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Protein synthesis-dependent, synapse input-specific late phases of long-term potentiation (LTP) and depression (LTD) may underlie memory formation at the cellular level. Recently, it was described that the induction of LTP can mark a specifically activated synapse by a synaptic tag to capture synapse non-specific plasticity-related proteins (PRPs) and thus maintaining input-specific LTP for prolonged periods. Here we show in rat hippocampal slices in vitro, that the induction of protein synthesis-dependent late-LTD is also characterized by synaptic tagging and that heterosynaptic induction of either LTD or LTP on two sets of independent synaptic inputs S1 and S2 can lead to late-associative interactions: early-LTD in S2 was transformed into a late-LTD, if late-LTP was induced in S1. The synthesis of process-independent PRPs by late-LTP in S1 was sufficient to transform early- into late-LTD in S2 when process-specific synaptic tags were set. We name this new associative property of cellular information processing 'cross-tagging.'  相似文献   

Investigations into the mechanisms of memory formation have abided by the central tenet of the consolidation theory-that memory formation occurs in stages which differ in their requirement for protein synthesis. The current most widely accepted hypothesis posits that new memories are encoded as neural activity-induced changes in synaptic efficacy, and stabilization of these changes requires de novo protein synthesis. However, the basic assumptions of this view have been challenged by concerns regarding the specificity of the effects of the protein synthesis inhibitors used to support the claim. Studies on immediate-early genes (IEGs), in particular Arc, provide a distinct and independent perspective on the issue of the requirement of new protein synthesis in synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. The IEG Arc and its protein are dynamically induced in response to neuronal activity, and are directly involved in synaptic plasticity and memory consolidation. Although we provide extensive data on Arc's properties to address the requirement of genomic and proteomic responses in memory formation, Arc is merely one element in a network of genes that interact in a coordinated fashion to serve memory consolidation. From gene expression and other studies, we propose the view that the stabilization of a memory trace is a continuous and ongoing process, which does not have a discrete endpoint and cannot be reduced to a single deterministic "molecular cascade". Rather, memory traces are maintained within metastable networks, which must integrate and update past traces with new ones. Such an updating process may well recruit and use many of the plasticity mechanisms necessary for the initial encoding of memory.  相似文献   

It is generally believed that late-phase long-term potentiation (L-LTP) and long-term memory (LTM) require new protein synthesis. Although the full complement of proteins mediating the long-lasting changes in synaptic efficacy have yet to be identified, several lines of evidence point to a crucial role for activity-induced brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) expression in generating sustained structural and functional changes at hippocampal synapses thought to underlie some forms of LTM. In particular, BDNF is sufficient to induce the transformation of early to late-phase LTP in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors, and inhibition of BDNF signaling impairs LTM. Despite solid evidence for a critical role of BDNF in L-LTP and LTM, many issues are not resolved. Given that BDNF needs to be processed in Golgi outposts localized at the branch point of one or few dendrites, a conceptually challenging problem is how locally synthesized BDNF in dendrites could ensure synapse-specific modulation of L-LTP. An interesting alternative is that BDNF-TrkB signaling is involved in synaptic tagging, a prominent hypothesis that explains how soma-derived protein could selectively modulate the tetanized (tagged) synapse. Finally, specific roles of BDNF in the acquisition, retention or extinction of LTM remain to be established.  相似文献   

Long-term memory is dependent on protein synthesis and inhibiting such synthesis following training results in amnesia for the task. Proteins synthesized during training must be transported to the synapse and disrupting microtubules with Colchicines, and hence, blocking transport, results in transient amnesia. Reactivating memory for a previously learned avoidance triggers a biochemical cascade analogous to that following the initial training and renders the memory labile once more to protein synthesis inhibitors. However, the reminder-induced cascade differs in certain key features from that following training. Here we show that in a one-trial passive avoidance task in chicks, in contrast with initial consolidation following training, memory following a reminder is not impaired by Colchicine. We conclude that recall after a reminder does not require synaptic access to somatically synthesized proteins in this task. Our results support the hypothesis that in the chick, a reminder may instead engage local protein synthesis at the synapse, rather than in the soma.  相似文献   

