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汉字笔迹特征的评定是笔迹心理分析的基础工作,方法学的局限一直限制着笔迹分析的发展。研究通过对全国1011份有效笔迹样本分别进行主客观评定,然后对收集的数据进行因素分析和判别分析。结果显示:主客观评定方法对笔迹特征的评定虽有交叉的地方,但侧重于笔迹特征的不同方面;判别分析显示两者对性别的重判正确率相差不大。笔迹的主客观评定都有其价值所在,在今后的研究中,应结合两种评定方法对笔迹特征进行评定。  相似文献   

对一百年来国外关于笔迹的心理学研究作了概览与评价。认为临床心理学对笔迹的兴趣显得更浓,成果更多。在人员选拔、司法鉴定、教育评估等方面,笔迹分析似乎有较大的应用前景,但关于其效度有不同证据。笔迹与人格的关系,一直以来是引人入胜的课题,但不同的研究有不同的结果,也是众说纷纭。归根结底,笔迹研究的争论,其焦点还是笔迹测量效度问题。认为笔迹热出现在社会上而不是心理学界,这一现象值得思考。心理学必须介入这一领域,笔迹分析只有成为心理学的工具,才能是真正可靠、有效的科学工具。笔迹测量应当是一种投射测验。它类似于罗夏黑迹测验、主题统觉测验以及绘人测验,但又不同于这些测验。总之,笔迹测量是一个值得探索的领域。  相似文献   

西方笔迹心理学研究的发展与评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
童辉杰 《心理学动态》2001,9(3):276-281
对一百年来国外关于笔迹的心理学研究作了概览与评价。认为临床心理学对笔迹的兴趣显得更浓,成果更多。在人员选拔、司法鉴定、教育评估等方面,笔迹分析似乎有较大的应用前景,但关于其效度有不同证据。笔迹与人格的关系,一直以来是引人入胜的课题,但不同的研究有不同的结果,也是众说纷纭。归根结底,笔迹研究的争论,其焦点还是笔迹测量效度问题。认为笔迹热出现在社会上而不是心理学界,这一现象值得思考。心理学必须介入这一领域,笔迹分析只有成为心理学的工具,才能是真正可靠、有效的科学工具。笔迹测量应当是一种投射测验。它类似于罗夏黑迹测验、主题统觉测验以及绘人测验,但又不同于这些测验。总之,笔迹测量是一个值得探索的领域。  相似文献   

创造力与人格是心理学领域内的两个重要概念,它们之间的关系也是心理学研究中备受关注的问题。该研究采用文献分析法对加利福尼亚心理量表、人格三因素模型、五因素模型、多种人格测验及其与创造力的关系进行了回顾。已有的研究的确已经取得了很大进展,但研究内容还有待丰富、研究方法还有待完善、研究对象还有待拓展,这也预示着未来研究的发展方向  相似文献   

笔迹与人的心理密切相关,笔迹是人的潜意识的真实表征,这一点在国外早有定论,并有“笔迹学”、“字迹个性学”形诸于世,笔迹专家也很受社会重视。在我国,虽然到现在还没有独立的笔迹学或笔迹心理学出现,伹对笔迹心理的研究却是古已有之,并有“书如其人”之说。唐代书论家孙过庭在《书  相似文献   

汉字笔迹与个性测评研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
张卿华 《心理科学》1998,21(4):301-305
本文采用汉字笔迹测量法和80-8神经类型量表法对大、中、小学生共计2153人进行了团体测验,各项测量指标所得到的数据,经统计检验,其主要结论如下:1.笔迹特征表现为年龄越小,以直笔、重笔、慢速、光边占的比例越大,13岁以后,笔迹特征出现明显分化,这表明,个性在13、14岁年龄阶段开始加速形成与发展.2.笔迹书写形式、书写速度、书写压力及稳定性等心理特征指标与其神经类型特征有密切的关系.3.根据笔迹书写形式、速度、压力及稳定性等基本特征指标的不同组合,划分为8种气质类型,并在实际应用中获得较为满意的效果.  相似文献   

