Project M3: Mentoring Mathematical Minds, a research program conducted collaboratively by the University of Connecticut, Northern Kentucky University and Boston University, and for second grade students under consideration for the program. The data were correlated with other identification tools used for the identification of talented second graders for Project M3 to explore a research-based means of parent identification of mathematical talent.
Eric L. MannEmail:

Emotional avoidance—which includes cognitive and attentional processes that function as means of avoiding or dampening emotional experiences—may be a transdiagnostic risk and maintenance factor for emotional disorders. However, existing measures generally assess separate aspects of emotional avoidance, and few multidimensional measures exist for adolescents. The aim of the current study was to establish the psychometric properties of a new multidimensional measure of emotional avoidance for adolescents--the Emotional Avoidance Strategy Inventory for Adolescents (EASI-A; Fairholme et al. 2008)--employing an exploratory structural equation modeling framework. Analyses yielded a three-factor structure for the EASI-A, including subscales measuring Avoidance of Emotion Expression, Avoidance of Thoughts and Feelings, and Distraction. Moderate correlations were observed between the EASI-A and a measure of thought suppression, and the EASI-A was significantly associated with anxiety and depression symptoms. The EASI-A is a new, psychometrically sound measure that will aid in the assessment of avoidance as a vulnerability factor for psychopathology and as an outcome and mechanism for treatments of emotional disorders in adolescents.  相似文献   

Estimation of the reliability of ratings   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
A procedure for estimating the reliability of sets of ratings, test scores, or other measures is described and illustrated. This procedure, based upon analysis of variance, may be applied both in the special case where a complete set of ratings from each ofk sources is available for each ofn subjects, and in the general case wherek 1,k 2, ...,k n ratings are available for each of then subjects. It may be used to obtain either a unique estimate or a confidence interval for the reliability of either the component ratings or their averages. The relations of this procedure to others intended to serve the same purpose are considered algebraically and illustrated numerically.The writer wishes to acknowledge the helpful comments and suggestions of Professors E. E. Cureton, Harold Gulliksen, and E. F. Lindquist.  相似文献   

If X loves Y does it follow that X has reasons to love a physiologically exact replacement for Y? Can love's reasons be duplicated? One response to the problem is to suggest that X lacks reasons for loving such a duplicate because the reason-conferring properties of Y cannot be fully duplicated. But a concern, played upon by Derek Parfit, is that this response may result from a failure to take account of the psychological pressures of an actual duplication scenario. In the face of the actual loss of a loved one and the subsequent appearance of a duplicate, how could we resist the inclination to love? Drawing upon duplication scenarios from Parfit and from Stanislaw Lem's Solaris, this paper will argue that there could be reasons for X to come to love a duplicate of Y but that these would not be identical with the reasons that X had (and may still have) to love Y. Nor (in the case of an agent with a normal causal history) could they be reasons for a love that violates the requirement that love is a response to a relationship and therefore takes time to emerge.  相似文献   


This paper presents the results of an investigation of print media coverage of gender and physical activity. The analysis was based on an examination of two samples: all issues of four Canadian daily newspapers for a 6-m-onth period and all issues of Chatelaine, a monthly Canadian women's magazine, for a period of 10 years and 6 months. Results indicate the media provide little support for the promotion of women's physical activity and little challenge to gender stereotyped imagery of physical activity. This is particularly true for newspapers, which are a largely conservative influence in the contemporary fitness movement. The magazine analysis indicates Chatelaine plays a positive if limited role in the promotion of women's fitness and physical activity.  相似文献   

Constructs such as homeostasis and fight/flight have supported a scientific approach to physiology that has yielded a vast database of obvious heuristic value. Yet in spite of its value, these constructs have tended to create a mind-set that unwittingly supports what this article has labeled a “physiology of exclusion.” Reinforced by the philosophy of René Descartes, this perspective has led investigators to focus on isolated or separate animal organisms that are reflexively wired for self-preservation. It has created a mind-set in which both research investigators and the public at large tend to view the human body as either in a steady state of vigilance, maximally prepared for fight/flight, or in a state of quiescence. Assumptions of the solitary body, and solitary man wired to react for “self” preservation, has made it difficult to incorporate a growing body of evidence that indicates that social support and loving relationships are conducive to good health. It also has made it difficult for investigators to fully understand why human loneliness is a major cause of premature death. This article delineates these trends and offers a new construct, one that suggests that a “physiology of inclusion” be added to the prevailing view of a “physiology of exclusion.” Recent cardiovascular research is cited to help underscore the potential heuristic value of this new physiological construct.  相似文献   

