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Intelligence: genetics, genes, and genomics   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
More is known about the genetics of intelligence than about any other trait, behavioral or biological, which is selectively reviewed in this article. Two of the most interesting genetic findings are that heritability of intelligence increases throughout the life span and that the same genes affect diverse cognitive abilities. The most exciting direction for genetic research on intelligence is to harness the power of the Human Genome Project to identify some of the specific genes responsible for the heritability of intelligence. The next research direction will be functional genomics--for example, understanding the brain pathways between genes and intelligence. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) will integrate life sciences research on intelligence; bottom-up molecular biological research will meet top-down psychological research in the brain.  相似文献   

One approach to the understanding of intelligence is through research with retarded children and adults. Any characterization of the way(s) in which they differ from nonretarded individuals results in a specification of important components of intelligence. In this paper, we deal with two general areas of research. In one, centering on the role of control processes in memory and problem-solving situations, we argue that research with the retarded has succeeded in identifying a major component of intelligence. The results from a large number of experiments lead us to the conclusion that a hallmark of intelligence is the ability to generalize information from one situation to another, and that this ability in turn depends upon effective “executive control.” In areas where less research with retarded individuals has been doen, we suggest that comparative/developmental work is necessary to gain a better understanding of the processes in question. We illustrate this point by discussing some work aimed at locating individual differences in parameters representing basic components of general information-processing systems.  相似文献   

Intelligence has long been seen as linked to the spoken and written word. Because most deaf people have poor spoken language skills and find reading a significant challenge, there is a history in both psychology and education of considering deaf individuals to be less intelligent or less cognitively flexible than hearing individuals. With progress in understanding natural signed languages and cognitive abilities of individuals who lack spoken language, this perspective has changed. We now recognise, for example, that deaf people have some advantages in visuospatial ability relative to hearing people, and there is a link between the use of natural signed languages and enhanced visuospatial abilities in several domains. Such findings contrast with results found in memory, where the modality of mental representation, experience, and organisation of knowledge lead to differences in performance between deaf and hearing individuals, usually in favour of the latter. Such findings demonstrate that hearing loss and use of a natural sign language can influence intellectual abilities, including many tapped by standardised IQ tests. These findings raise interesting questions about the place of spoken language in our understanding of intelligence and ways in which we can use basic research for applied purposes.  相似文献   

Despite the fact that there are now a large number of successful bio-inspired applications in use in science and technology, we are still quite far removed from creating applications that display human-like intelligence. Putting together successful bio-inspired applications remains something of a black art; this is due to a lack of fundamental understanding of brain function. The causes for these problems were analysed in a ’Roadmap for Neuro-IT’ and were deemed to be sufficiently pressing to motivate one of five ’Grand Challenges’ in Neuro-IT: the ’Constructed Brain’. The challenge argued that one of the main bottlenecks to progress is that data taking and modelling in the neurosciences are being fractured across many research groups and communities; it makes proposals for addressing the issue. Similar observations, raised in two OECD workgroup papers have led to the formation of the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility. As a consequence we can conclude that there is now a much higher awareness of the problems and that in the neurosciences the situation has improved dramatically. I will review recent initiatives to facilitate data management, modelling and simulation in the neurosciences. One problem remains unaddressed, however. The project-based funding of the brain sciences sets an upper limit to the complexity of brain models. Since the brain is truly complex, any individual project will fall short of capturing the brain’s complexity. The creation of a central infrastructure for the brain sciences is inescapable, but is unlikely to be realised soon. I will outline suggestions to handle the current situation.  相似文献   

共情特质的神经生物学基础   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
岳童  黄希庭 《心理科学进展》2016,24(9):1368-1376
共情特质的个体差异是心理学研究领域中的一个重要主题。近些年来, 研究者开始关注导致人们共情能力高低有别的神经生物学基础问题。研究发现, 不论是情感共情特质还是认知共情特质, 其个体差异均在大脑进行共情反应、脑结构态及静息态功能连接上有所体现。它们共同说明, 人们的共情能力与其具身模仿能力, 情感加工能力及情绪理解能力密切相关。不仅如此, 共情特质也具有高度的可遗传性, 一些基因类型与该能力存在着紧密的关系。在今后的研究中, 需要扩展对共情特质结构的进一步认识, 关注环境和基因在影响共情特质上存在的交互作用, 并努力将理论研究成果应用于共情能力训练和提高的临床实践中。  相似文献   

