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刘恩岐 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》1994,15(4):16-18
自然选择缓和与人类的未来西安医科大学(710061)刘恩岐自从人类进入文明社会以来,由于医学的不断发展和完善,人类不断采取改善环境、修饰表型、控制发育、新医药投入使用等表面措施来改善人类的生存环境,其结果是作用于人类本身的自然选择作用趋于缓和,自然选... 相似文献
李训仕 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》2013,34(9):6-10
对于人类进化出现的新图景,不同领域的研究者提出了不同的“人类新进化”概念.在论述人类进化的基础上,对几种不同的“人类的新进化”观点加以陈述和评析,试图提出一种统一的“人类的新进化”概念.即“人类的新进化”既不是单纯的生物进化,也不是单纯的社会文化进化,而是指人类生物进化与社会文化进化的协同进化. 相似文献
进化发展心理学:发展中的人类本性 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
进化发展心理学研究社会能力与认知能力发展背后的基因与环境机制,以及基因与环境机制在特定社会文化中的表现。进化发展心理学探讨的主要问题与设计到的主要概念包括:(1)自然选择在毕生发展的早期阶段发挥作用;(2)进化发展心理学特别重视适应在婴儿期及儿童期发展中的作用;(3)儿童期的延长有助于儿童学习人类社会的复杂性;(4)发展背景的方法可以用来理解成人外显行为的进化起源;(5)基因与环境因素相互影响约束个体发展;(6)认知能力与行为活动敏感于早期环境,但二者发展也具有可塑性 相似文献
人类会继续进化吗 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
张成平 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》1999,20(3):1-6
从猿到人的进化经历了漫长的过程,但是今天的人类是青少年,还是已迈入老年?未来的命运将怎样?至今仍无答案。一个关于人类生命历程的假说回答了上述问题,并探讨发展进程中人类的生物学变化。结论:目前的人类正处在成熟(青少年)期,可能经较长的时间发展后进入稳定期,最终逐渐衰老 相似文献
语言——自然选择的一种适应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
该文认为人类的语言能力是一种生物学意义上的适应,是自然选择的产物。人类的语言与自然界中其它复杂的生物学适应相类似,也具有特定的机能。语言的特定机能在于编码叙事性信息并与他人分享,这与人类认知活动中因果推理所具有的高度社会性特点相一致。两个新的研究领域,进化博弈理论和分子进化选择理论,都证实了语言是一种受到自然选择的进化适应 相似文献
陈蓉霞 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》1999,20(7):1-4
达尔文进化论与宗教的冲突主要由两大原因引起。首先是自然选择所带来的伦理价值与宗教伦理相冲突;其次是达尔文进化论的内在缺陷为宗教对进化领域的干预提供了切入口。 相似文献
梁漱溟的"人类心理学"及其理论意义 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
通过对以华生、郭任远为代表的行为主义心理学在研究对象和研究方法观点上的批判,梁漱溟建立了自己的一套理论体系--“人类心理学”。它是儒家心性论的“现代版”,同时又是一种人性论。该理论体系产生于二十世纪二十年代,在心理学史和伦理学史上都具有重要的理论意义。 相似文献
人类行为的进化论解释及其特征 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
董国安 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》2005,26(6):2-4
进化论用于解释人类行为的合理性依赖于对进化论结构的理解,而不能通过直接肯定或否定人类行为有无某种生物学的结构基础来回答。如果进化论是对现象系统的描述,那它在原则上就不能用于对人类行为进化的研究。进化论应被看作是对一类物理系统的定义,理论定义系统与现象系统也只能在现象层面上同构。人类行为进化解释的恰当性,就在于人类行为系统与进化论定义系统在经验上的适合达到了期望的程度。 相似文献
进化的进步性问题是进化论哲学争论的一个重要问题。达尔文反对进化的进步性吗?通过对达尔文不同时期著作的分析可知,他认同生物进化过程存在进步趋势。达尔文在其航海日志中,把生物从简单到复杂的发展看作进步;在后来的两篇手稿中把进步的原因归结为自然选择;在《物种起源》中把进步的标准看作生物生理结构的分工和专门化;在后期著作中把人类进步归结为智能和文明程度的发展。他还对进化进步性的一些难题作出了回答。达尔文的进步观与拉马克的进步观的区别在于,拉马克把进步看作生物内在的向着高级水平发展的倾向,而达尔文则把进步看作外部的自然选择作用的结果。 相似文献
蒋功成 《医学与哲学(人文社会医学版)》2006,27(7):68-69
当代生物进化的研究存在着生物系统学与生态学进路、理论生物学进路和系统生物学进路,这几种进路的研究范式继承了生物学在历史发展中形成的博物学、哲学和医学生理学这几个主要的研究传统,它们在不同方向上把进化生物学的研究推进到一个新的层次. 相似文献
Claudia Baracchi 《International Journal of Philosophical Studies》2017,25(3):320-335
