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Individual, small group, and program effectiveness can be evaluated quickly and painlessly using the binomial expansion. This powerful, but seldom used, nonparametric method is described and specific examples are used to illustrate its simplicity and elegance. An abbreviated table of probabilities is included.  相似文献   

The ‘anchoring and adjustment’ bias was demonstrated in a personal injury case using mock jurors. In Experiment 1, the ad damnum, or requested compensation, was manipulated across participants. In Experiment 2, anchors were operationalized as the strength of the legal evidence. Both monetary and causal anchors systematically influenced judgments of the probability that the defendant caused the plaintiff's injuries, compensation awarded, and perceptions of the litigants. These results indicate that anchoring occurs in legal applications, and that plaintiffs would do well to request large compensation awards. In addition, anchors expressed on one scale affected judgments expressed on another scale. This cross-modality anchoring stands in contrast to previous studies. Finally, these anchoring effects are unlikely to be explained by either demand effects or perceived relevance of the anchor.  相似文献   

Matthew??s parables of the treasure and pearl are commonly interpreted as a call to give all one has for the kingdom. In this article, I argue that the experience brought about by the objects is instead the point of these parables. In psychoanalytic terms, the treasure and the pearl represent what Bollas (1987) calls the transformational object. The search for the transformational object is inspired by the infant??s earliest memory of the sudden internal and external transformation brought about by the ministrations of the mother. In adult life, it continues in a search for aesthetic or cultural objects that are identified with the metamorphosis of the self. From this perspective, I explore how the objects of treasure and pearl evoke an emotionally dense transformation to be experienced. The kingdom of heaven is like the surprising object, able to joyfully transform our world. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like the experience of surrendering to the beautiful object, for which we have sought.  相似文献   

We introduce a new statistical procedure for the identification of unobserved categories that vary between individuals and in which objects may span multiple categories. This procedure can be used to analyze data from a proposed sorting task in which individuals may simultaneously assign objects to multiple piles. The results of a synthetic example and a consumer psychology study involving categories of restaurant brands illustrate how the application of the proposed methodology to the new sorting task can account for a variety of categorization phenomena including multiple category memberships and for heterogeneity through individual differences in the saliency of latent category structures.  相似文献   

In contrast to monistic realism (as represented by Peirce) and pluralistic irrealism (as represented by Goodman) I argue for what I call plurealism, a view which is both pluralistic and realist, recognizing different worlds that are not only independent of one another, but also independent of us.  相似文献   

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