The nature of the general factor of intelligence, or g, is examined. This article begins by observing that the finding of a general factor of intelligence appears to be inconsistent with current findings in neuroscience and cognitive science, where specific connections are argued to be critical for different intellectual abilities and the brain is argued to develop these connections in response to environmental stimuli. However, it is then observed that if people differed in neural plasticity, or the ability to adapt their connections to the environment, then those highly developed in one intellectual ability would be highly developed in other intellectual abilities as well. Simulations are then used to confirm that such a pattern would be obtained. Such a model is also shown to account for many other findings in the field of intelligence that are currently unexplained. A critical period for intellectual development is then emphasized.  相似文献   

A growing number of anatomic and physiologic studies have shown that parallel sensory and motor information processing occurs in multiple cortical areas. These findings challenge the traditional model of brain processing, which states that the brain is a collection of physically discrete processing modules that pass information to each other by neuronal impulses in a stepwise manner. New concepts based on neural network models suggest that the brain is a dynamically shifting collection of interpenetrating, distributed, and transient neural networks. Neither of these models is necessarily mutually exclusive, but each gives different perspectives on the brain that might be complementary. Each model has its own research methodology, with functional magnetic resonance imaging supporting notions of modular processing, and electrophysiology (eg, electroencephalography) emphasizing the network model. These two technologies might be combined fruitfully in the near future to provide us with a better understanding of the brain. However, this common enterprise can succeed only when the inherent limitations and advantages of both models and technologies are known. After a general introduction about electrophysiology as a research tool and its relation to the network model, several practical examples are given on the generation of pathophysiologic models and disease classification, intermediate phenotyping for genetic investigations, and pharmacodynamic modeling. Finally, proposals are made about how to integrate electrophysiology and neuroimaging methods.  相似文献   

Do locus of control beliefs change in later life? Is locus of control related to aging-relevant outcomes involving intelligence and health? In past research on these topics, the use of unidimensional and generalized measures of locus of control has led to a set of inconsistent findings. Three studies were conducted to examine the usefulness of multidimensional and domain-specific measures of locus of control for examining age differences and correlates. College students and elderly adults were compared on Levenson's multidimensional and generalized (internal, chance, and powerful others) locus of control scales and two domain-specific versions related to intelligence and health. As predicted, no age differences were found with generalized measures, but the elderly were more external on intelligence- and health-specific locus of control dimensions. Age differences were found most often on the chance and powerful others control dimensions, suggesting that the elderly acknowledge the importance of external sources of control and at the same time preserve their sense of internal control. In addition, the domain-specific scales were better predictors of behavioral outcomes within their respective domains for the elderly but not for the young. The findings suggest that multidimensional and domain-specific conceptions of control are advantageous for aging research.  相似文献   

Cognitive load theory suggests that effective instructional material facilitates learning by directing cognitive resources toward activities that are relevant to learning rather than toward preliminaries to learning. One example of ineffective instruction occurs if learners unnecessarily are required to mentally integrate disparate sources of mutually referring information such as separate text and diagrams. Such split-source information may generate a heavy cognitive load, because material must be mentally integrated before learning can commence. This article reports findings from six experiments testing the consequences of split-source and integrated information using electrical engineering and biology instructional materials. Experiment 1 was designed to compare conventional instructions with integrated instructions over a period of several months in an industrial training setting. The materials chosen were unintelligible without mental integration. Results favored integrated instructions throughout the 3-month study. Experiment 2 was designed to investigate the possible differences between conventional and integrated instructions in areas in which it was not essential for sources of information to be integrated to be understood. The results suggest that integrated instructions were no better than split-source information in such areas. Experiments 3, 4, and 5 indicate that the introduction of seemingly useful but nonessential explanatory material (e.g., a commentary on a diagram) could have deleterious effects even when presented in integrated format. Experiment 6 found that the need for physical integration was restored if the material was organized in such a manner that individual units could not be understood alone. In light of these results and previous findings, suggestions are made for cognitively guided instructional packages.  相似文献   

Sternberg [Sternberg, R.J. (1985). Beyond IQ: a triarchic theory of human intelligence. New York: Cambridge Univ. Press.] has proposed that the general intelligence, or the g factor, obtained when batteries of mental tests are factor analyzed, is a reflection of the fact that executive functions (EF) are common to all cognitive tests. Three lines of evidence that fail to support Sternberg's formulation are presented. First, in animal problem solving studies, there is only a modest degree of overlap between brain structures that are critical for g, and brain structures that have been identified as the rodent EF system. Second, children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), characterized by EF dysfunction, do not have IQ scores that are lower, on average, than children in the test standardization populations. Third, human frontal lobe patients often have clear EF deficits, but IQ (a next-best estimate of g) may be preserved. These findings cast serious doubt on the plausibility of Sternberg's formulation. Clarifying the distinction between psychometric g and EF can be important for understanding the differences between practical and psychometric intelligence.  相似文献   

