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Rates of GSR habituation, reactiontime responses, and observational ratings in normal and learningdisabled children were evaluated. Compared to normals, children with learning disabilities demonstrated faster rates of GSR habituation in a task involving active attention, slower reactiontime responses, and more characteristics of “minimal brain dysfunction” on a rating scale. Within the learningdisability group those subjects with a family history of reading problems showed fewer GSR, reactiontime, and rating responses characteristic of “minimal brain dysfunction.”  相似文献   

This research replicated and extended a study by Williams, Donley, and Keller (2000). In that study, children with autism received a box with an object inside and learned to ask “What's that?,” “Can I see it?,” and “Can I have it?” to have the name of the object, to see the object, and to get the object, respectively. The purpose of the present research was to determine if the three questions (a) were three independent repertoires of behavior, (b) constituted three instances of a single functional response class, or (c) belonged to a chain of behavior. The 3 boys with autism who participated responded independently to each question when the consequences for each question were altered. This indicates that the three target responses were three independent repertoires of behavior, each one reinforced and maintained with its specific consequences. Thus, this procedure serves to teach children with autism to ask questions with flexibility according to a variable context.  相似文献   

Imitative behavior was studied with the use of 36 kindergarten children who were either reinforced or not reinforced for imitative behavior prior to observing a male model exhibit aggressive behaviors. The children were tested for imitative aggressive behaviors in an eight-minute free-play situation, by means of a five-category rating scale. The results revealed that the reinforced group emitted significant more physical, verbal, and nonimitative aggression than the nonreinforced group. A second test examined the retention of the model's aggressive behavior under an incentive condition. The incentive condition diminished the initial differences found in the first test, revealing a nonsignificant difference between the reinforced and nonreinforced groups. Hence, the study provided support for both the “contiguity” and “generalized imitation” theories of social modeling.  相似文献   

黄震是我国宋代著名的理学思想家。他既是程、朱思想的继承者,又是修正者。其心理学思想的特点主要表现为:在人性论问题上,他推崇“性相近”、“性即理”说;在认识问题上。他继承了程、朱的“人心有知”、“心具从理”、“格物致知”、“居敬穷理”的观点,但反对“圣人生而知之”和静坐养心说。强调“学而知”,并十分重视躬行。  相似文献   

When people generate responses during a divergent thinking task, some responses are “old” (retrieved from memory) and some are “new” (generated on the spot). K.J. Gilhooly, E. Fioratou, S.H. Anthony, and V. Wynn (2007) suggested that old and new responses stem from different cognitive strategies and differ in key ways. The present research explored the old/new scoring method in a sample of 143 young adults. After completing unusual uses tasks, the participants classified each response as old or new. The creativity of each response was also rated by three judges and by the participants themselves. As in past research, “old” responses appeared significantly earlier in the task and were rated as significantly less creative by both the judges and the participants. Old and new responses, however, correlated equally strongly with predictors of creative ability, such as openness to experience and its facets. Overall, the old/new scoring approach appears promising as a way of illuminating the diverse mental strategies people use to generate ideas.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to examine ambiguities in the ability of the I-E scale to predict complex social behavior. An analysis of the items in the I-E scale suggested that the scale might contain a conservative bias Further, it was suggested that responses to the items may be determined by the individual's political and social ideology, which in turn are influenced by the political and social norms to which he has been exposed The sample consisted of one parent and a college-aged child from 60 upper-middle-class families in which the parent was visible in the community for political and social participation, half the parents interviewed were liberal, and half conservative in their political views A number of measures of political and social participation were administered, along with a shortened version of the I-E scale The findings of the study supported the contention that the “internal” items on the I-E scale are more congenial to persons holding conservative political views than for those holding liberal views. Perceived internal causality, as measured by the I-E scale, was found to be nonsignificantly correlated with any of the measures of political participation for the parent sample, with five of the six correlations being in the opposite direction from that predicted by social learning theory The results of the study were discussed in terms of White's distinction between the “moralizer” and “reformer” approach to social problems The validity of the I-E scale as a measure of a stable personality trait was called into question, as was its usefulness in predicting complex social behavior  相似文献   

