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The present experiment examined spatial and response variation interpretations of the large difference in magnitude between operant and instrumental extinction deficits seen in hipocampally damaged animals. Latency measures and detailed behaviors of rats with fornix transections were compared to those of control rats during acquisition and extinction in an enriched spatial runway. Control rats, in comparison to rats with fornix transections, exhibited larger increases in start box, runway, and goal box latencies, but no spatial gradients were found. Control rats also exhibited less goal persistence and more response variation following the transition to extinction. The results suggest no fundamental difference between operant and instrumental deficits following hippocampal damage, but an interaction between strategies employed and traditional response measures.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed on rats with hippocampal brain damage and on a control group with neocortical lesions. In the first experiment the hippocampal group learned a difficult visual discrimination as promptly as the controls, and neither group was subsequently impaired by adding relevant or irrelevant background cues to the original stimuli. In the second experiment the animals learned a simultaneous visual discrimination in which the stimuli differed in both brightness and orientation. The hippocampal group was impaired relative to the controls on acquisition, and showed poorer transfer to stimuli differing only in brightness or orientation. The results are incompatible with the hypothesis which attempts to explain the effects of hippocampal damage by a widespread reduction in sensory gating, but they are consistent with a more restricted version of the same hypothesis.  相似文献   

Involvement of the hippocampus in memory was studied in the rat by employing a retention task with and without interpolated activity. Rats with extensive damage to hippocampus were able to relearn a preoperatively acquired single-alternation task with savings and to perform the single alternation with relatively long delays at a level similar to that of control subjects. However, hippocampals were more affected than normals by an interpolated activity that interferes with retention. The finding of normal retention combined with increased susceptibility to interference supports the view that the memory impairment in subjects with damage to hippocampus may be due to an excess of interference among stored information.  相似文献   

Extinction of auditory fear conditioning is thought to form a new memory. We previously found that rats with vmPFC lesions could extinguish fear to the tone within a session, but showed no recall of extinction 24 h later. One interpretation is that the vmPFC is the sole storage site of extinction memory. However, it is also possible that lesioned rats were unable to retrieve extinction memory stored in other structures. To determine if a latent extinction memory could be retrieved with additional training, we repeated the experiment but added an additional 5 d of extinction reminder trials. Replicating our previous findings, vmPFC-lesioned rats extinguished normally on day 1, but showed no recall of extinction on day 2. Over the next 5 d, however, lesioned rats showed significant savings in their rate of re-extinction. Thus, the vmPFC is not the only site where extinction memory is stored. Nevertheless, lesioned rats receiving only two extinction trials per day required twice as many days to initiate extinction as controls. Although recall of extinction is possible without the vmPFC, it is significantly delayed. We suggest that the vmPFC accelerates extinction by permitting access to recently learned extinction trials, thereby maximizing behavioral flexibility.  相似文献   

Sham-operated and nonoperated animals or animals with hippocampal lesions were presented with sets of trials to test both expectancy-based and data-based memory within the same task. During the study phase of each trial the animals were presented with a constant sequence of five arms on an eight-arm radial maze followed by a test phase in which a recognition test requiring a win-stay rule was used. Expectancy-based memory was measured during the study phase of the trials as a pattern of correct or incorrect orienting responses in anticipation of the ensuing doors in the constant sequence. Both groups of animals acquired correct orienting responses at the same rate, emitted the same pattern of correct orienting responses, and made the same number and pattern of intralist and extralist intrusion errors. Data-based memory was measured during the test phase of the trial as correct recognition test performance. During the test phase the animals with hippocampal lesions were impaired relative to controls on both immediate and 24-h recognition tests. These results suggest that the hippocampus might mediate only data-based, but not expectancy-based, memory and imply a possible dissociation between expectancy-based and data-based memory systems.  相似文献   