中文笔迹分析研究进展   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
刘加艳  郑全全  时勘 《心理科学》2005,28(2):442-443,441
对中文笔迹分析研究进展的探讨有利于该学科的进一步发展。本文简要回顾了笔迹分析的概念和可行性,重点从笔迹与人格、笔迹与性别等方面介绍了中文笔迹分析的实证研究。最后,讨论了以往研究中存在的问题,并指出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

纪丽君   《心理科学进展》1993,11(1):44-50
本文回顾了笔迹研究的历史发展,简单介绍了笔迹分析的理论及所需材料,并总结了笔迹研究的几种方法。同时,对于心理学家在过去几十年来有关笔迹与情绪心境、笔迹与内外倾及自尊及其它人格变量、笔迹与神经症、笔迹与身体生理状况、笔迹与自杀、家庭成员笔迹比较等方面的研究进行了归纳和介绍,并探讨了笔迹研究的信度、效度问题,而且,对于未来的笔迹研究提出了值得考虑的方向和途径。  相似文献   

在街头巷尾常常见到看笔迹算命的人。其实.笔迹与心理学研究有很深的关系。从字迹能看出写字人的性格。  相似文献   

中国近二十年来教师人格研究述评   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
郭成  阴山燕  张冀 《心理科学》2005,28(4):937-940
教师人格作为教师心理研究的重要内容之一,引起了我国心理学工作者的广泛关注。笔者以近二十年来我国教师人格研究的文献为基础,对教师人格的研究方法、优秀教师的人格特征、影响教师人格的因素、教师人格与学生发展的关系、教师人格与教师心理健康五个方面进行了回顾,在反思教师人格研究现状的基础上,对教师人格的研究内容、研究方法和成果应用三个方面进行了展望。  相似文献   

郭本禹 《心理科学》2006,29(5):1278-1279
时间和人格都是心理学领域极为重要的研究内容。时间无处不在,它不仅是基本心理过程的存在方式,而且也是人格特征的存在方式。时间与人格心理的研究是现代心理学研究的重要领域之一。《时间与人格心理学探索》一书,向我们详尽地展现了时间和人格心理学的研究成果。综观全书,主要凸显四个方面特点:一、研究取向上强调中国化;二、研究过程上体现长期性;三、研究方法上注重多样性;四、研究成果上凸显创新性。  相似文献   

Scores were obtained for 103 Subjects on the Sixteen Personality Factor test, Form C; the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule; the Otis Quick Scoring Test, Form G; Raven's Progressive Matrices, Sets A-E; and on 47 handwriting variables. First, personality and intelligence variables, then handwriting variables were factored and rotated, after which factor scores were obtained. Through a regression of handwriting from personality and intelligence factor scores, it was found that 6 of 16 handwriting factors could be predicted by 5 of 10 personality and intelligence factors. These results and their relation to graphology are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article was to measure subjective well-being and burnout for managers. We examined the links between psychological burden, decision latitude, organizational justice, as well as personality factors and self-esteem, and subjective well-being, and burnout. We measured the mediator effect of the basic psychological needs between the organizational factors and personality factors on subjective well-being and burnout. The data derived from a questionnaire submitted to 163 managers, allowed us to establish a correlation matrix, linear regressions on subjective well-being and burnout and mediation analysis. Significant links appeared between organizational inductors and burnout, between self-esteem, neuroticism, agreeableness, related need and burnout.  相似文献   

Few British organizations utilize handwriting analysis for personality assessment, but in some European countries handwriting analysis is extremely popular. Research has examined the reliability and validity of both methods of assessment, but few studies have directly compared the two. In this study, the personality of 120 subjects was assessed by the Cattell 16PF and by handwriting analysis. Each subject was presented with five handwriting analysis textual reports and five personality textual reports (one of each being their own) and asked to rank order each set in terms of perceived accuracy. The same ranking process was undertaken by each respondent's social partner. The results demonstrated that handwriting reports were ranked at a chance level by Self and by Other and that personality reports were ranked at a well above chance level by Self and by Other. Self-rankings were more accurate than Other-rankings.  相似文献   