为探讨人格对幼儿白谎行为的影响,及“冷”“热”执行功能的中介作用机制,采用问卷法和测验法对218名3~6岁幼儿的人格、言语能力、“冷”“热”执行功能和白谎行为进行测试。结果显示:控制年龄和言语能力后,智能特征和亲社会性可显著正向预测幼儿白谎行为;“冷”执行功能在智能特征和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在亲社会性和白谎行为间发挥部分中介作用;“热”执行功能在外倾性和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用;“冷”“热”执行功能在认真自控和白谎行为间发挥完全中介作用。研究结果进一步揭示了人格对幼儿白谎行为影响的内在机制。  相似文献   

The theoretical importance of the linguistic data available to the child in his natural environment has been increasingly emphasized in recent work on child language acquisition. This study sought to describe a portion of such data as contained in maternal verbal behavior and to analyze its influence on the child's usage of speech. The subjects were five 21-month-old children and their mothers. The mother-child verbal interchange was recorded during free-play situations carried out both at the subject's home and in a playroom. The interactive patterns of mother-child utterances were analyzed with regard to the kind and frequency of verbalizations, and the temporal intervals between them. Results showed that the temporal pattern of mother-child interchanges was characterized by significantly shorter pauses (<2 s) for mothers than for children. A variation in this pattern, consisting of pauses longer than 4 s, was associated with certain kinds of ongoing mother-child verbal behaviors. Thus mothers showed selectiveness, in varying degrees, in responding to the child's utterances, and their verbal responses had differential effects on the child's subsequent verbal performance. These effects were described as “initiating”, “maintaining”, or “ending” verbal chains, or else as “non-reacted” utternances. Moreover, the amount of verbalization by the children was positively correlated with the proportion of the mother's output that consisted of immediate responses to the child, and not with the total verbal output.  相似文献   

Sex differences in play behavior across the early elementary school years as well as the relation between sex-typed play and peer acceptance were examined. It was hypothesized that children who were more sex-typed in their play behaviors would be more accepted by their peers. The participants included 86 grade two children and 81 grade four children. Popularity was assessed using a rating scale sociometric measure. Sex-typed behaviors were measured by observing the children at free play. Results indicated significant age and gender differences in children's play behavior. Specifically, boys engaged in more aggressive and rough and tumble play as well as more functional, solitary-dramatic and exploratory play and tended to be involved more in group play, whereas girls produced more parallel and constructive play as well as more peer conversations. In grade 4, these differences were maximized such that boys produced more games-with-rules and girls exhibited more parallel-constructive activity. Second, results indicated that sociometric ratings and observed degree of sex-typing were not significantly related except in the case of fourth grade males. At the fourth grade level, a positive relation was observed between boys' acceptance by male peers and “masculine” or male-preferred play behavior as well as between boys' acceptance by female peers and “feminine” or female-preferred play.  相似文献   

Aggressive and self-injurious behaviors of four retarded children were reduced by combining various techniques with the differential reinforcement of other behaviors (DRO). In one study, aggressive responses of a severely retarded child were reduced when DRO was combined with a 30-sec timeout. In a second study, various aggressive classroom behaviors were reduced when the child was told “no” for an inappropriate response but earned puzzle pieces for periods of time when inappropriate responses did not occur. Exchangeable tokens were given to a third subject for every 15 min in which aggressive responding did not occur, while each inappropriate response resulted in the loss of all tokens accrued. Responding was decreased to a level far below baseline. For a fourth child, self-injurious responses were followed by “no”, and intervals of time in which no self-injurious responding occurred earned candy. The rate of this behavior reduced significantly. In each case, the DRO procedure combined with the other techniques proved to be manageable for the teacher and successful in reducing the inappropriate behavior.  相似文献   

