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道教书法,同道教的符有密切联系,可以说,道教书法渊源于道教符,符是道教特有的一种书法。一、符,一种具有抽象意义的书法艺术符,又称“神符”、“符字”、“墨符”、“丹书”等,是一种用朱或墨画于黄色纸、帛上或木板上的特殊符号,形似书,难以辨认,给人神秘莫测之感。《玄门大义》解释说:“(神符)即龙章凤之文,灵迹符书之字是也。”道教认为,这种符号文字,是仿天上“三元五德八会”之,自然结成“天书云”而产生的。相传道教符最早来自黄帝“云书”。黄帝善作云书,故以云为纪。“云书”是以流云为主要模拟对象的一种书法。云书在秦汉之际演变…  相似文献   

杨照珺 《中国宗教》2022,(12):60-61
道教与汉字书法都是中华优秀文化的代表,是中华民族思维的重要组成部分。道教是我国土生土长的宗教,以道为最高信仰,认为道是化成宇宙万物的本源。汉字书法是古代先贤依托汉字的象形特点,使用独特的书写工具--毛笔,把象形的文字符号改造为抽象的线条和结构,并融入自己的生命情态和审美体验,创造出的伟大艺术形式。  相似文献   

在六朝隋唐时期的佛道之争中,“自然”与“因缘”的辩论是思想理论层面争论的焦点。六朝道教用“自然”否定佛教因果报应的思想,同时又积极地吸收佛教的“因缘说”,但是仍不能克服“自然”与“因缘”之间的矛盾。隋唐道教通过吸收佛教的空观学说,整合自然与因缘的关系,确立以“自然”为中心的调和论,这一说法后来成为道教的共同认识。  相似文献   

宗善 《中国道教》2000,(1):19-21
古老文明的中华大地,是道教孕育生长的土壤,道教在这块宝地上历经了坎坷沉浮而又漫长的演化进程。道教精神思想曾为人类社会的文明进步与发展起到积极而深远的影响,也作出了重大的贡献。而今道教所倡导“尊道贵德”思想,在建设有中国特色社会主义新的历史时期,仍可为现代社会精神文明建设起到更好的服务作用。鲁迅先生曾说:“中国根柢全在道教。”道教崇信“黄老之道”,道家是道教前身,二者一脉相承。道教尊黄帝为仙宗,奉老子为教祖,“黄老道”是道教思想的理论基础,以“道”设教,遵循“道法自然”的基本规律,追求修炼得道成仙…  相似文献   

中国古代,对于“征兆”问题一向颇为重视。先民力图通过征兆预测来事之吉凶。开初主要是以自然物象为征兆;后来则对自然物象进行模拟或抽取,并以人工符号作为其代表。这种人工符号便具有拟兆意义。在道教典籍中,有关拟兆的资料颇多,但至今缺乏研究。本文从文学作品《鼓掌绝尘》所反映的道教文字拟兆──签诗入手,进而搜罗《道藏》中的大量拟兆,分析其原型与思想内容、艺术特征,力图透过这一窗口,以窥视道教关心未来的思想意识。  相似文献   

禅宗发展到北宋中叶,逐渐由原来“不立文字”、“离经慢教”的内证禅转变为“不离文字”、“以教说禅”的文字禅。禅宗的这种转变,与儒道语言观的影响是分不开的,文字禅“因言显道”、“见道忘言”的提法就分别与儒家“文以明道”、道家“得意忘言”的观点渊源有自。当然,文字禅在兼采儒道的同时又运用佛教的二谛思维使儒道矛盾的语言观在自己身上得到了调和。  相似文献   

“天人合一”是中国传统文化中的一个重要范畴。鲁迅曾言:中国文化的根柢全在道教。道教思想的核心则应在“天人合一”。在“天人合一”思想不断发展与完善的进程中,《太平经》“三一为宗”天人思想应起到承上启下的作用。它继承了老子之道和传统天神信仰,吸收了阴阳五行说和仙家之术,熔修身、治国于一炉,把前人较模糊的“天人合一”思想加以概括并深化为较具体的“三一为宗”思维模式,再以此统天道观、政治观和内养观于一整体思想体系。这一体系首先以“三一为宗”思维模式阐述天道,然后以天道观指导个人修行,以个人修炼去感悟大道,证得统…  相似文献   