Associations between personality and health may be influenced by contextual factors varying across studied cohorts. Moreover, measurement bias related to contextual factors could also influence these associations. Gender and age have been discussed as important contextual factors when studying personality and health outcomes. An examination of measurement invariance across gender and age may therefore be warranted. In the present study, measurement invariance across age and gender was examined for a five-factor model of personality traits in which scales have been included to operationalise lower-order traits related to health-behaviour or health outcomes. Using multi-group confirmatory factor analysis on a population based cohort (n= 5700), all important parameters of the measurement model were found to be invariant. On the basis of this invariant model, hypotheses of mean differences across age and gender in personality traits were tested. These results were discussed in relation to meta-analyses on personality change and gender differences in personality.  相似文献   

快速书写条件下硬笔笔迹变量与认知及个性特征的关系   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以圆珠笔为书写工具.北京市某中学高一学生为被试,有效数据169人.探讨了在快速抄写条件下,笔迹书写特征与认知及个性的关系:18个笔迹变量可抽取笔压、结构、特征、字体和空间五个反映字的书写特征的因素;书写特征与认知因素间,横、竖笔压与概念形成速度。整篇压与视力追踪、字位与眼手协调相关显著;横笔压与16PF测验中的畏缩退怯——冒险敢为有正相关;竖笔压与艾森克个性因素的N有高相关。  相似文献   

Although previous research has been focused on the relationship among personality, empowerment, and outcomes, little is known about the incremental effect of empowerment on positive work outcomes. This article aims at exploring the relation between personality factors (i.e., extraversion and conscientiousness) and positive work outcomes (i.e., work engagement, affective organizational commitment, and organizational citizenship behavior), and at determining the incremental effect of psychological empowerment on these outcomes. A convenience sample from three organizations has been used for data collection (N = 258; 52% women, mean age 38.55 years, SD = 10.21). Hierarchical multiple regressions indicate that personality and psychological empowerment explain a significant amount of the variance in the positive organizational outcomes, and that psychological empowerment has a significant incremental value over demographics and personality for the studied outcomes.  相似文献   

母子性格匹配、对性格的喜欢程度与青少年期母子沟通   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以成都市两所中学632对初一到高三青少年及其母亲为研究对象,分别要求他们报告自己的性格、对对方性格的喜欢程度,同时要求青少年报告母子沟通状况,以考察性格匹配、性格喜好程度与母子沟通的关系。结果显示:性格均外向,情绪均稳定,精神质程度均低的母子性格匹配类型比其他母子性格匹配类型有更好的沟通。这一结果部分支持了吻合度理论。进一步的分析发现,相对于性格匹配,性格喜好程度对母子沟通的预测力更强,而且性格喜好程度在母子性格匹配类型与母子沟通的关系中发挥了完全或部分中介作用  相似文献   

Examined the relationship between certain handwriting characteristics and Eysenck's Extraversion-Introversion and Kagan's Impulsivity-Reflectivity personality dimensions. Using 46 female subjects, scores on the EPQ inventory and Matching Familiar Figures test were compared by factor analysis to the handwriting characteristics of: middle zone height; middle zone breadth; upper zone height; lower zone height; space between words; right margin breadth; left margin breadth; a general size measure; handwriting time; paragraph indention; slant. The factor analysis revealed three distinct writing styles: one related to Extraversion; another related to Introversion; and a final one related to Reflectivity. These findings were discussed in relation to statements made by graphologists. Also, the significance of trait-sign and factor analysis in comparison with other methods of graphoanalysis was discussed.  相似文献   

为探讨善良人格与网络利他行为的关系及其内在心理机制,研究采用实验法,将192名被试随机分配到不同风险情境中,并完成善良人格问卷、自我控制问卷和网络利他行为任务。结果表明:(1)善良人格正向预测网络利他行为;(2)自我控制在善良人格与网络利他之间起中介作用;(3)情境风险在善良人格与网络利他行为之间的直接路径以及自我控制中介效应的后半路径起调节作用。因此,善良人格对网络利他行为的影响是有调节的中介作用,该结果具有一定的理论和现实价值。  相似文献   

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