We examined the involvement of the hippocampus in short-term changes in exploratory behaviour in an open field (Experiment 1) and experimental contexts (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, rats with excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus were more likely to revisit recently visited zones within the open field than were control rats. Similarly, in Experiment 2 rats with hippocampal lesions showed greater exploration of a context that they had recently explored than a context that they had less recently explored. This short-term sensitization effect was not evident in control rats. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that the recent presentation of a stimulus has two opposing effects on behaviour, sensitization, and habituation, and that hippocampal lesions disrupt the short-term process responsible for habituation, but not that responsible for sensitization.  相似文献   

We examined the involvement of the hippocampus in short-term changes in exploratory behaviour in an open field (Experiment 1) and experimental contexts (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, rats with excitotoxic lesions of the hippocampus were more likely to revisit recently visited zones within the open field than were control rats. Similarly, in Experiment 2 rats with hippocampal lesions showed greater exploration of a context that they had recently explored than a context that they had less recently explored. This short-term sensitization effect was not evident in control rats. These findings are consistent with the suggestion that the recent presentation of a stimulus has two opposing effects on behaviour, sensitization, and habituation, and that hippocampal lesions disrupt the short-term process responsible for habituation, but not that responsible for sensitization.  相似文献   

Several studies have shown that slight modifications in the standard reference spatial memory procedure normally used for allocentric learning in the Morris water maze and the radial maze, can overcome the classic deficit in allocentric navigation typically observed in rats with hippocampal damage. In these special paradigms, however, there is only intramaze manipulation of a salient stimulus. The present study was designed to investigate whether extramaze manipulations produce a similar outcome. With this aim a four-arm plus-shaped maze and a reference spatial memory paradigm were used, in which the goal arm was marked in two ways: by a prominent extramaze cue (intermittent light), which maintained a constant relation with the goal, and by the extramaze constellation of stimuli around the maze. Experiment 1 showed that, unlike the standard version of the task, using this special training procedure hippocampally-damaged rats could learn a place response as quickly as control animals; importantly, one day after reaching criterion, lesioned and control subjects performed the task perfectly during a transfer test in which the salient extramaze stimulus used during the acquisition was removed. However, although acquisition deficit was overcomed in these lesioned animals, a profound deficit in retention was detected 15 days later. Experiment 2 suggests that although under our special paradigm hippocampal rats can learn a place response, spatial memory only can be expressed when the requisites of behavioral flexibility are minimal. These findings suggest that, under certain circumstances, extrahippocampal structures are sufficient for building a coherent allocentric representation of space; however, flexible memory expression is dependent, fundamentally, on hippocampal functioning.  相似文献   

Recent studies focus on the functional significance of a novel form of synaptic plasticity, low-frequency stimulation (LFS)-induced synaptic potentiation in the hippocampal CA1 area. In the present study, we elucidated dynamic changes in synaptic function in the CA1 field during extinction processes associated with context-dependent fear memory in freely moving rats, with a focus on LFS-induced synaptic plasticity. Synaptic transmission in the CA1 field was transiently depressed during each extinction trial, but synaptic efficacy was gradually enhanced by repeated extinction trials, accompanied by decreases in freezing. On the day following the extinction training, synaptic transmission did not show further changes during extinction retrieval, suggesting that the hippocampal synaptic transmission that underlies extinction processes changes in a phase-dependent manner. The synaptic potentiation produced by extinction training was mimicked by synaptic changes induced by LFS (0.5 Hz) in the group that previously received footshock conditioning. Furthermore, the expression of freezing during re-exposure to footshock box was significantly reduced in the LFS application group in a manner similar to the extinction group. These results suggest that LFS-induced synaptic plasticity may be associated with the extinction processes that underlie context-dependent fear memory. This hypothesis was supported by the fact that synaptic potentiation induced by extinction training did not occur in a juvenile stress model that exhibited extinction deficits. Given the similarity between these electrophysiological and behavioral data, LFS-induced synaptic plasticity may be related to extinction learning, with some aspects of neuronal oscillations, during the acquisition and/or consolidation of extinction memory.  相似文献   

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