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The American Journal of Psychoanalysis -  相似文献   

On the Arts     
The American Journal of Psychoanalysis -  相似文献   

环境美学的出场,既与审美对于环境的关注之应用相关,又同当代艺术拓展自身而走向环境有关。正如我们的艺术概念已经被拓展一样,我们对环境的理解因而也得到了拓展,从“被拓展的环境感”到“环境经验”都由此凸显了出来。作为一个相对较新的概念,“鉴赏环境”的观念也拓展了环境的意义,关于自然的关学亦必须被考虑在其中。此外,环境美学与自然关学、环境关学与应用美学、环境美学与环境伦理学、艺术与环境这四大关系,已构成了当前研究的重要问题。环境美学更广阔的未来正在逐步地展现出来,这是因为,“环境价值”在人类生活当中居于核心地位。  相似文献   

In this introduction to the special issue, we describe some of the rewards and challenges of community‐based arts initiatives for our discipline. We explore the inherent tensions between art and science that are reflected in community‐based arts activities. We pose larger questions about researching community‐based arts activities and defining the arts as a means of promoting social change. The diversity of populations, settings, and issues represented by the papers in the special issue are described and a common set of values, methods of inquiry and action are discussed.  相似文献   

关羽本是蜀汉的五虎上将之一,但在殁后却成了妇孺皆知、全智全能的尊神,并形成了关羽信仰。究其原因是关羽的道德品质、人格魅力和儒释道三教、文学艺术、历代帝王的美化、圣化、神化之故。在此就文学艺术对关羽的神化作一论述。  相似文献   

In this article, I propose a way for philosophical aesthetics to make sense of the curator's work and specifically its claim to creativity and value making. My thesis is that selecting art should be thought of as a fine art in itself. This thesis, in various formulations, has been a source of controversy for art historians, critics, and theorists for more than a century. Even though philosophers have barely addressed the issue, philosophical aesthetics has been complicit in the prevalent modes of resistance. The unspoken reason that various figures of the artworld find it problematic to identify curators as artists is that the divisions of labor they protect are inherently normative. The inadvertent application of this normativity in equal measure affects curators who style themselves as artists. I offer a critique of the historical and philosophical underpinnings of this normative picture, which sets the stage for a reconsideration of curatorship and its stake on a place among the rest of the fine arts.  相似文献   

关于上帝存在问题的理论及其实践的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、任何人在开始作一个系列讲座的时候,都一定会首先阐明讲座主题的重要性,以引起读者对这项探索性研究的兴趣.有时候这是需要的,但就我们目前的讲座而言,这一点肯定是不必要的.  相似文献   

This article critically deconstructs the 21st-century economization and massification of creativity. It extends the discussion of arts bias and the associated ideas that artistic creativity is institutionalized, elitist, and an obstruction to more profitable applications of creativity. A tension is thus highlighted between the historically prevalent domain of art, and newer domains which focus on everyday, functional, organizational and the dark sides of creativity. The aim is to open up a genuine debate about the place of art in modern creativity discourse, and to examine the problematic theme of democratization in creativity as it relates to cultural, economic and industrial issues. A new framework for conceiving creativity in hermeneutics is also suggested, with a view to cohesively and logically balancing the artistic with other domains, and eliminating some of the current problems that render creativity less than it has been regarded in generations past.  相似文献   

羌族是我国西南地区重要的少数民族之一,羌族文化源远流长,艺术博大精深,具有显著的民族特色和丰富的审美内涵.羌族艺术主要表现在文学,宗教、表演、设计和民俗等方面,是中华民族文化艺术中的瑰宝.蕴涵于羌族艺术中的自然崇拜与宗教信仰,贯穿于羌族的神话传说、宗教仪式、歌舞戏曲、建筑工艺、民族习俗,以及各种文化生活之中,是羌族民族文化思想的核心和艺术发展的精神动力,具有一定的神圣性、神秘性和神奇性,是羌族文化民族凝聚力、宗教感召力、审美鉴赏力和艺术生命力的象征.  相似文献   

田艺景 《管子学刊》2020,(2):109-116
《左传》是我国先秦文献典籍中一部璀璨的书籍,《左传》的引用是其不可忽视的一大特色。《左传》之"引言",是其引用的重要部分之一,区别于引谣谚,在本文中特指《左传》引用的除谣谚外的古人之语。笔者总结共约82条,可分为明引和暗引两类,主要引用形式为"言曰"式和"闻之"式,亦可根据内容分为劝谏性引言、评论性引言、预言性引言、生活性引言四类。  相似文献   

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