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政府信用与政府自觉   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
政府信用是社会信用的基础和源头,政府信用是社会信用体系建设的关键,因此,政府信用的提高对于提升个人信用和企业信用具有十分重要的意义。政府信用失范是政府信用缺失、信用贫困、信用滥用、信用危机的统称,政府信用失范将会造成政府失效乃至政府失败。在目前政府主导形态下,政府信用的提高和信用危机的克服主要依赖于政府的行为自主性——政府自觉。  相似文献   

我国社会信用危机的存在有多方面的原因:社会体制转轨导致社会秩序失范;社会转型导致道德困惑;信用法规不健全,缺少法治观念.建立社会信用体系需要从以下几方面着手:以道德观教育为切入点,构建信用体系的思想基础;建立道德建设的长效机制;信用行为应是一种"制度安排".同时,社会信用体系的构建还需要法律保障.  相似文献   

论信用建设的社会保障机制   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
良好社会信用形成的非自发性和我国目前失信对市场经济健康发展的阻抑性 ,凸显了信用建设的必要性和迫切性。立足于信用环境的创设 ,我们认为 ,必须提出了信用建设的四大保障机制 :法治机制、监管机制、信息公开机制、教育机制 ,以促人们循善而为。  相似文献   

WTO规则与商业信用的法律保护   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
公平交易原则、透明度原则和非歧视性原则是 WTO规则的三大基本原则。商业信用是 WTO规则的基础 ,建立个人信用制度和完善的社会信用体系 ,是实现 WTO规则的重要条件。要加强对著名商号、字号权的法律保护 ;加强对著名企业享有盛名的“老字号”品牌的法律保护 ;加强对著名企业“原产地”品牌的法律保护 ;还要从保护知识产权的高度来重视对商业信誉的法律保护 ,商业诽谤是法律法规明令禁止的侵权行为。  相似文献   

论法律信用与道德信用的特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
加强信用建设 ,需要对信用进行形态梳理和学理分析 ,以避免语义的混乱。本文立足于信用的一般特性、法律与道德的个性特征及其现实表现 ,在比较的视阈中对法律信用和道德信用的特性进行了条陈与辨析 ,并阐述了二者对经济信用的独特功效。  相似文献   

大学生信用教育与信用评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文利用问卷调查所得的定量资料,在分析了学生对教育领域里的信用状况及信用缺失的看法,以及学生本身的信用状况评价的基础上,总结得出了学生对高校信用教育开展和评价体系构建的改进建议.通过对不同年级、不同性别、不同地域学生具体情况的分析,发现高年级大学生的信用意识低于低年级大学生,并且高年级学生对高校信用教育的参与意识也相对欠缺;男生对信用意识的重视程度不及女生等.这在一定程度上为今后高校信用教育的开展和信用评价体系的构建指明了方向.  相似文献   

2008年席卷全球的金融危机再次引发了人们对现代财经体系的深刻反思.对于危机的缘由和"终结"危机的办法,不同专业的学者和业界人士见仁见智,可谓是众说纷纭.不久前,郭建新教授等推出的<财经信用伦理研究>(以下简称<研究>)为我们提供了耳目一新的独到见解.该书以新兴的跨学科视角对金融危机做出了全新的诊断和解读.在结合理论研究和对策研究的基础上,<研究>创新性地提出了现代财经信用体系中的伦理机制概念及其实践方式,极大地开拓了当代财经伦理研究的学术视野和应用前景.  相似文献   

社会诚信的研究和建设是当前伦理学研究和道德建设的重点,且很多学者都把信用制度的建设作为主要途径和突破口,但这是否抓出了问题的要害,却是需要慎思的。我们通过对这两个概念的反思和比较,发现诚信比信用有更高的立意和更丰富的内涵,而信用有其内在的道德限度,表现为:信用主体是抽象的人,诚信主体是现实的人;信用要实现的是外在利益,诚信则立足于人的内在价值;信用体现的是工具理性,诚信体现一种实践智慧。通过两者的比较,我们就能合理地确定信用制度起作用的性质、范围和程度,认识到它的必要性和局限性,从而摆正它在社会诚信建设中的地位。  相似文献   

从伦理意义上讲,信用环境是指由市场经济主体的信用道德观念和信用道德行为在市场的生产、交换、分配、消费等各个经济环节中所表现出来的履行信用契约的伦理状况.优化信用环境,挖掘其伦理价值,是市场经济良性运行的基础.  相似文献   

目前,标准普尔首次把美国的信用等级从AAA降到了AA+,导致全球股市跌声一片。事实上,不仅美国和美国企业有信用评级,每个美国人也有自己的信用分数,它决定了美国人日常生活的方方面面。买房、租房、购车、申请信用卡、买保险、求职甚至连找对象都会受信用分数的影响。信用分数低寸步难行一个美国人从十几岁用零花钱开设第一个银行账户时起,他的经济行为就有据可查了,信用评级机构据此建立他的信用档案,信用分数由此而来。850分是最高分,300分是最低分。据2011年1  相似文献   

Jennifer Lackey 《Synthese》2007,158(3):345-361
A view of knowledge—what I call the Deserving Credit View of Knowledge(DCVK)—found in much of the recent epistemological literature, particularly among so-called virtue epistemologists, centres around the thesis that knowledge is something for which a subject deserves credit. Indeed, this is said to be the central difference between those true beliefs that qualify as knowledge and those that are true merely by luck—the former, unlike the latter, are achievements of the subject and are thereby creditable to her. Moreover, it is often further noted that deserving credit is what explains the additional value that knowledge has over merely lucky true belief. In this paper, I argue that the general conception of knowledge found in the DCVK is fundamentally incorrect. In particular, I show that deserving credit cannot be what distinguishes knowledge from merely lucky true belief since knowledge is not something for which a subject always deserves credit.  相似文献   