After being instructed either to “empathize with the actor” or to “picture the events clearly,” two groups of observers read a story describing an actor's behavior, and then gave free-response explanations of that behavior, and rated the importance of personal and situational causal factors. The hypothesis that causal attributions of empathizing observers would be less personal and more situational than those of nonempathizing observers received strong support, both from subjects' free responses and from their scale ratings. These findings provide evidence for an information-processing explanation of actor/observer attributional differences. Some practical applications of increasing the situationality of observers' causal attributions are discussed. The results also suggest a novel operational definition of “empathy”; and are interpreted as evidence for the effectiveness of “interpersonal simulations”.  相似文献   

College students made “same-different” judgments about successively presented pairs of letters whose degree of difference, in terms of the number of line segments out of register, was systematically varied. Reaction time was found to decrease with increases in the degree of difference in “different” responses, as well as to depend on the number of line segments present in the second (probe) letter. “Same” responses were much faster than different responses and were unaffected by the number of segments in the probe letter. This pattern of results suggests analytic (component-by-component) processing of “different” letters and holistic processing of “same” letters. The results have important implications for studies of multi-letter comparisons, in which it is commonly assumed that letter comparisons are holistic in nature.  相似文献   

Attributional studies of helping have examined perceivers affective responses and helping intentions as a function of responsibility (controllability) for the onset of a problem. This study extended the analysis to a responsibility for the solution (offset) of a problem and examined how the cause of both the onset and the offset of a problem determined perceivers' affective responses and helping intentions. One hundred and eighty subjects participated in the study. The subjects read one of three stories regarding the target person's behavior at the onset of falling behind in school (“sick” vs. “effort” vs. “no effort”) and reported their perceptions of the cause of the problem, affective responses, and helping intentions. Then they read one of three stories regarding the target person's behavior for the offset of the problem (“sick” vs. “effort” vs. “no effort”:' and responded again to the previously administered scales. Results indicated (a) that the final responses were strongly determined by the offset information. and (b) that sickness at the time of the onset led to negative affect and less helping intention when the offset information was “no effort.” The latter effect is discussed within the context of the moral judgment. Furthermore, structural equation analyses for the responses after the offset information revealed (a) that Weiner's “attribution-emotion-helping” model was applicable. and (b) that the effect of the effort perception on the helping intention was mediated by anger and pity.  相似文献   


Fifty-six families with a preschool child whose parents varied widely in parental marital satisfaction were studied at two time points: at time-I when the children were 5 years old and again at time-2 when the children were 8 years old. At time-1 each parent was separately interviewed about their “meta-emotion structure”, that is, their feelings about their own emotions, and their attitudes, and responses to their children's anger and sadness. Their behaviour during this interview was coded with a meta-emotion coding system. Two meta-emotion variables were studied for each parent, awareness of the parent's own sadness, and parental “coaching” of the child's anger. We termed the high end of these variables an “emotion coaching” (EC) meta-emotion structure. Meta-emotion structure was found to relate to time-1 marital and parent-child interaction. EC-type parents had marriages that were less hostile and they were less negative and more positive during parent-child interaction. Their children showed less evidence of physiological stress, greater ability to focus attention, and had less negative play with their best friends. At time-2 those children showed higher academic achievement in mathematics and reading had fewer behaviour problems, and were physically healthier than non-EC parents. The relations between child outcome and parental meta-emotion structure were not explained by social class variables, emotional expressiveness, or the greater happiness and stability of parents with an EC-type meta-emotion structure.  相似文献   

A time delay procedure was used to increase spontaneous verbalizations of 3 autistic children. Multiple baseline across behaviors designs were used with target responses, selected via a social validation procedure, of two spontaneous responses (“please” and “thank you”) and one verbally prompted response (“you're welcome”). The results indicate gains across target behaviors for all children, with occurrence across other stimuli and settings. These gains were validated socially with 10 adults. Furthermore, increases in appropriate language had no effect on levels of inappropriate speech.  相似文献   