Test-retest stability of the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children (K-ABC) was investigated over a 512-month interval for 42 Mexican-American preschool/kindergarten children. The results indicated that the stability coefficients for K-ABC Global scales and subtests were generally of adequate magnitudes (e.g., .70s and .80s), providing some evidence that the K-ABC is a relatively stable instrument for the sample. The results are discussed in the context of a test-retest study reported in the K-ABC Manual. Global scale stability coefficients were found to range from .76 to .90, and for the subtests the coefficients ranged from .26 to .89. The patterns of gain scores were very similar to the patterns reported in the stability investigation in the K-ABC Manual.  相似文献   

The solution of the problem of enumeration of then-paths in a digraph has so far been attempted through an indirect approach of enumerating the redundant chains. The approach has yielded an algorithm for determination of the general formula for the matrix of redundantn-chains and also a partial recurrence formula for the same. This paper presents a direct approach to the problem. It gives a recurrence relation expressing the matrix ofn-paths of a digraph in terms of the matrices of (n – 1)-paths of its first-order subgraphs. The result is exploited to give an algorithm for computing the matrix ofn-paths. The algorithm is illustrated with a 6 × 6 matrix.The writer wishes to express his indebtedness to Dr. A. K. Gayen of Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, for constant guidance and encouragement. Thanks are also due to Dr. S. N. N. Pandit of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, and Shri M. T. Subrahmanya of Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, for helpful suggestions.  相似文献   

We examined the impact of conventional versus robust normative approaches on cognitive characterization and clinical classification of MCI versus dementia. The sample included participants from the National Alzheimer's Coordinating Center Uniform Data Set. Separate demographically adjusted z-scores for cognitive tests were derived from conventional (n = 4273) and robust (n = 602) normative groups. To assess the impact of deriving scores from a conventional versus robust normative group on cognitive characterization, we examined likelihood of having a low score on each neuropsychological test. Next, we created receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves for the ability of normed scores derived from each normative group to differentiate between MCI (n = 3570) and dementia (n = 1564). We examined the impact of choice of normative group on classification accuracy by comparing sensitivity and specificity values and areas under the curves (AUC). Compared with using a conventional normative group, using a robust normative group resulted in a higher likelihood of low cognitive scores for individuals classified with MCI and dementia. Comparison of the classification accuracy for distinguishing MCI from dementia did not suggest a statistically significant advantage for either normative approach (Z = −0.29, p = .77; AUC = 0.86 for conventional and AUC = 0.86 for robust). In summary, these results indicate that using a robust normative group increases the likelihood of characterizing cognitive performance as low. However, there is not a clear advantage of using a robust over a conventional normative group when differentiating between MCI and dementia.  相似文献   

Using data from the Birth to Three Phase (1996–2001) of the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project, we investigated whether family routines at 14, 24, and 36 months play a role in the development of children's self-regulation and cognitive ability at 36 months. The moderating effects of child sex and race/ethnicity were also examined. Analyses revealed that routines do matter for child outcomes; concurrent routines appear to be critical for fostering self-regulation at 36 months, whereas early routines may be important for children's later cognitive ability. Second, the effects differed by child sex, with early routines having a stronger association for girls and concurrent routines having a stronger association for boys. Associations also varied by race/ethnicity such that routines appear to matter slightly more for African–American children than European–American and Hispanic children. Implications of these findings with respect to strength-based interventions for low-income preschoolers and their families are discussed.  相似文献   


Pellegrino and Thomasma have proposed a normative medical ethics founded on a conception of the end of medicine detached from any broader notion of the telos of human life. In this essay, I question whether such a narrow teleological account of medicine can be sustained, taking as a starting point Pellegrino and Thomasma’s own contention that the end of medicine projects itself onto the intermediate acts that aim at that end. In order to show how the final end of human life similarly alters intermediate ends, such as the end of medicine, I describe Thomas Aquinas’s concept of pain and explain how his remedies for pain derive from his account of the telos of human life. In turn, this account has implications for the way in which physicians who accept such a telos would manage their patients’ pain. If a comprehensive telos for human life is necessary to make sense of even such a routine aspect of medical care, then medical ethicists may not be able to sidestep questions about the good life for human beings.


When one recalls that P, how is one justified in believing that P? I refute the three most natural answers to this question: a memory belief is not justified by a belief in the reliability of memory; a memory experience does not provide a new, foundational justification for a belief; and memory does not merely preserve the same justification a belief had when first adopted. Instead, the justification of a memory belief is a product of both the initial justification for adopting it and the justification for retaining it provided by seeming memories.  相似文献   

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