The prevailing textbook view that de novo protein synthesis is required for memory (e.g., [Bear, M. F., Connors, B., & Paradiso, M. 2006. Neuroscience. Lippincott, New York]) is seriously flawed and an alternative hypothesis has been proposed in which post-translational modification (PTM) of proteins already synthesized and already present within the synapse is 'the' substrate for long-lasting memory. Protein synthesis serves a replenishment role. The first part of this review discusses how long-lasting memory can be achieved with 'only' PTM of existing synaptic proteins. The second part critically reviews a recent report published in Neuron 2007 that exemplifies the current view of protein synthesis and memory while also illustrating how these results can be understood within this new PTM framework. A necessary yet unexpected conclusion to emerge from consideration of the consequences of a PTM mechanism as the necessary, sufficient and exclusive substrate for long-lasting memory, is that the central Hebbian dogma that cells that 'fire together, wire together' is an unlikely mechanism for long-lasting memory. Thus, a unique feature of the PTM model is that longevity of information storage is achieved not by stability of the synaptic mechanism, but by impermanent pseudoredundant circuits. This is so because PTM is a reversible process and thus any permanent connection, any 'lasting effect' cannot be in the form of stable synapse formation. We have therefore proposed a solution in which network level processes regulate cellular mechanisms, even as such mechanisms regulate the network. Thus, synapses are 'meta-stabilized' by regulated feedback mediated by the circuit in which the synapse is embedded. For example, spontaneous activity is proposed to be a substrate feedback mechanism we term 'cryptic rehearsal' to sustain for some period of time after learning an approximation to the state initially created by input. Additionally, because the duplication of these traces is ongoing, this provides a degenerate code for the engram. Stability is thus achieved, not by stabilizing the synapse, but by implementing a pseudo-redundant yet malleable circuitry so that memory can be protected in the face of small catastrophes in network representation.  相似文献   

Induction of long-term synaptic changes at one synapse can facilitate the induction of long-term plasticity at another synapse. Here we show that if Aplysia sensory neuron (SN) somata and their remote motor neuron (MN) synapses are simultaneously exposed to serotonin (5HT) pulses, which at either site alone are insufficient to induce long-term facilitation (LTF), processes activated at these sites interact to induce LTF. Coincident induction of LTF requires: (1) that the synaptic pulse occurs within a brief temporal window of the somatic pulse and (2) that local protein synthesis occurs immediately at the synapse, followed by delayed protein synthesis at the soma. LTF at the SN-MN synapses can also be induced with cell-wide application of repeated pulses of 5HT. However, these two forms of LTF differ mechanistically: (1) coincident LTF requires protein synthesis in the postsynaptic motor neuron, whereas repeated 5HT LTF does not, and (2) repeated 5HT LTF is accompanied by intermediate-term (3 h) facilitation, whereas coincident LTF is not. Thus LTF expressed in the same temporal domain can result from different underlying mechanisms.  相似文献   

Experimentally naive rats can learn rapidly to discriminate among three odors to obtain food reinforcement. After three massed trials, they show almost errorless performance. This task has proved to be useful in studying time-dependent postacquisition intracellular processes necessary for long-term memory. The present experiments evaluated the temporal dynamics of the role of β-noradrenergic receptors in long-term consolidation. Rats were implanted with intracerebroventricular cannulae and trained in a single session to find reinforcement in a hole in a sponge impregnated with a particular odor. Injections of the β-receptor antagonist timolol were made at 5 min, 1, 2, or 5 hr after training. Memory and relearning ability were evaluated 48 hr later. Rats treated with timolol 2 hr after training showed a memory deficit at the retention test, but were able to relearn the task normally. Injections at the earlier or later time points were ineffective. The results reinforce previous observations with systemic injections that β-noradrenergic receptors are involved in the late phase of memory consolidation and suggest a critical time window during which they are necessary. The time window is compatible with the current view that long-term memory depends on late involvement of the cAMP cascade leading to new protein synthesis necessary for synaptic reorganization.  相似文献   