AbstractThe ancient Greek philosophical discourse harbors an anthropology radically discontinuous with the framework of modernity. Rather than emphasizing the tension between the individual and community, and far from understanding the political on the ground of instinctual sacrifice (a constant from Hobbes, to Nietzsche, to Freud), Greek thought illuminates the interdependence of ethics and politics, and situates the human being in a cosmos in which the human is neither central nor prominent. In particular the reflection of philia, most notably in Plato and Aristotle, calls for the exploration of human potentiality with outstanding vigor and visionary audacity. 相似文献
Gunnar Breivik 《Sport, Ethics and Philosophy》2020,14(2):146-162
ABSTRACTMy perspective in this paper is to look at sport and other physical activities as a way of exploring and experimenting with the environing world. The human being is basically the homo movens – born to move. Furthermore, the homo movens is the homo ludens – an active and playful being that explores the world in different ways and in a variety of environments. The ludic exploration of the world starts with children’s play and goes all the way up to full-blown versions of rule-based sports, then on to various physical activities into old age. My point of departure is Heidegger’s notion of being-in-the-world which suggests that humans are never isolated individuals but are always in a deep way connected with a ‘world’. The ‘world’ of sport comes in different versions. By use of a phenomenological approach I try to show that the sporting exploration of the world takes place in four ontologically different dimensions or ‘worlds’. Here I distinguish between individual sports, encounter sports, team sports and nature sports, and I argue that the I-Me, I-You, I-Society and I-Nature relations that are exemplified in these four types of sports have different ontological characteristics. While the discussion is inspired by Heidegger’s ideas I argue that the ways of ‘worldmaking’ in sport are more ontologically diverse than Heidegger opened up for. Heidegger described the relation of Dasein to itself and to other human beings and argued that we deal with the environment in a practical and a theoretical mode. I expand on this and present a more coherent picture of four different dimensions in the human being’s sporting exploration of the world. 相似文献
David Benatar 《Journal of applied philosophy》1999,16(2):173-180
In this paper it is argued that the overwhelming majority of gamete donors are amongst those who treat decisions about bringing children into existence too lightly. The argument proceeds through the following stages.
