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Many models for multivariate data analysis can be seen as special cases of the linear dynamic or state space model. Contrary to the classical approach to linear dynamic systems analysis, in which high-dimensional exact solutions are sought, the model presented here is developed from a social science framework where low-dimensional approximate solutions are preferred. Borrowing concepts from the theory on mixture distributions, the linear dynamic model can be viewed as a multi-layered regression model, in which the output variables are imprecise manifestations of an unobserved continuous process. An additional layer of mixing makes it possible to incorporate non-normal as well as ordinal variables.Using the EM-algorithm, we find estimates of the unknown model parameters, simultaneously providing stability estimates. The model is very general and cannot be well estimated by other estimation methods. We illustrate the applicability of the obtained procedure through an example with generated data.  相似文献   

Latent change in recurrent choice data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Abstract: At least two types of models, the vector model and the unfolding model can be used for the analysis of dichotomous choice data taken from, for example, the pick any/ n method. The previous vector threshold models have a difficulty with estimation of the nuisance parameters such as the individual vectors and thresholds. This paper proposes a new probabilistic vector threshold model, where, unlike the former vector models, the angle that defines an individual vector is a random variable, and where the marginal maximum likelihood estimation method using the expectation-maximization algorithm is adopted to avoid incidental parameters. The paper also attempts to discuss which of the two models is more appropriate to account for dichotomous choice data. Two sets of dichotomous choice data are analyzed by the model.  相似文献   

A weighted Euclidean distance model for analyzing three-way proximity data is proposed that incorporates a latent class approach. In this latent class weighted Euclidean model, the contribution to the distance function between two stimuli is per dimension weighted identically by all subjects in the same latent class. This model removes the rotational invariance of the classical multidimensional scaling model retaining psychologically meaningful dimensions, and drastically reduces the number of parameters in the traditional INDSCAL model. The probability density function for the data of a subject is posited to be a finite mixture of spherical multivariate normal densities. The maximum likelihood function is optimized by means of an EM algorithm; a modified Fisher scoring method is used to update the parameters in the M-step. A model selection strategy is proposed and illustrated on both real and artificial data.The second author is supported as Bevoegdverklaard Navorser of the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a latent class distance association model for clustering in the predictor space of large contingency tables with a categorical response variable. The rows of such a table are characterized as profiles of a set of explanatory variables, while the columns represent a single outcome variable. In many cases such tables are sparse, with many zero entries, which makes traditional models problematic. By clustering the row profiles into a few specific classes and representing these together with the categories of the response variable in a low‐dimensional Euclidean space using a distance association model, a parsimonious prediction model can be obtained. A generalized EM algorithm is proposed to estimate the model parameters and the adjusted Bayesian information criterion statistic is employed to test the number of mixture components and the dimensionality of the representation. An empirical example highlighting the advantages of the new approach and comparing it with traditional approaches is presented.  相似文献   

We illustrate a class of multidimensional item response theory models in which the items are allowed to have different discriminating power and the latent traits are represented through a vector having a discrete distribution. We also show how the hypothesis of unidimensionality may be tested against a specific bidimensional alternative by using a likelihood ratio statistic between two nested models in this class. For this aim, we also derive an asymptotically equivalent Wald test statistic which is faster to compute. Moreover, we propose a hierarchical clustering algorithm which can be used, when the dimensionality of the latent structure is completely unknown, for dividing items into groups referred to different latent traits. The approach is illustrated through a simulation study and an application to a dataset collected within the National Assessment of Educational Progress, 1996. The author would like to thank the Editor, an Associate Editor and three anonymous referees for stimulating comments. I also thank L. Scaccia, F. Pennoni and M. Lupparelli for having done part of the simulations.  相似文献   

A multidimensional unfolding model is developed that assumes that the subjects can be clustered into a small number of homogeneous groups or classes. The subjects that belong to the same group are represented by a single ideal point. Since it is not known in advance to which group of class a subject belongs, a mixture distribution model is formulated that can be considered as a latent class model for continuous single stimulus preference ratings. A GEM algorithm is described for estimating the parameters in the model. The M-step of the algorithm is based on a majorization procedure for updating the estimates of the spatial model parameters. A strategy for selecting the appropriate number of classes and the appropriate number of dimensions is proposed and fully illustrated on some artificial data. The latent class unfolding model is applied to political science data concerning party preferences from members of the Dutch Parliament. Finally, some possible extensions of the model are discussed.The first author is supported as Bevoegdverklaard Navorser of the Belgian Nationaal Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek. Part of this paper was presented at the Distancia meeting held in Rennes, France, June 1992.  相似文献   


Distance association models constitute a useful tool for the analysis and graphical representation of cross-classified data in which distances between points inversely describe the association between two categorical variables. When the number of cells is large and the data counts result in sparse tables, the combination of clustering and representation reduces the number of parameters to be estimated and facilitates interpretation. In this article, a latent block distance-association model is proposed to apply block clustering to the outcomes of two categorical variables while the cluster centers are represented in a low dimensional space in terms of a distance-association model. This model is particularly useful for contingency tables in which both the rows and the columns are characterized as profiles of sets of response variables. The parameters are estimated under a Poisson sampling scheme using a generalized EM algorithm. The performance of the model is tested in a Monte Carlo experiment, and an empirical data set is analyzed to illustrate the model.  相似文献   

Horner and Staddon (1987) argued that a class of reward-following processes defined by a property they termed ratio invariance is a better model for the probabilistic choice performance of pigeons than competing molecular accounts such as momentary maximizing, melioration, and the Bush-Mosteller model. The critical data were provided by choice distributions-distributions of a variable S, the proportion of Right choices, defined on a moving window typically 32 choices long-obtained under a frequency-dependent schedule. The schedule prescribed equal payoff probabilities, p(S), for both choices. p(S) was a maximum when S = 0.5 and declined linearly for S values above and below 0.5. Pigeons showed generally bimodal choice distributions with the modes at equal p(S) values. These data do not follow easily from melioration or momentary maximizing and are inconsistent with molar maximizing, but they may be consistent with Bush-Mosteller. We present here the results of computer simulations showing that the ratio-invariance model studied yields, as expected, choice modes at equal p(S) values, but that Bush-Mosteller, although capable of generating bimodal choice distributions, does not have choice modes at equal p(S) values.  相似文献   

At first glance, the two lead articles in this issue share little except the balance scale task, yet we view them as complementary rather than unrelated or contradictory. Our Reflection focuses on the individual strengths of the two lead articles and, to a greater extent, the potential power of their combined perspectives. Our general approach is to allow psychological theory to suggest a model of performance that can both evaluate specific theoretical claims and reveal important features of the data that had been previously obscured using conventional statistical analyses. Our guiding principle is that model, theory, and data all should be connected.  相似文献   

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