1999年3月,笔者赴台湾出席“第三届海峡两岸道教学术研讨会”返回时,在香港停留了数日,受到香港信善玄宫罗紫彦、侯阙豪、陈观威等道长十分热情的接待。罗道长不顾高龄,陪同笔者参观了信善玄宫、信善紫玄观、青松观、蓬瀛仙馆、黄大仙等著名道观:侯阙豪道长是一位书法家,他的颜体榜书很有功底,特书写“道法自然”条幅赠我,既是道教名言,又是书法佳作,成为与侯道长友好交往有纪念意义的墨宝。在香港期间,罗紫彦道长联我拜会了在生活费内外享有盛誉的青松观创建人侯宝垣道长,侯道长已经88岁高龄,是香港道教联合会第十四届理事会…  相似文献   

道教的生态观强调人与生态自然万物同生共运的浑然一体,强调生态系统的自然、和谐、生命和健康,反映道、天、地、人之间的自然生态平衡关系。“人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然”是道教生态美的总纲,是道教生态和谐美的最高境界,它反映了生态生命系统与自然生存环境系统的相互协调所展现出来的美的形式。一、生态系统和谐美道教认为生态系统具有规律性,这就是“道”。世界上的一切,包括天地万物和人都是从这个“道”产生的。这个“道”,即是万物之宗,又是万物之始,更是万象之源,使天、地、人等宇宙万物在“道”中实现了生态自然的和谐统一。1…  相似文献   

人格是代表个人在对情境做出反应时,将自身所表现出的结构性质和动能性质,代表了一种符号有别于他人的持久性(Pervin,民73)。语文是一种符号象征,人类利用它作为彼此众多沟通工具之一。语文活动包括了说话、倾听书写及阅读四方面,书写行为是其中一项,在当今文明社会中,更是人类活动的普遍现象。至于书写字体与人格的关系,古人云:“观其书有以得其为人”。唐之虞永兴曰:欲书之  相似文献   

“中国经验”与中国化的马克思主义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
马克思主义与中国实际相结合,才能实现中国化,化出一个中国化的马克思主义。与中国实际相结合,既是说用马克思主义为指导分析和研究中国的具体国情和实际问题,同时更包含着重视和研究“中国经验”。“中国经验”是非常复杂的,也是活生生的流变着的现象,是任何抽象的概念和教条都无法框定的。这就需要破除一些观念误区,真正把握马克思主义的精神实质,丰富和发展马克思主义的基本理论。中国特色社会主义理论,就是当代发展着的马克思主义。  相似文献   

Fung Yu-lan has suggested that Chinese philosophers have been unreceptive to modern science. This suggestion, however, has not been substantiated. This essay is an attempt to provide a justification of Fung's assertion through an existential analysis of the Chinese concepts of nature. The essay will examine Chinese existential concerns prevailing in Daoism and Confucianism, and these systems' distaste for the type of scientific study which has become prevalent in the modern world. I also intend to defend the claim that the ultimate concern of the Zhuangzi and the Zhongyong is completely contrary to the one that sustains modern science. A brief comparative discussion between Xu Guangqi and Galileo Galilei will be used to support this claim. My discussion will raise the contention that, to have a better understanding of the development of modern science in China, we have to understand the attitude toward religion that has underpinned modern science.  相似文献   

中国传统数学在中国古代逻辑特别是墨家逻辑的影响下,形成了自己的推理体系,即:以"以类合类"为基本方法,以"类"和"分类"为核心成分,以"推类"为主导推理形式。正是由于这一推理体系,使得中国传统数学在相当长的时期内保持世界的领先地位。因此,我们可以得出这样的结论:中国逻辑不是阻碍了中国传统数学进一步发展的因素,换句话说,中国传统数学所蕴含的逻辑方法并不是阻碍其进一步发展的原因。  相似文献   

