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解释学:马克思主义哲学中国化研究的新维度   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
马克思主义哲学中国化是我们面临的一个重大课题,运用不同的方法、从不同的视角对它进行研究,是从事马克思主义哲学研究的人们责无旁贷的义务。马克思主义哲学中国化的问题,从某种意义上说,实际上就是对于马克思主义哲学的“理解”问题。当然,这里所说的“理解”,是哲学解释学意义上的理解,包含“解释”、“理解”和“应用”。因此,不讨论理解和解释问题,对马克思主义哲学中国化的探讨就难以从学理上得到深入。本文试图借助于哲学解释学的重要成果,对马克思主义哲学中国化所蕴涵的理解和解释问题进行一些初步的探讨。马克思主义哲学中国化,…  相似文献   

论施特劳斯的解释学视域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
施特劳斯的思想依托在对经典作品的解释之上,也提出了一套自己的解释学原则和方法,相对于流行的哲学解释学而言,可称为经典解释学。这种解释学的前提或出发点就在于哲学与政治、政治哲学和政治神学的永恒冲突,由此而提出了矛盾方法、文学形式和深度观察等解释学的新视域。在这种新视域中,才有可能“确如过去思想家理解自己那样去理解他们”,从而真正地学会聆听。  相似文献   

新世纪以来,中国的马克思哲学研究比较集中地讨论了一些具有研究范式和创新路径意义的问题。这包括:马克思哲学的当代价值以及当代解释力;从本体论的根基看马克思哲学变革的性质;对马克思哲学观的探讨;“回到马克思”与“马克思是我们同时代人”的争论;文本学和解释学引发的马克思哲学的学术性与现实性的批评性话语;中国传统哲学、西方哲学、马克思主义哲学的对话与会通;西方马克思主义的基本问题和学术走向;马克思哲学与中国的现代性建构,等等。这些问题构成了一种前提性的批判,为提出建构中国当代形态的马克思主义哲学创造了条件,而建构中…  相似文献   

苏东剧变后,马克思的出场路径与在场语境受到挑战,因此,全球都在关注和追问,什么将构成马克思在场性的时代根据?如何重新认识当代资本主义和当代社会主义?如何重新理解和看待马克思哲学的本真意义与当代价值?任平教授的近著《当代视野中的马克思》(以下简称《当代》)通过回应现  相似文献   

一、早期马克思才是“本真的马克思”?马克思主义在中国的确经历过一个被模式化、教条化和泛政治化的时期, 冲出“体系”、打破“禁区”、挑战“传统”也顺时形成了哲学界令人瞩目的学术标向。然而, 在我们尽情为这一学术标向及其由以产生的学术成果鼓与呼时, 哲学思考的冷峻又使我们不能不密切关注一个时下的研究动态, 这就是似乎只有回到马克思的文本源头, “走进”或“走近”早期马克思, 才能真正找到马克思哲学的“思想生长点”, 才能一反传统理解而为世人展示出一个“本真的马克思”。例如, 由于受西方马克思主义思潮的影响, 国内不少…  相似文献   

众所周知,解释学在西方可谓源远流长,从古希腊经中世纪直至近现代,经过若干发展阶段,终于演进为现代西方哲学中一个引人注目的流派。而在中国传统哲学、文化的发展演变及其研究中,也存在理解和解释问题,比如有的论者就注意到了中国的“释经传统”与西方解释学的异同,“释经传统”与中国古代哲学发展的关系问题。鉴于这个问题对于哲学研究和文化发展的重要性,本刊陆续刊登了一些有关解释学的介绍与研究的论文,并于1990年第1期开辟了“关于理解和解释问题的探讨”的专栏。为了把这一研究提到新的水平,需要我们运用科学历史观结合中西文化的研究对之作出更深入的探讨。为此,一个至关重要的环节是:如何把解释学发展中提出的问题转化为我们正面研究的对象,对这些问题作出科学的回答,以丰富和发展马克思主义哲学。这其中有诸多课题值得进一步探讨,例如:现代解释学提出的所谓“解释循环”、“时间间距”“合理成见”、“理解与解释的本体论、方法论”等等实质上都是些什么性质的问题;如何科学地解决理解和解释中的客观性与主体能动性的关系问题;一定时代人们的理解和解释同他们的社会生活实践有怎样的联系;如何以马克思主义为指导,开展西方解释学和中国古代“释经传统”的比较研究;怎样使包括现代解释学在内的现代西方哲学各流派的研究从以介绍为主尽快转向改造和创新,等等。显然,这些问题都带有跨学科的性质;因而,加强哲学内部各分支学科之间、哲学与其他相关科学之间的学术交流与合作,加强理论工作者与实际工作者的联盟,对于推动有关方面的研究乃至整个哲学事业的发展,就具有特别重要的意义了。  相似文献   

