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青年员工职业适应压力源探析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对浙江省某市20家企业146名青年员工的职业适应压力现状进行调查。结果显示:(1)职业适应问题确实给青年员工带来职业适应压力,其中适应突发事件压力和职业前途压力较大;(2)不同性别、学历、婚姻状况和企业类型的青年员工在职业适应压力的一些维度上差异显著;(3)逐步回归结果表明身体适应压力和人际适应压力对总压力体验有显著影响,身体适应压力、动态任务完成及创新压力对心理体验有显著影响,身体适应压力对情绪体验和生理体验有显著影响。  相似文献   

通过对469名初中生的问卷调查,考察社会支持、学习观、自我效能感与学习主观幸福感的关系。结果表明:(1)初中生学习主观幸福感总体在中等水平以上,不存在性别差异;非重点学校学生学习主观幸福感低于重点学校的学生;学习主观幸福感随年级的升高而逐渐降低。(2)控制了人口学变量的影响后,社会支持、学习观和自我效能感对学习主观幸福感仍有显著影响,其中自我效能感对学习主观幸福感的影响作用较大。(3)社会支持对初中生学习主观幸福感既具有直接影响,同时也具有间接影响;初中生学习观和自我效能感在社会支持和学习主观幸福感之间起着部分中介作用。  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine whether cooperative learning experiences are related to social support in the classroom. The relationship between cooperative learning and social support, the impact of prolonged implementation of cooperative learning on social support, and the effect of different frequency of cooperative learning experiences on social support in the classroom were investigated. An instrument measuring social support was administered in November and in January to 91 eighth-grade students from a suburban school district in the Midwest. The results indicate that cooperative learning was highly related to social support within the classroom and that the longer and more frequently students engaged in cooperative learning, the greater the social support within the classroom.  相似文献   


Systematic random-sampling procedures were used to gather a sample of 191 community residents in Kaohsiung city, Taiwan, and survey them regarding (a) amount of social support given and received; (b) perceived reciprocity of support in relationships with family members, friends, and colleagues; (c) negative affect; and (d) psychological symptoms. Extraversion and social desirability were also measured. Both receiving and giving support were related to negative affect after controlling for the effects of extraversion and social desirability. These two personality factors also substantially masked the negative impact of support on psychological symptoms. Reciprocity of support within the family domain was related to well-being. Individual differences in support exchanges were noted, and women received more support than men.  相似文献   

Maintenance of self-esteem and of social relationships are major tasks for cancer patients, and are facilitated by supportive interactions with a variety of others. Different sources potentially provide different forms of support. Patients value informational support from doctors, with concurrent emotional support; family members and confidants specialise in the provision of empathy, reassurance of personal worth, and encouragement; and other cancer patients may act as supplementary sources of both information and empathy. Counsellors may provide direct social support in the forms of empathy and access to material help and information, and may also facilitate socially supportive interactions between the patient and other natural providers of support such as doctors, family, and peers.  相似文献   

Social Comparison, Perceived Control, and Occupational Burnout   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Deux études transversales ont porté sur 72 officiers des douanes (recherche no. 1) et sur cent officiers de police (recherche no. 2) dans le but d’approfondir la relation entre la direction de la comparaison sociale et des variables comme le burnout, des plaintes relatives à la santé ou la satisfaction liée au travail. La comparaison sociale a été mesurée par la fréquence avec laquelle les sujets disaient se comparer avec des salariés mieux et moins bien lotis sur plusieurs dimensions professionnelles. On a mené des analyses de corrélation plusieurs et de médiation pour mettre à l’épreuve deux hypothèses complémentaires. Premièrement, la comparaison ascendante était supposée être positivement liée au contrôle perçu et à la satisfaction professionnelle, et négativement aux ennuis de santé et au burnout. Deuxièmement, le contrôle perçu devait avoir un impact sur la relation entre la direction de la comparaison et des variables comme le burnout, les plaintes relatives à la santé ou la satisfaction liée au travail. Les résultats des deux études ont partiellement validé ces attentes et montré que seule la composante émotionnelle du burnout, l’épuisement émotionnel, était affectée par la direction de la comparaison sociale et médiatisée par le contrôle perçu. Two cross‐sectional studies were conducted among 72 customs officers (Study 1) and 100 police officers (Study 2) to examine the relationship between the direction of social comparison and outcomes such as occupational burnout, health complaints, and job satisfaction. Social comparison was measured by the frequency at which participants reported that they compared themselves with better‐off and worse‐off employees on several work‐related dimensions. Correlation and mediation analyses were conducted to test two complementary hypotheses. Firstly, upward comparison was expected to be positively related to perceived control and job satisfaction, and negatively related to health complaints and occupational burnout. Secondly, perceived control was expected to mediate the relationship between comparison direction and psychological outcomes such as burnout, health complaints, and job satisfaction. The results of both studies partially supported these predictions and showed that only the emotional component of burnout—emotional exhaustion—was affected by social comparison direction and mediated by perceived control.  相似文献   

为探索幼儿教师政府支持、组织支持、胜任力和职业认同对职业幸福感的影响,选取四川、重庆、西藏、贵州、江西、湖北和北京七地幼儿教师462名,用幼儿教师职业幸福感量表、幼儿教师胜任力问卷、幼儿教师职业认同问卷、政府支持问卷和组织支持感问卷进行调查。结果表明:(1)幼儿教师政府支持、组织支持和胜任力均是保护性因素,提升其职业幸福感。其中,组织支持影响最大。(2)幼儿教师职业认同在政府支持、组织支持和胜任力对职业幸福感的影响中起中介作用。上述研究结果发展了职业幸福感的JD-R模型,并对提升幼儿教师职业幸福感具有一定价值。  相似文献   