1) People have a presumptive responsibility for rearing children who result from their gametes. 2) The responsibility people have to rear their offspring is a responsibility not merely to provide a minimum of care, but also to attend to the details of nurturing children and fostering their flourishing. 3) Gamete donors transfer their responsibilities for raising their genetic offspring to those who will raise it. 4) Responsibilities for rearing children are weighty ones. 5) Treating weighty responsibilities too lightly is morally wrong. 6) Gamete donors' decisions to transfer their responsibilities for rearing their offspring to others, almost always involves treating parental responsibilities too lightly. 7) Therefore, gamete donation is almost always morally wrong. 相似文献
1) People have a presumptive responsibility for rearing children who result from their gametes. 2) The responsibility people have to rear their offspring is a responsibility not merely to provide a minimum of care, but also to attend to the details of nurturing children and fostering their flourishing. 3) Gamete donors transfer their responsibilities for raising their genetic offspring to those who will raise it. 4) Responsibilities for rearing children are weighty ones. 5) Treating weighty responsibilities too lightly is morally wrong. 6) Gamete donors' decisions to transfer their responsibilities for rearing their offspring to others, almost always involves treating parental responsibilities too lightly. 7) Therefore, gamete donation is almost always morally wrong. 相似文献
2011年3月26日,《庆祝五台山申遗成功——中国千名书家写经书法大展作品集》首发座谈会,在北京全国政协礼堂隆重举行。活动开幕前,全国政协原副主席赵南起来到活动现场,饶有兴致地观看了中国千名书家写经书法大展的有关资料,听取了活动负责人的汇报。 相似文献
Steve Fuller 《Journal for General Philosophy of Science》2012,43(1):113-123
Throughout the medieval and modern periods, in various sacred and secular guises, the unification of all forms of knowledge under the rubric of ??science?? has been taken as the prerogative of humanity as a species. However, as our sense of species privilege has been called increasingly into question, so too has the very salience of ??humanity?? and ??science?? as general categories, let alone ones that might bear some essential relationship to each other. After showing how the ascendant Stanford School in the philosophy of science has contributed to this joint demystification of ??humanity?? and ??science??, I proceed on a more positive note to a conceptual framework for making sense of science as the art of being human. My understanding of ??science?? is indebted to the red thread that runs from Christian theology through the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment to the Humboldtian revival of the university as the site for the synthesis of knowledge as the culmination of self-development. Especially salient to this idea is science??s epistemic capacity to manage modality (i.e. to determine the conditions under which possibilities can be actualised) and its political capacity to organize humanity into projects of universal concern. However, the challenge facing such an ideal in the twentyfirst century is that the predicate ??human?? may be projected in three quite distinct ways, governed by what I call ??ecological??, ??biomedical?? and ??cybernetic?? interests. Which one of these future humanities would claim today??s humans as proper ancestors and could these futures co-habit the same world thus become two important questions that general philosophy of science will need to address in the coming years. 相似文献
Graham Ward 《International Journal of Systematic Theology》2023,25(3):397-412
Given the calamities involved in climate change and the impact it is having – and will continue to have, on lives driven towards subsistence – what can be said about the goodness of creation? This essay explores how privileged theologians might rethink the notion of the common good in a situation where the majority are under-privileged. It argues for a need for imaginative investment to develop empathy, not sympathy; a need to listen in ways that are attentive and tending; and for a learning to accompany, such that dependence can be empowering when recognised and practised as mutual. Theologically, the sharing and accompaniment necessary has to be appreciated as inhering to the existence of all things, such that relationality and dependence are living expressions of the goodness of creation. Such sharing and accompaniment are expressions and incarnations of the uncreated goodness of the Triune God, operating in and through the ongoing processes of creation. 相似文献
在以德性为核心的亚里士多德的伦理学体系中,德性泛指使事物成为完美事物的特性或规定."人的德性就是种使人成为善良,并获得其优秀成果的品质."[1]现代西方德性伦理学进而认为,"德性是人类为了幸福、欣欣向荣、生活美好所需要的特性品质."[2]在中国传统文化中,"德性"一词始见于<中庸>,曰:"故君子尊德性而道问学",认为德性是人的道德本性,是人生而具有的向善的本性.程颐提出"德性之知",将德性看做是人的内在自我认识.王夫之则将德性较为明确地界定为:"德性者,非耳目口体之性,乃仁义礼智之根心而具足者也,常存之于心,而静不忘,动不迷,不倚见闻言论而德皆实矣."又说:"好善恶恶,德性也."德性即好善恶恶之性.可见,中外思想家对德性有相近的看法.概而言之,德性就是让一个人高尚并使其实践活动完美的品质,是人之为人的内在规定,是实现人与自然、人与社会、人与自己相和谐的内在动力.德性伦理就是以个体或共同体品质为核心,以社会关系中的人为本位,以实现人的幸福生活为目的,以和谐为最高范畴的伦理道德体系.它从人的生活实践的内在性、整体性、超越性出发,真正实现了人对自我的伦理关怀. 相似文献