王乾东  胡超  傅根跃 《心理科学》2013,36(2):306-310
本研究探索艾森克人格问卷说谎量表上说谎与不说谎的语音频谱差别。我们录下被试在做艾森克人格问卷时回答“是”或“不是”的声音。使用Praat语音分析软件对/bu/,/sh/、/i/的前三个共振峰频率和波段(F1、F2、F3、B1、B2、B3)进行分析。结果发现:说“是”时说谎和说真话在/sh/的F1、F3、B1上存在差异,说“不是”时在/sh/的F1、F2、F3上存在差异。本研究表明说谎和说真话在语音频谱上存在差异,同时说谎在不同音素上的效应可能不一样。  相似文献   

Thirty male college students, half scoring high and half low on the MMPI K-scale, were administered a multiple-choice (M-C) modification of the Rosenzweig P-F Study under three instructional sets. Two of these sets were induced by E and compared with the third which represented S's normal test-taking set. The two induced sets included (1) a “should” set in which concern for the social consequences of behavior was accentuated, and (2) a “wish” set in which concern for social consequences was minimized, and freedom of self-expression was accentuated.

It was hypothesized that Ss making extremely high or low scores on the K-scale would likewise score differently on the M-C, P-F test. High K, defined by its authors as a measure of test defensiveness, and low K, as test-taking candidness, would be associated with P-F score patterns reflecting these test-taking attitudes: High K Ss showing Impunitive (M) dominant reaction patterns and low K showing Extrapunitive (E) or Intropunitive (I) dominant patterns. These hypothèses were confirmed except that intropunitive responses were extremely rare in the entire subject sample.

It was further hypothesized that the typical high K pattern would be induced in low K Ss under the “should” instructional set and the low K pattern would be elicited from high K Ss under “wish” instructions. This expectation was confirmed. It was suggested that the technique of manipulating responses via test taking instructions can generate correction factors useful in projective as well as structured personality tests.  相似文献   

Likert-type scales are commonly used when assessing attitudes, personality characteristics, and other psychological variables. This study examined the effect of varying the number of response options on the same set of 28 attitudinal items. Participants answered items using either a 4-point scale (forced choice), a 5-point scale that included a “neither” mid-point, or a 4-point scale with an option of “no opinion” presented after the item. The questionnaire also included an item asking participants what they believe the midpoint in a scale indicated. As predicted, participants’ interpretations of the midpoint varied widely with the most common responses being: “no opinion,” “don't care,” “unsure,” “neutral,” “equal/both,” and “neither.” The quantitative results showed that participants’ levels of item endorsement varied based on the response options offered. For example, “neither” was chosen more often than “no opinion” on all of the items.  相似文献   

Shillingsburg, Frampton, Cleveland, and Cariveau (2018) taught listener and tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal responses across sets and reported emergence of responses that were not directly trained for 6 individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The current study was a systematic replication with the addition of instructive feedback (IF) with 2 children diagnosed with ASD. During trials for previously mastered listener by name responses (e.g., “Point to Tennessee” and child selects a picture of Tennessee), the experimenters provided related IF (e.g., “The capital of this state is Nashville”). After 3 sessions, we evaluated the effects of IF on related verbal responses (e.g., listener by feature, tact by feature, name–feature intraverbal, and feature–name intraverbal) across sets probes. We observed increased correct responses for related verbal responses; replicating Shillingsburg et al. Results suggest that the inclusion of IF may increase the efficiency of verbal behavior programming.  相似文献   

Two groups of 30 Ss each viewed a series of nonrepresentational patterns varying in three physical parameters. For the “natural-setting” group the patterns were arranged in a loose-leaf binder and S, unaware that his responses were being recorded, viewed them “spontaneously” prior to the “beginning” of the experiment. For the “laboratory-setting” group the patterns were presented by means of slides and S, under instructions similar to those employed in conventional studies of human exploratory behavior, controlled the duration of each exposure by pressing a telegraph-key. A 4-factor analysis of variance of the viewing times showed that both groups spent the same amount of time examining the patterns and that their viewing times were not differentially affected by any of the three pattern parameters. It was tentatively concluded that the “unnaturalness” of conventional laboratory settings may have little effect on human exploratory responses.  相似文献   

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