System-of-care models that offer a continuum of integrated mental health services for children are being widely implemented in local communities. Preventive services, arising from the theoretically grounded prevention sciences, are an important but neglected component of this model. Studies of the use of mental health services by children are reviewed, and an integrative model is proposed to incorporate prevention services as a component of the child mental health service system. Construction of the prevention sciences has followed a linear phase model that has advantages and disadvantages for bridging prevention sciences and services research. As prevention science progresses into broader field tests of its effectiveness, studies of child services can be informative, especially in advancing the applicability and dissemination of research findings. Future directions are outlined to strengthen the nexus between services research and prevention science, and to construct a new genre of prevention services research.  相似文献   

个体情绪智力与工作场所绩效关系的元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张辉华  王辉 《心理学报》2011,43(2):188-202
运用元分析方法对个体情绪智力与工作场所绩效的关系问题进行了探讨。来源于75项研究的87个独立样本满足了元分析的标准(N=12882)。元分析结果发现, 整体上个体情绪智力与工作场所绩效有中等程度的相关(r=0.28); 情绪智力测量工具、绩效衡量标准、实证数据特点和文化差异等会调节影响它们之间的关系; 在多种调节效应中, 中国文化背景下它们之间的关系最强(r=0.37)。结果表明, 情绪智力能有效地预测工作绩效; 情绪智力与工作绩效的关系强度受不同因素影响会发生小幅变化; 文化差异对它们之间关系的影响最为明显。此结果提供了情绪智力预测工作绩效的精确估计, 并能为未来情绪智力研究指引方向。  相似文献   

During the past decade the Cattell–Horn Gf–Gc and Carroll Three-Stratum models have emerged as the consensus psychometric-based models for understanding the structure of human intelligence. Although the two models differ in a number of ways, the strong correspondence between the two models has resulted in the increased use of a broad umbrella term for a synthesis of the two models (Cattell–Horn–Carroll theory of cognitive abilities—CHC theory).The purpose of this editorial is three-fold. First, I will describe the CHC framework and recommend that intelligence researchers begin using the CHC taxonomy as a common nomenclature for describing research findings and a theoretical framework from which to test hypotheses regarding various aspects of human cognitive abilities. Second, I argue that the emergence of the CHC framework should not be viewed as the capstone to the psychometric era of factor analytic research. Rather, I recommend the CHC framework serve as the stepping stone to reinvigorate the investigation of the structure of human intelligence.Finally, the Woodcock-Muñoz Foundation Human Cognitive Abilities (HCA) project, which is an evolving, free, on-line electronic archive of the majority of datasets analyzed in Carroll's (1993) seminal treatise on factor analysis of human cognitive abilities, is introduced and described. Intelligence scholars are urged to access the Carroll HCA datasets to test and evaluate structural models of human intelligence with contemporary methods (confirmatory factor analysis). In addition, suggestions are offered for linking the analysis of contemporary data sets with the seminal work of Carroll. The emergence of a consensus CHC taxonomy and access to the original datasets analyzed by Carroll provides an unprecedented opportunity to extend and refine our understanding of human intelligence.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of scientific integrity to the well-being of society, recent findings suggest that training and mentoring in the responsible conduct of research are not very reliable or effective inhibitors of research misbehavior. Understanding how and why individual scientists decide to behave in ways that conform to or violate norms and standards of research is essential to the development of more effective training programs and the creation of more supportive environments. Scholars in business management, psychology, and other disciplines have identified many important factors that affect ethical behavior, including individual, contextual, and organizational factors. Surprisingly little research has been conducted to examine the role of these factors in either the development of ethical decision-making skills, or their applicability to ethical issues commonly encountered in research and other scholarly and professional activities. Interdisciplinary approaches combined with research and discipline relevant paradigms should greatly enhance understanding of the individual contextual and organizational factors involved in ethical and unethical research conduct. Such studies will inform and facilitate the development of more effective ethics education programs in the sciences and engineering professions.  相似文献   

智力的脑电生理学研究近年来蓬勃发展。文章分析了EEG、ERP这两种主要的电生理学技术在智力差异探究中的应用,在智力水平与大脑激活程度的负相关受到任务难度、内容以及被试性别的影响等方面的研究所取得的进展;指出了以往个体智力差异脑电生理学研究中存在的ERP智力差异研究采用的任务略显简单、难以体现智力活动的本质等问题;认为今后利用多种脑电技术结合研究个体智力差异的趋势日趋明显。  相似文献   