毛泽东实践哲学论要   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛泽东哲学思想的内容已为人们耳熟能详,然而,这种熟知是以传统马克思主义哲学教科书的基本观念作为理解框架的。因此,如果说人们在“马克思哲学是一种实践哲学”的基本看法上已达成某种共识,那么就有必要以实践哲学的范式来重新理解毛泽东哲学思想。笔者认为,实际上这样的理解更能贴近毛泽东哲学思想的性质,更能说明毛泽东对马克思哲学中国化的贡献及其当代意义。一毛泽东哲学思想在基本性质上是与马克思哲学一致的,即都是实践哲学。马克思实践哲学的重要特质就在于力主“改变世界”,这使得马克思实践哲学在本质上不仅区别于包括旧唯物主义…  相似文献   

1981年4月,在巴黎歌德学院举行了“本文与解释”的专题讨论会。出席者中既有德国当代解释学宗师伽达默尔,又有法国后结构主义解构学派巨擘德里达。由于当代在世的哲学大家(尤其是分析哲学以外的哲学家)进行真正学术意义上的面对面“交锋”似乎还是一个不成文的禁忌;由于解释学和解构哲学已成为西方在分析哲学之后影响日渐扩大的两门“显学”;由于这两支同源于欧洲大陆哲学传统而又俨然成为对立的潮流在许多立场上既迥然有别,又相互纠缠,人们对这两位哲学家的第一次学术“对话”怀有特殊的期望和兴趣。伽达默尔在会上作的长篇演讲中,将法国当代哲学思潮称作对自己的“真正挑战”,他提出了与德里达针锋相对的海德格尔解读,并声称德里达将解释学置诸形而上学范畴之下其实是一个错误,哲学解释学并不依赖于任何“出场(现时)的哲学”。德里达在后来的讨论中,则对伽达默尔视为理解之先决条件的立场(即每一对话的参与者都怀有乐于理解对方发言的“善良意志”)并提出质疑,坚持自己对解释学是一种形而上学的批评,并阐述了解构哲学的独特主张。德里达的质询与伽达默尔的答复围绕解释与本文问题上双方的一系列对立如理解——非理解、内在——外在、连续——中断、真理——非真理等而展开。问题还不仅仅在于对话的内容,同时也在于这一形式本身就是一个关于对话、理解与解释的复杂个案,它同样给了我们许多与理解和主体间交流有关的提示,譬如最根本的,一种分别出自解构和解释学立场的真正相互交流是否可能。所以,诚如有的西方学者所指出的,这次对话的重要性不仅在于已说出的那些方面,还在于那些未曾说出的和未曾发生的方面。大标题为译者所加。  相似文献   

追寻马克思:时代境遇下马克思人类解放理论逻辑的分析和探讨/魏小萍著.-人民出版社,2005.06.-300页重新理解马克思:对马克思哲学的基础理论和当代意义的反思/俞吾金著.-北京师范大学出版社,2005.01.-465页.-(当代中国哲学家文库.俞吾金卷)马克思主义哲学经典文本导读/余源培,吴晓明主编.-高等教育出版社,2005.02.-2册马克思主义哲学本真精神的当代表述/朱荣英著.-河南人民出版社,2005.10.-375页创新劳动论:从经济学到哲学的理论思考/董振华著.-中共中央党校出版社,2005.10.-269页.-(中共中央党校博士文库)马克思开辟的道路:人的全面发展研究…  相似文献   

李红 《哲学动态》2001,1(6):22-25
“分析哲学”和“解释学”分别代表了两个不同的哲学主题 ,反映了不同的哲学情绪 ,长期以来这两种哲学形态处于相互对峙的状态 ,它们在“对抗”和“排斥”中展现了科学主义和人文主义的不同风格。但从上个世纪中叶以来 ,这两个哲学流派从僵持走向了沟通和对话 ,分析哲学开始吸取解释学的思想 ,解释学也接受了分析哲学的方法 ,二者交叉和融合的趋向越来越明显地体现在各自的最新发展中。一、分析哲学的新近发展特征当代分析哲学发展的明显特征之一 ,就是以逻辑实证主义为代表的分析哲学在走向衰落。分析哲学最初表现为以维也纳学派为核心的逻…  相似文献   