真实自我意指个人在日常生活中,能将自己真实的想法和价值观顺畅地表达、展现出来.本文综述了西方关于真实自我的内涵、测量及其对自尊、适应和幸福感的影响.由于华人的双元自我、社会取向的自我实现和关系取向等方面与西方人不同,华人真实自我的面貌、意涵及其运作方式等方面应与西方有不同之处.未来应在华人自我对正负讯息的接受和行为表现上开展研究.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with John Searle’s famous Chinese room argument. Despite being objected to by some, Searle’s Chinese room argument appears very appealing. This is because Searle’s argument is based on an intuition about the mind that ‘we’ all seem to share. Ironically, however, Chinese philosophers don’t seem to share this same intuition. The paper begins by first analysing Searle’s Chinee room argument. It then introduces what can be seen as the (implicit) Chinese view of the mind. Lastly, it demonstrates a conceptual difference between Chinese and Western philosophy with respect to the notion of mind. Thus, it is shown that one must carefully attend to the presuppositions underlying Chinese philosophising in interpreting Chinese philosophers. The first draft of this essay was written as a record of the thought which struck me in midst of delivering a lecture on the Chinese view of the mind. I would like to thank Jay Garfield for suggesting me to write a paper based on the record. Many thanks also go to Tim Bayne for his comments on earlier drafts of the paper which led to many improvements. I have also greatly benefited from the comments of the anonymous referees solicited for this journal.  相似文献   

中国官办NGO:和而不同   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李诗扬 《学海》2003,(1):91-97
通过个案研究发现 :中国官办NGO的扶贫行为在扶贫动机、扶贫在机构中的地位、主要资源来源以及组织方式四个方面表现出明显的异质性特征。正是“资源供需状况”、“政府影响”、“NGO自身逻辑”这三个变量的综合作用 ,导致了中国官办NGO的行为分化现象  相似文献   

The present study examines when second language (L2) learners read words in the L2, whether the orthography and/or phonology of the translation words in the first language (L1) is activated and whether the patterns would be modulated by the proficiency in the L2. In two experiments, two groups of Chinese learners of English immersed in the L1 environment, one less proficient and the other more proficient in English, performed a translation recognition task. In this task, participants judged whether pairs of words, with an L2 word preceding an L1 word, were translation words or not. The critical conditions compared the performance of learners to reject distractors that were related to the translation word (e.g., Open image in new window , pronounced as /bei 1/) of an L2 word (e.g., cup) in orthography (e.g., Open image in new window , bad in Chinese, pronounced as /huai 4/) or phonology (e.g., Open image in new window , sad in Chinese, pronounced as /bei 1/). Results of Experiment 1 showed less proficient learners were slower and less accurate to reject translation orthography distractors, as compared to unrelated controls, demonstrating a robust translation orthography interference effect. In contrast, their performance was not significantly different when rejecting translation phonology distractors, relative to unrelated controls, showing no translation phonology interference. The same patterns were observed in more proficient learners in Experiment 2. Together, these results suggest that when Chinese learners of English read English words, the orthographic information, but not the phonological information of the Chinese translation words is activated. In addition, this activation is not modulated by L2 proficiency.  相似文献   

Tse PU  Cavanagh P 《Cognition》2000,74(3):B27-B32
The perceived direction of apparent motion can be influenced by both "top-down" factors, such as expectation, and by "bottom-up" or stimulus-driven factors, such as grouping (Tse, P., Cavanagh, P. & Nakayama, K. (1998). The role of parsing in high-level motion processing. In T. Watanabe, High-level motion processing - computational, neurobiological and psychophysical perspectives. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Here we report the results of a single experiment that pitted top-down cues against bottom-up cues in an apparent motion sequence over the successive strokes of a Chinese character. Although each stroke was in fact presented all at once, subjects raised in China tended to see apparent motion over a single stroke in the direction it would have taken when drawn by hand, even though bottom-up cues drive a percept of apparent motion in the opposite direction for observers unfamiliar with the Chinese language. There is therefore a learned component to motion perception arising from top-down expectations capable of overriding bottom-up cues to motion.  相似文献   

中医专科是祖国传统医学的重要组成部分,是中医的精华和灵魂,对中医的延传和发展意义重大。为了解区级中医院中医专科的发展现状,笔者对广州各区级中医院进行实地问卷调查。结果显示区级中医院中医专科设置较单一,各专科在医疗方面的优势地位不突出,学科队伍建设欠完善,部分专科的科研水平亟待提升。  相似文献   

近代中国社会医患关系历经巨变,因医疗纠纷而引起的中医药诉讼案件层出不穷.在案件处理中,以西医为主导的医疗鉴定存在诸多漏洞和缺失,导致中医师的权益得不到法律保障.在此情势下,中医师群体通过同业组织、学术团体等途径,向司法行政机构积极建言,并成立中医药讼案鉴定机构,不断提升中医鉴定水平.  相似文献   

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