There has been a recent boom in research relating semantic space computational models to fMRI data, in an effort to better understand how the brain represents semantic information. In the first study reported here, we expanded on a previous study to examine how different semantic space models and modeling parameters affect the abilities of these computational models to predict brain activation in a data-driven set of 500 selected voxels. The findings suggest that these computational models may contain distinct types of semantic information that relate to different brain areas in different ways. On the basis of these findings, in a second study we conducted an additional exploratory analysis of theoretically motivated brain regions in the language network. We demonstrated that data-driven computational models can be successfully integrated into theoretical frameworks to inform and test theories of semantic representation and processing. The findings from our work are discussed in light of future directions for neuroimaging and computational research.  相似文献   

Over the last 25 years, a small but growing body of research on research behavior has slowly provided a more complete and critical understanding of research practices, particularly in the biomedical and behavioral sciences. The results of this research suggest that some earlier assumptions about irresponsible conduct are not reliable, leading to the conclusion that there is a need to change the way we think about and regulate research behavior. This paper begins with suggestions for more precise definitions of the terms "responsible conduct of research," "research ethics," and "research integrity." It then summarizes the findings presented in some of the more important studies of research behavior, looking first at levels of occurrence and then impact. Based on this summary, the paper concludes with general observations about priorities and recommendations for steps to improve the effectiveness of efforts to respond to misconduct and foster higher standards for integrity in research.  相似文献   

Statistical prediction of an outcome variable using multiple independent variables is a common practice in the social and behavioral sciences. For example, neuropsychologists are sometimes called upon to provide predictions of preinjury cognitive functioning for individuals who have suffered a traumatic brain injury. Typically, these predictions are made using standard multiple linear regression models with several demographic variables (e.g., gender, ethnicity, education level) as predictors. Prior research has shown conflicting evidence regarding the ability of such models to provide accurate predictions of outcome variables such as full-scale intelligence (FSIQ) test scores. The present study had two goals: (1) to demonstrate the utility of a set of alternative prediction methods that have been applied extensively in the natural sciences and business but have not been frequently explored in the social sciences and (2) to develop models that can be used to predict premorbid cognitive functioning in preschool children. Predictions of Stanford–Binet 5 FSIQ scores for preschool-aged children is used to compare the performance of a multiple regression model with several of these alternative methods. Results demonstrate that classification and regression treesprovided more accurate predictions of FSIQ scores than does the more traditional regression approach. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— When evaluating empirical papers for publication, grant proposals, or individual contributions (e.g., awarding tenure), the basic question one should ask is how much the contribution adds to understanding in psychology and not whether the contribution takes a particular form or represents one particular model of how to do empirical studies. Academic psychology has flourished with its mastery of the hypothesis–experiment model of science and its expertise in generating and eliminating alternative hypotheses and isolating causation. These accomplishments are a critical part of psychology, and they are well and appropriately taught by psychologists. However, they are only a part of science and should not comprise the almost exclusive criteria for evaluating research. In particular, discovery of fundamental phenomena, such as functional relations that apply to the real world and have generality, should have a higher priority in psychology. Such findings have been the basis for theoretical advances in other natural sciences.  相似文献   

This article is a qualitative study of psychotherapy efficacy research spanning more than four decades. The findings are organized into five temporal categories characterizing the evolution of psychotherapy research. All five categories are integrated in the central phenomenon of two views of human behavior, a reactive or a proactive view. The categories are (1) psychotherapy is no more effective than no psychotherapy (1950s and 1960s), (2) the “core conditions” (empathic understanding, unconditional positive regard, and congruency) are necessary and sufficient conditions for therapeutic personality change (1960s and 1970s), (3) psychotherapy is for better or for worse (early 1960s), (4) the core conditions are necessary but not sufficient for therapeutic personality change (late 1970s and mid-1980s), and (5) specific techniques are uniquely effective in treating particular disorders (late 1980s and early 1990s). The findings concerned with Categories 4 and 5 are (a) that the conclusion that Rogers's attitudinal conditions are necessary but not sufficient has virtually no direct research support, and (b) that the research concerning specificity of treatment, dysfunction, therapist variables, and client variables is characterized by fragmentation, few replications, and lack of generalizability. Implications of the study indicate that specificity research, driven by the unfounded assertion that Rogers' attitudinal conditions are not sufficient, have yielded inconclusive and misleading findings. The pattern of research is one that culminates in the picture of a self-fulfilling model driven and directed by the “scientificating” deterministic view of human behavior, the movement toward narrow and specific application. Over four decades, the major thread in psychotherapy efficacy research is the presence of the therapist attitudes hypothesized by Rogers.  相似文献   

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