The problem of weakness of the will is often thought to arise because ofan assumption that freely, deliberately and intentionally doing something must correspondto the agent's positive evaluation of doing that thing. In contemporary philosophy, a verycommon response to the problem of weakness has been to adopt the view that free, deliberateaction does not need to correspond to any positive evaluation at all. Much of thesupport for this view has come from the difficulties the denial of it has been thought togive rise to, both with respect to giving an account of weakness, as well as explaining thefuture-directed nature of intentions. In this paper I argue that most of these difficulties onlyarise for one particular version of the view that free, deliberate action must correspond toa positive evaluation, a version associated with Donald Davidson's account of weakness.However, another version of this view is possible, and I argue that it escapes the standardobjections to the Davidsonian account.  相似文献   

As to the future research on Marxian philosophy,it is vital for us to restart the exploration of its origins in the history of thought in a new way.There are two points for this.First,we should abandon the old research mode of making Marx's thought and the history of western thought in opposition to each other,and set to interpret the characters and contributions of Marxian theories in the genealogy of western thought.Second,we should change from the problem domain of metaphysics to that of political philos...  相似文献   

As a physicist-theologian, John Polkinghorne has done a great service for the community of scholars engaged in the theology-and-science dialogue as well as for a broader audience of interested persons. We examine Polkinghorne's theological method to see what it suggests about his understanding of the function of systematic theology and his philosophy of science. His strong emphasis on rationality in theology corresponds to his epistemological discussions. Polkinghorne links his methodology to "thinking," so "experience" seems relegated to the minds, and not the lives, of the believers. Consequently, his theology does not easily engage ethical, political, and cultural landscapes where the concrete contexts of particular people's lives engage their faith. The challenge for those of us in religion-and-science is to come to grips with this messy, complicated world.  相似文献   

This paper considers leading ideas of Albert Ellis on psychological theory and therapy in relation to ideas of the celebrated philosopher, Karl Popper. The aim is to indicate striking similarities in their views on learning, the genesis of emotional disturbance and, in particular, rationality. Discussion commences with Popper's early, and little studied, work on psychology. His philosophy of science is then surveyed along with the theory of rationality that he analogically extends from it. After tracing the evolution of Ellis' thought, we note the central roles he assigns to irrational thinking in explaining emotional disturbance and to rational thinking in its treatment. Different senses of rationality are distinguished in his work, one of them associated with criticism, which provides a most important similarity to Popper's view of rationality.For helpful comments on draft versions of this paper the author is indebted to Barry Butcher.Drs. Jocelyn Dunphy and Albert Ellis, and an anonymous reviewer for this journal.Studies of Popper on psychology have only begun to appear in recent years. The most detailed is (Berkson & Wettersten, 1984).  相似文献   

In the former socialist countries the relation of philosophy to social reality, as shaped by the political interests of the State, must be considered for each particular case with a view to the historical dynamics of its own development. The Polish case is not typical in this regard — it was determined by the failure of forced sovietization at the institutional, cultural level and the maintenance of Poland's traditional contacts with Western European culture. In this regard Polish universities played an important role since they preserved normal structures of academic activity.Philosophy in Poland has been marked by three currents which managed to rebuff the advances of Marxism. Best known among them is the Lwów-Warsaw school of logic and analytic philosophy. Its contribution is especially important in the methodology of philosophical inquiry and the style of responsible philosophical discourse. Though not a bed of political opposition the school's members mounted a spiritual opposition to Marxism, especially during the Solidarity period. Catholic philosophy, as represented by the Catholic University of Lublin (KUL), has been and remains a completely independent force in Eastern and Central Europe. Doctrinally, Catholic philosophy in Poland has been divided between a more traditional, dated Thomism and the more progressive circles in Cracow where Western European philosophy, especially phenomenology, existentialism, and hermeneutics, has been influential (the significance of Józef Tischner and Karol Wojtyla, now Pope Jean Paul II). The third major current, centered in Cracow, is the phenomenology of Roman Ingarden, whose influence is manifest in a style of philosophizing that has attracted professional philosophers as well as committed intellectuals from different disciplines.Against this diversified background Marxism had to prove its mettle, a requirement that explains the unique internal differentiation and pluralism within Polish Marxist philosophy. The decisive factors in its development were its rejection of Soviet Marxism-Leninism and the opening to Western Marxism. The often remarked revisionist character of Polish Marxism consists in the recognition by its most talented representatives of the fundamental incompatibility between Marxism as the ideological legitimation of the Communist state and as a philosophy subject to rational criteria. In effect, Polish Marxists thought the theory through to its end, and in this sense brought to light its inherently unstable nature: to be a philosophy it would have to cease to be Marxist, to be Marxist means having to pander to ideology.The confrontation of the diverse currents in Polish philosophy contributed to an unfortunate result: for political reasons non-Marxists steered clear of social philosophical questions, while official Marxism, which suppressed the revisionist trend, obfuscated the relation between philosophy and social reality. Today philosophy in Poland has the urgent task to contribute to the reconstruction of a social rationality combining a critical consciousness with moral elements of commitment and responsibility.  相似文献   