The role played by hippocampal mossy fibers in the learning and memory processes implemented in the Morris swimming navigation task has been studied in C57BL/6 mice by selective and reversible inactivation of mossy fiber synaptic fields by diethyldithiocarbamate. The functional integrity of the mossy fibers proved essential for the storage of the spatial representation on the modifiable synapses of the recurrent collaterals of the CA3 pyramidal cells, whereas it is not necessary for the consolidation and recall of spatial memories. The results suggest that mossy fibers are preferentially involved in new learning. They are consistent with the hypothesis that the hippocampal CA3 region might act as an autoassociation memory.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that nitric oxide (NO) signaling plays a crucial role in memory consolidation of Pavlovian fear conditioning and in synaptic plasticity in the lateral amygdala (LA). In the present experiments, we examined the role of the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG), a downstream effector of NO, in fear memory consolidation and long-term potentiation (LTP) at thalamic and cortical input pathways to the LA. In behavioral experiments, rats given intra-LA infusions of either the PKG inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the PKG activator 8-Br-cGMP exhibited dose-dependent impairments or enhancements of fear memory consolidation, respectively. In slice electrophysiology experiments, bath application of Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the guanylyl cyclase inhibitor LY83583 impaired LTP at thalamic, but not cortical inputs to the LA, while bath application of 8-Br-cGMP or the guanylyl cyclase activator YC-1 resulted in enhanced LTP at thalamic inputs to the LA. Interestingly, YC-1-induced enhancement of LTP in the LA was reversed by concurrent application of the MEK inhibitor U0126, suggesting that the NO-cGMP-PKG signaling pathway may promote synaptic plasticity and fear memory formation in the LA, in part by activating the ERK/MAPK signaling cascade. As a test of this hypothesis, we next showed that rats given intra-LA infusion of the PKG inhibitor Rp-8-Br-PET-cGMPS or the PKG activator 8-Br-cGMP exhibit impaired or enhanced activation, respectively, of ERK/MAPK in the LA after fear conditioning. Collectively, our findings suggest that an NO-cGMP-PKG-dependent form of synaptic plasticity at thalamic input synapses to the LA may underlie memory consolidation of Pavlovian fear conditioning, in part, via activation of the ERK/MAPK signaling cascade.  相似文献   

A major component of consolidation theory holds that protein synthesis is required to produce the synaptic modification needed for long-term memory storage. Protein synthesis inhibitors have played a pivotal role in the development of this theory. However, these commonly used drugs have unintended effects that have prompted some to reevaluate the role of protein synthesis in memory consolidation. Here we review the role of protein synthesis in memory formation as proposed by consolidation theory calling special attention to the controversy involving the non-specific effects of a group of protein synthesis inhibitors commonly used to study memory formation in vivo. We argue that molecular and genetic approaches that were subsequently applied to the problem of memory formation confirm the results of less selective pharmacological studies. Thus, to a certain extent, the debate over the role of protein synthesis in memory based on interpretational difficulties inherent to the use of protein synthesis inhibitors may be somewhat moot. We conclude by presenting avenues of research we believe will best provide answers to both long-standing and more recent questions facing field of learning and memory.  相似文献   

记忆巩固需经觉醒状态下的信息编码和睡眠状态下的巩固阶段两个过程。记忆再巩固理论认为记忆巩固是一个需要多次反复巩固的过程,即使已巩固的记忆也会在提取激活后变得不稳定, 需经再巩固才能重返稳定状态, 此过程需要新的蛋白质的合成。记忆再巩固具有较强的时间特征, 发生在记忆巩固之后, 依赖于蛋白质降解的去稳定化阶段和依赖于蛋白质合成的记忆再稳定阶段, 所持续的时间窗为6 h。不同类型的记忆是否引发记忆再巩固或消退行为, 取决于提取试次暴露所持续时间的长短。  相似文献   

Dopaminergic D1/D5-receptor-mediated processes are important for certain forms of memory as well as for a cellular model of memory, hippocampal long-term potentiation (LTP) in the CA1 region of the hippocampus. D1/D5-receptor function is required for the induction of the protein synthesis-dependent maintenance of CA1-LTP (L-LTP) through activation of the cAMP/PKA-pathway. In earlier studies we had reported a synergistic interaction of D1/D5-receptor function and N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-receptors for L-LTP. Furthermore, we have found the requirement of the atypical protein kinase C isoform, protein kinase Mζ (PKMζ) for conventional electrically induced L-LTP, in which PKMζ has been identified as a LTP-specific plasticity-related protein (PRP) in apical CA1-dendrites. Here, we investigated whether the dopaminergic pathway activates PKMζ. We found that application of dopamine (DA) evokes a protein synthesis-dependent LTP that requires synergistic NMDA-receptor activation and protein synthesis in apical CA1-dendrites. We identified PKMζ as a DA-induced PRP, which exerted its action at activated synaptic inputs by processes of synaptic tagging.  相似文献   