领悟社会支持、实际社会支持与大学生抑郁   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
叶俊杰 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1141-1143,1131
该研究以316名大学生为被试,探讨了领悟社会支持和实际社会支持与大学生抑郁之间的关系。结构方程模型的分析表明,大学生对当前社会支持的领悟对抑郁具有直接的缓冲作用;实际社会支持主要通过领悟社会支持对大学生的抑郁情绪起缓冲作用。研究结果暗示着,领悟社会支持是一种在应对压力情境中发展起来的特质或图式,在个体应对压力时表现为一种弹性人格,从而防止消极情绪的恶化或产生。  相似文献   

Participants (94 unemployed, 77 underemployed) were administered scales tapping social support, social undermining, coping, and distress. We hypothesised that the unemployed would exhibit less social support but more social undermining and distress than the underemployed; females would report more social support but less social undermining; social support would better predict coping than social undermining; social undermining would better predict distress than social support. The unemployed reported less social support, more distress, and poorer coping. Males reported less social support and more emotion-focused coping. Social support significantly predicted distress and coping. No group or gender differences were identified for social undermining, which did not predict distress or coping. We discuss the role of social undermining and distress in the unemployed.  相似文献   

高丙成  刘儒德 《心理科学》2011,34(3):608-612
利用潜在剖面分析法和辨别分析法对374名初中生社会支持的类型进行考察,探讨不同社会支持类型初中生的特点,分析社会支持类型对学习动机、学习策略、成绩的影响。结果表明:(1)初中生社会支持分为亲密无间型、若即若离型和家庭疏远型3种。(2)亲密无间型初中生的社会支持最高,家庭疏远型初中生的社会支持尤其是家庭支持最低,而若即若离型初中生的社会支持处于亲密无间型和家庭疏远型之间。(3)社会支持类型对学习动机、学习策略、成绩有显著影响。  相似文献   

基于资源保存理论,采用主动性人格量表、领悟社会支持量表、正性-负性情绪量表和学习投入量表对544名在校大学生进行问卷调查,通过结构方程建模来考察主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪对学习投入的影响。结果发现,主动性人格、领悟社会支持和积极情绪均能够正向预测学生学习投入;领悟社会支持和积极情绪在主动性人格对学习投入的影响中起到链式中介作用。  相似文献   

The current study examines the extent to which selected work-related variables differentially predict burnout and secondary traumatic stress (STS) and the degree to which social support mitigates both of these occupational stress syndromes. Multiple regression performed on responses from 331 professional chaplains found that: (1) the number of years worked in the same employment position was positively associated with burnout but not STS; (2) STS, but not burnout, was positively associated with the number of hours spent per week counseling patients who had had a traumatic experience; and (3) social support was negatively related to burnout and STS. Only specific sources of social support (supervisory support and family support), however, were negatively associated with burnout. Results highlight the need for counselors to be attuned to not only their clients but also to their own inner dynamics in order to mitigate the possible deleterious effects of their work.  相似文献   

Social Support, Personality, and Burnout in Nurses   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This study sought to find evidence for: (a) a relationship between increased levels of work-related social support and decreased burnout, (b) a relationship between personality traits and burnout, and (c) a significant interaction of social support and extraversion in relation to burnout. Seventy-six staff nurses and their supervisors at a private medical hospital participated as subjects. Two subscales of the Work Environment Scale measured social support. Personality was measured using an instrument known as PROSCAN, and Scale H of the 16PF. Burnout was measured by the Maslach Burnout Inventory. A strong negative correlation between work-related social support and burnout was found. Also, nurses whose supervisors received positive-feedback training showed significant reductions in emotional exhaustion, compared to those whose supervisors did not receive this training. Some dimensions of personality explained a significant amount of burnout. The study also provided further evidence of the interactive effect of social support and extraversion in relation to an emotional distress variable. That is, extraverted nurses required more work-related peer support than did introverts to avoid emotional exhaustion. Suggestions for further research are given.  相似文献   

There are three different routes to happiness: the pleasant life, the good or engaged life, and the meaningful life. These three orientations are positively related with life satisfaction, but the relation with job satisfaction is still not clear. This study examines the relationship between the three orientations to happiness (OTH) and job satisfaction in a 1-year longitudinal study with a representative sample (N = 752, 387 men) of working adults living in Switzerland. This study is part of a larger survey that includes several self-report measures. Regression analyses showed that engagement was positively related with job satisfaction 1 year later. Moreover, when controlling for sociodemographic variables (i.e., age and gender), work-related variables (i.e., household income, managerial responsibility, and financial responsibility), and the five factors of personality (i.e., neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, agreeableness, and conscientiousness) the interaction of the three OTH (i.e., pleasure × engagement × meaning), still predicted job satisfaction significantly. Individuals who endorse the three OTH presented the highest job satisfaction 1 year later. Therefore, although engagement is more important for job satisfaction than pleasure or meaning, the best predictor of job satisfaction is the interaction of the three OTH. Thus, people who are high in the three OTH simultaneously enjoy the highest job satisfaction. Future studies should examine whether this relationship is causal.  相似文献   


We examine the effects of self-construal and social support in friendships on loneliness using data from a random sample of residents in Tokyo, Japan. We find that the relationship between interdependent and independent self-construal is not orthogonal, as found by studies in the West, but moderately positive. Net of independence, interdependence significantly and positively predicts perceived social support, but not vice versa. By comparison, neither interdependence nor independence completely absorbs the protective effect of the other on loneliness. Our full models including other variables (e.g. gender, age, and extraversion personality) show that interdependence matters more in explaining perceived social support and loneliness. Moreover, perceived social support partially mediates the negative effect of interdependence on loneliness. We discuss implications of these and other related findings for future research on self-construal and subjective wellbeing across societies.


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