徐素华先生文章把我提出的“中国马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“党的指导思想形态”,“在中国的马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“学术研究形态”,这不符合我的本意。“马克思主义哲学合法性问题”的讨论确实存在。“中国马克思主义哲学”是在中国实践中学习、运用,在总结实践经验、发扬中国优秀哲学文化、升华人民群众智慧的基础上发展了的马克思主义哲学。它是中国哲学的一个现代形态。它既是一个创新的哲学理论体系,又是党的指导思想的哲学基础。  相似文献   

Kirk Lougheed 《Sophia》2018,57(3):501-513
Metaphilosophical discussions about the philosophy of religion are increasingly common. In a recent article in Sophia, N.N. Trakakis (56:605–630, 2017) advances the view that Christian Philosophy is closer to ideology than philosophy. This is because philosophy conducted in the Socratic tradition tends to emphasize values antithetical to religious faith such as independence of thought, rationality, empiricism, and doubt. A philosopher must be able to follow the arguments wherever they lead, something that the religious believer cannot do. I argue that there are two main problems with this view. First, Takakis faces an unpalatable dilemma. It is possible his view recommends a rejection of itself, making it self-referentially incoherent. If it does not recommend such a rejection, then Trakakis’s preferred method is not necessary for genuine philosophical inquiry. Second, Trakakis makes numerous knowledge claims about the psychological motivation of religious philosophers but never offers evidence for these claims. Third, Trakakis never considers that the existence of cognitive diversity is truth conducive. Even if devout religious believers cannot conduct genuine philosophical inquiry, unless Trakakis thinks we should ignore all works by religious believers, then it is irrelevant whether they are genuine philosophy.  相似文献   

Postmodernism in philosophy holds that traditional philosophy has come (or should come) to an end, and that it must be succeeded by something else, such as "thinking" (Heidegger), empirical science (Quine), linguistic therapy (Wittgenstein), or an "attempt to prevent the conversation of the West from attaining the secure path of science" (Rorty). Clearly, the claim to be postmodern presupposes a view of traditional philosophy, of its characteristics, and of its genesis. In this essay, such a view will be developed, and its consequences for our conception of philosophy will be discussed. The view defended here is different from those of Heidegger and Rorty. For ease of exposition the discussion will refer to Rorty's Philosophy and the Mirror of Nature.  相似文献   

哲学素质在现代医学实践中具有重要意义,它不仅是医务工作者的思维武器,更是了解医学前沿和解决医学难题的钥匙。本文就以休克这一临床上常见的危急重症为例,探讨休克发生发展过程中的哲学因素,旨在阐明自觉运用马克思主义哲学的思辨观来指导休克的诊疗过程实属必要,对医生及患者都大有益处。  相似文献   

Since its advent in the early 1920s,Western Marxism has undergone a torturous process from anti-liberalism to virtually liberalism.The main theoretical deficiency behind this process is the over-estimation of Marx's cultural critique of capitalism.As his economic research gradually deepened,Marx's dual critique of capitalism from economic and cultural perspectives matured.When the leading proponents of Soviet Marxism gave prominence to Marx's economic critique,as circumstances required,they and some key figures in the Second International misread his theory with emphasis on economic determinism.In contrast,Georg Lukács and most Western Marxists proceeded to develop a Marxian cultural critique with the consequence that his economic research being marginalized.Without the counterbalance of a continuous and consistent economic theory to challenge a confident international capitalism,cultural critique is consequently reorganized in confluence with liberalism,which is centered on an individual ontology.Re-excavating Marxian dual critical theory may help Westem Marxism escape the dilemma.  相似文献   

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