mRNA translation, or protein synthesis, is a major component of the transformation of the genetic code into any cellular activity. This complicated, multistep process is divided into three phases: initiation, elongation, and termination. Initiation is the step at which the ribosome is recruited to the mRNA, and is regarded as the major rate-limiting step in translation, while elongation consists of the elongation of the polypeptide chain; both steps are frequent targets for regulation, which is defined as a change in the rate of translation of an mRNA per unit time. In the normal brain, control of translation is a key mechanism for regulation of memory and synaptic plasticity consolidation, i.e., the off-line processing of acquired information. These regulation processes may differ between different brain structures or neuronal populations. Moreover, dysregulation of translation leads to pathological brain function such as memory impairment. Both normal and abnormal function of the translation machinery is believed to lead to translational up-regulation or down-regulation of a subset of mRNAs. However, the identification of these newly synthesized proteins and determination of the rates of protein synthesis or degradation taking place in different neuronal types and compartments at different time points in the brain demand new proteomic methods and system biology approaches. Here, we discuss in detail the relationship between translation regulation and memory or synaptic plasticity consolidation while focusing on a model of cortical-dependent taste learning task and hippocampal-dependent plasticity. In addition, we describe a novel systems biology perspective to better describe consolidation.  相似文献   

The activity-regulated-cytoskeletal-associated protein (Arc) has a well established role in memory consolidation and synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus and amygdala. However the role of Arc within the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), an area of the brain involved in processing memory for pain, has yet to be examined. Here we sought to determine if Arc protein within neurons of the rat ACC is necessary for the consolidation of a single-trial, contextual inhibitory avoidance (IA) task. Immunohistochemistry and western blotting revealed an increase in Arc protein within the ACC following IA training in a shock-specific manner, suggesting that ACC Arc expression may play a critical role in the consolidation of the aversive task. To directly test this hypothesis, male Sprague-Dawley rats were trained on the IA task and given post-training intra-ACC infusions of Arc antisense oligodeoxynucleotides (ODNs), designed to suppress Arc translation, or control scrambled ODNs that do not suppress Arc translation. Memory retention was tested 48h after training. Arc antisense-induced disruption of Arc protein expression in the ACC impaired long-term memory for the IA task as compared to rats given intra-ACC infusions of the scrambled control ODNS, suggesting that Arc expression in the ACC is important for the consolidation of emotional memory. Results further indicate that knock down of Arc 6h after training impairs IA memory. This is consistent with time course findings indicating elevated Arc expression at 3 and 6h after IA training but not 12 or 48h. Taken together, these findings support the hypothesis that Arc expression in the ACC participates in synaptic plasticity that underlies long-term memory.  相似文献   

The late phase of long-term potentiation (L-LTP) is correlated with some types of long-term memory, but the mechanisms by which L-LTP is modulated by prior synaptic activity are undefined. Activation of protein phosphatases by low-frequency stimulation (LFS) given before induction of L-LTP may significantly modify L-LTP. Using cellular electrophysiological recording methods in mouse hippocampal slices, we show that LFS given before induction of L-LTP inhibited L-LTP in an activity-dependent manner without affecting either basal synaptic strength or the early phase of LTP (E-LTP). This anterograde inhibitory effect of LFS was persistent, required N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor activation, and was blocked by inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) and protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A). These data indicate that certain patterns of LFS can activate PP1 and/or PP2A, and that long-lasting activation of these phosphatases by prior LFS can suppress the subsequent expression of L-LTP without affecting E-LTP. Because this inhibition of L-LTP is caused by prior synaptic activity that, alone, produced no net effect on synaptic efficacy, we suggest that this is a “silent” form of metaplasticity that may influence long-term information storage by modulating the capacity of synapses to express L-LTP after repeated bouts of activity.  相似文献   

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