Students in six sections of a large undergraduate class were asked to record their class comments on notecards in all course units. Additionally, in some units, they received points toward their course grade based on their reported comments in class discussion. The study was conducted over a two-semester period, with slight variation in both the recording and crediting procedures across the two semesters. The primary goal of the study was to determine the effects of two credit and self-recording arrangements on initially low-responding students’ subsequent participation in class discussion (first semester n = 49, second semester n = 45). A higher percentage of low-responding students reported participating in class discussion when credit was given for participation than when no credit was awarded. Nonetheless, 39% of the initially low-responding students the first semester and 38% of the initially low-responding students the second semester did not participate in class discussion in any phase of the study.  相似文献   

Stressful life events, personal control, and social support were examined relative to marital satisfaction among 1749 participants in seven Chinese cities. Stressful life events were categorized as life crises and life transitions. Life crises, rather than transitions, negatively predicted the marital satisfaction of Chinese. The moderating effects of personal control were found among women, but not men, and occurred only in the relationship between marital satisfaction and life crises, not life transitions. Social support buffers the negative effects of life crises on marital satisfaction. The results extend family stress‐coping theory in specifying two coping resources for Chinese marriages under stress.  相似文献   

This study examines the extent of emergent, outstanding credit card debt among young adult college students and investigates whether any associations existed between this credit card debt and the characteristics of the communities in which these students grew up or lived. Using data (= 748) from a longitudinal survey and merging community characteristics measured at the zip code level, we confirmed that a community's unemployment rate, average total debt, average credit score, and number of bank branch offices were associated with a young adult college student's acquisition and accumulation of credit card debt. For example, a community's higher unemployment rate and lower number of bank branches were associated with a young adult college student's greater accumulated debt. Community characteristics had the strongest associations with credit card debt, especially after controlling for individual characteristics (i.e., a young adult college student's race and financial independence) and familial characteristics (i.e., their parents’ income and parents’ discussions of financial matters while growing up at home). The findings may help to understand the unique roles that communities play in shaping children and young adults’ financial capability, and how communities can be better capacitated to support the financial goals of their residents.  相似文献   

Wayne Riggs 《Synthese》2009,169(1):201-216
This paper defends the theory that knowledge is credit-worthy true belief against a family of objections, two instances of which were leveled against it in a recent paper by Jennifer Lackey. Lackey argues that both innate knowledge (if there is any) and testimonial knowledge are too easily come by for it to be plausible that the knower deserves credit for it. If this is correct, then knowledge would appear not to be a matter of credit for true belief. I will attempt to neutralize these objections by drawing a distinction between credit as praiseworthiness and credit as attributability.  相似文献   

Different acculturation strategies (i.e. integration, assimilation, separation and marginalization) tend to contribute to different adaptation outcomes for international students. The current study examines Chinese international students’ acculturation strategies under the influence of sociodemographic variables and social ties they developed in the host country. A group of Chinese international students in Belgium (N = 183) participated in an online survey. The results indicate that integration was the most commonly adopted strategy among Chinese international students in Belgium, followed by separation, marginalization and assimilation. The results from three separate multiple regressions show that English proficiency, local language proficiency, prior adaptation experience and female were significant predictors of Chinese students’ social ties (i.e. host‐national ties, international ties and co‐national ties). The discriminant analysis identified host‐national ties, international ties, co‐national ties, local language proficiency and prior adaptation experience as important variables that can distinguish Chinese students’ acculturation strategies.  相似文献   

This article advocates the use of family therapy in crisis intervention. It relies upon the literature on crisis intervention, on family therapy literature, and on ten years experience of working in a social services area office, in which social workers are often required to respond alone to many different kinds of crises. Two typical referrals demanding crisis intervention and the responses to them are described.  相似文献   



The Turkish economy has gone through multiple economic crises, marked on the one hand by a volatile trend in the national financial system, and on the other, by the introduction of credit cards and payment facilities for consumer goods that are extremely easy to obtain.


Inspired by previous research on saving attitudes, motivations, and behavior, this study explores the perceptions of consumption conducted using credit, either in the form of referred monthly payments or credit cards in the Turkish context.


To analyze the possible relations between saving attitudes, behaviors and new payment methods, a survey was conducted in Istanbul, with a convenience sample of independent professionals, managers and executives, and small business owners (n = 173). Their attitudes and behavior toward saving, buying on installment, credit card use and debt were combined with measures of self-reported control over spending.


Results show that self-reported control variables have some effects on the relationship between saving attitudes and actual saving behavior, concurring with Ajzen's model of planned behavior, but only if income is high.


Positive and negative attitudes towards buying on instalment and credit card use are not correlated with saving attitudes or behavior.  相似文献   

To explore the enterprise credit risk evaluation, the application effect of several common neural network models in Chinese small and medium-sized enterprise data sets was compared and the optimal parameters for each model were determined. In addition, the classification accuracy and the applicability of the model were compared, and finally the common problem of optimization neural network algorithm based on population was solved: need to determine the dimensions in advance. The experimental results showed that the probabilistic neural network (PNN) had the minimum error rate and second types of errors, while the PNN model had the highest AUC value and was robust. To sum up, the algorithm makes some contributions to solve the financing problem of small and medium-sized enterprises in China.  相似文献   

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